Movies for this feel?

Movies for this feel?

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>overcooked pasta

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This shit is fucking stupid and is why drug fags are the worst.

>Dude, I intentionally lost my faculties and acted like a giggling retarded toddler for a few hours. Shit was so fucking cash!

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Have sex

>2 bowls
Is that for the cat?

The best way to facilitate having sex is being immersed in drug culture

>entire weekend

That would suck. Wasting two days doing nothing productive.

I outgrew my dudeweedman phase at like 22 for a job interview. Never looked back since or felt more clear headed.
It's such a shitty fucking drug, just do acid or shrooms periodically if you want to actuaply have fun.

i drank heavily and lost 5 years of my life. wow so epic and fun

>just do psychadelics bro! theyre fun and are totally not going to send you down a spiraling path of terror.

He's right though, imagine everything you do feel magnified x100 for a night then you wake up feeling fine

>I need to be productive bleep blop

yes, stop watching drug films.
Psychs are literally the best experience of my life, and I lost my virginity to a girl I loved.

yes, that's how adulthood works.

Bleep blop me adult that's how it's programmed

Wagies are truly robots

Beep bop adults don’t have fun everything is serious bopbop this is what adult is

Caca Peepee?

But your on Yea Forums?

Based npc

>based neet feeling smug about his great life from his fortified basement compound

beep boop your mother will die eventually and you will literally be unable to fend for yourself beep boop, which means you'll either be stuck with government peanuts, or you'll have to deap with wagecucking until you die because you don't ven have a retirement fund
beep boop

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Dumb wagie, I'm mocking his NEED for being productive and his shallow understanding of adulthood

being aware of your surroundigs and not hopped up on babby's first drug for two days is something adults do.
I have plants to water, meals to cook, and pets to look after.
I'll smoke one and feel antsy for half an hour instead.