What are some fad TV shows that people don't stop fucking talking about?
What are some fad TV shows that people don't stop fucking talking about?
ive seen like 15 people with that shitty tattoo
and im from a third world shithole
The umbrella academy
Anything that features sexual deviants as main characters
Online I've seen a lot of people complaining about how no one is watching The Good Fight despite how """good""" it is
the bitching is usually either about how it's on CBS All Access (i.e. they're too fucking cheap to pay for a streaming service) or how people NEED to be watching it because it's so """important""" (i.e. it's obnoxiously preachy and political)
>shitty tattoo thread again
don't make me trigger incels with my tinder sexcapades again OP ;)
they'll move your thread to Yea Forums
No clue what that pic is but Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead are sure up there.
only desperate incels use that app
its like their last resort b4 hookers
enjoy your hpv :)
>4 times in 4 months
You won't impress anyone. Not even on here.
Lol meme std
Enjoy your eternal loneliness ;-)
Twin Peaks. And before you start bitching it was absolutely a fad when it first came out in 1990, it was fucking impossible to have a conversation about television and film without it coming up.
based sexman
the true hero roasties deserve
Season 1 is still some of the best television ever aired so it deserves to be talked about as much as it is
lol if you're old enough to be lucid when OG Twin Peaks was popular, you're twice as old as anyone on this board
quick rundown on how to sex better
Eat tha ass
Be yourself
get a dick pump
Have atleast a 10 inch penis and last for 45 minutes
or just be black.
Oh yeah it is the top tier of what network television has put out, but it doesn't change the fact that it was definitely a fad, people who would never watch it in a vacuum were bandwagoning like mother fuckers so they didnt miss out on the zeitgeist.
I was 13 when it first aired and I remember that summer everyone was hyped as fuck for season 2. Little did they know.
It's aight, but if you've seen a tattoo on another human and then tried to get it after the artist should slit your throat.
My dick lifts more than you squat lol
i see you nigga
You need to be able to reliably make a girl cum through oral and/or fingering. If you just rely on dick game you're gonna take yourself out of it by putting to much emphasis on if she has an orgasm while you're fucking. It also has the benefit of acting like a cascade. Once a girl cums once she can cum again more easily.
Hookers are the only ones who understand me ;__;
low self esteem otaku girls may be on your alley
>never got to pound this pussy
Got my dick sucked in the car though, it was alright not a lot of places to fucking park in Seattle surprised to say
I'd rather not break some weeb girl's heart, hookers know the deal
>looking like that at '21'
jesus christ
just find access to meth or perc and get some young teen with a habit to eat your ass
I have a tattoo just like this on my bicep.
That doesn't sound like something I want at all
>I was 13 when it first aired and I remember that summer everyone was hyped as fuck for season 2. Little did they know.
older than my grandmother lol
Then you have Low T.
That's why I go for ugly hookers
She'd be cute if she chopped off that mangled matted hair.
Yea I liked her more before that weird crackwhore changover when she looked like one of my coworkers
That's not you
This bitch is busted
Why do chads have such a thinly-veiled victim complex