Here's your Phase 4 Marvel, bro

>Ramone's mother, a former member of Black Panther's Dora Milaje guard, left her some vibranium jewelry when she passed away. Ramone has only now discovered her mutant ability to fuse her body into any material she touches ... and it may be one of the best power sets in Marvel's universe.


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Is it that bald african chick

White males put on notice.

thats the same powerset of absorbing man, who's been around since the early 60s.
OP is a faggot that doesnt have any knowledge outside of clickbait.

>discovered her mutant ability
thought Marvel didn't have the rights to the mutants yet, or maybe that's just a poor choice of words on the writer's part
also, depends entirely on how the power functions to how broken it is because there are already characters with that ability but better


op is a marvel tourist

I'm officially done with capeshit. Thanks for forcing me out of another hobby I enjoyed, progressives.

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You know. I used to get like a couple dozen Marvel books a month in my prime comic buying days. Then about 2010 I gave up on it. DC soon after, thanks to the New52 fiasco.

I can see I made the right choice.

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They always still had the rights in the books. Just Ike put a quiet moratorium on X books since he felt like they were promoting Fox movies for free.
So... she's Absorbing Man? Yaaaaaawn

>This new female charactter is the STONKEST character ever, and she WAHMEN, she have power of HULK,, IRONMAN, SPIDAMAN an like FIVE of the other ones too. WOMEN STONK! also she GENIUS level intellecte and INVENTED a new way of time travel when she was 11, AND shes QUEEN of a planet!

"strong" powers, but weak an[d half-assed] character

Like captain Marvel. SJW do this everytime.

>could create literally fucking anything
>copy two existing characters
>make it a black wahman

Reminder that we're in the worst possible timeline ever.

wait up though, did you hear about her interesting character flaw?

her flaw is that she's always right and is perfect, but she just doesn't believe she is... because of the patriarchy

>female character
>character flaw

>dyke blue hair
>strong independent womyn

Endgame is the end for me.
I've been getting so sick of super heroes.
I've seen the same shit too many times.

I just hope there are no CG armies. That's what I hate the most. Senseless, endless, soulless polygon armies fighting. Nothing worse.

>>could create literally fucking anything
>>copy two existing characters
Better than copying just one.
Checkmate, Nazi scum.

Attached: 220px-Captain_Marvel_29 (1).jpg (220x329, 43K)

my mistake then
could've sworn Fox only had the right to make movies

That's what I mean. Marvel still had the rights to mutants in the books. Just Ike didn't want writers using them because Marvel didn't have movie rights. Now with Disney buying them back via buying Fox, all bets are off in the books and films.

Yeah. If I want to see dorky cgi armies smashing against each other, I can boot up my pc and play some vidya.

Attached: totally-accurate-battle-simulator-041019+-+tabs.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

An empowered african-american female superhero? Why not?

I'm so glad Venom made money just to see the marveltards seething that the spidey universe will still remain with Sony.

I cant even imagine a world where people buy new comic books, especially from the main publishers, what a fucking waste

isnt ramone a guys name?

>I just hope there are no CG armies. That's what I hate the most. Senseless, endless, soulless polygon armies fighting. Nothing worse.
Oh user, I have terrible news.

Post the pasta

That's okay, because nobody does.
These retards have completely obliterated the American comic book industry.

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Fuck this Phase4 crap, they should just start the process of integration of IPs. For starters a standalone X23 movie would be a good way of starting to pull the X-Men into the MCU, if they want to pair her narrative with a Fantastic4 arc that involves a bit of time travel to pull her into the present day then so much the better. I'm assuming Endgame will have some of that so bringing Reed Richards into things via an un-snap would work as well.

it looks like W O K E is back on the menu boys

The dirty secret of SJW comics. They put an artform out of business lol


Attached: american comics4.png (853x318, 432K)

wow.. that really stimulates the imagination and lifts you up.

Nigger bitching.

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The funny thing is Endgame kills capeshit as a whole. After they've gone from saving the city to saving the planet to saving the universe, where can they go from there that'll have the same effect?

That's probably why Disney seeks to transfer the narrative to be about SJW crusades.

comics have become PSA awareness leaflets that you actually have to pay for

If they want to be using them to educate people about their politics they should be giving this stuff away for free, not expecting people to pay for it.

Especially when you insult a large percentage of potential customers and either tell them they aren't wanted or it's not for them [ but if they don't buy it anyway they are bigoted, and if the book doesn't perform well it's because of a bigoted audience]

100% crazytown. The movies risk dying off too.

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what are the most kino spiderman runs? modern spiderman is an effete mincing retard

>comics have become PSA awareness leaflets that you actually have to pay for
Yeah. Back in my day they did that for free.

Attached: spidermanpowerpack.jpg (328x499, 217K)

Where I live there's Dragons Lair, a comic shop that WAS excellent in the late 90s/early 2000s. Then some company in Austin bought them out, and now they refuse to sell older books, toys, or anything. They only retail new stuff. The people who work there are millenial pieces of shit. The shelves are full of faggy pop vinyl. Plus they have their diversity statement on their window, too.

And then there's another one a little further away called Heroes and Fantasies. It has vintage Star Wars and GI Joe hanging off the ceiling, deals with both old and new merch, and has older books galore.

Guess which one gets more business.................

Is this thread a reading-comprehension test?

Grammer is just retarded sjw pc bullshit we don't need that shit on our web forum. Its called freedom of speech snowflake.

It’s worse.

She gets a special vibranium suit that she commands at will ala Venom and she uses it to save her brother and girlfriend American Chavez

>Guess which one gets more business
Gee I dunno man, the one that didn't need to get bought out to begin with? Sounds like the new shop's targeting a different demographic and the old one was winning beforehand.

Also that's way too many fucking ellipses.

>literally being radicalized into isolation by your political cult

Disney bought 21 century Fox, so now they do.

You're talking about your hollywood cult?
>muh you're "isolated" because you don't want to consume bullshit jewish capeshit
That's some top tier orwellian thinking right there.