Is this guy the new king of travelkino?

Is this guy the new king of travelkino?

Attached: mr bald.png (1112x576, 926K)

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Also I think Ian from Lonely Planet is the travelkino king.

No, Harold is tho

Bald and Bankrupt, an absolute Chad.

>Eternal Anglo mocks and humiliates people who were abandoned by their post-soviet governments to the amusement of the Internet
Westerners deserve all that's coming in near future desu.

And the best part is they're too stupid to know he's doing it.

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How did he hack the youtube algorithm?

Started making videos about Pajeets and India while YT is pandering to increasing T-series viewer base since people in Delhi have better chance to have Internet access than toilet access.

he judges and criticizes everything like a spoiled child

why dont you annex it then?

sorry, not all of us can become rich through centuries of imperialism and colonialism

Russian incels keep REEEEing about it, also it would lower our GDP.

he needs to stop smirking. at the end of his moldova vid he tries to get all serious like he really cared and he couldn't stop smirking.

New travelkino = youtube videowalks with no selfie-shots, no commentators, and nothing BUT a first-person perspective of what's around.

They're comfy as hell


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Seething indeed. Just leave us the fuck alone and stop making /pol/ threads about based Slavs trying to cope that your street became browner than your stool over the last decade. I'd rather deal with poverty and the terrible Soviet mentality rotten into my society than Ahmeds and Jamals who will bring down your countries to our poverty levels in no time anyway.

>Runs toward gunfire
>shouts allahu akbar at knife wielding maniacs

Ahahaha I love this dude, balls of steel.

Fucking boring and autistic, might as well just use Google maps

He was just being smart about it. Defusing the aggressor by appearing to be a supporter of his cause.

>we can be fucking failures and poor as shit b-but what about ahmed?
You are all pale niggers

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Why is his videos being pushed lately?

Came up in the "recommended" section of many of my friends. Not gonna lie, a lot of his stuff IS kino, like eating for 50 fucking cents at some soviet hotel, but damn.


Absolute Slavkino. Discovered the channel a few weeks ago and have been a fan since. Nigga is for real.

Ironic that your pic basically portrays fatter version of the guy in OP's pic. Anglos must be really inbred huh.

>*sits on his ass being NEET-bux grabbing leech*
speaking of failures...

I like the part where he hides a sock and then claims the pooinloo merchant scammed him.

why does he only visit shit holes

pretty refreshing to see someone who travels to shitholes actually put some of the responsibility on the custodians of the shithole rather than brushing it off as a cultural or systemic thing

Rich countries are full of boring faggots like you

because it's more interesting than visiting tourist attractions like a dumb Instagram thot

Why does he speak perfect Russian? Is this another GRU psy op?

What do you want? First world? Thats boring.

LMAO look at these assblasted sl*vniggers
Thank fucking god you lowlives will be replaced by churckas in a few decades, it w,ll be an imrpovement for russia.

Attached: slavface.jpg (400x400, 32K)

His ex wife is from Belarus.

He speaks on Ken-sama level. And locals understand him because Russia is full of central asians migrants that speak like him.

Based Viktor exposing the eternal anglo

>Ian from Lonely Planet
Fuck yeah

Lonely planet was the shit.

Even his poo videos were entertaining. First time I ever looked at the country in a way without wanting to bomb it.

It's doesn't get any more Kino, then backpacking around Europe and sleeping in bushes

That drunken homeless looking gopnik with violin has more talent than 99% of Yea Forums. Feels weird man.

I just want to add that you Anglos killed serbia, yugoslavia and rest of balkan. The muslim scums you vehemently defend overtook every part of those countries infesting them with their violent ideology and religion.

Enjoy your life in riches.


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Call me a faggot but the guitar/singing parts were genuinely beautiful

Who didn't get wealthy throught conquest and strongarm commerce?

Annoying Anglo faggot I hope some ivan stabs him in some shit hole

he's a top lad. have sex incel.

He's slimy. Reminds me of Stefan Molyneux.

He's a proper geezer.

>mfw the Soviets literally stole an entire century from eastern block countries

Operation Unthinkable should have been executed thoroughly. Prove me wrong.

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the USSR would have pushed the anglos back into the sea

Yep. Britain was full of soviet spies at the time.

The Eternal Anglo would've gotten the beating they deserved and that Adolf pussied out of.

slavs are very depressing to look at. kind of like looking at the lowest echelons of white population.