What are your guilty pleasure movies?

What are your guilty pleasure movies?
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Bring it on

Love it or hate it, his performance is legendary.

Nothing wrong with the first one, it's a genuinely great adventure film.

I'm not guilty about liking Pirates at all

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70's-80's rape thrillers

It implies PotC 1-3 are perceived as bad movies, which they aren't by all measure.

disney's siberian mouse

Everybody loves the first Pirates

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PotC 1 is generally regarded as a fine movie, and no one will really think badly of you by watching the sequels since they can still be enjoyable

00s slasher movies like Drive Thru and Freddy vs Jason

He was so fucking handsome good lord
F and no homo

>mfw Freddy vs Jason was supposed to end with this guy stopping the fight between the two

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>dark room
>Tron in the background
>grinding out some RuneScape slayer experience

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The fuck is wrong with you. 2 and 3 are great. Damned NPCs I swear.

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2012, the day after tomorrow

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You shouldn't feel guilty. It was kino.


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I agree, 3 is probably my favorite of the series.
Too bad it went to shit afterwards.

Did they really have to make 5 movies in a row that all featured immortal enemies?

>the fuck
>likes 3 more than 1


What was his fucking problem?

PIERATS Hombre, pierats!

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>the best sci-fi/horror film since Alien
that's a bit bold statement, but arguably not incorrect

Zoolander. It's an absolutely shite film, but for some reason it makes me crack up harder than any other film apart from Freddy got Fingered but we all know that's an actual masterpiece

Charlie's Angels

Being stuck in a disney movie