Films no one else remembers...
Films no one else remembers
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I actually really enjoyed that flick
whoever remembers this is a true brother
this movie single handedly ended adventure movies
there was National Treasure 2 after this but it was the last hurrah. year later iron man and dark knight happened and the capeshit era have begun, full time mode.
I too saw it on Film4
watch it last week.
>that tagline
I'm pretty sure Adventure has already been to the Sahara.
that's a classic and gets brought up all the time
I saw this in the theatre.
I still remmember it.
The kind of key that shreds.
Plus that teddy bear.
And that opening football game.
here's another Dirk Pitt movie no one remembers
Sahara was Kino.
The opening that shows the history of the two main characters should be mandatory viewing for film students.
Oh, no, I 'member.
Down Periscope was really that obscure?
watched this last week. Really good movie
>series famous for being sea-based
>gets the only non -sea adventure in the franchise
the book is kino
Everybody who was alive at the time ‘Kids’ came out, heard of the movie.
I remember every kid in my class in a Catholic high school wanting to go see it.
The movie is directed by a blatant Pedophile.
The movie was shit.
The media tried to sell it as some sort of, “this is what childhood is like now” movie, when in reality, that only became more commonly mainstream a decade or more down the road.
I think you're confusing him with this guy
Maybe all Larry Clarks are pedophiles?