White men in Michael Schur shows

Is it just me or does Michael Schur (Parks & Rec, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place) h a t e white men? Just take a look at his shows: There are no positive white male characters in there at all. They're either losers, evil, or both.

Why does he hate white men so much?

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Ron Swanson is white

If he'd remake the show today he would definitely cast a black actor.

Um why not just watch a different show?

Cry me a river when you get rounded up and sent into death camps

Are there any positive characters?

Also the most shallow and selfish persons of the main cast are probably Tom and Donna, who don't fit OP's incel theory

>Um why not just watch a different show?

I'm too invested to stop watching

>Cry me a river when you get rounded up and sent into death camps

What do you think happens before people are being sent to death camps? Demonization.

Ron Swanson like Jack Donaughy where both originally intended to be villains to the independent white women, pathetic Pete was actually suppose to be Liz Lemons buddy before he got sidelined in later seasons. Both actors did such a good job coupled with the fact that women like having strong male superiors that they ended up being the best characters in both shows.

But The Good Place is really about Michael’s redemption, who is a white man.

>There are no positive white male characters in there at all

yes there are you pathetic incel

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Tom and April are both Selfish and lazy, but also karma Houdini's. What they do is just treated as some quirk rather than people you wouldn't want to be around, with the exception of tolerating it because you want to rail Aubrey Plaza.

see also: Gina in Brooklyn 99, thank God she's not in the show anymore, such a lazily written character

the people in the picture went to the bad place and guess where white men go..

>Parks & Rec
Ron is based

>Brooklyn 99
all characters in this show are weirdo and/or loosers even Raymond Holt and Terry Jeffords

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>yes there are you pathetic incel

Name one. As for The Good Place:

>inb4 Michael

Even if we ignore his evil past, he spends the whole show fucking up everything he attempts to do, and can only succeed with the help of his female/PoC friends. In the season 3 finale he has a nervous breakdown in a situation he's been in literally hundreds of times before and lets Ellinor take over.

>inb4 Shaun

Literally a demon, see also Adam Scott's character

Apart from these two there are no white men playing major roles in The Good Place.

Brooklyn 99:

>inb4 Charles

Portrayed as a pathetic cuck without a spine throughout the whole show

>inb4 Hitchcock & Scully

Literally too stupid to function

>inb4 The Vulture

Total asshole

>inb4 Jake

hehe, think again

He's literally a white devil

Someone hasn't watched Season 3 yet...

You need to catch up on the show there buddy boy

Isn't this a common trope in US media? Look at The Simpsons...

Ben and Chris are too

Not even remotely true about Jack and 30 Rock. No idea about Ron Swanson, but if your argument boils down to comparison then I doubt you're right about Ron too.

Not that guy, but Jack WAS supposed to be a bit more like an antagonist IIRC.

I can't remember where I read it though, so I might just be pulling it out of my ass.

Holt seems pretty perfect, IMO. I have a boner for stoic characters though. so might not be that partial.

holt is a fiction reading bimbo

are you gay? why do you want to watch white males when you have Kristen Bell

Jerry is literally the best and most well-adjusted character in Parks and Rec. He's just clumsy

he was supposed to be a parody. their Golems can backfire sometimes

Ted Danson you dumbfuck, literally every other main character is someone who was sent to hell and Danson overcame his own demonic nature to save them.

Also the only person on Earth that "figured out" the point system was a white guy

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>Portrayed as a pathetic cuck
A literal one too

Based perfect photo of her earrings, well framed.

>can only succeed with the help of his female/PoC friends

lol dude you're so butthurt that this show has non-white lead characters, get a grip

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>Ted Danson you dumbfuck, literally every other main character is someone who was sent to hell and Danson overcame his own demonic nature to save them.

Did we watch the same show? He's a whiny, incompetent mess. Yeah he's growing as a person, but only after interracial couple teaches him about ethics and shows him the error of his ways. Literally none of the plans he comes up with himself succeed. The whole premise of the show, his let's-make-people-torture-each-other-plan fails literally hundreds of times. The hot air balloon to the good place in season 2? Literally nothing but hot air. His meddling on Earth? Doesn't work. Without his friends he'd be completely fucked.

Don't get me wrong, Michael is my favourite character but he's hardly a positive white male character. He's mediocre at best.

>Also the only person on Earth that "figured out" the point system was a white guy

True, but even he is revealed to be a complete pushover without a spine or any sort of confidence. What kind of message is that? White men letting everyone just walk over them is the smart thing to do?

Rorschach syndrome. Failed strawman that the audience liked.

More tall brown woman.

>lol dude you're so butthurt that this show has non-white lead characters, get a grip

No I'm just criticizing how white men are portrayed in shows written by a specific author. If I had a problem with non-white lead characters I obviously wouldn't watch the show, but I don't. I just think it's interesting how the white lead characters are written.

Ron is meant to be an mockery, an insulting caricature of libertarians and strong masculine white men in general. He's like Colbert, where he was intended to be insulting but people didn't take it that way and actually loved him.

Why would you watch anything by this faggot in the first place? These shows are all literally made for women.

I think your idea fails because Andy started out as an asshole like most of the characters pratt got to play and turned into someone loveable, then went on to do a lot of other stuff and even helped turn his career around to become who he is today.

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I don't know about you guys but I want to suck Jamilla's titties

I like the humour and the general feeling of the shows, they're light hearted and fun to watch. Also, the writing on The Good Place is superb. Never seen a sitcom that boldly written since Heil Honey, I'm home.

Andy was supposed to be gone after one season though. Chris Pratt's charisma is literally the only reason why he became a likeable character.

I love how he has literally the perfect life, a great wife, kids that love him, a great house, monster penis and a job he loves.
And no-one can work out how he did it.

and they changed their mind and kept him, think about the jim character from parks and rec that they got rid of after the first two seasons.

for a producer that supposedly hates white men, he has a lot of them in his shows.

And ben and chris, and ron and gary,

Who doesn't?

Also a hot piece of ass.

She’s the only browny that gets saved when the race war starts.

what about padma lakshmi

>black libertarian

Nah, she’s cute but not spared-from-a-racial-cleanse kinda cute.

Also hilarious according to his academic friend circle

I dont much care for jews

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Same, fren.

>The Good Place
i don't get the appeal of this show at all, i managed half the first season and it was shit. not even brown tits was enough to keep me interested.

Ted Danson is so fuking white and he ended up being even a good person in the show

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>There are no positive white male characters in there at all

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y'all know the rest of the world brackets jews into the same group as white people? Right? Or muricans caught up in themselves again?

There are plenty of "positive white males" on his shows. The problem is you can't identify them because you're a self hating white. Now go kys OP

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Not of fan of the random left opinions that come out of nowhere. Parks and rec was fine but the good place/99 is full of them. Same in Santa Clarita diet but I dunno who writes that


You think Kristen and him FUQ? DO WANT!

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>y'all know the rest of the world brackets jews into the same group as white people
no we don't

Holt is very close to a control freak and too hard edge when he starts, Jake bends that down, which helps to deliver jokes where he breaks his supposed code. I dont like his other plot with the crazy superior woman, but yeah aside from those hes pretty faultless, though his interactions with other characters is great. Rosa exceptional self-serving behavior esp.

>I'm so deluded I think normal mainstream opinions are MUHH lefty
Life must suck for you Celtus


Why are incels triggered by literally everything

Um Michael?

Jews are smarter versions of whites

t. Singapore

Go to bed edgy eastern European. You need to save electricity for cooking tomorrow.

>The boss character was meant to be a bit antagonistic in a workplace sitcom

Oh my God, really?

Why is it everytime you're triggered, you start calling everyone incels?

He totally banged her irl

>so dumb that you think trash written in California is reflective of actual reality

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>Ted Danson

yeah, right

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Michael literally goes from being a nice dude to being revealed as an evil bastard to developing into one of the most lovable and sympathetic characters on the show thanks to the magic of friendship. Just because he's anxious at the end of S3 out of fearing he'll doom everybody for eternity doesn't make him a loser. You're literally projecting your white genocide bs delusions onto everything.

It's a surprisingly fast paced show that's really good at subverting expectations.

I'm not really sure what your point is.

>best character on show is literally white male
>literally legendary Ted Danson
>OP still makes a whole thread to bitch about how Schur (a white man) must HATE LE WHITES


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Cool story
Please give an example of one of these extreme "lefty opinions" from the good place. We'll wait.

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>yfw Danson is good at everything
>yfw Danson is even better at being a nigger than real niggers

>He doesn't know who Thomas Sowell is.
I unironically pity you, friend.

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they've literally dropped the ham-fisted "what kind of sick people would turn away refugees" line at least three times in the show

>he gave her that Dirty Danson

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And they both went from fairly important side characters with major parts in the plot in season 1 to barely appearing for a single gag and 2 minutes of screentime in the rest of the show.

>the USA is founded on immigration and all that shit
>the statue of liberty of pro-taking in refugees
>Jesus is always talking about taking in the refugees and shit
>literally this take in the refugee shit is preached in every christian church

Yeah, being nice to refugees it totally only like a lefty thing? You're kind of proving my point Cletus.

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tahani can be played by white male without any changes to dialog

Legal, controlled immigration channels =/= masses of “refugees” (read: economic migrants) banging at the doors and demanding entry to welfare states

April was that way during the first three season, but the moment she started to become more like Leslie the writers started to give her more of a persoanlity to differentiate April from her.

Yet he turned out to be the most well likled character simply because the shit he said was true at it's core. It reminded me of DS9 where Dukat was written to be Space Hitler, yet became the most well likled character until the writers got pissed at it and destroyed him in S7.

>implying that "left" and "right" aren't quasi-meaningless categorizations that have been reduced to "pro unskilled immigration" and "anti unskilled immigration"

But the good place didn't say "legal controlled immigration channels" or "illegals" or "masses of economic refuges" or whatever specific thing that might be polarizing. They were just commenting on a general platitude....aka like Jesus...aka be nice to refugees. You're just acting like a fucking moron trying to obscure something so fucking basic and universally agreed upon.

>Jesus: Be nice to

You're never gonna get Veronica that way kiddo

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imagine when actual left opinions like worker revolution begin being memed about in shows, what will you cucks complain about and call it then?

Why do incels hate being named

Yes we do

a white guy is literally the biggest star to come out of something by this guy, and the most beloved character in a show already filled with great ones
you're just a faggot

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Schur should have stuck to his baseball blog. NBC comedies are pozzed as fuck.

That show is such PC garbage. i thought the same thing when they had Adam Scott as the representation for ALL THAT IS EVIL!!! lol hes not even subtle about it casting the whitest of the white uptight white guys and then GET THIS he does the made up liberal SJW cliche of telling all the female characters to SMILE MORE hahahah oh Schur u really are the writer we need in these trying times of having LITERAL HITLER IN THE WHITE HOUSE!! thank you michael, u sure showed us youre one of the good whites!!!

>nonstop reddit spacing
have sex

Obviously they're complaining about neoliberalism and not old-timey icepick communism. Just calling it "leftism" is not 100% precise on their part but you're just doing stupid wordgame gotchas here.

>only two pictures so far of the brown chick
Peter I thought we talked about this

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lmao nobody makes that distinction outside of US cucks. maybe you should travel outside your country someday, poorfag.

He came out as the biggest star despite initial role in the show in the show, not because of it

when did Jesus ever say "be nice to refugees", can't find that passage in the bible?

>you're just doing stupid wordgame gotchas here.

He's probably a Jew.

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>Major plots in season 1
t. brainlet

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You know a lad loves a good pair of chocolate dunkers....but just a few more pounds...

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Oh, moving the goal posts. How unexpected.

Jerry is white and he's a nice guy who has a beautiful wife and happy productive family.

Spacing for legibility triggers the autistic.
