>6 am
>easter sunday
>just woke up
watcha drinking boyos
gonna pop this badboy open and watch jesus kino all day
6 am
Other urls found in this thread:
>watcha drinking boyos
>has a home
>drinks like a homeless crack head
Why? Also I'm abstaining from alcohol for the most part. I just can't handle it well.
I'm drinking Little Creatures Pale Ale. Number 7. I'm gonna keep going for about an hour then order some indian takeout.
Why is drinking in the morning universally considered a bad thing, while many, many stoners wake up and immediately get blitzed and even built a whole "wake and bake" culture?
Sparkling ale and gin. Same as every day
Ive recently got full on addicted to amaretto and coke, nearly a 70cl bottle every night.
Cant drink today though as im driving today
Our recycle area has 7 glass bottles of amaretto, all from me
I love drinking in the morning on a sober stomach.
Instantanious buzz.
>watchu know about dat
>prolly tons
Went through a stage of drinking that in my 20s. Can't even tolerate the smell now.
Chillin, about to go to work, thursday mornin. think I might drink me a brew, get through the day.
Last night my mom was being weak, had to beg my sister for steel reserve 210, 9.1. What you know about that?
I"m drinking that same poison, 3pack of 24oz for $4.99, I can't stand this shit any longer.
>watcha drinking boyos
150 lashes here. been drinking it for about 9 months. it's hard to get drunk on and doesn't give you a hangover. very nice beer really.
whats the fucking point if you cant toss it at a sleeping bum
I bought a bottle of this to help me deal with the pain after getting a tooth filling redone. turned out I had an abscess and blood poisoning and now I can't touch the stuff because it reminds me of the excruciating pain and nausea. shame.
Jane Levy thread.
Beer is beer user
Tonic water. I'm not drinking this year, tastes nearly the same as a G&T
It tastes nice but
>it's hard to get drunk on
I find this with any beer let alone a 4.2% one. I just don't see the point.
Shut the fuck up alcoholic. No health problems with wake n baking opposed to drinking alcohol for breakfast. Fucking retard
What the heck is an oz
you're an idiot. malt liquor is super hard on your head and stomach. it basically gives you a hangover while you're drinking it. and it tastes like liquid ass
Americans can't into metric system.
kek I thought potheads were supposed to be positive all the time, having a bad day?
>google malt liquor
>"it refers to beers containing a high alcohol content, generally above 6%"
>high alcohol content
Fucking americans
Surprised you typed that out correctly without shaking violently
>drinking alcohol
enjoy your CVD and cancer, degenerate.
I've never once experienced that. You might be a weak ass bitch
>drinking anything other than spirits
>drinking anything other than vodka or whiskey
not only does it taste awful but you need to drink tons of it to actually get drunk causing you to bloat out like a fat drunk retard
This will be me one day
Some faggot kid I guess hid a bottle of cherry pinnacle in the bushes out front of my house, probably running from the cops, how is it? Should I just mix it with cherry coke
Don't drink that shit unless you want hepatitis user
Easter is next weekend, heathens.
It wasn’t opened.
>got home from being screwed out of an early release by my manager so he could make himself look good with inflated productivity numbers
>was gonna drink but now have to wait till later tonight
>its 1 am
In ways im glad i can only drink at night but at the same time i have no patience
>mom was being weak
>Can’t drink today though as im driving today
This user gets it. I switched from drinking hurricanes and steel reserves to buying 1/5ths of vodka. Get drunk WAY faster and with a lot less. I dont get super trashed just enough for a nice buzz on my days off.
What are you when you drink on your days off but not alot and can go weeks without drinking when you want?
A normie
>drink lots on friday
>yesterday start drink vodka all day because fuck it its easter
>oh shit i have to stop drinking so much
>at night realise i got the day wrong thought it was sunday
>wake up eat a protein bar and make a big pincher of sangria that i will be drinking all day because fuck it its easter
Doing my first morning shift at a beer store I just got a job at, drank and slept all day yesterday then woke up in fright this morning but managed to get my shit together to be in by 7am. Now trying to relax and browse Yea Forums until I get off at 4pm, then I have tomorrow off thank god I have to sober up at some point... might sneak a beer today at the job if possible
>might sneak a beer today at the job if possible
Don't do that son, they'll definitely fire you if they think you're stealing from them or drinking on the job. Even if they're a booze shop and more likely to tolerate having employees who are alcoholics, they'll still want you to be sober and alert at work.
purple drapes
how do u drink that shit? if u want cheap high % alc just get those smirnoff 8% fruity things they sell now.
drinking coffee and watching the hobbit with the sound off so as not wake anyone up
orthodox pls go
not all of us are alcoholic fat fucks who drink everyday.
Same user, same. Cheers.
Not all things are equal. Even if you were drinking say Coors or Bud you'd be consuming low quality but this stuff is shit.
>beer tastes bad
lmao, have sex
It's just a poor american thing. Lol last night I consumed a coffee coconut stout by weldwerks it was like 9%
Probably hiding it from his gf
it tastes like ass and i would rather drink vodka. Vodka and whiskey you can easily get use to and you need to drink less to get drunk. with beer youre just drinking bad water in the bucket load to get really drunk, its not enjoyable or efficient. Meanwhile a cold whiskey or vodka is delicious and gets you shit face. enjoy your beer belly fatboy
>last night I consumed a coffee coconut stout by weldwerks
You must only drink shit beer then. Vodka tastes like ass.
Coke tastes exactly like amoxicillin for me
Don't wash bad stuff down with nice stuff, it's a fucking trap
You're beyond a light-weight if one bottle of malt liquor does you for the day.
I've been a heavy beer drinker all my life and I look like a Calvin Klein model at 35. Exercise and eat less when you're drinking more.
id rather drink a pint of vodka than a pint of beer
Is there anything more fucking agonisingly boring than alcohol pedants
>40 ounces
Isn't the whole bottle like only two pints? I usually drink that much in 1.5 hours on my drinking days
isn't 40oz and 2 pints the same? both 1 litre
>he doesnt workout everyday
never gonna make it.
>isn't 40oz and 2 pints the same? both 1 litre
That's exactly what I was talking about
Normal beer has around 5.8% anything above that just gets the malt liquor label. Keep getting triggered like a tumbrina though :^)
Wild Turkey 101 for me. It is 7 am, and I am just getting started.
>having to work out harder to cover up your shitty boozing on beer rather than drinking superior spirits and make better gains for less
Working out is good for you're health. Among other things it releases serotinin and endophins and makes you feel good. Sweating is good for your body too and also also I'm probation and I'm gonna try to burn some metabolites. Why don't you work out? Humans need excersize
Lad a 70cl bottle of vodks contains over 2000 calories.
Happy Easter bro. I'm gonna drink 4 of these over the course of a few hours and pass out in a hotbox of cigarette smoke.
I do work out, my point is I dont need to work out even harder to burn off the gallons of beer I dont consume so I do even better.
I have drank some of those Jamaican things. those are like drinking an entire pitcher of kool aid tho bro. that amount of sugar makes me instantly sick, with a slamming headache.
also they are not cheap, compared to the $1.09 I pay for a tallcan of steel. a can of this Jamaican shit is like $3.79
Buy so.ething higher quality then you don't have to mix with coolaide like strawberry milkshake ipa
8% lager in a plastic bottle, how long have you been homeless op?
Lmao ok druggie.
Got the day off work coz I have bad shits. Gunna crack open a few beers and watch On Cinema Oscar Specials.
high west yippee ki yay
I wake and bake when I'm not on papers but doing that everyday isn't good for your mental health and you become less capable of creating your own dopamine and seratonin. Also consider dabbling in edibles for your lungs health
whats you know about that?
Prolly based and human conditionpilled post.
probly tons
Why would you put shit beer in a glass? I thought people put beer in glasses so they can smell it while they sip
Being drinking ouzo, anyone else like it?
I'm drinking less and less, one day I'll quit for good and I'll be objectively better than all of you degenerate worthless fucks. You feel that niggers? It's the sound of my sobriety, knocking on that door. Yeah you feel it, don't hate bros, LEARN.
I like being drinking too senpai
no, im not turkish
It's greek isn't it? I don't care I like it
Had these when I visited Perth. Decent brews Ausbros.
I bet you don't drink less than me. I only drink on Saturdays and at the most a sixpack and I won't be able to do otherwise until January. I enjoy the taste of good beer not necisarilly being drunk. Have you been having trouble quitting? Go cold turkey if your really drinking so little
love ouzo, don't like getting drunk on it
it gets sickly after few glasses
never accept any style of something that is called "greek" OR "turkish"
neither will accept the other invented something, you can have greek coffee and its basically turkish coffee and visa versa, entirely clouded by personal bias
The metric system is for imperialist bootlickers. The US of A said fuck the crown and their bullshit measurement system.
I probably know nothing about that
Do you dilute with ice/water or straight up? I dilute with ice and it goes down very easy so it's easy to get a head going but I agree getting pissed drunk on it is not my favorite way to do it.
I've never heard of ouzo being turkish before and I even know that the jews in israel have their own anise drink that is pretty much ouzo but they have their own name for it and it's a little bit different
>and at the most a sixpack
Is this why amerisharts are so obese? I barely drink one beer on weekends and would never touch the stuff on weekdays. Imagine being so fucking degenerate you drink booze after work
>Lol last night I consumed a coffee coconut stout by weldwerks it was like 9%
I don't work on Saturdays lol also I weighless than 140 is that fat in your country?
>last night I consumed a coffee coconut stout by weldwerks it was like 9%
You must only drink shit vodka then
If you think that will get you fat you must not excersize. You should it's good for you.
What do you drink?
>mom’s being weak
bout to play some KidPix
It's practically the same thing as raki. Long term intercultural changes and homogenizing in that entire region and all that.
34 days no booze and no meat
was the same with sugar but I ate a creme brulee yesterday, wasn't that good but the sugar high was like MDMA, it was mental