This was kino

This was kino

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Other urls found in this thread:

Peterson claims capitalists don't mistreat their workers, that any boss that care about profit does not exploit their employees because it could mean the end of their business.
>You don't rise to a position that is reliable in a human scoety primarily by exploiting other people>He ended his introduction by claiming that the pursuit of profit
Even the average /pol/tard will agree that this is not true when faced with someone like Jeff Bezos.

Peterson claims Marx has no concept of nature in his works. The very first chapter of the Capital is Marx explaining that labor is a necessary connection between humanity and nature and that life does not exist without it.

TL;DR: It's not hyperbolic to say that Jordan Peterson literally has the /pol/tard's understanding of what "Marxism" is. He thinks it's niggers fucking white women in porn and the girl from the Frozen cartoon not having a prince chad grabbing her side.

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>Mops the floor with JP
>Makes SJWs simultaneously seethe and kiss the ground he walks on
>Makes /pol/tards seethe and try to defend JP even though they don't like him to begin with
>Makes JP cultists seethe or admire him in awe
>Has never had sex
>Made unironic kino
>Is a hegelo-lacanian marxist, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
>Will never have sex
>Somehow made more poignant and powerful criticisms against marxism than the faggots like JP and /pol/tards that bitch about it all day and use it as a boogeyman strawman
/our guy/

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i dont think JP has the specific retardation that /pol/tards have. It doesnt seem racial or ethnic at all. It's "ideology", which obviously can be drawn on racial lines sometimes. but anyway


>Jeff Bezos.
Bezos is a Marxist, a product of Marxist academia and society, like all post 1960s elites. Capitalism, if it ever existed, doesn't exist nowadays.

>specific retardation
>racial or ethnic

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>let me correct what Peterson said and contrast it with what Marx actually said, etc.
Ok nice
>now that I've showed that Peterson has misunderstood something, let me strawman him into the average /pol/tard I spend my days obsessing about, also interracial sex is all I can think about I'm literally obsessed with black cocks
lmao that went to shit pretty fast
Clean your own room before trying to clean others

What makes bezos a marxist?

JP isn't a rightist to begin with, he idolizes the Bolsheviks ffs.

It's just two autistic strains of leftism infighting, like China vs the USSR back during the Cold War.

>It's not real capitalism

ooh ooh aah aah nigger

Is this your brain on /pol/?
Calling the CEO of Amazon a marxist? Or are you merely trolling?

They didn't talk about the subject in question

its obviously marxist because the workers are suffering, duh

>everyone I don't like is marxist
As long as you are literally unable to understand the ideological and intellectual upbringing of the people you disagree with, they will tear you a new asshole in debates every single time.

>because it could mean the end of their business
only if unions and other socialists end them

Pretty much. Gillette is a communist company as well.

This is embarrassing to read.

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Peterson only really seemed to go in understanding Marxism as leninist-bolshevism and is too much of a brainlet to question any ideology on anything but weak practical grounds. Zizek's critiques of capitalism and modernity weren't particularly Marxist so they were kind of talking past each other on that front. Zizek doesn't want a Bolshevik revolution so talking about why having one would be a bad idea was pointless.

When the discussion was more generally happiness, modernity and social critique Zizek absolutely skullfucked Kermit to the point where I kind of felt bad for him despite considering him a slimy shabbos goy whose job is to confuse idiots and drive them away from right answers and sanity.

See? This is exactly the kind of "Marxist" definition JP has.

>Supports Dems, dislikes Reps
>Supports same sex marriage
>Supports leftist media
>Supports Green Energy
>Supports undocumented immigrants
You really need to get away from the idea that someone who is rich cannot be a lefty.


you said he was marxist you actual retard

>all tech magnacorporates are a result of marxism in the 60s
I'll admit that marxism did see at least a rise in interest in the 60s and 70s as anti-government notions got strengthened by Vietnam, but any semblance of even applied socialism was struck down before it even left the womb in the 1980s.
How the fuck do you think we are currently living in a non-capitalistic marxist world? Seriously, how far removed from reality must you be to see the world we live in as "marxist"? Even Europe is predominately capitalistic with occasional applications of socialist mechanics.
What the fuck do you think capitalism even is?

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I can't believe people idolize this clown.

>/pol/ in charge of knowing what Marxism is

>leftism, marxism, progressivism, liberalism, it's all the same thing

nice meme, pull more shit out of your ass

based af

>he idolizes the Bolsheviks
Brother, I think you may be entirely mistaken about who JBP is. He's got a ridiculous hard-on obsession with Soviet era in-Russia counterculture, but that's far more a result of his age than of a love for bolsheviks or bolshevism, both of which he has a strong distaste for.

Jesus fucking christ.
How the fuck are retards like you even allowed to vote?
My god, as much as I'm gonna seem like a hypocrite, I truly feel dumb fucks like you deserve nothing short of societal isolation

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It was very interesting but it's definitely not the clash of titans it was pictured as nor was it Kino.

On a discussion of Marxism v. Capitalism, Zizek conceded all ground almost immediately. They agreed about most things. Even Zizek's pet topic of critiquing the idea of Cultural Marxism had Zizek accepting Peterson eventually as he brought up the critical theorists.

The whole discussion was terrible framed as Zizek was not going to defend Marxism and neither were going to focus towards happiness. Peterson came in with the wrong idea of who he who he was debating while Zizek had a good idea of Peterson and is the generally smarter person, so came off far stronger despite conceding more ground. His critiques of Peterson were all the best moments.

The most surprising thing is how much they rely on their enemies to define themselves. Nothing of Peterson is unique to him. His fame came from fight against SJW types and people hearing some ideas for the first time from him. Zizek is a relic of the 60s and also find a enemy in the same group as Peterson - the academic left (which comprise the SJW types). The moment they realize how much they agree they just divert to who the enemy is. Because neither have a way forward.

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>He is rich, therefore he cannot be a Marxist
Look at Marx and Engels themselves.

Workers suffering or not suffering has nothing to do with Marxism - workers were happy in Nazi Germany and unhappy in the USSR, which one was Marxist?

>understand the ideological and intellectual upbringing of the people you disagree with
But that's what I do. Today, nobody is right wing and most people are left wing because the reds control academia and media. Even if you consider yourself a 1488% Nazi like /pol/, it's glaringly obvious that your personal ideology is mostly leftist.
Also, I don't debate lefties, it's a huge waste of time because they will never admit when they're wrong.

See what I mean? You're not even trying to discuss something, you just see that you cannot debunk me and therefore get butthurt.

So he admits he's a Marxist? Doubtful. You're just a butthurt nigger or something.

This was a genuinely good conversation and they both seemed to come away from it with good will toward each other. I don't understand why /pol/ and Yea Forums think "X got destroyed!" or "Y got exposed!" Two smart guys talking about they're objects of study. I'm glad to have watched it.

Allowing open borders and undocumented migrants is a capitalist dream.

Peterson sends r*dditors into fits of seething rage so he is OK in my book.

This makes 0 sense and you're retarded.

Distaste based on what exactly?

All those things are based on Marxism.

Yes. Well, Marxism is the granddaddy, those things wouldn't exist without it.

Nah. He's a commie but doesn't want to admit it to himself, like 90% of modern rightists. That's literally all.

lol, again, you see what I mean. It's a waste of time debating you "people" because when you're backed into a corner, you just answer with retarded platitudes.

You know Peterson got obliterated when even the pro-JP reddit is going "H-h-ah, v-very c-compelling d-discussion, t-they both respect each other"

>You should read more books
Hahaha, healthy respect :)

Zizek was merciful enough to not completely humiliate the fraud and they take that as a win ROFL

Then why do leftist support it? All leftist, everyone all over the left side of the political spectrum is 100% for it.
While the actual rightists-nazis-fascists are against it.

What you're doing is seeing that immigration is disliked by the people, so you blame your own ideas on "capitalists", whatever that expression is supposed to mean at the moment.

>it is not a rhetorical way of saying; you are an idiot and you don't know what you are talking about
>zizek, 2019

>this is not true when faced with someone like Jeff Bezos.

My friend works for amazon as a computer tech and he makes fucking bank. Age 29 has his house paid off, own car, flies to japan every year. The only amazon employees that are shit on are the low skilled replaceable ones, as with any position that is easily replaced

Peterson is pure shabbos goy who only exists to convince lost-boys that SJWs are what's wrong with modernity and prevent you from thinking about creditors, so of course he has no actual ideas. Zizek on the other hand at least recognises real problems and knows what *should* be done. He knows the environment is fucked, he knows parasitic creditors are destroying our societies, but he can't really do much beyond pointing at Bernie Sanders and suggesting global action to unfuck the environment.

Peterson isn't smart. I feel myself getting dumber when he talks.

>All those things are based on Marxism.
that doesnt make someone marxist, you potato.

People want to play teams.
The most I think about this debate the more I'm disappointed in it, really. It was pictured all wrong. They agreed on most things. And what disagreement there was tended to get accepted eventually or left alone respectfully.

Are you retarded? Zizek destroyed any notion of cultural Marxism existing

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>Then why do leftist support it?
its almost like they're capitalists too.

>Peterson is wrong about free market economies because Bezos
It's hysterical watching you spergs try to discredit his argument about how things work MOST OF THE TIME by pointing to an exceptional fringe case. The guy who owns your local plumbing company or roof restoration company or McDonald's franchise didn't rise to that position of power by exploiting people. The internet is full of testimonies from people who worked for shitty bosses and, in retaliation to what they perceived as bad treatment, quit their job. Companies that serve bad products or service often fail. Peterson is right. Climbing the social ladder through brute force and exploitation may happen, but it's not typically what happens, and when it does that person's life and work is characterized by instability.

>all leftists of all spectrum
>literally 99% of democrats in office have supported a bill on limited immigration at some point
Stop getting your news from /pol/ and The_Donald.

pick only one

let's his workers income get subsidized by the state (eg: welfare)

This is some high level reality denying cope if I ever saw it.

>But that's what I do.
No you clearly don't, you conflate everything you don't like into one homogenous group that you are thus unable to understand and debate because you refuse to understand or read about the differences in ideologies. You claim to despise the lefty-dominated academia and understanding them, but you don't understand their ideological basis and why it became so popular. You conflate marxism with progressivism, post-modernism, relativism, liberalism, and a fuck ton of other shit as if it was one big unified baddie. That's why you don't debate lefties, because as retarded as they are, they don't have anything to do to have you make a fool of yourself, because you don't know what you're talking about.

>giant douche vs a shit sandwich

Zizek would hold his own with Chomsky. Peterson is retarded and would be humilliated by some retard like Ted Cruz. Zizek completely obliterated him and I think he realized Peterson was scared and begging for mercy

What does that make lobstergod then?

Jeff Bezos only exploits workers that live in Marxist countries, so what is your point?

What did he say against the use of Marxist categories by the critical theorists then.

most likely trolling but while most people participating in free market economies aren't jeff bezos, has the share owned by the jeff bezoses of the world grown or shrunk as we've adopted more and more of these principles?

Are you implying progressives have ANYTHING to do with old socialism and the actual left? Christ what a fucking idiot, americans truly are the dumbest fucking people on the planet

*globalist libertarian

? What the hell are you talking about m8.

Charles Koch is as capitalist as it gets. He's into some super libertarian beliefs like people should be able to voluntarily sell themselves into slavery. He hates Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric. Free immigration = a huge pool of labor that will work for peanuts. It means cutting wages at your companies by 80-90%. This is why older conservatives like Reagan don't care about limiting immigration. It's only the white nationalist shit that invaded the right that wants isolationist policies and a white ethno-state. You have to realize you're too young and too ignorant of history to understand what's actually happening out there.

>Jeff Besoz only exploits workers in Marxist countries

America is Marxist now?

>Well, Marxism is the granddaddy, those things wouldn't exist without it.
Yes they would, because they draw as much from Marx as from a bunch of other authors, historical relativism has nothing to do with marxism as an economic system and as long as you're unable to understand that you won't understand shit.

Zizek does not respect or like Peterson.

You made this same post in the last three threads. No one cares, tankie.

marxism should be banned and looked upon worsely than nazism, after all it did kill more than 10 times as many people

Jordan Peterson is a proto-Marxist himself. The fact that he and Ben Shapiro somehow represent traditional American-Christian free market economics is so abjectly absurd that I completely dismiss it outright.

Now that Peterson is dead, what will happen to his fanbase?

Because it has other gains besides cheaper labor. Particularly a voting pool. Hence why American democrats didn't want Vietnamese immigrants in California - they don't vote for them.

That's only half true.
>Peterson: Today's debate is about Marxism, so I'm going to spend my opening remarks talking about Marx and ten ways in which the Communist Manifesto wrong.

>he embarrasses me so he doesn't represent me

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They will become comrades.

Capitalism is a jewish ideology.

He doesn't have sex but he fists his wife

Amazon workers are not exploited in America. They have many options considering such a low skill set. Any sort of "capitalist" example you people use such as Apple or Bezos are only allowed to exploit workers in non-Christian, non-free market nations such as China.


ITT bunch of hipster nerds who think they're smart because they read a ton of bullshit written by idiots

>free market

Anybody has a video of the whole thing?

>Amazon workers are not exploited in America. They have many options considering such a low skill set.
Such as?

The man who made me renounce the insanity of /pol/.

If capitalism is so great, why do capitalists greatly prefer "non-free market nations"?

>"I really like what you said"
>"I accept even the underlying logic of your words."
>"I agree with almost everything you said"
Wow, yeah Zizek really skull fucked JBP there.

He understands economics, class war and Marxism. Hes capitalist thou and uses Marxism for his own gains not for the benefit of working class like communists do

>the (((free))) market

Hey user. Where are the Marxist?

>capitalism and the free market are the same thing. if you buy and sell things, you are a capitalists and if you hate capitalism you hate Freedoms©

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>Leftypol and r*ddit eternally seething at a polite old Canadian man

>the free market with (((regulations)))

The debate was about happiness tho, that why they brought Peterson who's a psychologist

Yeah no, Zizek is based

Jordan Peterson:
>loves Jews
>pro open borders
>is Canadian
Yep, he's a regular Jacksonian Constitutionalist. You got me.

>he had an instance of being critical and insulting and so he doesn't like or respect the guy
Zizek made statements to the crowd that expressed mutual respect between both him and Peterson multiple times. If you think Zizek was being hateful you probably haven't read or seen much of his work. He's explicitly rough to others he's trying to be friendly with. You don't become friends with people who are too tame to speak to you in crude ways or tell a dirty joke.

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Why is this board full of soi-fueled faggots?


But user, he's arguing all of those things have become one and the same so he's *deliberately* conflating them and you have yet to disprove that.


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Everytime Zizek said "I like what you said" or "I agree" I thought he came off as condescending, like he was so utterly beyond Peterson he was just being nice. I imagine this is how he talks to undergraduates when he's in a good mood.

JP annoying college professor giving advice to undergrads
SZ twitching nipple pulling reading from a piece of paper no fucks given

The western world has been becoming less capitalist, not more.

You don't teach at Harvard and rack up that many academic citations without, at the very minimum, being smart.

Boomers are fucking retarded. An untrained neoliberal like Peterson could never debate a well-versed Marxist properly. As much as retards hate it, Marxism is very well thought-out school of thought, and cheap talking points won't hold up in debate.

Observing national borders is a regulation

That's your imagination at work. You want to see Zizek "win".

How so? And don't say "muh regoolashions" because capitalism has always been regulated. Don't do that "not true capitalism" shit.

It‘s marxism that would protect the working class.
Not your open borders loving capitalists.

wtf i'm jewish now

So he has health insurance through his employer but they refused to treat him because the beds were all filled with illegal immigrants and homeless drug addicts?

This proves what anti-Capitalist point?

You're fucking retarded. Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production. That's literally it. Last time I checked, capital is privately owned in the western world.

The (((free))) market is as real as North Korea being a democratic republic. Capitalism, in every aspect of the ideology, is jewish. Dare I say, on the same level as communism is. They are two sides of the same coin. They hold the same values and goals, they just have different ways of achieving them.

>you don't become friends
Agreed, Zizek is not interested in being friends with Peterson. You confuse civility with respect because of some pathetic attempt to salvage Peterson's performance.

>the enlightened millennial/zoomer
lol. had sex yet?

hhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehehehehe. okay retard

This stuff can't be hard to fake. I honestly suspect Noam Chomsky's entire reputation as a linguist is a fake platform to prop up his role as a political mouthpiece. And even if he is writing shit that's getting cited and approved by his peers, they're psychologists. Who cares what they do? Barely a semi-science and all academics prop each other up and jerk each other off to keep their meal-tickets intact above all else.

Academia hasn't been respectable in decades. If anything I think less of a person if that's their background.

>you say this but Zizek conceded all criticisms against Marxism and only focused on being critical of capitalism from a Marxist perspective

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Oh the irony.

That you can use stuff like Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism to form new theories. The Frankfurt School was also massively inspired by the work of Hegel (same as Marx himself), Weber, Freud and many more.

In academia Marxist theory is more than its political implication.

And that's the problem with Peterson. He is calling out a certain group of people in academia but doesn't actually call them by what they identify as. No one identifies as cultural marxists. PoMos haven't been relevant since for like forever and have been blown the fuck out long before Peterson (mostly be leftists, too ironically). So, Peterson should just be precise in who he criticizes. Just say intersectional feminism or postcolonialism. Say their fucking names.

I don't really like Zizek. He's a meme who looks like he lives in a dumpster and doesn't say much that I consider useful. My real bias is that I fucking despise Peterson and have from the moment I first saw him.

>being this deluded

You're looking at the wrong measure. The rich will get richer under any scheme. The better metric is: are things improving for the absolute poorest people? The answer is: rapidly, in countries that adopt capitalism.

Here are some absolute takedowns of capitalism.

>muh regulations
The fact that non-competition is forced between different health care companies so that you have health insurance oligarchies forming in multiple countries, the increase in unnecessary regulations such as drug testing (let people volunteer/get paid to have drugs tested on them so that they can better express their anonymity) and minimum wage ensuring that workers cannot negotiate for themselves what they are worth and instead are all stamped with the same label of 'worth'.

Also, how fucking retarded are you to act like the regulations we have now are the same as the regulations we had even 100 years ago? There's been massive amounts of bureaucratic growth and slowdown in most industries, how could you not see that?

>Also, how fucking retarded are you to act like the regulations we have now are the same as the regulations we had even 100 years ago? There's been massive amounts of bureaucratic growth and slowdown in most industries, how could you not see that?
That's because new industries have formed during these 100 years.

And you are still pretending like capitalism is the same thing as "the fre market", which only Ameritards do.

So he didn't win? Matter of fact, he was even holding back, he isn't one to add salt to an open wound.

I agree, only a deluded man could take calling someone an idiot as a sign of mutual respect.

everyone is mad but thats correct, "it wasnt real capitalism"

The debate was about whether Marxism or capitalism is better at inducing happiness. JBP explicitly addressed his side of that argument in his opener. Zizek vomited a meandering stream of consciousness about American politicians and HITLER HITLER HITLER. Eventually when they talked about the nature of happiness itself, they agreed with each other completely.

>are things improving for the absolute poorest people?
Yeah, and now there are millions of nouveau-riche insect people pouring out of China and blowing up housing markets throughout the western world. based capitalism

The thing I took away from the talk (aside from how short all the dudes in the audience were) is that happiness isn't a perpetual, constant state and the most legitimate happiness is earned through security and responsibility. I believe Peterson said the following "You can't make yourself happy, but you can make yourself unhappy." And Jordan is a master of these fairly simple, logical statements but Zizek was all over that point as well.

>new industries
You're totally right user, every regulation ONLY happens to new industries, they haven't slammed older industries with any kind of reguolation either.

Not only that, what's the difference between capitalism and free market to you anony?

Can people fall lower than "discussing" politics on Youtube?
I have more respect for a raving-half naked homeless guy.

The thing I realized after watching this is that socialism is more individualistic than capitalism, which actually is collectivistic if you really think about it.

Memerson is the only one proselytizing on YouTube. Zizek is above both it and social media.

Discussing politics on twitch

>what's the difference between capitalism and free market to you anony?
One is a system that dictates ownership and how wealth moves and the other is "the free market"

>that fat commie's voice

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You're probably stupid

Yahoo! Answers

Chapo fags deserve the bullet.

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this is what happens when your entire worldview is shaped by gaming youtubers

I remember Peterson saying in a video once, something to the effect of:
>If you think about the slogan "to each according to his ability, to each according to his need" for 10 minutes, it's seems a very reasonable idea, but when you truly think about it for 3 months, you realize it is a truly catastrophic and evil idea.

This gave the impression that he had deeply considered and explored marxist ideas, and he has claimed constantly that most of his life has been spent trying to figure out how the "catastrophes of the 20th century" occured, but it turns out he really just sat in a chair for 3 months and pondered the one propaganda slogan he knew without ever fucking reading Marx. What a bullshit artist, add to the fact that he sold LIVESTREAMING TICKETS for 15 dollars for this event...

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All the rhetoric around capitalism seems to be individualistic, though. It just seems that collectivist groups are better at gaming the system.

why isn't his room clean??

Why does the left champion Zizek? He literally shits on LGBTQ rights and criticizes immigration.

He approaches Marxism from a historical angle alone. To him, Maoist China and the USSR were purely Marxist states and that their implementation and the ideology it was based on are one in the same.
He's so against it all because he likely thinks that to tolerate Marxism means to tolerate these historical atrocities.

>Zizek: where are the Marxists? I think you're making it up and there aren't any. Where is your data that says they even exist?
>Peterson: recent survey data from this source indicates 25% of social scientists self-identify as Marxists.
>Zizek: Ah, hmm, yes here are the names of some Marxists I know personally...
You may want to read this there's been a lot of research on the subject of bipartisan bias. Tl;dr when people have firm beliefs, they automatically and unconsciously look for ways to discredit information that contradicts their existing views and to emphasize information that conforms with their views. You're suffering from this in a major way; it's the only way you could read Zizek as condescending in those moments. Your brain is literally distorting your perception of the event to align with your ideology.

>not being a shill for Exxon makes you a marxist
the absolute STATE of the American (((conservatism)))

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stop posting on Yea Forums and read a book

Not all leftists do. I'm pretty sure I've heard some faggy arts teacher call him problematic.

>the rich will get richer under any scheme
any scheme that tolerates usury and doesn't know how to clamp down on its creditor class. Look up Michael Hudson's recent interview on Unz.

And as for the poorest people? Only if you rate quality of life exclusively by access to television and high fructose corn syrup.

What a load of offal. Peterson knows shit all about the human condition. If he did he'd see the head-on train collision we're headed for and he'd know it isn't some poor deluded queer asking you to call him ma'am that's behind it.

Didn't occur to me how many people would be hearing Zizek speak for the first time now. What a Chad, raping the ears of all these normalfaggots.

>"I am not calling you an idiot"

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that makes him even more based

Which isn't much of a criticism. Peterson explicitly said that what is being called "cultural marxism" is just an application of Marxist frameworks rather than a political implication or being normal marxism. He explicitly treats it as a development from Marxists to apply those same frameworks from economics to sociology.

The rest is just telling him to be more precise to who he is critiquing. Once Peterson stops recoiling like a chump and mentions the demographic statistics of people identifying as Marxist and the like in academia it sits well with Zizek.

And I agree, personally, that more precision would be nice. But being broad doesn't mean he's wrong.

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It's really absurd when capitalist advocates talk about freedom, individualism and self interest.
>its in your self interest to accept that your world is owned by a handful of people goy

what a comfy Zizek photo. Thanks for sharing

>It's not hyperbolic to say that Jordan Peterson literally has the /pol/tard's understanding of what "Marxism" is
Thats easy to figure out though, just look at his lectures on post modernism. He claimed that Post modernism is just disguised marxism, after everyone stopped being marxists.
Literally everything he doesn't know or like is Marxism to him, its incredibly stupid

I asked you to define each and you have failed to do that. gg no re, save your autism for someone else.

>JBP is an academic and therefore stupid
>Also I'm biased against all academics qua academics
Oh so you're an anti-intellectual pseud. That sorted itself out quickly.

the only people that actually care about gay shit are conservatives. It's used to prop up faggots and queers to agitate their religious closet faggot useful idiots to keep shilling for Exxon to spite the homos.

It was "conservatives" that kept a doomed bill in the NC senate for all of the 2016 election season because it was good bait for their base.

It was "conservatives" that made everything about gay marriage for decades while they patriot acted their people's rights away.

Propping up perverts to act against is just jangling keys to distract reactionary idiots.

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A salient point that Zizek was dancing around making is that social justice ideology is bourgeois. He tried to lead Peterson to that conclusion by asking him to cite specific mainstream Marxists but he couldn’t make the connection.

JPB pretty much outed himself as a lowbrow pseud though. He proved he's not much better than your average /pol/tard when it comes to knowledge on Marxism.

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I'll see your sub-1000 words blog-post from a site claiming to be 'a refuge for rational discourse' (a sure sign it isn't) and raise you

I'm aware of how bias works. I really did get the impression Zizek was aware quite early on that he had Peterson utterly outclassed and decided to work with him rather than just tear him apart like he easily could have.

he's literally always been an actor. He bought a degree and is a shill for the Kochs. He just has a nice voice and sounds smart to uneducated children.

All right thats it
I'm out

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Sizek is a fat slobbering autist who is possibly just an alien wearing a human costume. He is disgusting and offers nothing of value. Juden peterstein is a Semite loving United Nations shabbos goy

Tha's the stupidest thing I have ever read.
If I do everything I human does and am human and claim to be a duck that does not make me a duck.

What really baffles about boots-licking marxist scum is that they ALWAYS think they gonna be on top in dictatorship inner circle and not in gulag being bottle raped by guards.

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being an academic doesn't make you an intellectual. Academia's radical monopoly on respectable thought-production has crippled humanity.

Now we're talking. Did you see how one of his books got him a tv show back when nobody gave a shit about him? This guy's been sitting in the pocket for a while now, waiting for a chance to spring him on young white male discontent and diffuse it all away into gibberish about lobsters and dragons.

JBP is intelligent in that he can extract money from the masses, but he is not an intellectual.

>all this doublethink
>just to be a reactionary nigger shill for Trump
read more
talk less

Zizek with Milbank and Scruton with Peterson were both much better and I highly recommend them

What started the unironic leftypol shilling here?

They've been running an obvious psyop here for a while and this thread is just the most recent example