Can we have a good old fashioned Yea Forums discussion about Blade Runner 2049? as if we only watched it yesterday? I miss those days when it wasn't just an incel meme
Can we have a good old fashioned Yea Forums discussion about Blade Runner 2049? as if we only watched it yesterday...
Other urls found in this thread:
bored me a bit, drags for too long and there's a lot of unnecessary stuff
lawrence of arabia is even longer but you don't feel boredom watching it
Drive / 2049 / ???
When will the spiritual trilogy be complete?
It was actually very good, I find it better than the original Blade Runner, but only by a tiny bit. It didn't lack in any aspect and it was a shitty rehash cash grab, but a film that felt had some inspiration behind it. It's a shame it'll go the way of the original Blade Runner: A film that did modestly / poor in the box office that will, in time, be remembered and seen as what it truly is: a good movie.
I was lucky enough to go see it at the cinema knowing nothing about it, I'd seen Bladerunner before but never really liked it that much. I could barely remember the finer plot points.
Fuck was I blown away, I think it was around the time when Joe had just checked the DNA records and Mesa starts playing while he drives around I realised I was watching an absolute fucking classic.
Loved everything about it. AMA.
Honestly, I didn't like it at all.
Biggest disappointment in cinema despite having no expectations.
I just wanted some nice atmosphere and visuals.
Instead I got boring pseudo intellectual cinematography and brain dead ass story shit.
Admittedly I wasn't in the best mood back then so I may have to rewatch but on the other hand I was in an even worse mood during Alita: Battle Angel and I absolutely loved this film.
BR2049 was bad, GitS was a much better film in every way although mediocre too.
Great movie, scene in OP is incredibly kino
how long until we get tech like this?
Reminder that the ad calls him Joe and Joi calls him Jo (Jo+I=Joi) and she was always loyal and genuine.
She was programmed to be that way, sorry lad but AI has no soul
20 years tops until AI gf, probably not holographic though.
>She was programmed to be that way
So is your mother.
Neither do women, what's your point?
BR2049 fans confirmed for reddit zoomer plebs that didn't like the original Blade Runner.
BR2049 was a dishonest piece of shit.
And the music sucked balls too.
Unironically the music was a glib fascimile souless rendition of Vangelis's score. Offensive like everything about BR2049.
The rest of BR2049 was a try hard drivel totally devoid of substance, purpose, passion, target or soul.
BR2049 is a dumpster fire in every way.
The Rise of Skywalker
I did watch it yesterday. Just got a new 4k 75" TV and I watched it in 4k HDR.
fucking glorious.
I kind of wish they didn't bother with ford's character at all though. it's like the whole narrative stops for a bit so we can have a reminisce about old times, when it could have been something interesting. and then his character does nothing except get saved by K.
Anyone who claims that any of the Blade Runner films are bad is a confirmed plot point pleb mental midget. Fact.
Great, up there with the first.
In all fairness, I hadn't watched it since i was an edgy teen, going back and seeing it again as an adult I enjoyed it a lot.
>be me
>discussing runnerkino with my mates at work
>qt 8/10 girl co-worker asking to join the discussion
>nah okay, what did you liked about the movie?
>says that she liked the visuals, directing, the soundtrak but also disliked Goose's performance saying it's too emotionless
>dumb cunt.jpg
>confidently explain to her why ourguy was top-tier with examples of GODDAMNIT and death of Joi scenes
>she silently agree
>asked if her bf liked the movie
>I-i always go to the cinema alone
>tell her that we should watch the movie together sometimes
>she blushes and smiles
>o-okay user!
>never invited her to watch movie together after that
Reminder there is one Blade Runner film.
BR2049 is a shit cashgrab that was coasting on nostalgia and yet it flopped hard or money laundering.
Based and redpilled
>was a try hard drivel totally devoid of substance
Your post is though
You forgot the part where he finds both his purpose and identity by doing the first individual choice of his life which is reuniting a father with his daughter.
I didn't like Blade Runner because Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is much better. I liked it more on my second viewing with the book not as fresh in my mind.
it's certainly a lot more palatable than the first. as much as I loved the original it really is very slow paced and I've never been able to convince many people to sit through it. whereas 2049 is 2 and a half ahours and I felt like I wanted to watch another hour. I didn't like jared leto's performance though. after seeing it a few times I feel like he brought his own interpretation to the role of wallace, and it wasn't a good one. he's not intimidating, he's a buffoon.
chad move desu
undeniably utruthpilled
Is there any other digitally shot film that captured depth, texture and light like BR2049 did?
t. pseud
I didn't like the book at all. dick at peak opiate haze.
I miss that feel that he felt with his holo-gf
why can't women be pure
Eh, BR2049 is still pretty much the most loved film on this board, people just don't talk about it because we already discussed it like 2 months straight when it came, then when the rip released, another two months. For it to convert into memes after the rich discussion period is the best possible outcome for it. It still lives fresh in the mind of everyone when the memes are posted.
This was the scene for me, got shivers when watching in the theater.
>Unironically the music
Agreed to an extent, the music was the weakest part of the film.
>The rest of BR2049 was a try hard drivel
Not remotely so, if you want "try-hard" watch GiTS: Innocence, BR2049 wasn't trying to jerk itself off in anyway. The lingering scenes that many complain about are there to drive home the personal importance of the moment to the character. Having it be a 5 second scene of him finding the horse in the ashes would be completely ludicrous. Like saying the train sequence in Stalker should be shorter, crazy talk.
this movie ripped off the movie kazaam with shaq
embarissing stuff from villeneuve....
>GiTS: Innocence
I couldn't watch it.
First the color grading.
Then the CGI, godamn awful.
Then the music, took something good and atmospheric and raped it.
Then the 2D animation, minimal animation trash.
Then the mix of 2D + 3D, fucking awful.
And then every line of dialog is wrapped into pseudo intellectual bullshit that is so basic that you have to be a brainlet to think this is deep.
Awful, stopped watching after that smoking bitch and then the big shooting scene.
Shame because the original GitS was so good.
i did enjoy the original blade runner you stupid shit. music was lackluster but not terrible or even bad, just mostly average.
also you're a fag try hard
dishonest gabagool aimed to incels.
fuck joi, Mackenzie Davis is where it's at.
she was cute af in the martian too.
why are canadian girls so fucking HOT
>i liked this other thing so now i cannot like this thing because they are related
actually retarded
honest A5 wagyu steak aimed to patricians
I liked the film, but my only complaint is too much filters being used. Like there's no reason for everything to be orange, but let's make it all orange anyway cos it'd be cool. It lost a lot of the gritty realism associated with a dystopian world that way.
Didn't like was too strong of a phrase. It just pales in comparison.
>too much filters being used.
Not a filter, all in-camera. Pic related.
>Like there's no reason for everything to be orange
A literal tactical bomb in a extremely hostile dusty weather resulting in immense radiation is no reason?
>fuck joi
I would gladly smash Ana tbqh
>Mackenzie Davis is where it's at.
She was really good looking in this movie.
Literally perfect. Only thing I liked about BR2049.
>she was cute af in the martian too.
I haven't watched it and I avoid it because some user said that it has a line "I have to science the fuck out of this" which rubs me the wrong way.
>why are canadian girls so fucking HOT
I don't know other Canadian girl, post more.
Btw Life is the best sci-fi film of that year.
Criminally underated film, thematically rich, that pop science reddit and other plebs don't understand because I fucking luv science!!
Joi = Jerk off Instructions:
"Everything you want to see, Everything you want to hear"
JOI wasn't a thing when this was written
yeah she was amazing.
The martian is okay, it has a BIT of normie humor in it, and it shills NASA and china as the good guys, but the science is accurate. give it a shot.
I'll give life a try, I saw the trailers and wanted to see it but heard it had bad reviews.
I'll give it a shot.
>I'll give life a try, I saw the trailers and wanted to see it but heard it had bad reviews.
Fuck the reviewers.
Honestly if you watch the movie superficially it's just a bad alien clone.
But when you understand the symbolism and frame the film as a cautionary tale on science, technology it's an like an ancient tragedy on hubris and nemesis.
It's about disrespecting nature and treating science and pop science as a religion.
Great film.
Bad is a strong word, mediocre is more appropriate.
You savage motherfucker!
is this based?
I think the original is more subtle about itself and that's why I like it more. Am I the only one who liked Leto's Wallace?
I've seen it in IMAX and it's one of the best audio experiences. The visuals and the overall tone was fantastic.
very redpilled post. fed up of poser tfw no gf meme spouting zoomers around here.
I didn't like the first movie. I thought this was the best movie of 2017 by far.
The script wasn't commercially viable. You couldn't market it effectively without spoiling the movie. It was also too much of a sequal. Should have made it a soft reboot instead and dropped Harrison Fords character (would also have saved shekels on the budget) - that would have made it more attractive to people new to the franchise. It was also too long and too expensive. Should have been made for about 100 million.
society programs us all to be a certain way
>people actually think the message was that him "dating" that hologram was a good thing and she was real
unironically, yikes, incels..
Alitafags confirmed literal braindead Capeshitters
Literally none of that actually happened
You don't like real girls?
The movie oozes style, and while I don't think that a movie necesarilly needs a style to be good, I really appreciated it in BR. The cinematography was fantastic, as well as the sound design. The acting and characters were good, though I felt like the main vilian (the Jared Leto guy) needed more presence in the movie, I did really like Luv though. Though I did not feel bored, I do agree that the movie dragged on for just a tiny bit too long. In my opinion, the movie might have benefitted from an aditional subplot, maybe if we got bits and pieces of screentime of the supposed replicant rebelion, people would have felt more interested in the movie, it would have given some more variety to the plot, because it just ends up being one really long search for Deckard in the end
Taxi Driver
We already got it. Drive/ Her / 2049
Saw it twice in theaters and really liked it. The pacing is perfect, if anything, the movie could be 15 minutes longer.
I would watch 8 hours of JOIs feet
>watch BR2049 with gf
>interlinked scene
>what it's like to hold a hand of person you love
>take gf's hand and hold it till the end of the scene
>have one of the most passion and best sex ever
Use it, anons, you can thank me later
100 percent facts
get right on it champ.
>flashback to the intro of the film 1 hour into it
how come modern films don't respect the viewers? It's ok not to get every reference on the first watch. Do they think zoomers attention span is 2 miutes?
>le in cells xddxd
Fuck off
But the incel movement started on reddit though until they got banned. In fact r/braincels is now the largest incel community that hasn't been banned yet.
>reddit zoomer plebs
>lib fascimile souless
Eight! Eight buzzwords HA HA HA!
Your description could be applied to any low budget scifi monster movie. Try harder.
this is the best bait in the thread
These buzzwords were created to describe trash like BR2049.
>reddit hive mind
i found leto serviceable. i just wish we could have gotten the David Bowie version :(
Sorry guys i forgot the part where we got on the floor together and walked the dinosaur my bad
Get friends.
Sneaky cunt
Same thing happened to me in La La Land.
Had the girl crying next to me in cinema and I could have touched her hand.
But I pussied out and didn't.
Big mistake.
>I just wanted some nice atmosphere and visuals.
>It had exactly what I wanted
>I hated it
>It had exactly what I wanted
Atmosphere only works if there is story and purpose and you care for what's happening, there is suspension of disbelief.
BR2049 had none.
The first sequences where it introduced K was atmospheric.
Then it was downhill.
Then Leto took a big dumb in the middle of the flick and then Ford smeared the shit all over.
Afterwards is was a total turdfest.
yeah, just need a gf, easy enough
Depending on your age it's really not that hard user.
Girls just want to feel you are confident.
user is right. It's pretty easy to get a gf when you're 14-22 yo while you're in school/university. Just ask some out and that's all. Can't date cunts on the work though, too much problems. Better be like K and just use some whores.
>asking someone out
What is #metoo? Unless you're an alpha chad, don't even consider it unless being jailed for 10years+ for attempted rape sounds like a good option.
We don't have metoo shit in our country. Is that really a thing? I thought it was a meme among hollywood cunts to get a easy money.
Anyway, to be an alpha chad you just need to look attractive and act like one. Not that hard if there are no stronger ones around. If they are - just become friends with them and fish for females together as alpha squad.
>What is #metoo?
A twitter hashtag by mentally ill faggots.
You are letting them live rent free in your head.
Twitter outrage culture and culture warriors are not real.
Don't be a faggot and talk to girls.
She was right about Goose's performance. It's shit.
>I was lucky enough to go see it at the cinema knowing nothing about it, I'd seen Bladerunner before but never really liked it that much. I could barely remember the finer plot points.
how do people like this exist?
>fancy electronics made by japs
everything about this movie literally kino
Ford's performance is great in a meta way, he knows BR2049 is shit and just doesn't give a fuck.
Although BR2049 would be marginally better if the Deckard and Rachel story arc was completely out of the movie.
Now that I think of it, if they removed that Leto character faggot and just cut 30 to 40 minutes of the film and just removed the replicant uprising then the film would be watchable. Barely. And still devoid of substance, just not offensively stupid and dishonest.
It was a fucking disaster of a film.
>how do people like this exist?
Pop culture was a mistake.
>i know that reference
>irrelevant star wars quote
>Ford's performance is great in a meta way, he knows BR2049 is shit and just doesn't give a fuck.
It's actually the first film in literal decades where Harrison Ford actually legitimately loves the film he's in.
Go watch any starshit press shit and he's shitting all over it while everyone thinks it's "sarcasm", in BR2049 interviews he does nothing but unironic direct praise, calls it a "cathedral of a film"
Also user you spent more than 8 hours ITT today, seek help.
Everything about this is bad.
I have forgotten how bad it is.
This is a film made from psychopaths for psychopaths.
You could build an AI or neural network that could automatically create a derivative film and the result would have more soul than this.
I'm exaggerating but that's what I'm feeling.
It's uncanny valley in film form.
It looks and sounds like Blade Runner superficially but it isn't.
One of the best cinema experiences of my life, besides seeing 2001 in 70mm.
That makes more sense in more ways than one, you think the writers actually intended that though?
It absolutely was, I jerked off to jois before you were born kiddy
I think Harrison think of BR as an actual art and he is really happy to be part of it as an actor instead of a soulless casngrab for kids and manchildren which is SW.
I can't believe people think that Ford is being ironic when shitting on SW. He trully despises it and hate spending time where like people hate spending time in the office.
>cathedral of a film
Lmao, that's stupid.
Also believing in interviews.
Ford is just for a big fat paycheck, he's cashing in on nostalgia and pseudo intellectual reddit faggot brainlets.
>8 hours
Wrong again.
Took a big walk, it was a great day, didn't bother at all with this.
I'm surprised this thread is still on.
Hey user delete this post or else
>Also believing in interviews
Why didn't he do it for literally any other film he has recently done? He has mocked them all, openly in interviews, especially Star Wars. For BR2049 it's the diametric opposite of that.
And it's not just official "interviews", literally any account, written or just off hand comments, nothing but praise.
>thinking br2049 isn't soulless casngrab
You are so fad gone into your unwarranted mental superiority delusion that you are being manipulated by hacks.
Tell me what was the thematic purpose for the inclusion of Rachel and Deckard?
Why it had to be them?
I will tell you.
Faux intellectualism.
Cash grab.
Soulless trash.
Money laundering.
>watching multiple interviews of actors
based and pusypilled
Actually I like to think of taxi driver, drive, and blade runner 2049 as a trilogy of lonliness throughout all of time.
>Tell me what was the thematic purpose for the inclusion of Rachel and Deckard?
Themes of false memory, themes of false identity, themes of acceptance.
Without Rachael and Deckard the story of the sequel would not even exist, especially Rachael. This is all said by Hampton Fancher himself.
Add Le Samourai and I'm good.
Best sci fi film of this entire decade besides Under the Skin.
The more I love blade runner the more and more I see it as a twisted exaggeration of where we're headed even if it takes significantly longer than "2049". Its scary and I think the world really will look dead one day with off world colony advetisments and stuff. I think thats why the soundtrack is so much more depressing and moody this time, because the world is literally dead whereas the first film at least had a bird at the end kinda like a symbol of life. I think the two movies are underappreciated because the emotions its trying to get across are deeply uncomfortable, so we kind of just block it out passively. For example when I was younger and watched blade runner for the first time I didnt even understand the concept of what Roy was going through and feeling so the point of the movie was lost on me.
Anyway I just rewatched 2049 and thats just what I was thinking about.
end blog.
>Without Rachael and Deckard the story of the sequel would not even exist, especially Rachael
Dishonest garbage regurgitated by brainlet retards.
Are you implying Tyrrell build a special highly advanced female replicant capable of having children and then just let her go?
Are you a fucking retard??
It's a fucking retcon at best. It was a stupid story line and they used Rachel for the nostalgia.
Rachel was just a regular replicant and Tyrell was just testing his memories theory.
She was completely disposable.
Fuck BR2049.
This film is so many layers of bad and the fan base is Rick and Morty levels of retarded annoying stupid pretentious faggotry.
>Are you implying Tyrrell build a special highly advanced female replicant capable of having children and then just let her go?
Where did I imply anything like that?
>Rachel was just a regular replicant
Nice meme headcanon that even the writer and Ridley doesn't agree with.
Villeneuve is a hack.
>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
You sound insane honestly.
emma watson is an ugly talentless used up whore zach
based and healed
>I miss those days when it wasn't just an incel meme
Those days never existed.
The entire 6 month long period of it being theatrically released.
>the writer
Certified retard.
First Blade Runner is good despite of him because based Ridley just ignored his ramblings and just filmed.
I applaud the use of actual sets for the base and achieving all the lighting in camera.
You literally disagree with both the writer AND Ridley though.
You clearly know nothing at all about BR in the first place if you think Rachael was just an ordinary replicant.
>Rachael wasn't an ordinary replicant
You are so stuck up your own ass you don't know when you're being manipulated with nostalgia.
Starshitters and capeshitters are more self aware than you and know when they are being jewed out of their money and understand that what they watch is low brow entertainment.
Nice brainfart. Go watch BR again my dear zoomer discordtranny friend.
>no argument
>personal attack
>false assertions
>posts a screenshot from BR and not from BR2049
Exposed and butt devastated.
I loved it. I think it was the best sequel of all time. It took me several showings until I really appreciated it. The first time made me kind of depressed in a way I did not understand. I wanted to understand it, because I could tell it was special. I ended up seeing it 14 times in theaters and traveled quite a distance to see it in IMAX. I enjoyed it more each time. I even thought it might be the last movie I ever see in theaters.
Then Alita came out. Holy shit.
Blade Runner 2049 was the last and greatest kino ever made. Alita changed my belief in what kino could do. Both films will be appreciated in their own right for many decades to come. Both stories about individuals who pay the highest price in the pursuit of personal integrity, knowing it is worth it.
No, it was a joke already.
These movies are unironically pearls in sea of capeshit.
I know people won't accept their deep feelings about this movie.
Deep insode you know it's shit if you are a pleb but the patrician knew from the start it would be overhyped shit.
not much to save in this movie. It shouldn't have the blade runner title. it's just a long minimalist futuristic movie. Even the total recall serie is bettter.
>good up at 4am
>read 100 pages of Zarathustra
>went to a matinee of BR2049 because it was opening night and would likely be crowded later
that was a good day
why the pinguin?
I've watched it 5 times in theater and I hope I can do it again in the future.
Alita is a good and honest film though.
BR2049 is just dishonest trash.
I don't understand what's the similarity between them.
I don't see any, either visually or thematically.
I believe the association is superficial and forced with BR2049 being "tfw no gf" and Alita being "my first waifu" which is pleb reddit tier and offensive for both films, especially for Alita because it was actually great.
In short the screaming K meme is one of the worst things that ever happened to this board.
A very unfunny very forced meme that is worse than even /r9k/.
this. Hopefully the same can be said about Dune
This scene is the best thing Hollywood has produced in this entire millenia.
Post more pictures of my wife. You have my permission
>that subtle off white coloring
>the tasteful slightly misaligned shot
>omg, it even has a barely readable hipster font
>"barely readable font"
shove that phone up your ass you crossposting tourist
I think the world already looks dead whenever I see a Facebook or Twitter logo. Instagram and whatever. Everyone is already a cyborg when they tell you link up with their digital outlets. And of course businesses, not just gigantic corporations but every single little division they have, each with their own Twitter and Facebook and they want to be part of your social circle.
That is a "dead" world to me. There was a short while in the early-to-mid-90s when technology seemed like it would do great things for us, but we were warned sensibly by cyberpunk.
I actually agree with some of the stuff you said. The screaming K meme was an insult I thought and missed the point of the scene, but not entirely. Some of that anger had to have stemmed from him never having a normal life, with a wife and maybe a family. He never defended his independence, while knowing deep down he had a real memory of fighting for something that was his. That's deep stuff and superbly acted by Goose. I see the meme as just the start of the world appreciating this film. Let another decade or two go by. It'll be different.
The similarities are obvious. Both characters bravely face their own memories and acknowledge facts about themselves knowing that doing so cause them and those they love mortal danger. Both stories are about the high price individuals can pay for personal integrity.
You're probably right.
>Rachel was just a regular replicant
she's not. she's tyrell's experiment on implanting replicants with false memories to make them more emotionally stable. she might be the first replicant with implanted memories, but that's not made clear. also tyrell implanted her with the memories of his dead niece. they pretty much tell you in the movie. you don't believe me, check out the script
>Tyrell: I'm impressed. How many questions does it usually take to spot them?
>Deckard: I don't get it Tyrell.
>Tyrell: How many questions?
>Deckard: Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
>Tyrell: It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn't it?
>Deckard: She doesn't know?!
>Tyrell: She's beginning to suspect, I think.
>Deckard: Suspect? How can it not know what it is?
>Tyrell: Commerce, is our goal here at Tyrell. More human than human is our motto. Rachael is an experiment, nothing more. We began to
recognize in them strange obsessions. After all they are emotionally inexperienced with only a few years in which to store up the experiences which you and I take for granted. If we give them the past we create a cushion or pillow for their emotions and consequently we can control them better.
since she's an experiment, by definition she's not just a regular replicant. for the bit about the niece, just do ctrl+f (there's 2 results)
Well you can still enjoy the mountains whereas in 2049 you cant and the grass is glassed. But yea.
Wonderful picture
>Some of that anger had to have stemmed from him never having a normal life, with a wife and maybe a family.
yeah that's what the meme's getting at. the realization that you've wasted your life, and the accompanying anger about it and about not having a normal, fulfilling, happy life.
But the scene itself is much more than that isn't it? The regret over the lie he was told, how it became a lie that he told himself, the confusion over how to live a life of integrity when you know something about yourself that the world says isn't true and would kill you even if it were true.
Well, the meme gets some of it right. Nice digits.
I know all that.
Still physically she's a regular replicant.
She has an expiration date.
She's a pleasure model.
She doesn't have a womb.
She can't have children.
If she could then Tyrell wouldn't have thrown her in the street like garbage.
She's basically a Windows 10 laptop, formatted with Debian GNU/Linux to be more stable.
drive / ogf / 2049
>dishonest piece of shit.
Explain what you mean.
Seek help, user.
>tfw no 5'0 nerdy, slightly chubby qtpi gf who is sheltered and innocent and naieve that you can pin down and gorilla dick her fat ass until you blow your load directly into her womb and then wrap your arms around and pull close and smell her clean hair and tell her how you feel like a different, happier person whenever she's in the room
was thinking the same thing
She's an experimental model and clearly she could have children on the basis that she did.
Gorillas Have the smallest dicks of ale apes
>She's an experimental model and clearly she could have children
Never implied in the original film.
It's inconsistent with the fact Tyrell dumped her on the street.
>on the basis that she did.
Retcon due to nostalgia cash grab.
She's "more human than human" if we go by the original film, and falls in love with Deckard. That's the whole point of it; how human can a robot be before it's a human? Part of that extends into making them able to reproduce independently, like humans can, so it's not out of the question that Tyrell engineered her that way.
>nostalgia cash grab
Not even going to engage with this one, it's already been explained that the themes of the movie make it worth including elements from the original.
>slightly chubby
Rachel is not chubby you faggot zoomer fuck
>dick her fat ass until you blow your load directly into her womb
>ass is connected to womb
Are you a genuine retard?
K posters are the worst.
>ass is connected to womb
No he's talking about fucking a girl so hard in the ass that semen drips out and spills directly into her vagina straight to her womb like we were all warned about in sex ed "anal can still get you pregnant" man they say that in schools okay
>Tyrell engineered her with a womb
Nice retarded reddit head canon.
The Leto character couldn't do it and Tyrell did it in one afternoon, succeeded in first try and then threw her in the street like garbage?
Your opinion is more retarded than BR2049 and the hoops you jump to rationalize it impressive.
Anyway, I'm bored, BR2049 is shit.
>interrupt her kino-watching experience with a validation-seeking chick move
cringe desu
I say what good observation chap!
>threw her in the street like garbage
I don't understand why you keep saying this, because it's not what happened. Tyrell was murdered, and Rachel escaped to be with Deckard.
>he's never gorilla dicked a girl so hard that he perforates the anal canal, enters the pelvis with is dick, and then perforates the vaginal canal before blowing his load directly through the cervix
guess i know who is never gonna be a chad
>semen drips out and spills directly into her vagina
Nice UTI you got there.
You just destroyed your gf, good job anal loving porn watching faggot retard.
>sex ed in school treats anal as something normal and not as absolute degeneracy
This society is ruined.
Kill all shitpusher faggots and faggot enablers.
>Tyrell was murdered, and Rachel escaped to be with Deckard
Zoomer exposed.
Rachel said to Deckard "he threw me out".
Then Deckard opened the door because she had nowhere to go.
She literally says these words.
Tyrell was murdered much later.
Fuck off back to rebbit larper, you haven't even watched Blade Runner.
>Mesa starts playing
I loved the soundtrack, Wallace is my favorite out of all of it.
>watch BR2040 with gf
>K talking to Lieutenant scene
>You're getting along fine without one
>What's that maam?
>A soul
>turn to my gf and say "so are you."
>her eyes go hurtful and empty again
I don't know nigga shit, maybe Tyrell planned the whole thing to make Rachel make babies with Deckard.
Can someone post some lewd fanfiction about Luv? Thanks.
>Rachel said to Deckard "he threw me out".
Does anyone else find themselves forgetting this character was even in the movie?
Uhg that movie couldve been so much better, probably looked great on paper but seemed extremely rushed and turned out to just basically be star bait.
didn't love it. besides enjoying the whole "coping with the fact he isn't important" arc the general criticism towards the film turned out to be as justified as i feared. i was hoping for a similar feeling of satisfaction i felt from seeing drive after it was hyped up by Yea Forums and finding out it was as enjoyable as you guys said it was.
Blade Runner was a hell of a lot better than Drive.
He was the worst thing about the movie. Bad guy being bad just because bad and not in an interesting way.
Reminder that Wallace literally did nothing wrong.
As I left the bathroom, pulling my Umbro-brand underwear up, I saw Luv standing in my half-kitchen, eating cold macaroni and cheese (diced hot dogs, just like mom used to make) out of a glass container. I always buy class containers, so as to keep the plastics from turning me into a woman.
I didn't let her in, and I always keep my door locked against negroid intrustion, but I can see an indent in the drywall perpendicular to my front door, No Country for Old Men-style. And this sultry Chigurh is standing, bare feet on plastic imitation wood, eating my leftovers.
yeah. i'm just saying i had a much more positive experience with drive. i can't tell where my headspace was the time i first saw drive but i assume i had to be in the mood for something cerebral and drive delivered.
i don't care if blade runner is essentially better, i felt more fulfilled with drive
From the transcript
>Rachael: I don't know why he told you what he did.
>Deckard: Talk to him.
>Rachael: He wouldn't see me.
For me this heavily implies that he threw her out.
Therefore she wasn't special, she was disposable and she didn't have a womb.
Therefore BR2049 destroyed and confirmed for a nostalgia cash grab that flopped hard.
>i don't care if blade runner is essentially better, i felt more fulfilled with drive
Because BR2049 is soulless drivel and a trash film.
Don't believe their bullshit
Great cinema experience. Made me feel slightly depressed though. .
"He wouldn't see me." is far different from "He threw me out" you dishonest zoomer tranny.
And the mere implication that Rachael is an "ordinary disposable" replicant while literally having the memories of Tyrell's 16 year old niece implanted in her is beyond retarded.
My honest suggestion is for you to slit your wrists right this instant.
movie has destroyed any semblence of life I live
I have not talked to another human being except at work since BR2049
A tall White Fountain Plate
Then why she stayed in the streets?
Bullets flying etc?
Because she had nowhere to go, this is the only explanation.
She had her coat and a photo of her mother, which was actually Tyrrell's niece.
Memories are interchangeable and the film asserts that Tyrell is a megalomaniac psychopath.
Maybe Rachel is an old busted up model and her expiration date is like a few days after.
My explanation is consistent, you are just retconing shit to make up for the fact that BR2049 is shit and doesn't make sense.
The only movie I ever fell asleep in the cinema watching.
nice r*ddit spacing fag
>Claims Rachael said "He threw me out" .
>Rachael actually said "He wouldn't see me." and user assumes this means he threw her out.
So you're not only full of shit, you're also retarded is what you're saying. .
Except, he is not bad?
>separating with a space paragraphs with different meaning is r*ddit
Found the r*dditor coping hard to blend in
>Because she had nowhere to go
Except literally to Deckard.
>Memories are interchangeable.
Absolute headcanon meme spewage #5437
>Maybe Rachel is an old busted up model
Rachael is a Nexus-7 model. Fact. There is no "maybe" here.
>you are just retconing shit
I'm stating nothing but facts, while you are the one spewing "maybe" meme second hand head canon garbage.
But keep on thinking that Tyrell is implanting memories of his own niece into every other replicant out there my dear mentally ill tranny friend.
>no u
so this is the power of redditors
its not long enough you mean (edited out good parts), its only half an hour longer than the original which feels immensely longer
it is better and makes the original better too
but it does something new with the nostalgia
hes supposed to be a bad imitation of tyrell (blind symbolism, cucked by his own tech), i know its a terrible critique but he's character is a failure and it shows
one thing ill say about the cinematography is that this scene and a few that followed seemed very out of place, still like it though
it just works, so good
try post-modernity
suck when people cant figure out whats good and bad in a dystopia
how did it take this long for a mention of luv
>This is a film made from psychopaths for psychopaths.
empty platitudes
people in my cinema were blown away by the sound design
>mathematical percision
2049 fixed the original, if you want it
its not as good as i initially wanted it to be but for a sequel its top tier, in a sense neither BR is what it could be
gosling had a tonne of input in the creation of that scene
>be rachael
>think you are a real girl
>tyrell: lmao bitch you are a replicant, gtfo
>but I'm real
>tyrell: lol no
>tyrell: *slams door*
>open up
>let me talk to you
>*no answer*
>but I'm a real girl
>cope thinking that all will go well
>this is something temporary, he will see me, he can't throw me out
>keep making excuses to yourself to cope
Understand now faggot?
She has her memories and she still believes she's real, she just doesn't want to accept reality, that's why she says "he wouldn't see me".
>mentally ill tranny is so deep in his own imaginary headcanon asshole that he has to make up entire imaginary conversations in order to have anything resembling an argument
This is beyond pathetic now. She says "He wouldn't see me.", which means he wouldn't see her. Everything else you said is literally dishonest garbage.
It's enough for me that I made you seethe and exposed the emptiness of BR2049.
I proved to you how BR2049 is senseless and you regurgitate the same boring "excuses” and make a headcanon to pin me in a category to attack me because you are devoid of arguments and originality.
Pathetic but expected from a BR2049 brainlet faggot.
>waaaaaaaaaah moving of goalposts waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Nice cry out tranny. Now you atleast learned who Rachael is since your mush mental midget mind can't even keep up with basic film narrative.
yo wtf