Luxury hotels and oh some churches

Luxury hotels and oh some churches

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I don't get your point mate

>Luxury hotels in Sri Lanka
Does that mean they have toilets ?

Churches being the afterthought

You rephrased it, that's not how they said it. So what is the point you're trying to make? Should they have put the "churches" before the "luxury hotels"?

Packed churches because Easter. Packed hotels because fancy churches in the capital.
Pretty well thought out tbqh.

are you seriously complaining about someone not listing things according to your wishes? holy shit, this board truly is becoming as whiney as all those SJWs and feminists out there

CNN love when shit like this happens, makes for good ratings.

Part and parcel

It said luxury, not ultra luxury

And? I really don't understand your point. Hotel bombings probably hurt more people.

Imagine getting upset over noun placement in sentences
Why do christfags have such a big persecution complex?

Is English your second language or are you just asocial and retarded at the same time?

Maybe. Sad day all around desu. Maybe not the time to be pedantic

you faggots are insufferable

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this is one of the dumbest takes I've seen

>persecuted all over the world
>>hurr durr why do they feel persecuted?
really makes you think


Don't hate the player hate the game


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>207 people

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>implying that guy actually practices his religion
Regular people don't give a fuck about banal shit like that. It's just some pathetic neckbeard who is upset about the smallest of things. Christfags would probably just get from that statement that people died

Rent free
3/3 what's your point

Based pajeets, top lads

Oof this much projection yikes sweetie :^)

You’re retarded.

>Leftist in charge of not being a sociopath

Lel did you make this twitter post?

>not a single argument

>muh poor muslim bombers

only niggers died so who cares they are worthless anyway
for every nigger killed some other nigger shits out 10 more niggers.

Keep in mind this idiot's twitter history is full of anti-muzzie tweets and jokes. The internet never forgets, CJ.

you don't have one either, autismo
>inb4 I'm not OP!
you're even worse

imagine being illiterate

To be fair, there have been murmours about some islamic terrorist groups planning to do that shit so the thought didn't really come out of nowhere. I love how people in the west who have never lived in a muslim country before always immediately jump to the conclusion that there is no way that muslim people would ever resort to violence

I was born in a city full of muslims in the balkans and I never had negative experiences with practicing muslims. to say that islam isn't used to do terrible acts of violence is just ignorant since most violent acts related to religion are usually done by people with an Islamic background. Only retards think that all muslims are the same obviously but only retards also think that at this point, Islam is purely a religion of peace

>it didnt happen in America

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like you are nigger?

What the fuck was your point to begin with? The tweet literally wasn't phrased like you were implying so you're a dimwit for making this thread. There's zero reason to prove you wrong because your lack of basic reading comprehension already did that

how is an afterthought?


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I wouldn't care either if I were living in a country where I have to be careful to go to school, church, the mall, concerts, clubs, or just onto a street without being gunned down by some lunatic

How is the leftist the sociopath here? You are the one crying about word placement, not the actual people hurt, whether they were in a church or not. It shouldn't really matter if you aren't a sociopath.

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Nice projection, Tumblr.

>I don't get your point mate
He needs to make his political threads here because they don't get enough replies on /pol/.