Name a more insufferable, piece of shit character

Name a more insufferable, piece of shit character.

Attached: Peter Falk A Woman Under the Influence.png (978x516, 454K)

fuck you, Columbo is goat

I can't...
Uh wait, uhhh, just a minute...

Janice Soprano

don't talk shit about Columbo you fuck

Adult illiteracy is something else

It's true. I didn't watch this show for the longest time, just because it's such a fucking annoying character. Then I watched an episode or three and started to get into it. It's a great show.

>not Christopher
Janice was also hilarious you dumbfuck

tony's kid

>working man provides for his family while his wife is completely fucked up
>insufferable, piece of shit character

Jenny from Forest Gump


Attached: Penny-Johnson-Jerald-The-Orville-Jacket-510x600.jpg (510x600, 33K)

Skyler Heisenberg ofc

retards fucking everywhere

You sound like a murderer

Tony Blundetto

Uncle Owen was a complete fucking bell-end and I've hated him since I was 8.

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Attached: 2019-04-10 22_25_05-Watch Star Trek_ Discovery - SS 2 2019 Ep 010 - The Red Angel online free _ Bmov (542x783, 566K)

You know, that's a really funny thing OP. My wife, God Bless Her, goes on and on about the most inane nonsense ever conjured up, kinda reminds me of (You).

He's been doing blue-collar work for his entire life, not really having developed his emotional side or temperament. It's just the way he is, just like Mabel. Of course you could argue Mabel is getting the short end of the stick in the marriage, because she want's to please Nick no matter what and he at points places more importance to the appearances of their marriage than her well being. In the end they're still a good fit though, as Nick is, if not even more crazier than Mabel and both accept each other as they are.
Anyone else get teary eyed at the dinner table scene? I can't help it when she asks for her father to stand up for her, how I'd just want to leap and hug her then and there.

Peter Falk is goat btw
It's bad form to be dissing him

I was glad the cunt got skellingtonned

He's a commie basterd.

Begone zoomer filth! Columbo is great

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Not as annoying as she was in 24 though

Attached: sherry-palmer.jpg (638x374, 17K)