>We're all a little chubby but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not the chubbiness, Rosie is a very unattractive person both inside and out. Rosie's a person who's very lucky to have her girlfriend, and she better be careful or I'll send one of my friends over to pick up her girlfriend. Why would she stay with Rosie if she had another choice?
We're all a little chubby but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not the chubbiness...
Top 10 Presidential quotes
Nestled right between Gettysburg and JFK's inauguration speech imho.
>when you see the mind, the mind is weak
pure kino
>To be blunt, people would vote for me. They just would. Why? Maybe because I'm so good looking
>haha i support a demented con-man to be my president because he says smart-ass insults to random people lmao so cool
Amy Adams looked disgusting--nipple protruding and fat rolls exposed--in her red dress before the camera. Very very disrespectful.
We have posters, like this one, who came to this board from Reddit and they aren't any good. They just aren't any good folks. Sad!
>99% of reddit hates Drumpf
>99% of Yea Forums hated Drumpf
really makes one think.
literally my body type
we have the best, hottest lesbian folks!
post penis
pusy pics?
He fucking writes like a 6 years old
They’re not sending their best
Trump being president of the USA is pretty bad for the whole world I guess.
However this guy always delivers some of the cashest memes so I guess it's great for me
you write like a 12 year old, and you can't even curse correctly. sad!
Healthy young child goes to reddit, gets pumped with massive shot of memes and bluepills, doesn't feel good and chages - REDDITOR. Many such cases!
Isn’t he obese?
Reminder that Trump made that comment while he was a democrat
Politics are such a fucking joke.
more than a hundred christcucks got blown the fuck up today, i'm happy
>haha i don't realize the president is a figurehead in a republic
Nobody has bothered investigating the claim that Trump has a bunch of lesbian friends who are willing to act as cuckolding secret service agents.
He never claimed to be thin, he said right there in OP, we're all a little chubby.
we're all a little chubby but Rosie is worse than most of us
he's still a democrat. Trump has more in common with Bernie compared to Hillary having more in common with Yeb!
In 50 years people will remember 3 things about Trump presidency
>Mexican chasin and catchin and wallin
>The Left absolutely losing their mind after a fair election
>His outrageously sick twitter burns that read like they were written by an 8th grade Don Rickles.
I genuinely wonder what hired gun writes his material for Twitter. There's no way a 70 year old billionaire is such a ruthless roastmaster.
have you read his tweets before he ran for President? He was even sicker then.
I can't help but admire Trump. He's literally the embodiment of the American dream. Just one day randomly says "I feel like becoming president" out of the blue, has no experience in office, and just fucking does it. After he retires as president he'll probably go back to focusing on celeb buzz and never look at politics again
lol that's hilarious. Donald Jenius Trump does know how to spot a lyin' lesbo trying to fuck you for publicity. Funny, that.
worst president so fat
wow, he got it exactly right, as per usual
For an American his age he is ok.
I hope Robert did thank him.
Why does he act like he's a late stage syphilis patient?
>that not obese
that picture is not obama though
Probably the two greatest men alive today.
>Trump is da worse
>No Obama
>Meanwhile Woodrow WIlson, Lyndon Johnson, and, Reagan all get a free pass because Americans think history is gay
lmbo based
And Obama is worse than those people. The left is completely unhinged and wants white people dead and it is all thanks to him.
based zion don
>he doesn't know Trump's whole campaign and presidency is a worked shoot
Wew lad
Also he doubled our national debt, ruined healthcare used the intelligence community to spy on a political rival, pretty much the worst of the worst.
What political adviser told him it was a good idea to openly admit to wanting to fuck his own daughter?
>Who is Richard Nixon?
Don't you have church today grandpa? At least take your pills before you piss yourself.
Yeah what Obama did was worse than Nixon. His administration is responsible for the waste of taxpayer money that was called the Russia investigation. We wouldnt be here if his people didnt lie to gain secret warrants to spy on the competition.
>Republicans: deregulates banks, starts multiple wars, establish huge debts, pass surveillance enabling laws
>fuckin democrats
Based retard poster
>yeah i watch fox news all day how do you know
You ask this question on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum where everyone is into MILF/stepmom porn
>The Obama administration is responsible for an investigation that happened as a result of the guy who replaced him's election
This is your mind on /tvpol/
>establish huge debts
that was Obama though and he created new wars as well as isis, you cant even get your insults correct
>muh fox news
lol no but thanks for confirming you faggots cant even think outside your little left right paradigm
>"Go on Donald, go out there and act like you've got syphilis. The voters will love it"
>He's right, people think it makes him more relatable
A very smart one
care to point out where it was wrong? all the spying happened under Obama. You have to be a massive retard to think he wasn't ordering it to happen to protect the replacement he chose
>Obama started Iraq and Afghanistan and then he founded ISIS because he's a muslamic ray gun. (Barrack HEUSIAN Obama. Coincidence???)
>Absolutely BASED retard
Was there ever any doubt that the country that made Vince McMahon a billionaire wouldn't make WWE Superstar Donald Trump president?
>muh Obama conspiracy
What a fucking moron
Lol what a fucking liar you are, what happened in Lybia and Syria under Obama? Why didnt he get us out of those wars like he promised in his campaign?
>I saw him at the table on the show with the smart business speak so I voted for him to sit at the US table and do the smart business speak so I get my job back from the robots
America was a mistake
cry more you flaming faggot
>copy/paste a hannity monologue
>yeah i think for myself
>Airstrikes in Libya and Syria are the same thing as the longest wars in American history
it's been 3 years user
it's time to stop SEETHING
Yeah that's all he did you liar, I'm sure he didnt arm the rebels (isis) at all.
>138 million
senile buffoon
Imagine being this assblasted that even the Democrat's pet black man is a better president than the saviour of the Alt Right
CIA owns twitter and edited this tweet to make him look like a fool. This is what the leftists and the deep state does.
He would be even fatter if he stopped taking all those medication pills.
Not far off when you consider 8 centuries of Hindu genocides and massacres caused by Muslim dynasties.
And arming semi-terrorist rebel groups that weakened the government so much that IS could take over half the country. Prime nobel peace prize material.
ISIS literally started as an Iraqi terror group set up to fight the American invaders
Putting an error in your tweets makes it so it spreads faster.
Like you are doing now, people focus on that stuff and has the opposite effect.
>n-no you're the assblasted one
keep projecting fag
he didn't stop it and Trump was a repudiation of Bushian Republicanism aka Hillary anyways
Yeah when Obama armed them and gave them the cover to act unimpeded.
If that's true then I expect to see your posts on the front page of the Post tomorrow then
Was this before or after he made the deal with the Reptilians to trade child sex slaves for pizza?
Not sure about any of that stuff you just posted but I bet it was before you got that axe wound you call a neovagina.
Jesus, you kiss your sister with that mouth?
no just your mom and she said you need to move out so we can fugggg
Morbidly obese, actually. He does nothing about his weight. He could try eating some salad or vegetables, but they would go right through his body and out his asshole, he wouldn't even be able to digest them.
Obesity is a made up libtard word. Salad and vegetables are for cucks and soiboys.
>he isn't getting his daily portions of nazi beans
Shut up, you freaking nerd/geek. Unfermented onions/tofu is for cucks and onions boys. Vegetables are for healthy people, and if you eat them with meat and good fats, you'll be able to pull out more of the nutrients from the vegetables.
How can you hate this guy?
Onions? I forgot, soi can't be used on Yea Forums.
Mods are anti free speech libtards
He's in his 70's.
Years or tonnes?
gallons. 70 gallons of adipose tissue
stop busting my Onions!
what a perfectly executed riposte, literally no faults at all
Still mad? You're not even American lol.
>no carter or buchanan
Fuck off reddit
And you claim to appreciate American history. Also, get better at green texting.
>bad for the whole world
Jesus, put down CNN for a day