What 8 films would he watch?

What 8 films would he watch?

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fast&furious 1-8

He has watched a plenty of movies, kinos and flicks

But he would love films if that were the case.

No he would hate films because nothing would be as good

TDKR at eight different speeds

This is from his twitter.

>2001: A Space Odyssey
>Jurassic Park
>The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
>The 40-Year-Old Virgin
>Iron Man
>Inglourious Basterds
>The Hangover
>Mary Poppins

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We should stop praising 2001. Normies think it's a level entry masterpiece but it's very cryptic for low IQ people.

what a yikes list

Could be much, much worse.

How did he manage to stand 2001 for more than 10 minutes

Knew a guy kind of like this. Had no friends, just girlfriends for brief periods because he worked out a lot. Didn't watch movies or shows, didn't read, didn't listen to music, didn't write, didn't fish, didn't walk, didn't jog, didn't do anything. He had no hobbies at all. The only thing he did was go to the gym after work.

His girlfriends would leave him after a week because he literally stared at blank walls for hours in his free time.

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Is that the shitty Liverpool striker?

Yeah I also saw that. He probably watched 2001 on an airplane.

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I thought he'd seen Cool Runnings as well?

Is that redpilled?

Either empty husk devoid of any soul (literal NPC) or he's ascending internally.

Can't you n*ggers see there's already a thread on this? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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Was he a child soldier from Liberia?

What kind of loser checks the catalog before making a thread?

I don't even know the man, but looking at the big square head on him i'd say Paddington, Paddington 2, Sex, Lies and Videotape, This is Engerlund, Amelie, Drunken Master II, Steel Magnolias, Rita, Sue & Bob Too.

My opinions are too important to get lost in some 200 post thread where they're probably arguing about abortions or circumcision or whatever the fuck political shit threads always turn into. Yea Forums needs to limit every thread to 50 posts and then delete it automatically.