This is what Muslims actually believe

Attached: 1555812645102.jpg (850x413, 107K)

>they aren't all little girls
Not real islam

Imagine the smell in that room

wtf i love islam now

desu it is great propaganda

It's actually grapes

Muslims believe in not drinking alcohol but take a night out in Berlin or Paris and you see sand niggers drinking all the time. They also hate faggots but love fucking little boys in the ass.

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Why is the white man's religion so critically non-based?

>Only one of them has pubic hair
Not based

no, a white guy drew this. and white guys masturbate to this.

this is greek and roman tradition tho

You are correct that an Aryan God drew this, and that Aryan Gods masturbate to this, but Muslims do indeed believe this.

Piss,shit and fart smells.

Well then they're pretty BASED if I dare do say so myself.

Trips and I get a perfect girlfriend.

Why is Urd there?

Dubs and I steal your gf

singles and all three of us die


they believe in all-stars R34 harems?

I have to agree, keeping women as sex slaves is both BASED and REDPILLED.

Boys are not men, so it's not gay.

Where can I sign up?

>not gagged
Going to have to pass, chief.

It seems /pol/ will never be able to come to terms with the fact that Islam is the ultimate redpill

literally only have to say a sentence in earnest in front of some witnesses

And Jasmine

A white ethnonationalist islamic state is the pill to end all pills

Hitler knew this, but the so called """natsocs""" of today still flee from the ultimate truth

What do they believe? In the rule of 34? Don't we all?

They believe that in heaven you will have a harem of 72 waifus of your choosing

Let's see your waifu grid now

the little girls arent treated as captives. think about that for a moment

Attached: 72virgins.gif (600x199, 51K)


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>welcome my brother
why would you say this to a guy dressed in tactical gear holding a strobing AR-15 playing 'march of the grenadiers' on his bluetooth speaker?

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So if a man dies while fighting for islam he gets his virgins in paradise.
But if a woman dies doing the same, does she also get virgin men in paradise?
I am leaving out the possibility of gays because they are not allowed in islam.

He's wearing a pakol. He just forgot he wasn't in Afghanistan/Pakistan anymore.

wtf i love muslims now

Christians are the same thing basically, so what? Are you a hypocrite?

they also get virgin women... a-and I get to watch...

Attached: 1535670962450.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

She gets to be one of the 72, for someone...

Doesn't seem very equal to me, also what if she was married with kids in life, does her heavenly body become virgin?