What movie makes you feel like a child again

what movie makes you feel like a child again

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The Shining

Stellar Conflicts Part Deux Assault of the Genetic Copies

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Step Brothers

pumping iron

Anything without niggers

>not phantom menace

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I rewatched Nausicaa yesterday and that shit made me feel good

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bubble boy

tree of life

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Problem Child 2

Pee wee’s big adventure

Monsters ink. Used to have a blue VHS of it when I was young.

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inc. God I hate phone posting

Tmnt (1990)

new movies that make me feel like a kid
>GOTG series
>Thor Ragnarok

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the original jurassic park or total recall.

ninja turtles

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based jar jar using mind control on that thot

dont say that about my royal teenage gf

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Lmao shut the fuck up Anakin you fag

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We finna run a train on that ho like we did wif yo momma fine ass

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Or feminist agendas

>this image
Everytime I see it, I laugh like a motherfucker.

Imagine how stinky and sweaty padme got from running around in the desert

you just know

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Pacific Rim, reminds me of my childhood watching Mazinger Z.



I don't remember Ash being so ripped

murphy's death was too much for a 10 year old

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You should hate yourself, then.

I watched a 45 min synopsis of hiw lucas intended jar jar to be a sith lord who played the fool to get close to amidala, I unironically beleive it now, the reveal would have been amazing. Then viewers backlashed jar jar so then count dooku was invented out of thin air
>dooku vs yoda was supposed to be yoda vs jar jar

imagine looking like 2005 Hayden


It scarred me in a good way.

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