When will leftypol stop posting damage control threads because Zizek lost?
When will leftypol stop posting damage control threads because Zizek lost?
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Why was Zizek in the last jedi?
What did /pol/'s idol mean by this?
I don't think he lost (because the debate was so boring and low-energy that nobody gained anything from it), but I'm sick of the commies posting on the board right now and shitting it up
>Thinking that JBP won
when will niggerpol keep trying to make counter circlejerks about their cult leader when they get btfo out of the thread that already exists?
Imagine what it'll be like when you hang yourself in your closet LOL.
The absolute state of the 21st century man lmao
Oh boy, here we go again. The debate was just done to shut down alt-kike babies and to expose the charlatan Peterson.
We need to come together. Bigger enemies approach that neither can take on alone.
why do people think peterson is even alt-right? he's just a harmless center-right conservative. dude teaches at my school and his best friend is some balding asian math prof. half his classes are filled with black/brown/asian students, i'm pretty sure he's not pushing for some white state
t faggot
implying you're not a shill for the only actual enemy
He said some things that go against the leftist insanity group think so he must be a nazi.
>/pol/'s idol
It's just an easy term for leftists to lump anybody on the right who's not a straight up neocon. Never mind that most people actually alt-right think that Peterson is a well-paid shill
Nobody is a card-carrying member of the alt-right. You are labeled it by someone who believes you fit the category.
By that token, it's simply something that exists in someone else's head.
The debate was boring.
They didn't really say anything new.
Zizek called Peterson stupid or made a mockery of his position every now and then but Peterson would respond with a perfectly logical rebuttal.
I zoned out when zizek tried to engage Peterson in religious terms because it's just boring silliness.
I don't even know if they had a point of contention that wasn't resolved within a couple minutes. Zizek has some illusive belief in marxism and Peterson criticizes something that Peterson claims to the descendant of Marxism but Zizek sees it as more of a bastardization.
The left is literally the fifth column of the enemy subverting from within.
lot more people unironically self-identify as "alt right" than anyone was ever self-identifying as "sjws"
sjw was ENTIRELY a strawman meme to train gamerfaggots to radicalize against
and "alt-right" was a rebranding effort by the far right to make themselves sound more appealing.
Zizek is redpilled tho
fake tweet, you just cropped out the bottom part (fake tweet by blabla) when people called you out on your shit
Hero of the left looks like a brain damaged hobo fuck
Chapo is brigading literally everywhere. It's all they know how to do
Zizek is complicated. A lot of the left has abandoned him because he refuses to go along with their new idpol campaign. He thinks gays and trannies distract from the goal of the left, and is anti-white guilt.
Alt right is a catch all term for anyone under the age of 40 that isn't a raging lefty
Like leftist, sjw, and so on and sho forth
I guess they can relate to him because they have brain damage.
Unless your that spencer faggot controlled op who refers to himself as at-right.
>says as he posts /leftypol/ damage control
For G-d's sake can we get some real decisive fucking damage for once?
Even with the Mueller report, it's just a bipartisan slugfest. I'm sick of two LARPing corporate shills pretending to fight infinitely to no further development or advancement
this attitude is just to preserve their delusion that they are free-thinking political philosophers who happen to have all arrived at the conclusion of hating feminists and immigrants by logical deduction.
Most of pol loathe the dude as far as I know
I have to admit that Pan-Europeanism in the form of the EU is indeed disastrous for the Europeans involved.
>this is the best I could construct after 30 hours of hard work.
based cocaine man
also he shits on SJWs all the time
>all arrived at the conclusion of hating feminists and immigrants by logical deduction.
as opposed to your intellectual position of?
Pushing for a white state or even reduced immigration isn't something you find in the "alt-right" in the first place. The alt-right is just the collective name for all the grifters who keep trying to sell repackaged neocon bs to young people.
easy to do when your parents pay for your internet and you're 29
these commies need to leave immediately, usually low-effort shitposts are endearing but the ones they do are so bland that they are annoying
He literally got disowned by the left for being too against immigrants and lgbt stuff, the dude is probably more socially conservative than patreonson funnily enough.
>Zizek lost, LMAO
>JP lost, LMAO
Nigga, none of them lost if anything the so-called "debate" end up in an agreeing term right there if you even called that debate at all.
Zizek is against the modern left moreso because they have abandoned class-only policies, and are forcing social justice into that same mold. Zizek HAS to be against that shit because it takes away from the class fight, aka the main thing he cares about.
And yet we have the New Zealand shooter and the Unite the Right rally. The alt-right exists, just as much as the SJW raging lefties exist.
Someone on Dissenter posted this
>As someone who watched the debate live, row S in the orchestra pit if you are curious, I have a few observations of my own. It's true that Jordan Peterson spent his first half hour criticizing the communist manifesto. What is not stated in this article is that the debate was put together at short notice and Peterson was not familiar with Zizek's work (something he said in his opening statement). He was told he would be debating a Marxist. As he later comments to Zizek on the stage "you are an odd Marxist to have a conversation with" he also asked Zizek why he labelled himself a Marxist when most of his ideas seemed to be original concepts and not a defence of Marxism. At which point Zizek revealed himself self as more of an Engelist (might have been something else) and cited a number of more obscure works that he based his thoughts on. He did not say that he wasn't a Marxist however.
>In the closing remarks, Peterson hoped that people would go away from the debate believing in the power of communication between opposing ideas and Zizek hoped that people would reject the simple opposition between Postmodernism and the Alt-right. That being a left-leaning person did not mean you had to be politically correct.
>The subject of happiness was only spoken of at the tail end only, both agreeing that happiness was more usefully considered a byproduct than an end in itself. The premise of the debate is at fault more than the participants. They billed it as Marxism, Capitalism and happiness. Zizek isn't a traditional Marxist, Peterson isn't an expert on capitalism or Marxism, he a psychologist. If anything they should have left the topic as Happiness and allowed both personalities to discuss it from there own viewpoints. They did finally come to a point of disagreement. How social change can best be brought about. Zizek advocates for large scale social action and Peterson promotes individual action but is not against large scale change. everything leading up to his should have been the pre-debate discussion and THIS should have been the topic.
Holy damage control