What did a brontosaurus steak taste like?

What did a brontosaurus steak taste like?

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Flintstones is such a comfy cartoon. The early 60's truly was a different time.

Feed and seed

Probably similar to crocodile.

Like actual steak, since The Flinstones was basically real life just with dinosaurs and more rocks

Yeah, probably chicken

a little bit like triceratops

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Has anyone visited any Flintstones themed attractions/parks?
I remember visiting Cyprus and there was a cool looking Flintstones restaurants. Should've visited that place :(

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Visited one in South Dakota when I was a kid

Your moms ass

>take Mediterranean cruise
>don't even eat at Flintstones bar

Nah bruh, I stayed in Cyprys for a week with my family. Probably gonna go back there in few years. Such a nice place :)

like pussy. guess we'll never know.

salty coins and milk

How so?
Why not more like a bird species?

>tfw no brontosaurus GF
Thank God I still have Winston cigaretts: America's best tasting filtered cigarettes


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Marcellus Wallace’s soul.

because birds are theropods. Sauropods don't have a modern counterpart.

Ah okay, I understand your reasoning, but I don't think it's enough to go for croc over bird.

Maybe it would have a hint of modern croc because dinosaurs had pretty similiar diet to crocs?

A brontosaurus.

Crocs are kind of fishy though.

Mcdonalds had brontosaurus burgers for the movie. They were pork and like the mcrib if I recall correctly.

Huh, I was always told they taste like gamy chicken. Well you seem to know better.


they just demolished the one in south dakota like yesterday

They were herbivores so they probably tasted like lizard.
I'm a T-Rex btw.

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Brainlet tier reasoning, 2 digit IQ

I did too, Bedrock City I think it was called. Still got a bunch of cups and other stuff from there.

Damn shame, there aren't enough weird wacky places like this to check out anymore.


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Sauropods were water's edge creatures, much like Hippos or Crocs

How's SS working for you?

>tfw Europoor who never got to visit South Dakota or Arizona Bed Rock Cities :(
At least I still have Cyprus r-right? They wouldn't dare to change the theme, right???

Isn't that an outdated theory?

Fuck you you can't type

Pls no anger in comfy Flintstones thread :)

they taste like fishy chicken. they don't tast gamey unless you cook it wrong, which is pretty easy to do.

The Flintstones Jabs comix got me thru puberty as a kid

the Flintstones jumped the shark with the great Gazoo.

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Is there any noticeable difference between croc meat from different states like Florida or Alabama or is it all same stuff? I know this is more of a /ck/ related thing but pardon me mr. granite loafers

Good thing that little bastard appeared in under dozen episodes, in 11 episodes to be precise ;)

i wouldn't have guessed it to be from the 60s. i thought cartoons that old looked mickey mouse tier

mickey mouse had way better looking animation than what we have now

It didn't taste like anything. Brontosaurus never existed.


Who said there weren't any black people in the Flintstones?

Spotted the american republican

i just mean the style

due the original mickey mouse was from like the 1930s

It is amazingly well done if you ask me. Sure some backgrounds are a bit repetitive but plots, settings and characters are really well done.

they're lizards who are built like elephants and hippos, probably needed a shitton of water to drink and it helped them displace their massive weight. Big things generally like water.

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People look down on this show for its animation, it has a quite some charm regardless

>he doesn't know that Brontosaurus was never a real dinosaur

What parts of the animation people dislike? Genuinely curious because I have always liked the style Hanna-Barbera used in the Flintstones

>comparing it to disney cartoons
hanna barbara basically ruined animation. flintstones was shit and so were the jetsons

Nothing because it is the best animated show

Why do people blame Hanna Barbara for ruining cartoons? They produced good stuff

Hanna Barbara were pretty good until they started churning out Scooby clones in the 70's

>yfw it actually was real
>Although the type species, B. excelsus, had long been considered a species of the closely related Apatosaurus, researchers proposed in 2015 that Brontosaurus is a genus separate from Apatosaurus and that it contains three species: B. excelsus, B. yahnahpin, and B. parvus.[

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Yep, it is pretty unfair to put 50's and 60's H-B in same category post-60's stuff. Kinda like saying that early Simpsons is the same as "zombie Simpsons".

PS. sneed

That is one ugly woman. Yuck.

Scarjos minge and butthole

It's a shame; they became victims of their own success.

Wouldnt it have tasted like normal beef steaks? Wasnt the diet of Brontos pretty similar to cows (both are herbivores)

When you have no competition it is pretty easy to start losing quality :(

Feeding regular feed to chickens doesn't make them taste like beef. Dinosaurs were proto birds after all.

I imagine brontosaurus would taste a little like alligator. Certainly might have a similar texture.
They say gator tastes like chicken. Imagine that.

>Visited one in South Dakota when I was a kid
>I did too, Bedrock City I think it was called. Still got a bunch of cups and other stuff from there.
Yeah, I went there a few times as a k-

>they just demolished the one in south dakota like yesterday

With a fliptop box?

I was reading about some eyesore house in California that's "Flintstones themed" and it's caused asshurt for like 20 years.

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You bet! Winston™ cigarettes offers the ultimate smoking experince that is achieved with carefully selected blend of tobacco varieties and a superb packaging method. With an effective flip top packing it is extremely easy to offer your friends the smooth taste of Winston™ and also keep your cigarettes in a good storage.

Too much plastic IMO. Should've at least used boulders and rocks on the outside walls :)

Attached: Flintstones House.jpg (300x168, 13K)

Went to the one outside of the Grand Canyon. Looked more like Flint, than Bedrock

>Too much plastic IMO. Should've at least used boulders and rocks on the outside walls
Well yeah hence the quotation marks
That house literally gives me a headache looking at it, I can't imagine being neighbors with that fucking boomer

Nice dubs
At least the plastic could've been some sort of matte plastic so the damn house wouldn't shine every day. I am sure that the guy who built that had money to get a some rocks to cover his house... Damn lazy bastards :D

Looks like a playground


Thanks for the insight.

for me it's the jetsons