Character has a hot girlfriend

>character has a hot girlfriend
>is somehow depressed

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define hot


pro-tip: having an emotional parasite won't make you happy at all. Having a gf isn't a panacea for internal turmoil.

Faggot. As soon as my gf gives me a blowey-joey all my problems are sucked away.

>character spends time with women
>isn't depressed

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you know people with really bad lifes, like slaves or africans, don't get depressed?
you can also be rich, successful and have a hot wife and still kill yourself

human is weird

deadass tho

that's just temporary feel good chemicals bombarding your brain, it won't balance your emotional state at all.

>Character is only sad because he doesn't have a hole to ejaculate in
>He thinks he's legitimately depressed
Why are there so many brainlets on tv?

All other forms of sadness are retarded and extremely gay

>that's just temporary feel good chemicals bombarding your brain, it won't balance your emotional state at all.
shut the fuck up redditor

You've definitely never been in a relationship in your life

niggers are too dumb to get depressed.

if you have everything and still are depressed, then it's the endgame, there's nothing left for you
so fucking kill yourself and be done with it and stop bothering us about it

>character thinks depression is the same thing as being sad
>thinks getting something he wants will cure it

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Anyone who is clinically depressed for no reason needs to kill themselves. Your brain is broken, it won't get better and it is telling you to end it for a reason.

but every depression has no reason, it's just a disease

Yeah and being sad for no reason should be a signal that you are retarded and should end it pronto.

>depression is sadness
lmao back to redite with you

but being sad and being depressed int' the same

sad has a reason, depression just kicks you like a flu

utter nonsense

Depression is not being sad

Two depressed retards who are never going get better. Remember to put the gun in your mouth and angle it upward.

Then you don't have depression.

Clinical depression is not the same as women and faggots trying to get attention. Just because it's overdiagnosed doesn't mean it's not real.

Edgy. Does your mum know you post like this?

>character realizes that every time he goes to sleep his soul actually dies and a new consciousness wakes up in the morning with all the same memories but the consciousness who fell asleep is dead forever

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I never said it wasn't real. It is evidence of supreme mental weakness and retardation.

Please don't tell me you actually have depression user haha

How can you not be depressed in a world full of niggers and wageslavery

By thinking Trump is the endboss and thinking everything will improve when he's defeated

>it's a character suffers from anxiety and depression and is later prescribed pills to mellow out and allow him to have relationships and work.
>The pills give him ED.