What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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writers strike
the faggot shouldve been kept dead in S1
They cast a nudist as Claire but didn't give her any naked scenes
*tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc*
It's been a while since I watched it. Where does it take a dive qualitywise? Season 2?
I think so. Either then or season 3. It's only worth it for season 1.
the villains except for sylar were fucking gay as hell. adam monroe being thousands of years ahead of evolution and in japan for some reason was gay. Arthur petrelli was gay. They should've considered killing off peter in season 1 and having Hiro fight Adam into another villain that wasn't arthur (or have a new protagonist for season 3 after Hiro kills adam). the carnival season was nonsensical at best.
Season 3. The writing felt like it was fanfiction written by a 13 y.o., the acting got worse, and it seemed like even the actors got dumber IRL.
Hayden is a nudist? What??
when they didn't save the cheerleader.
also nothing past S1 finale is worth watching
The writers for this show were mega arrogant cunts. They got too far up their own asses and couldn't get back out.
S2 was okay for the most part. Adam was a good villain.
>had a second chance to redeem themselves with Reborn
>fuck it up even worse
god damn it
Should I bother with season 2?
I watched season 1 for nostalgia sake and it was ok
I legitimately loved all seasons of the show, but I will admit there were problems.
-Should have kept with original plan of being an anthology
-When forgoing said plan, writer's strike ruined season 2
That's it though. Despite its flaws, it was still a very lovable, entertaining show with a stellar ensemble cast. The comics were great, too.
syler, peter and hiro were all too powerful
The Yea Forums threads for S1 were the best.
I'd hoped they'd all have ended up descended from Adam
>Hayden is a nudist? What??
Everybody knows that, m8.
Hiro stopped being cool after they nerfed the shit out of him.
This, plus characters getting too popular.
The original plan was a blank slate for each season, with a few interconnecting threads
Source? That's a rhetorical question because I know you have none. The final ep of season 1 obviously had a direction in mind for every character going into season 2. Except for maybe the mind reading guy that Sylar rekts with his own bullets.
Dude wouldn't it be funny if someone captured Claire, tied her up and kicked her off of a boat in the middle of the ocean
Her lungs would fill with water and she'd drown over and over for eternity, ha ha
2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike
never recovered after that
I'm still amazed how much it affected TV shows like Heros and Lost. It's incredible that writers would actually have a union and were actually able to nab all the talented writers.
I see a lot of people blaming the writers strike, but this is a show they simply didn't know how to continue. The first season was well planned out and had a goal with the bomb and everything, but after that it seemed like they just made shit up from episode to episode, and it was like that after the strike too.
This is my sentiment. S2 was still ok and had some interesting moments (like Hero sending Ando messages from the past through the long way) but S3, damn what a fanfic bullshit.
Nothing. It was perfect.
Writers strike they didn't recover from and a main hero and villain both with extreme power creep that an attempted reset ruined further.
Seriously, the strike had nothing to do with it. Season 2 was in production and aired most of its episodes before the strike kicked in and it was perfectly clear that they had no idea where to go with the show. The only thing the strike did was cut down the "Generations" arc by a couple episodes and postponing the second half of season 2 to season 3. It was fucked with or without the strike.
it didn't go wrong if you stopped at the end of season 1, which is what you should have done
I'm downloading Season 2 as we speak
No. Pretend it end in S1 and move on.
writers' strike
NBC over-crowded the payroll with too large of a cast, then cut the show's budget.
It's hard to make a good show when most of the small budget goes to an inflated payroll.
enjoy time travel/multiverse retardation
>lose potential lover in alt. universe
>give zero fucks afterward
as someone who watched every episode as it aired weekly, this still pisses me off to this day
I need to re-watch the first season
Remind me because I haven't watched it since it aired, isn't it revealed that he actually eats people's brains ?
This. Not having her be casually nude the entire series was a mistake. Should have been exactly as she was, just always nude.
same thing as lost, it wasnt actually going anywhere
No, his power is he can see how things work just by looking at them and so I took it as he would look at their brain in order to emulate whatever set off their powers himself. He doesn't eat Claire's brain for instance, he just looks at it and prods it a bit while she's still conscious and next thing you know he can heal
That was some season 3 bullshit though, if I recall correctly. They were pedaling it at a time when they wanted to make Skylar a good guy.
>be show about people with powers
>don't have the budget to actually show powers in action and resort to guns and fist fights
>it's a mohinder or what's his name is scene
>it's a mohinder turns into a giant fly episode
fuck off
But those were hilarious and kino
>Season 3
But what was the ploblem?
Nutting went wrong, you spa
>watch S02E01
>cheerleader has to be covert and not bring attention to herself in new school to stay off radar
>halfway through the episode she breaks leg for no fucking purpose and regenerates in front of a guy
I remember that the interracial couple in this was one of the earliest times I started suspecting there was somebody pushing this for some weird reason, even before I knew who were behind it.
It was still in that awkward phase of TV where shows were still 20+ episodes per season. This is just unrealistic for the type of show it wanted to be. Some premium cable shows were moving to the 13 ep per season format. Heroes should have done that. This is right at the beginning of the TV Renaissance. Having all those episodes meant lots of filler and resorting to shitty tropes to keep things moving.
I'm okay with it dropping the anthology format if it had fewer episodes per season. Anthology probably would have been more expensive in the long-run.
The writers strike ruined S2. It caused them commit to stuff that didn't make sense in order to shorten the season and they couldn't plan much for S3.
Then they ran out of ideas. There could be only so many world-ending arcs and the story really suffered from a lack of cohesive vision. Also I think Kring left the project at some point. If this series had a planned ending from the start, it would have gone a lot better. And for some reason it turned into NBC's version of LOST. I remember Yea Forums having lots of Heroes vs LOST threads. LOST just wasn't a good model for a TV show.
I always found it weird how they had to nerf Peter so hard as if he were all powerful otherwise. His power was really inconsistent and unreliable already in S1, aside from the dark future episode, so they didn't really need to do that.
S2 was worse then 1 but still watchable. 3 had a good enemy in daddy Petrelli, but the episodes went from being really good to utter shit. 4 was the one where everything went wrong with nothing redemable at all.
not enough heroes
The writers strike did fuck up the planning they had laid out for the show so they had to move the seasons around.
>What went wrong?
it got cancelled. Next season would be kino
After carnival bs and reborn I doubt it.
But if they fixed and on the original plotlines then it would've been great
carnival would be kino
>would be
what did he mean by this
Show had peak Bell and killed her off for some insane reason.
Maybe she got tired of being in this dumb show.
The only had one season's worth of story. Barely.
Peter and Sylar should not have been point of view characters after season one.
Their plan was always to start with a fresh cast but it was obvious NBC was NEVER going to let them do that. Then the new characters they introduced in season 2 were trash. Hurricane Katrina Taskmaster gives me a migraine just thinking about her.
You just reminded me of how garbage and forgettable they were
>Hurricane Katrina Taskmaster gives me a migraine just thinking about her.
Too bad, huh.
Recently re-watched S1 for lack of anything else, and then just stopped. What I can remember of the rest of it is a incongruous mess.
Also, wasn't there a character, and irish copper woman, who was dumped by peter, by accident, in a desolate, plague ravaged future?
And then didn't he go back to the past, and fucking change it, basically erasing the timeline she was left in and thus eliminating her from existence as well?
Am I remembering this fucking shit right?
I remember that as well. I can't remember why he couldn't save her.
Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad, Sylar good, Sylar bad ......................................................
The first season was where everything went wrong. This show sucked from the start.
Not enough Flashfu
>the villains except for sylar were fucking gay as hell.
>sylar actor is literally gay
>not liking based adam monroe or daddy patrelli
Adam was the most underrated character and was a well of exposition from his 400 year experience. His death killed the show.
Sylar was awful because it meant nothing after the first season.
Daddy Patrelli was final Boss and should have been an ally of Adam. 400 years of experience is invaluable. And there could have been a side plot with hero and Ando fighting Adam through. Matt Parkman and speed waifu was unnecessary
this was the true crime.
We lost what could have been a timeless masterpiece. Thanks to those buffoons, everyone hates unions now.
obviously this is who should have been shipped
Hiro was the most wasted character. This show could have gone inter dimensional.
>I can't remember why he couldn't save her.
It's not that he couldn't save her, he just didn't try.
>Thanks to those buffoons
dude who gets jewed more than hollywood writers
Buffy made it work
this was annoying
>His power was really inconsistent and unreliable already in S1
Only because he was inexperienced, and even then he was getting better at using his powers as the season progressed.
It's their own fault for making a character as powerful as Peter whilst having no idea how to actually use him.
I think his version of the powers he copied should have been weaker than the original users. That way, he'd be versatile but not necessarily a power house also.
It was, but that future sylar with the kid was pretty interesting if I'm remembering well
How did it end?
Claire jumped off a ferris wheel in front of a bunch of normal people.
What would give him balance is if he was dependent on emotions he is feeling at the moment. So if he is angry he can't fly or whatever. That would solve a lot of issues in the later seasons.
It was pretty underwhelming
>Adam was the most underrated character
He wasn't underrated, he was underused and misused.
So much potential.
Instead it was just lame.
I think that's what happened.
I vaguely remember the whole virus subplot ending and then peter's irish love interest he left in an alternate timeline that was deleted never ever being mentioned again. Not by peter at any rate.
That's why it stuck.
It seemed like such a massive fucking plothole that was willfully forgotten by everyone.
The fact that he was getting better doesn't mean that full control has to be possible though, as shown by the fact that he couldn't stop himself from becoming a human nuke. His power is fundamentally irrational in nature and he should have stayed an inconsistent wildcard in later seasons. It's easily justifiable based on what we had seen up to that point.
Oh fuck I just watched this moment and he just left her there and went back to normal reality
Jesus Christ I didn't laugh that hard in years
He literally did nothing wrong.
When they did the save the cheerleader/bomb thing again
Claire's lack of nakedness
Christcuck mods
he sucked and fucked
Season finale was kino. Spoilers ahead.
you calling someone a relaxing treatment building ?? the fuck?
The dark future episode was GOAT
>matrix Hiro
>freedom fighter Patrelli
>SS haumpsturmfuerher Matt Parkman
there can be only so many world ending acrs ...have you ever heard of comic books?
>SS haumpsturmfuerher Matt Parkman
Fuck I wish I were here when it first aired
Remind me who lost a lover?
Those days were great. I came to Yea Forums exclusively for heroes threads.
we also had a chat on mibbit
They skipped the big payoff. The brothers vs Sylar had been the fight the show was building to and they didn't even show it. What's the point. Also, they give everyone super powers but there is so few fights in general. What a waste.
From what I've heard, the writers strike fucked things up and that's why that plot point was dropped.
>Channel surfing
>"Hey, isn't that that actress from Heroes?"
>"Hey, that guy was in Heroes, too!"
>"They brought back Heroes!?"
Was the new stuff any good?
It's was excusable with Heroes, because they weren't making a point of it or pushing it or glamorizing it or anything. Just greater representation and acknowledgement that, yes, some interracial families exist.
No. Not one bit.
didn't peter left a gf on an alternate future timeline and never came back for her?