I saw a spaceship and stars and shit

>I saw a spaceship and stars and shit
cool dude?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Thanks for ruining my morning

time to fry

>Gets a tattoo
>Can't even be bothered to see if the quote is correct

Human garbage

>getting this tattoed is this font

jesus h christ at least get it done in the BR font or something

>that exact tat but in comic sans

that's how you turn a disaster into kino

funny how the laziest, poorest people always waste their money on cringy tattoos

Imagine the smell

i...saw a s-spaceship!

Attached: c-beams.jpg (752x670, 100K)

>Attack ships on fire
>near the Tannhäuser Gate

>I saw consenting adults have sex
Wow, mind blown Kubrick.

Attached: eyes wide shut ritual.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

unappealing font

Imagine living with a pseudo-deep meme quote from a shitty 80's sci-fi flick on your arm for the rest of your life

based tattoo

triggers faggots

tattoos have ruined so many women it's almost impossible to find a qt to settle down with now.

she's fat and ugly so who cares

nothing based about a tattoo with an incorrect spelling or quote

Can someone edit avengers endgame spoilers

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Tattoos are the ultimate red flag. Anyone who is retarded enough to get one is predisposed to engage in sporadic and/or risky behavior.

>Imagine living with a pseudo-deep meme quote from a shitty 80's sci-fi flick on your arm for the rest of your life
Its meaning is
>Even though my days have been counted from the day I was created, I was able to experience things you normal people never will. These experiences die with me.
A fat normie getting them tattoo'ed is near peak irony.

omg it sez sumthin abot my lyf

so this is the average blade runner fan...

Time to dilate


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Luckily her arms have so much space


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Do you think that's the arm she uses to fist her obese girlfriend

I still dont know what c-beans are

Why did I expect the Keit-ai pasta?

her arm is so fat she could fit the Silmarillion on it

>I saw lights, man

ive seen this fist go down a black hole

all these moments lost ~

This gave me a hearty laugh thanks user

short for sea beans

Attached: Seabeans.jpg (750x500, 52K)

A tattoo is the quickest way to identify someone as a bad person.

>implying anyone in society cares about incels' standards of female beauty

Attached: ha.jpg (640x480, 54K)

you sound like a 6-year old

How can you hear them?

An experience isn't more valuable just because few people experienced it, that's like saying you're cool because you had a botfly larva in your neck once.

Enjoy having a wife that at some point in her life thought it was a good idea to get some inspirational quote or some dumb shit inked on her body permanently

Surely that is a sign of good character.

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im blind with text to speech

Already a thing.


fuck off NSA

You sound like a nihilistic faggot who clings to tattoos as a form of identity because you're so boring otherwise.

I don't hire candidates if they have visible tattoos while in their interview attire. Any single flash of a tattoo is an automatic no. I like to think I'm fighting the good fight.


>I weigh people's entire character based on an aesthetic modification they have made to their body
Must be tough finding friends when you're such a preachy, judgemental cunt

The point is that replicants are terminated as soon as they've done their jobs. They're seen as machines despite experiencing real emotions and longing for life.

The quote is a bit of a taunt towards Deckard, who's been hunting him all film. He spares Deckard despite how humans treated him, makes peace with his inevitable death, appreciates the things he got to experience during his short life and died on his own terms. Deckard was a real human bean and this robot was showing more human qualities than him.

People are getting tattos these days just because everyone else is, like a fashion trend. Except you can change your clothes when fashion changes. Bit more difficult to change that shit graffiti all over your body when that particular trend changes. That's what i judge them for. Not the tattoss themselves, although i do think they are mostly ugly (very rarely do tattoos have any kind of thought towards composition / accentuatiing the form of the body, they are just plonked wherever at random), but the fact they are just following a trend in the most stupid way possible. My advice? Invest in tattoo removal businesses.

She probably hasn't seen her snatch in years never mind all those other things.


I did a similar thing when i got into management. me and one of the team leaders used the dress policy to lay off some people who had ugly tattoos.

Palatino is the patrician font.

>t. Tatted whore
Roastie please, the adults are talking

imagine how it will read one she's 30 years old, alone and single and lost all that weight thanks to cancer.




>I saw c-beams nigga for real
Why does this make me laugh.

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I've had sex with her


Have you ever hired somebody with a tattoo and it proved to be a bad choice? I wonder if you are not losing potentially better employers with this strategy.

Yeah? I mean, only people with low IQ get tattoos but regardless of that you must be pretty stupid to get a permanent mark on your skin.

Seriously, what was going through your head?

Underrated post

Why do hipsters ruin everything good in this world? I can't even go to shows anymore because they're filled to the brim with over entitled, rich libtard hipsters.

Did her pussy stink as bad as it seems like it would?

It makes perfect sense. The managers at any job I've ever had are the dumbest, laziest pricks in the building. Emphasis on the dumb.


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I like how autistic this board gets over tattoos

Yes, the one in OP is terrible, but being an NPC and outright judging any tattoo makes you look like an idiot

No, quite fresh actually, like lavender.

I love that movie.

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You've made some poor life choices.

lots of mad toasties with eternal retard marks in this thread

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thank you for all that you've done because of your sacrifice we were able to take a photo of her black hole

Imagine the smell

Because it found a way into your heart.

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>murica problems

Tattoos are disgusting but so are incels larping as crazy clowns

That text will gradually get smaller and smaller over time

Attached: people_calling_you_incel.jpg (3712x1008, 780K)

Why the fuck isn’t it
Tears in THE rain
It sounds so fucking weird like that, like some caveman was saying it

the hilarity comes from what he says specifically, like no one knows wtf a c-beams is, or the taunhauser gate, it's outside the detail of the world that was created since they never left earth. So it's up to your imagination...I guess c-beams are like spaces lasers and stuff...I dunno.

>I saw giant polished crinlarxes on the hides of walking behemoths on the flood plains of mars
>I saw lord oingo boingo quell the diplex 12 rebellion on uropa

>How to spot tattoo fag.
Regret your choice already?

It'll be interesting watching the current generation getting older
I bet suicide rates are going to skyrocket

>user you company doesn't have a single coloured person working for it

no need to bet, stats are out already and its not good.

I've seen chocolate fries, quadruple whoopers with extra cheese and a diet coke

>he thinks copy pasting fabricated strawmen from his incel friends will prove him right
Cope harder incel

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>When janny delete yor post
Have some fun for once in your life.

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t. brainlet

it's a completely fine way of saying it, since it's not specific rain

Today's rates are going to be considered low in 20 years

Thats scary becuase considering in some states people kill themselves more than they get murdered already.

Fuck you faggot you’re not smart

true, just smarter than you :^)

Skip to 1:00

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Rotten fish and old, sweaty flannel! O_O

Doubt it.

why do fat people get tattoos? whats the point?

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Anyone that uses brainlet is an incel.
It’s a cop out so you faggots don’t have to explain shit

The word "attack" was too triggering for this dumb dyke to tattoo to herself.

Don't spoiler links you fucking faggot

This woman's son will end up posting on Yea Forums if she ever has one.

>be you
>"hehe yea, well. she had a small tattoo on her foot so i didn't even want the slut."
you're "standards" are a defense mechanism which exists only to retcon the fact that you have always been unappealing to any woman.

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show feet

What's the point in anyone getting a tattoo? What a stupid question.

what was the point of this post? To call someone a name for calling someone a name?

Kill yourself

Whenever I interview someone with a tat their resume just goes straight into the circular file.

i had sex less than 24 hours ago with a girl who is dying for me to settle down with her.
but nice try with your buzzword, virgie.

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tatted up roastie detected

They'll look like shit in a few years and before you know it you'll be someone's desperate 30+ year old wine aunt.

Because you have kino meme taste.

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Don’t worry about it faggot. Must’ve hit close to home to get you to respond. Fucking loser

agreed 100%.

Again, projection. Not everyone on here is a sex starved loser like you bud

Imagine thinking calling someone the most generic ans overused reddit insult possible is 'hitting' anyone close to home.


It got you riled up enough to feed me yous so that’s all that matters

>star ships on fire
How do you fuck up this part

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Based and incelpilled

Obviously it did. Otherwise the insult wouldn’t bother you

>the hilarity comes from what he says specifically, like no one knows wtf a c-beams is, or the taunhauser gate, it's outside the detail of the world that was created since they never left earth. So it's up to your imagination...I guess c-beams are like spaces lasers and stuff...I dunno.

Are you just underage or do you really not know what a c-beam is

Attached: s-l400.jpg (300x300, 19K)


kill yourself

"The Incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a loser, virgin, neet, beta, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him an incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out."

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Exactly. That’s why you’re doubling down.
Nah. Gotta stick around and bother faggots like you

>the Incel cope vs the Chad retort

they ruin everything

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but also

kill yourself


How about have sex