>607 days until Avatar 2
607 days until Avatar 2
>607 days until the death of capeshit
When did these daily threads start anyway?
Before you were born.
Fuck off meme “historian”
>gets rekt by a bunch of rampaging animals and a few people with bows and arrows
The only thing more cringe than military men being written as dramatic overcompensating buffoons is people from the audience who white knight them.
2 years ago
Don’t spoonfeed him, retard
Big milestone day.
big milestone digits
>same filename
Holy shit user, idk what to say.
You can't keep this up!
*puts cammy hat*
What does it tell us about the space-faring humans sitting in armored squadron equipped with powerful kinetic weaponry and napalm bombs defeated by space niggers living in the trees and painting their bodies with plants and mud, using bow and arrow?
It tells us that it's a fantasy movie
Still better than Marvel.
I remember Avatar being the shit and then people forgot about it. Wouldn’t mind seeing a second one.
What was the appeal for the first one?
I never watched the movie but I do remember people complaining about how almost everything in the movie was cgi.
And to think that nowadays capeshit and most action movies are 80% cg and greenscreen.
There has to be a sticky when that kino finally comes out.
>complaining about how almost everything in the movie was cgi.
What the fuck did they expect ? Real aliens ?
Based cammy hat poster
>the 2nd post
On point
>it was 1000 days not too long ago