Simpson homer
Simpson homer
Other urls found in this thread:
No beer and no TV make Homer something something
why is he white
>what cartoon would look like in real life
>make it look hideously grotesque for no reason
it's all so tiresome
Aerosmith wrote you a song
Oh, no no no no
This is wholesome
Go sneed?
Simpson farmer
Why is Patrick so buff?
The amount of people that just went >SNEED proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board.
All of you people try and impress each other with these funny green text comments, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.
Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" Yea Forums.
>giving patrick negroid features
>is a retard in the show
wtf real life Homer?
Some1 post thicc marge
var sinson
Detective Pikachu in a nutshell
also sneed
lots of feed
spic art
Not so based
YEah okay, it said chucks fuck and suck now its sneed feed seed is this supposed to be funny? Its fucking pathetic and so are all of you that yap about this shit joke like headless chickens. Why’s this board so fucking trash grow up virgins
have sex
classic pasta (also sneed)
Relax, we're just razzing you. It's our way.