Reminder that the Fremen are literally space-Muslims and that there will be endless threads on this board filled with...

Reminder that the Fremen are literally space-Muslims and that there will be endless threads on this board filled with whining and complaining about it when this finally comes out

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You do know there are other cultures and religions from the middle east than the Boom Boom Boys.

They're more space-Palestinians really.

I'm more interested in seeing how they handle big bad Vlad in this. Apparently the David Lynch version earned it the dubious honor of being the most homophobic film ever because of how they portrayed the Baron.

Space Sufis, actually. Sunni and Shi'a would never tolerate Islam being 'diluted' by Buddhist teachings, Sufis aren't nearly as hardcore about it.

Is that what the Bedouin are? That's what the Fremen are based on.

>portraying pederasty as a bad thing is homophobic!!!
these people sometimes

They’re literally called Zensunni in the books

The only thing that Yea Forums would complain about is black casting, and in the entire cast there is literally only two people that can remotely be called "black", with one of them being this based fucker.

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The Bedouin were a polytheistic nomadic tribe before they got hired by Muhammad to win his wars for him, not practitioners of Islam. Sufi are a branch of Islam upheld by mystics and ascetics mostly, only marginally accepted by the two larger branches who are Salafists more concentrated on Islam as worldly law.

it also had to do with his being hideously disfigured, they correlated this as being about him also having AIDS.

And the weirding way isn't all that weird. Names are unimportant in Dune, what matters is action and usage.

>entire planet of sand niggers
yikes that's a hard pass from me

Are fremen titties saggy and empty?
Are fremen vaginas dry?
Are cummies forbidden in fremen society?

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The miniseries is the only faithful adaptation also more like Space-Bedouin

>Irulan shows up on Arrakis for Leto's first big state dinner

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>Are cummies forbidden in fremen society?

>“Patterning their method after a sexual technique mentioned in some of their earliest historical records, the Fremen learned to separate the male orgasm from ejaculation. At the time they reached puberty, boys were given detailed instruction on the technique and were not considered to have entered into true adulthood before mastering it, whatever their other accomplishments. A young man who proved incapable of learning such control was seen as a danger not only to himself (since unnecessary ejaculations were a waste of precious water) but to his partners. Because the late stages of pregnancy could slow a woman down and sometimes make it dangerous for her to travel, no Fremen woman would endanger herself and her troop by running a constant risk of unwanted impregnation; an uncontrolled male was generally a celibate.”

i didn't like the way the book tells the story. It tells you stuff that will happen beforehand and than youre suppossed to care about it once it really does.
I already know Paul is going to lead the fremen yet I am still suppossed to care when he is in "danger". I know every major plot twist in the story before and I then don't care about it as much as if I was unsure. I know you "know" how stuff will turn out and that the MC will survive in almost all novels but in dune you know it 100%
amazin worldbuilding tho

>Are fremen titties saggy and empty?
>Are fremen vaginas dry?
they are optimized for maximum water storage
>Are cummies forbidden in fremen society?
long story short, yes

Foundation says hi.

and they commit a galaxy wide genocide through jihad

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This. They mention them 'sterilizing' whole planets.

I've tried reading Foundation several times and it just bores me to death, and I've watched Hard to be a God, I can deal with boring stuff, but Foundation is just dreadful.

is this real? from what book?

so pic related for maximum water storage right?
pussy leakage is wastingb water tho

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eh Yea Forums basically is muslim at this point. with all the arab shills constantly making everything about le spoopy jews and all the virgins that get triggered by lewdness

It's from the Dune Encyclopedia. Herbert didn't write it and it's not officially canon, but he signed off on it and basically said "This stuff may or may not be true but I think it's interesting"

Sounds like you just don't like older sci-fi, because it's all written in that general way. It's more about exploring ideas through story, rather than story itself. Sort of like the difference between LOTR and GOT; Tolkien was creating a huge mythology with all of these ideologies in there because he was bummed Britain didn't have it's own grand mythos like the vikings/romans/etc. GOT was just writing a fun and bloody fantasy story. They read differently because they're trying to do different things. Dune is all about economies, politics, competing philosophies, and how these all play out on a scale of tens (was it hundreds? Been awhile) of thousands of years. You're almost reading a thought experiment instead of a book. Which is why old sci-fi is fucking Greatest Of All Time

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Reminder that the whining didn't start from Yea Forums

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>whining about Paul being a white savior
fancy not reading past the first book and shemansplaining like that

No. The inspiration is the Arab Revolt during WWI against the Ottoman Empire.

nice that's cool user, i just finished the book so i don't know much about ajythingb else

no user I really liked the book and like you say it's about the politics and economics, which is what I loved the most about the book. The melange, guild, worms, emperor quisatz haderah and how his futyre telling abilities actually worked and etc.
What In saying is the story itself lacked tension to me as I already knew how some things are going to happen. It's as on every chapter of LotR soem narrator would talk about Frodo veing a hero and Aragorn being a good king and how Boromir betrays the hobbita BEFORE any of it actually happens and then you just wait for it to happen.
How haleck tries to kill lady jessica and he tells you beforehand "ill wait for paul before I kill her" which could just as well may be "i wont kill her and ill let paul explain who the traitor really was" so the whole scene lacked tension to me.
I still adore the book tho dont get me wrong

can you explain user? I just finished the first book. Isn't paul a white saviour in the first book anyway?

Why would people complain about it? That's the way their characters are written. When you see people complain about Julius Caesar or King Arthur being cast by a black guy you're not paying attention to what they're saying.

>can you explain user?
I honestly don't want to spoil it for you user.
>Isn't paul a white saviour in the first book anyway?
To those around him yes. But the visions that keep troubling him should give you a hint where it's going.

Damn man it looks like you have a terminal case of shit taste.
Foundation is the greatest keikakkucore only matched by Legion.

I know what you mean, user. Those kinds of books are indeed very dry and the style is more oral storyteller/campfire story instead of a well-tuned page turner. That's why I suggested they're almost like a thought experiment instead of a novel. It also reminds me of opera. You're actually supposed to read up on the story beforehand and know the whole plot before seeing an one. Why? because it's all about the execution, and thinking about the ideas (usually about love and betrayal) while watching. So yeah not sure where I'm going with this, it's all just interesting I suppose

ok user I'll wait before I get it from the second book myself, thanks

yeah i know what you mean user, I really don't mind dry/storyteller books either. Silmarillion is one of my favorite books because of it's style.
>there will never be a silmarillion miniseries with GoT budget because normies care about sex and muh plottwists more than elaborate mythos

I miss Viper. I know he uploads sometimes, but I miss his news shows.

Wikipedia says the space arabs killed 61 billion.

Aren't there only a few tens of thousands of Fremen? That's a hell of a kill ratio.

I don't think it's even "hinted". Paul outright says he's failed.

In one of the books it mentions there could be as many as 20 million living across Dune in the various Seitchs. The Jihad goes for decades and they fight one or two worlds at a time. The Guild is held by the balls by Paul so the enemy planets can't travel to Dune and wreck up the place.


I can't wait. There's alot about the series that goes will be cringe worthy, for example:
>The Jihad
People shouting for Jihads against established order will be a riot on a screen. It'll probably also entice new recruits into lone wolf attacks. Going to be great truly.

it's pretty accurate
bunch of literally whos tribes from the middle of a desert conquered two most populated empires at the time. history is weird like that sometimes

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It's not even that, it's laid out pretty well that everything was planted and laid out for him to take control of the Fremen and once he realizes it, he kinda freaks out about it. Then after he gains prescience, he totally freaks out about the shit he has to do to save humanity, but does it all anyway because it's the only way forward.

I like Villanueva, but that shit is going to be hard to put to film and the clickbaiting bloggers are gonna jump all over it for the outrage clicks.

It really wasn't mate. The Fremen wise women were once adherents to the Sisterhood, but went rogue. They interfered and inadvertently caused the "birth" of the Kwisatz Haderach.

The Fremen wise women didn't create kwisatz hedarach, and if I'm remembering correctly, they weren't even rogue; they were part of the plan. The only hiccup they had was that it was supposed to be Paul's son that would become the kwisatz hedarach, not him.

Nah mate, the missionaria protectiva was an active gesserit project to tie the fremen to them and to serve as a support network for sisters in-planet who needed aid. they never went rogue, they were more like a proxy franchise. It was Jessica who went rogue, and since the missionaria protectiva couldn't differentiate between sister politics, nor did they care to, they went along with her.

>The only hiccup they had was that it was supposed to be Paul's son that would become the kwisatz hedarach, not him.
Nah, mate Duncan is the Kwisatz Haderach. Leto 2 reveals it to the bitch that kills him because it was all part of his plan.
Yes, but the sisterhood on Arrakis went silent, and presumed dead. Only when Jessica arrived did they get in contact again and follow her lead. And what I meant by birth was they were the ones who administered the venom to Paul which made him A kwisatz haderach.

>Social justice crab

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>Nah, mate Duncan is the Kwisatz Haderach. Leto 2 reveals it to the bitch that kills him because it was all part of his plan.
Please explain the last part of God Emperor to me, I'm not even joking. I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

>It cannot be.
>There must only be one inspiration for things.

This is all shit that's "canon" by his son and (some prick) the guy who gave this the go ahead and could shut it down anytime. Seriously, never read his books, and if you hear shit about them, it's all fucking true.

After having served in A-stan and Iraq and interacting with the people, I came to the conclusion that the Muslims have been misrepresented in U.S. media. They're not nearly the crazy savages they get portrayed as.

Who could be behind it? Well, that's up to you to decide.

It's the Mormons, isn't it?

Leto 2 revealed that he knew everything that was planned, and allowed it because it furthered the Golden Path. He reveals this to the chick (assassin/love interest) and basically gives her his blessing to kill him. That's basically the Atreidies arc done. Duncan and the thot go on to another arc filled with void ships, ai robots, and lots of clones.

Yeah there's no actual blacks in the cast that we know of. Just Henderson and Zendaya who are both light skinned

>The Bene Tleilax don't have "women".
>they're literally living flesh pods like shaw from covenant

Reminder that Eamon Farren would be a great Feyd Rautha

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As someone who hasn't read the book, will it be rated pg13 or R? I know if Villeneuve can make it R rated he will

>Duncan and the thot go on to another arc filled with void ships, ai robots, and lots of clones.
Is that nuseries shit or is that what the last few paragraphs we're about? It's the very end, like the last few paragraphs that I don't get. Was there another AI genocide, or was it a roundabout way of saying they avoided one? So the whole offshoot was that this allowed ixians to create synthetic spice?

Definitely PG13. I read it in highschool forever ago and just read it again recently and it's kind of scary how much it comes off like "generic post-apocalyptic YA novel" because of derivative garbage like Maze Runner and Hunger Gamed.

I love this nigga
He was a professor at my university and whenever I would see him on campus strolling about I would shout "I loved you in Lincoln" and he would shoot a thumbs up at me

It could very well be the Mormons, with their insistence on subverting mass communications and entertainment companies....but it might not be them.

Villeneuve's Blade Runner was R, can't imagine him skimping out on the spice orgies, the Baron's sex parties, Feyd's matador performances and the all the knife duels

How is this any worse than le alt right frog

>scrawny white guy shouldn't play a space-european twink nicknamed the Desert Mouse
? who do these people want to play him? idris elba?

It's "outrage" over the fact that he has white skin, look at the names of some of those people. I guarantee most of them haven't even read the book

it's obviulsy inspired by Lawrence of arabia

The talk about houses and jihad didn’t give it away?

the fremen space jihad was always bullshit, I hope they change it when they do dune messiah

Dune is the kind of book that triggers every keyboard warrior in existence.
But I hope to god the film will be good. The books are great and it's a shame the series was never properly finished (fanfic written by the author's son doesn't count)

When the writer says so, then the odds increase


We can just say space Arabs and quit the squabbling over sects

Yes and I can already see the headlines crying about it once the trailer drops

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also keep in mind that also of other people across the empire probably joined in the jihad not just the core Fremen

Are the Fremen even described as brown-skinned?

How do they kill so many?
t. Hasn't read the book

it's bullshit
nope, fremen is a culture, not a race

Yeah I have high hopes for the movie

>Syfy pretending they didn't make this just yesterday

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i hope that this will start a franchise and replace sw and mcu