>your order is ready sir. enjoy the Aquaman!
Your order is ready sir. enjoy the Aquaman!
Other urls found in this thread:
What Is this abomination
a sneedze burger
Formerly chuck ground beef
Fucking wagies not putting enough cheese into my fries again! This is not okay
>mwf Americans call palm oil spread with coloring "cheese"
It’s a bond burger
>mfw Europeans call 3rd world immigrants who can barely write their own name doctors and engineers
>mfw Americans think the world's statistically, objectively best healthcare services are bad because they're racists
It will be interesting to see when that cheese solidify.
>mfw Amercians call mockery and disdain "obsession"
Hey, that gif is cool bro.
La bestia...
>not ordering crab legs for Aquaman
I find it amusing and a little adorable how euroshits get so angry about the US, that they feel the need to type out their anger, fill in the captcha, and click the post button just so they can feel superior for the few moments the thread is alive....all on an American website. Stay mad, friends.
how do you pick those up without cheese going everywhere?
La Luz Extinguido...
>mfw Americans call shootyfats "Americans"
I fucking hate cheese, get me the manager!
There is no cheese in that picture
The fuck you on about m8
American cheese is truly disguising, infact all foreign cheese is sub par including the french
that african blood really messed up her look her jew siblings look so much more normal
Why do burgers do this?
>all on an American website.
lol little tranny actually believes this
>fill in the captcha
Joke's on you. In Europe we don't have to fill the captcha. Stay mad amerifat.
>mfw some yuropoor thinks his incoherent rambling has any value
Go harvest some fucking crops in your garden you peasant
we don't either, we click, we used to fill it, but that stopped several years ago
you just did the same, just ignore things if they're not to your liking around here user
I will, my good man! *gets out Walmart-brand salivometer* Ahaha, and only about 5 cl of spit, semen, and excrement! My compliments to the chef! *kisses hand and goes mwah* Here's your complimentary 50 dollar tip, and a good day to you! Come, Britney and Laqueesh! Quit making out, we've a kino to see! *enters theater showing Arthur And The Invisibles, giddy with excitement, hopping up and down and punishing the ground with each megalithic landing*
Reminder that no government spends more per capita on healthcare than the US
Reminder that US citizens are forced to spend an average of $300,000 in their life on top of that.
Every American is burning a nice house on not dying for no reason LOL. Stay cucked kiddo.
Is there anything more cucked than an American
>mfw americans actually cut their peepee skin off
Based and burgerpilled
>mfw americans LARP as european and then tell people that call out their bullshit "obsessed"
>i-im not obsessed I promise
>it's just a little banter
so is calling you obsessed, sorry if it bothers you
What do american's call that cheese?
>the Aquaman
apology accepted, let's make out
no thanks yurotrash isnt appealing
I can smell that yellow fake cheese goo smell from here.
stop kidding yourself you little whore, get on over here
>yurotrash are rapists
I said no but I guess that doesnt compute with your muslim brain.
Royale with cheese
rather 'ave me a steak and kidney pie fookin lush with sum chips and a pint just like mum use t'make
can't even get raped ey, how sad