Based George

Based George.

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Nobody cares about your sellout whore, shill. May he get fucked by the mouse again.

He got paid and now the whiny fans are begging at his feet.

Love you too, George.

I love this revisionism bullshit how everyone pretends prequel are a masterpiece now

This is worldwide stockholm syndrome shit.

he is looking really old

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Jar Jar is based

George Lucas will die in our lifetime.

Has 4 BILLION dollars yet looks sad and homeless.

ikr. like can't we acknowledge that the new movies are shit, and so are the prequels

Was really revisionist bullshit that people might have liked them when they came out, or was it a couple of autists who screamed really really loud?

Disney and Lucas are the two things associated with Star Wars and if Disney is down Lucas must be up.

most normies find any situation more complex than "who won" too anxiety-inducing, as they're so socialized that they just want to know what side to be on. hence the worldwide obsession with sports as escapism.

>Has 4 BILLION dollars yet looks sad and homeless.

he doesnt have to look like anything u dipshit, hes george lucas, he can dress like a hobo-dont-give-a-fuck cause hes got FUCK YOU MONEY.

absolutely top tier human bean, creative genius, and epic troll. "jarjar is my favorite character" - top fucking keks george. he knows whats up.

the most based thing about this is that he didn't actually bother to show up to the event.

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Dipshit! Dipshit?
You calling moi a dipshit?
Listen faggot I will eat you and your entire family.

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jar jar, bb8, finn, rey, poe

jar jar lead the way for cgi characters like gollum, etc. people shit on him, but it was ambitious for its time and the fact that so many people hated the character more than the fact that he was cgi meant the cgi achieved its job, created a CHARACTER.

bb8 sells more merch than any other nuwars character and is the most novel designed nuwars character we got.

finn beats rey cause dat reveal trailer when he took off the storm trooper helmet set the ball rolling for all the WTF-tier hatred nuwars received, it was so dumb to see a black storm trooper after learning the troops were all suppose to be clones of maori's in the prequels. not even a racist thing, it just broke the established lore for no reason, no matter how they tried to explain/retcon it. should have given him a different role.

rey is next up just cause shes a main character and beats poe solely cause she gets more screen time but both are completely forgettable not good actors.

I don't take anything serious from anyone who has a beard.

>I don't take anything serious from anyone who has a beard.

that is one of the most bigoted and at the same time gayest statements i have ever read on Yea Forums, congratulations.

Sign of a nutcase, having a beard.

>Sign of a nutcase, having a beard.

ya cause cutting off your god-given natural facial hair you were evolved to have using jew made razors and jew invented shaving creams like a peasnt/slave every day is totally sane.

might as well cut your balls off too while yer at it boy. i bet you get your pooper waxed so your boyfriend's dick has a smoother ride sliding in and our of your butthole too huh? faggot.

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Enjoy your soi milk encrusted facial hair, retard.

>Oscar Isaac
>not good actor
I'll give you shitty character, but Isaac is a solid actor

Good to see George is in good health.

Star Wars fans are just salty because their kiddy franchise didnt grow up with them. From what i saw, a new generation of kids loved the prequels.

>>not good actor
>I'll give you shitty character, but Isaac is a solid actor
sure, he doesnt get much to work with in nuwars but the only other thing i have seen him in was Triple Frontier and he sucked in that too.

It still hurts him that he failed with the prequels. It's almost sad, if he wasn't such a weak willed human.

Sometimes you just lose that spark George. Let it go. We don't hate you for trying...we just wanted better because you set the bar so high.

For a man who gave up after his wife divorced him, he really can't handle rejection.

>It still hurts him that he failed with the prequels. It's almost sad, if he wasn't such a weak willed human.

the prequels brought in more new fans and sold more merch than all of disney nu wars ever will.

Doesn't make them good. Not an argument. It's still not what could have been.

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the real arc that got changed was that jar jar would be revealed as a sith lord, there’s actually really compelling evidence, the episode 1 clips of jar jar standing next to people and mouthing the words theyre saying as if hes mind controlling them are creepy as fuck.

>Doesn't make them good.

i wasn't arguing that they were good or bad. i was refuting this statement >It still hurts him that he failed with the prequels.

because they didn't fail, they were super successful and made more money than expected and led to a complete resurgence of interest in star wars, leading to an endless amount of new star wars content via books, video games, comics, toys, cartoons, card games, RPG games, conventions, and so on.

where as with nu wars disney has literally announced they have to 'take a break' after the nu-trilogy finishes to 'let fans heal' because its soured so many people off the IP that they cant even get hasbro to renew the license for toys and they had to cancel the obiwan movie and the live action star wars underworld tv show, objectively FAILING.

still being this buttblasted about ep1

fucking based

>it was so dumb to see a black storm trooper after learning the troops were all suppose to be clones of maori's in the prequels
Except everyone knew the Empire stopped using clones between the prequels and the OT. It just became a meme because if how ugly he is.

>Except everyone knew the Empire stopped using clones between the prequels and the OT. It just became a meme because if how ugly he is.

wrong, thats never stated/explained/shown in the films or novel adaptations of the films and ONLY explained in EU novels which disney disregarded as canon leaving the bulk of normies to assume storm troopers = clone troopers.