Wel, sir, it's just that you're incompetent, sir

Wel, sir, it's just that you're incompetent, sir.

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In the book it's said that these guys(the medics)didn't go through the same training the other recon marines went through.Apparently their training is tougher and after completion they are presented with the choice to either join the seals,marines or delta.According to their choice they are attached to an unit.Basically he was the best fighter in the unit and therefore the most revered and that's why he could get away with saying that.

thanks user, i didn't know

Why would they invest more money into training a guy whos job is literally not to fight

because his job is to keep others fighting

How does that make him "the best fighter"

Because you're spending serious money on picking among the typical retards who join the army to find a guy capable of being taught to be an effective combat medic, and then you're spending more money teaching him how to do his job. At that point it's just good business sense to also give him the relatively cheaper combat training stuff to make sure they're also capable of handling themselves in combat, because you don't want your huge investment to die.

I thought, it's because the medics in the Marines are Navy Corpsman.


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No, Sergeant Major! It's groovy.

its "screwby"

Any USMC fags in here? 2nd MarDiv just got shafted pretty firmly by the CG himself....makes me ever grateful to be out

Lots of to come

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>combat medic
>doesnt do combat

He's literally better trained than everyone else. He's trained to be able to do anything that SEALs or Rangers have to do, and he's a doctor.

so hes respected for making the worst decision?

>joyride through iraq commiting warcrimes, racism and dad jokes

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he's respected because he literally keeps everyone alive and he's smarter and better than them in every way.

better than letting them joyride through your country yuropoor

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>set middle east on fire because bush did 9/11
>cause refugee crisis
>you're welcome

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>Sgt Major Sixta's job is to be a paedophile and he excels at the position
Crazy how Raimi's guest writing appearance turned out so accurate

>You're inappropriatin' your friend's child by attempting fornication wit'it!

>yuros invite "refugees" from somalia, morocco, and all shithole countries unaffected by U.S. conflicts

rent free

>Countries like Somalia, Morocco that are unaffected by US conflicts
>American "education" at work here lads

>U.S. tries to give international aid to Somalia after a famine kills hundreds of thousands
>warlord controlled militias chimp out and seize food shipments
>u.s. restores order by capturing said warlord
>this is somehow a bad deed

But i guess to the modern yuro mind, the mere presence of americans causes you to seethe

>Restores order
Fucking lmao. They all got together to BTFO the Americans and then went straight back to shooting the fuck out of each other.

is... this what Americans actually believe?
The entire planet hates you, world police zogbot.

/k/ would slot you for this post
Corpsmen come from the navy and spend 95% of their careers on a ship.
I think his rank was considered an nco which is why he would attend team leader meetings and could get away with saying the things he did. Although it's mostly because encino man had lost all authority and did not command respect.

Is this an in joke I'm missing or illiteracy