Why is the first trailer so vague about what this movie is going to be about...

Why is the first trailer so vague about what this movie is going to be about? I remember thinking the same thing about Hateful Eight trailer and that movie underperformed

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Isn't it better when the trailer doesn't give the entire thing away?

This. The trailer is good. It shows the overall vibe of the movie, shows some cool shots but doesn't spoiler the whole thing. I'm thankful for trailers like that

Why is the poster so shit tho?

vague movie trailers utterly fail to convert masses, look at blade runner 2049, their marketing campaign didn't work because of the mystery

I kinda wanted to know the movie's premise though, trailer only introduced two main heroes and the era it's set in, also it showed Charles Manson, but I didn't realise it was him

Tarantino is a hack

It's so obvious that they market the movie like a comedy to troll people.


It's about an actor and his stunt double (fictional characters) struggling in Hollywood. Rick Dalton's neighbor is Sharon Tate. She's about to get killed by Manson. (NO SPOILERS) Then the Actor and his Stunt-double chase the Manson Family cult down and massacre them all.

I thought Manson family would be just a subplot, not a main focus

>Hateful Eight trailer and that movie underperformed

So you thought Tarantino would take the least bloody road when he has the option to take the MOST BL0ODIEST ROAD?
Why do you think Brad Pitt's Character can kick Bruce Lee's ass then?

>silly 60s dancing
>too many celebrities just for the sake of it
>colours are way to saccharine
Looks like an Austin Powers trailer

Hateful eight trailer focused on introducing characters, instead of showing the central conflict

The Hateful Eight is by far QT's best movie.

yeah, i could find an excuse about the trailer being vague, but the poster is fucking unbelievable, the shittiest thing imaginable, below zero fucks given.

and his movies use to have good posters, since reservoirs dogs.

What if Manson is just a cameo like Bruce Lee?

>Hateful Eight
>$150 million gross on a budget of $50 million
Only two of Taratino's films have broken past $150 million and it was his two most mainstream friendly action heavy films. His others have either hit that number or below it but have always still made a huge profit off a low budget.

Then why is Squeaky Fromme and the rest of the family also cast including the old fart who sold them the ranch?

DiCaprio's last movie was Revenant, this movie is his return after years of absence. Normies idolize Leo and love Tarantino, this movie wil most likely be a success.

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>Only two of Taratino's films have broken past $150 million

>Pulp Fiction: 213 millions
>Kill Bill: 180 millions
>Kill Bill 2: 152 millions
>Inglourious Bastards: 321 millions
>Django: 425 millions
>Hateful Eight: 155 millions

Because Tarantula is a hack piece of shit

>watching advertisement

The movie is going to bomb. General audiences are not interested in this kind of stuff, which is why the trailer has so few views.

Not a fan at all of most of Tarantinos films ... this looks pretty comfy though ...

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It won't come out, Weinstein is gonna drag Tarantino with him down the #MeToo hole and the movie will get cancelled