What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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To stop the movie halfway and simply walk away

Neo-nazis are justified in their hatred

Steer clear from Americans. Who in their right mind would think curbstomping is acceptable behavior? Or fucking another man in the ass.

niggers should fucking hang

what do you think user

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>If I nonchalantly yawn I will show them that I'm not afraid and I'm really comfortable around them, then everything will be ok--
They very fact that people subconsciously resort to this sort of behaviour when approaching niggers surely says something that they consider there is a threat. Though point out the threat and do something about it and you're called racist.

>get fucked in the ass
>become a liberal

two lessons

1.hate/violence breeds hate/violence
2.everything Derek believed pre-wokeness was correct

Dont make it a race thing. You wouldn't catch me just walking casually next to a gang of rednecks or nazis either.

>gangs of rednecks and nazis
Life isn't a movie. Those don't hang out on corners like wild niggers.

Nazis are bad and niggers are too.

depends on where you live, I live in rural Florida, you walk through the wrong neighborhood and are a bit brown, you get death stares, you get close you get taunts, you get within arms reach you're probably asking for real trouble, I personally wouldn't chance it

>and niggers are too
Why are nazis bad then?

>depends on where you live, I live in rural Florida, you walk through the wrong neighborhood and are a bit brown, you get death stares, you get close you get taunts, you get within arms reach you're probably asking for real trouble, I personally wouldn't chance it
What a fucking bullshitter you are. The only person you're fooling is yourself.

Well I sure as fuck wouldn't want to associate with a neo-nazi prison gang that butt fucks other dudes against their will. Gay.

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>White is good
>Black is bad

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>first half of the movie presents the reasons to turn into a neo-nazi
>second half of the movie shows how neo-nazi logic is flawed
>then the ending reinforces the first half of the movie
I don't know. The only way of explaining this movie is that it's trying test the audience, our reaction. At the end, most people feel cheated and angry by the way the young brother dies. But having the lesson of the second half, would you justify Derek going back to being a neo-nazi after his young brother's death?
I seriously don't know.

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>White and black are equal

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writing coherant screenplays is hard so better hope the actors can sell your bullshit.

White nationalists are closeted homosexuals

>no bro there are no racist white people bro SJWs just invented them to help the jews AAAGGH GAS THE KIKES AAAARGH.

Violence begets violence. You reap what you sow.

white and white isn't equal, and neither is black and black. Imagine being this retarded

Around blacks
Never relax

not lying, there's some seriously redneck fucks where I live, most the area is covered with horse farms, but there's some very poor neighborhoods that have white porch monkeys chilling everywhere..used to hang out with a heroin addict and tagged along with him when he'd score, my bad for riding along, but those neighborhoods were rough, less so than the black ones, but I was very aware of imminent danger if i stayed for more than 20mins or so in either area


prison is sexy

>white and white isn't equal

If Yea Forums and /pol/ prove anything it's that.


That life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

It's a film about revenge and the consequences it brings latter.

I think the moral of the story is that Derek should have tried to move on after the death of his dad and take care of his family instead of getting into a neo nazi gang.
The black kid that killed Danny at the end did that out of revenge for Derek killing the two black dudes that night.

Is a spiral of violence that never ends

>>second half of the movie shows how neo-nazi logic is flawed
Does it?
Honestly most of the points raised by Derek are legitimate and they're only discredited by his violent actions.
Nothing that happens in prison reinforces the notion that his mentality is inherently wrong. The big moment is, "has anything you've done made your life any better?"
That's meaningless, it may mean the approach was what was flawed, not the philosophy.

Hate breeds hate

what about just a group of white dudes standing? Because that's all it was, a group of black dudes standing

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fuck niggers and fuck jannies

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the only way to assess a philosophy is via externalized actions prescribed by it, user. that includes attempting to describe it.

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I've never once been able to see the video of this with sound. I'm really curious as to what this nigger was saying. The body language on the woman he punches says she had absolutely no idea she was about to get attacked. I want to know his rationale he no doubt expunges in chimp to the camera.

Around blacks, never relax.

I'm not a gun advocate, but that fuck should be shot in the head

What a ridiculous statement.
If my philosophy's ultimate goal is contentment there is nothing wrong with that notion but the execution may be flawed. Perhaps the philosophy can even identify the root causes of misfortune but the manner it suggests it which dealing with them is flawed.


Don't relax.

>The black kid that killed Danny at the end did that out of revenge for Derek killing the two black dudes that night
Imagine being this fucking retarded and unable to follow a simple plot

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Americans, no matter what race they belong to, are inherently violent

doesn't that assume contentment is desirable or worth anyone's time over other endeavors?

>If my philosophy's ultimate goal is contentment there is nothing wrong with that notion but the execution may be flawed

a philosophy is more than an intention or goal. if a philosophy identifies what it claims is a root cause but provides no means of assessing whether its own claim is true or false, it's nonsense by Wittgenstein's definition.

the basic problem with racial "philosophies" is that they rely on the correlation = causation fallacy.

by your definition, autistics stimming are following a philosophy because stimming helps them relax.

I think most people think that because he was loosely related to the gang the kids killed by Derek, were in

It's about how violence is circular.
Derek's behaviour rubbed off on his little brother and eventually got him killed.
Derek getting out of the cycle wasn't enough to save his family.
It's interesting seeing different people react differently to Derek and how justified they think he is.
Some will take a more emotional and cathartic take, his dad was killed so he's justified being tilted to every black he sees.
Others think that he was justified in curb stomping his dad's killer but not putting that shit on all blacks.

>niggers are good people

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and yet all of the violence is initiated by the 13%

you'd better think extremely seriously about whether the trouble of using Edward Norton's worth it because he *will* complain, meddle and try to circumvent you all the way through your project?

why are all these white people just sitting doing nothing? reminds me of these chinese videos where someone gets stomped and people are just watching

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>a philosophy is more than an intention or goal. i
No shit, I said as much. But any philosophy ultimately has a goal or central thesis, there may be value in that but a flawed execution.
Ultimately this is all bullshit though and just sidewinding the actual discussion.
If we're to look at Derek's actions and the statement that "has anything you've done made your life any better" then it's reasonable to conclude no, but that doesn't mean that his intentions were misfounded, or that he was wrong it what he identified as the root cause behind his problems, it could simply be that his approach to these identified issues was the problem and if he had a different approach to the issues then his life would have been better.

It's because that's what was intended to be in the movie.

The kid was part of the gang. Derek got into a gang war after killing those dudes.


Living around niggers makes you racist

>why aren't the people whose ancestors were beating down and softened by Christcuckery doing anything!

Unironically this. I always felt the movie was secretly red pilled as fuck.

>Main character hates blacks, think they are all violent thugs, etc
>Changes his mind because of one nice black dude
>In the end though, his brother is murdered in cold blood by a violent thug black. Thus proving that his initial view point was actually right all along.

Most people are retarded then. Theat kid would've been in fucking middle-school by the time Derek was sent to prison. He wouldn't be in any gang.

but what about the one nice black dude?
he wouldn't exist if all blacks were violent thugs

The one nice black dude was in prison too. Just another criminal.

the real reason is because they don't want to risk getting shot

His brother is killed because Derek's actions turned him into a little skinhead faggot who openly hated blacks.
Yeah it's nice he stood up for some other kid but he should have been keeping his head down and working hard at school to get out of the shitty ghetto neibourhood.
You have to choose your battles in life and Derek's influence caused his bro to choose poorly

if you define a well-founded intention as one that makes Derek's life better then yes, it does make sense to say his intentions were misfounded.

but the problem is also that the movie was poorly written, because it gave Derek actions that didn't require racism and then fudged the context by making him a neonazi so as to artificially impose a racism theme.

so both you and the movie are intellectualizing what is ultimately a story about vigilantism being punished where the racial theme is actually secondary to the drama.

basically Derek is a "good Nazi" character who is pre-exonerated for his racism and spends most of the movie being contrasted with "bad Nazis".

that does not seem correct.

kind of stupid to blame this on Christianity considering that not even a century ago christians were hanging blacks from trees

Based and niggerpilled

But Danny isn't even that young in flash back when Derek killed those black guys.
Him and the kid who killed him were almost the same age

because of trumped up charges.one nice guy in the bunch doesn't prove anything, but that guy shoudn't have been imprisoned for as long as he was.

I feel like we're going in circles because what you've just said is basically a summation of my original contention to which you felt compelled to reply to contradictingly.

He's in high school at the end. Derek is in prison for three years. Do the counting yourself.

>The moral of the story
Around blacks never relax. Also, multiculturalism was a mistake.

Attached: multiculturalism in action.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

Riddle me this: if the majority of people felt that was a good thing why isn't it still happening?

gangs hold grudges, they know who the Vinyards were, they used Danny' death as a revenge and an initiation

Same as this

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What the fuck?....Poor Frenchies, they've lost their identity

because what the majority of people feels is good changes over time

Overall it shows how violent niggers are.
>nigger kills Derek's dad
>turns Derek into a natsoc
>play some basketball with some niggers and win the court
>niggers don't like this and decide to attack Derek's home
>Derek defends himself
>ends up in prison with a bunch of larping race traitor Nazis.
>gets ass raped by them
>makes friends with nigger
>leaves jail
>tries to leave the cycle he is in foolishly
>his brother gets killed by a nigger
The film basically shows that around blacks never relax. Derek should of kept his views and then would have had the gang he was in control more of the beach area hence making it safer.


Retards here condemn the black thugs for being thugs but aprove Derek becoming a thug and getting his little brother into that shit.

Look at them ... Not a single baguette in the room

not really.

you're saying having a racist philosophy
can still be "well founded" if you don't act contrary to your best interests.

I'm saying that actions are the only way to assess a philosophy in any case. my point is that a racist philosophy is meaningless mental clutter at best (because you can neither prove anything or act meaningfully on it), or likely to land you in jail like Derek at worse.

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The blacks would have still come to his house, ad he would have still killed them, and he'd still go to jail, and he'd still have a schism with the Nazis because of their drug dealing hypocrisy

>mods delete animal threads
>mods delete actress threads
>mods don't delete nazi bait
>mods don't delete incel bait












Why did he punch her?
Did they got him in jail?

I haven't watched the movie for years, based on this it really is a implausible mess.

LMAOOOOOOOO i was thinking the same thing. its amazing how we can analyze this thought process down to his behaviour like that

He obviously felt like doing it

>my point is that a racist philosophy is meaningless mental clutter at best (because you can neither prove anything or act meaningfully on it), or likely to land you in jail like Derek at worse.
Ridiculous. You can look at the past, see what worked and base your life upon it. If I have a racist philosophy, search for a community that is exclusively white, live there and my life becomes better then what does that say about my racist philosophy?
Is it proven that it's beneficial for whites to live with only whites?
Is it disproven?

Hate breeds hate. Break the cycle.

Keep you head down, for what? Standing your ground is a good thing. Going with the flow gets you executed. So many fucking execution videos are people waiting for their death, if they fought they would have at least had a chance, or if nothing else take out a captor or at least damage them, possibly for life.

This guy was bound, but he could have ran...

Attached: 300px-Execution_of_Nguyễn_Văn_Lém.jpg (300x217, 26K)

at least this thread has some thought exchange

Attached: Paris Metro.webm (640x360, 2.18M)

Whose actions turned the black kid that killed his brother into someone willing to kill someone else simply because of their demeanour?

This post was made by 30 year old roasty.

I honestly feel sick watching this. I was brought up watching old documentaries, Jacques Tati films and other assorted shit that showed the romanticised notion of France and particularly Paris. This is just disgusting.

yall see dat, muh fuggin doot finna bix nood

Sadly this is most likely all that it would be.

>If I have a racist philosophy, search for a community that is exclusively white, live there and my life becomes better then what does that say about my racist philosophy?

it says that it's based on correlation = causation, like I said above.
this is really totally straightforward.

>Is it proven that it's beneficial for whites to live with only whites? Is it disproven?

now you are using poorly-framed rhetorical questions and asking me to disprove a negative. honestly it would be fine if you admitted to yourself that black people scare you instead of throwing the word "philosophy" around in the hope of being validated on the internet.

spot the guy who doesn't live around any blacks

.....there needs to be a purge

around blacks never relax.
>protagonist gives some school niglet a mean look in a bathroom
>gets shot dead
>>b-but he was raysis so it's justified

>that showed the romanticised notion of France and particularly Paris
That France and Paris are dead and buried in shit.

>it says that it's based on correlation = causation,
And if the correlation and causation are overwhelmingly linked? What conclusion would one then draw?
>now you are using poorly-framed rhetorical questions and asking me to disprove a negative. honestly it would be fine if you admitted to yourself that black people scare you instead of throwing the word "philosophy" around in the hope of being validated on the internet.
They don't scare me per se, but this doesn't mean I cannot identify patterns and beneficial behaviours.
To be honest there are differences that simply need to be addressed and acknowledged, pretending they aren't there and admonishing someone for seeing them is a temporary measure at best and ultimately useless.

he's showing off for his retarded friends. we probably have the video because it was posted for noteriety points.

Never relax

I know, that's what makes me feel sick. It's gone forever. Centuries of fighting and building and just surrendered within a few decades.

He could had get away from jail he hadn't stomped the guy's head in middle of the street. The police could had take it as self defense if it wasn't for that.

/pol/tards don't seem to understand that if Derek hadn't got into a gang after his dad's death in the first place him and his family probably woundn't have been the target of other gangs.

He became a thug and got into thug problems.


France waa always jewy m8. If it got glassed completely I wouldn't shed a tear.

>just let blacks rob and kill you haha dey b gun bois hu dindu nuffin

Imagine the smell...

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I don't know, I see a once great nation, with a people inherently similar to me, now gone.
For me that's sad.

Retards biggest mistake was not making eye contact. The smelt the fear on him.

Should just eyeball them as you walk. They get uppity you pull out the knife or gun to get them to back tf off. Obviously this won't work with seasoned hood rats, but these are a bunch of skinny jean wearing fucbois so they wont try anything.

>What conclusion would one then draw?

not a philosophical or scientific one. the problem is the confirmation bias.

e.g. in 2016 it came out that at least one black community in Michigan has been drinking lead-contaminated water for decades. it's linked to higher crime rates and bad academic results, and poorer, blacker communities in America are routinely exposed to more pollutants. part of the reason for that is your kind of mindset: blacks being seen as lesser is used to justify cost cutting which then creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. simplicity is reassurring but life is complicated.

imagine the smell

Those blacks deserved death though, can't always let them get away with it. I'd rather have some periodic vigilantism scare people straight or at lest think twice before being violent murderers, rather than have everyone and everything getting so out of hand that we all end up under a police state

LA is a fucking shithole

If you actually care about the culture and ancestors of France you should send me $50 breh

>They don't scare me per se

if you DID have a phobia, then the treatment for that actually consists of graded exposure to the source of the phobia under safe conditions, not avoiding it by going to live in Gentryville Tennessee.

*Rubs hands*

movies get ruined when you edit too much out of them and it completely scrambles the middle portion of the story and the characters transition is made less clear

So you should just keep your head down and let some black kids run riot over a nerd because they might be in a gang? Danny didn't do anything wrong, as far as we see he never openly harrassed blacks the way Derek did

Still the guy getting stomped was premeditated murder by Derek.
He clearly acted out of rage there. It wasn't an intelligent move.

As this user said they should had tried to get away from that life.
So sad that they didn't knew better.

Because if they did they'd either:
A) Get shot
B) Get filmed and branded as a racist and lose their job and be unable to ever get hired again

Oh fug da goyim no :DD

it was a crime a crime of passion more so, premediated I think really counts for planning not spur of the moment on the whim/fly type of killing

What would you have done?

You guys are too naive to understand that it is a war you ain't gonna win.

Study, get a job, get money and get your family out of that violent place and just let the thugs kill eachother with their gang wars.

It's a good plan, but screams against man's internal nature to fight, I'd be hard pressed to fight my base instinct. At least when I was young, my bravado wouldn't have allowed me, As an old man with lowering testosterone I'd probably puss out from any fight these days.

Around blacks never relax

There's like 7 black dudes vs 1 in that vid. What the fuck would eye contact even do?

Niggers are evil. You don't beat evil by ignoring it you beat it by splattering brain juice on the concrete. He moves his family out the niggers and beaners just follow white people and his sons or grandsons will have the same situation.


Nothing cause they're pack animals and wont do shit without their leader.



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>he's never seen a blue lives matter sticker

Never relax.




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Not to curb stomp a nigga outside of your property.

>not a philosophical or scientific one. the problem is the confirmation bias.

>e.g. in 2016 it came out that at least one black community in Michigan has been drinking lead-contaminated water for decades. it's linked to higher crime rates and bad academic results, and poorer, blacker communities in America are routinely exposed to more pollutants. part of the reason for that is your kind of mindset: blacks being seen as lesser is used to justify cost cutting which then creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. simplicity is reassurring but life is complicated.
On what of the overwhelmingly amounts of black communities without exposure to this?
You talk of confirmation bias and then use an example as supporting evidence. Laughable.

Monkey fresh.

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h i r u s s i a

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>trannies are for trump

>a gang of nazis


This is the most jewish post I have ever seen in my 10 years of being here.

>yes goy, casually let your friends get murdered and your childhood home replaced with niggers, your point in live is wageslaving for shekels


Attached: jewhands.png (150x86, 5K)

>just flee and let the animals run the place however they want
Spoken like a true cuckold. They're OUR places and WE run them. If a bunch of violent apes act up, we have to stop them. Stop being such a meek idiot.