How the fuck did he get away with it?
How the fuck did he get away with it?
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He is actually a real black man. He has been doing whiteface in all of his other movies this whole time.
He's transracial
It was a different time.
Yeah and Soul Man was about how racism is bad too.
I think this movie came RIGHT before the SJWs took over entertainment
Not only did he wear black face, he joo joo'd his lips and puffs his nostrils and spoke in ebonics
He's Robert Downey, Jr.
it was a different time
>How the fuck did he get away with it?
it was a different time
when this movie was released, bush was still in office. it's that fucking old.
He spoke jive, not ebonics. Hence the other negro getting annoyed at his sayings.
is it not the same thing?
You're all wrong. He's playing a character who is playing a character wearing blackface. It's an incredibly important degree of separation.
by being a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
He didn't. Just wait ten years or so when a journalist at Huffington Post decides she wants to spice up a slow news day by taking on a crusade against something a celebrity did long ago that literally no one cares about.
It'll be James Gunn's tweets all over again.
This. He got away with it because people understand that it's satire.
are halloween outfits not satire?
when is blackface not satire?
Yeah all this ">it was le epik different time" shit is moronic.
It's absurd and a bit of a loophole, it could still be done today.
when school kids are being hunted down for using black face paint 9team colours) at sporting events that happened years ago
There's a clear distinction. The butt of the joke is the man playing the black man. If the butt of the joke was black people it would be different.
Based Jamie.
did that fox news anchor get fired for saying their was nothing wrong with black face?
so if I wore a halloween outfit as a black man as a joke that'd be ok?
Contrarians who like to pretend that social justice was always a thing need only look back a decade for evidence that it wasn't. Sure it was there is a very weak form but only as something to laugh at. Things were so apolitical in the 2000s it is amazing.
Giving normies a voice on the internet was a mistake. This stuff only came about after the development of the smart phone.
Don't underestimate the power of "yaassss gurl".
No because it would be clear that you're not the butt of the joke. The joke would be that you're dressed as a black man. With film you can add a lot more subtlety.
fuck you talk some bullshit
The smart phone and Obola getting elected.
It would be very difficult to communicate a character of that depth adequately with a costume alone.
so if I did Halloween as Robert Downy JR in black face that'd be ok?
if my teams colors were black and I blacked my face for a game would that be ok?
What is bullshit? RDJ's character in Tropic Thunder is a man who is attempting to play a black man, not just a black man. He's not actually black, in the movie. He's a white man pretending to be a black man. Huge difference. There are several running jokes about it too.
Unirconically this. It was 2008, and Twitter was in its infancy. Now you mention "black" and all the SJWfags come out of their shitholes.
If I were a fan of Downy JR and said on tv that I think it's not bad to wear black face would I be ok?
Tropic Thunder is now 11 years old. You legitimately wouldn't be able to get away with it now.
this unironically, before the social media gave every useless cunt a platform to speak his mind, and before everyone and their mothers made blogspots, "journalism" websites, and wrote clickbait articles just to stir shit up.
He also stereotypes blacks and make a mockery of them, all while wearing black face
Damn it
>black face
He wasn't be an over the top caricature you pea brained moron. I can't do the critical thinking for you to understand the difference.
>He wasn't be an over the top caricature you pea brained moron
what are you trying to say lassie? Is the barn on fire
And still he was a better nigger than most nigger actors.
Yes but it's clear in the context of the movie that it's not promoting that as being something that's okay to do.
I can't help you if you don't understand satire. Not everybody does. There's another layer in front of it that people like you can't see. To put it in the simplest terms you say one thing but mean the opposite.
nothing in his role says anything like your bullshit.
All blackface is satire
No it is not.
so if me and my friends dressed as the Jackson 5 for Halloween we'd be trying to offend blacks? It wouldn't be a satirical joke?
stop being a such a mealy mouthed apologist.
This movie would could NEVER be made it this current climate and you know it
I'm not saying you'd be trying to offend anyone. You'd just be dressing up as them. You're not satirizing anything.
As short of a time ago as the production and release were, people back then understood the black face was making fun of the type of extreme mythic tier method actor that would do something like that. The point of the joke was ‘it’s inappropriate’ in a manner very similar to a South Park episode. Plus Tropic Thunder didn’t make a big enough impact in the film or comedy world to be brought up in Twitter assaults now.
all posts telling you to kill yourself are satire
I never took it as making fun of black people at all. It was pointed at insanely obsessed method actors I thought.
5 white nerdy guys who can't dance?
This guy gets it.
The fact that you fags are arguing about this shit right now, on 4channel of all places, shows just how fucked the times have become, instead of laughing at a light hearted joke, you over analyze the shit out of it, just like Shitaku writers do.
Why do they do this?
When I dress as Micheal Jordan for Halloween I'm not making fun of black people, I just really like the guy
This guy doesn't get it.
how the fuck did chris lilley get away with it
People in this thread actually believe this is evidence that 11 years ago blackface was acceptable and now it's suddenly not.
People understood that it was just a movie and a joke.
Why do people do this?
It was. My sister is a makeup artist and has done plenty of black faces in her career. I have Halloween pics of her, a white blonde girl dressed up as a black man.
The funny part is that she's a huge SJW. She scrubbed all her work off facebook long ago
Cause people are retards
>B-but what about
Context is meaningless to lefties. They use it only when suits
That's the entire fucking point, a couple of years back you could crack some jokes and have opinions that the sjws have just made unacceptable in today's society, black face wasn't "normal", but you could dress up as Mr.T for Halloween and everybody would have fun, now you can't pull something like that off because you will certainly get some cunts getting in your face, friends too, virtue signaling and lecturing, not just expressing their opinions but forcing them on you instead of just living and let live.
Soon enough you won't be able to even express your views and opinions, something akin to speaking about the holocaust in Germany.
RDJ kind of looks Japanese.
It was presented as being insane in universe in the movie. the joke was that it was a ludicrous thing that wouldnt happen, it was an actual attempt at satire and not just some edgy retard on youtube painting his face brown and going to a target to try and get kicked out on purpose
Looks and stature, when will they learn?
does that thing have a penis?
Why would you think that?
>Boo hoo I can't dress up like a funny black man
A satirical comedy and a Halloween costume are wildly different things.
Thanks for informing us, reddit.
Is Halloween acting? No, it's a dumb holiday
do you make the rules and decide what's offensive and whats not? Or are you just full of shit
does your post say anything? no it's just a dumb opinion
I got a (you) out of ya, didn't I, faggot
Where the fuck did I suggest any of that? All I said was not being able to paint your face and dress like a nigger at a Halloween party is not the same as not being able to do satirical blackface in a film. You could still get away with doing that in a movie today.
Both are ways of expressing one's self or one's opinions, why be offended and not just fucking let shit fly?
Hey guys, this is acceptable because it's acting and it's satire
I'm convinced the majority of the population does not know what the fuck satire is.
Why do niggers think they're people.
It was pretty based. Now you can't even use black face in any context since niggers chimp out. Advertisers aren't fond of nigger chimping so companies don't like it either.
>those fucking shoes
RDJ is the biggest beta in hollywood
Any black dudes lurking this thread, are you even offended by whites doing black Halloween costumes? I imagine normal people would find it hilarious.
If I saw black dudes doing white face I'd die of laughter
Bix nood mufugga
It's really depressing, like wearing a shitty wig instead of just acceptance.
Sand nigger here, don't mind shit, but I'm more enlightened than the rest of the rabble,
Also doubt someone on Yea Forums is remotely representative of anything or to be used as a measuring stick.
I am legitimately amazed by the fact that people don't understand the joke. How can you even like Tropic Thunder if you don't understand this joke?
Robert Downey Jr isn't doing blackface. He is playing a guy who is doing blackface. The fact that the guy IN THE MOVIE is doing blackface is constantly poked fun at. You can't just regularly do blackface and then have someone in the movie point that out. That would be breaking the fourth wall, that would be acknowledging that the character is being played by an actor. Because RDJ himself IS NOT doing blackface.
same could be said for this style of programing
Jesus, NO, it's not. It's like... you literally don't understand the joke!
RDJ himself is not doing blackface. He is not PORTRAYING HIMSELF AS A BLACK GUY. RDJ is playing a WHITE GUY doing blackface. The guy in your video is just straight up doing blackface. Am I just losing my mind? Was Yea Forums always this fucking retarded?
yeah we all get the joke, it's a funny movie.
The point is this could not be made today, even the parts mocking retards is unacceptable
>people don't understand the joke.
No, /pol/ doesn't want to understand or is just being dishonest.
Real comedy that pushes bounders, takes into account the audiences sensibilities, understands what is appropriate and is not bigoted, that kind of humour that is beyond /pol/ smooth brains.
>The point is this could not be made today
False, even in my racist shithole it's still done and even though folks constantly worry they might be going too far, nobody raises a real fit because they can tell the difference between genuine bigotry and comedy not intended to cause racial division.
It could be made today.
everyone would have a tiny bit more respect for him if he owned being short
Like pic related.
This is extremely racist to white women. Remove it please.
Late 2000’s is the last time people weren’t infected with outrage culture.
It’s amazing how we grew up with South Park and Chapelle Show and how people get their panties in a twist.
South Park copped plenty of shit.
They pussied out on showing Mohammad's face
I don't know what this is about.
I do know that CNN is trash, even without taking random articles out of context for a 4chin screen grab
>Real comedy that pushes bounders, takes into account the audiences sensibilities, understands what is appropriate and is not bigoted.
Name one successful comedian who abides by these guidelines user.
It could, but what studio would do it?, what actor would risk playing the character?, what about the rest of the people who wouldn't want to be involved in something that could backfire so easily?
You can't be racist to whites, cracker.
That had nothing to do with PC culture. They just didn't wanna get bombed.
I was in the thread, sql injection working in the current year, they deserved it, good times.
>Name one successful comedian who abides by these guidelines user.
Conrad Koch.
Now move your goalpost, so I can tell you to shut up.
because it made fun of it. even the NAACP was fine with it iirc
There is literally a black character in the movie that constantly takes the piss out of him for it
All puppet """comedians""" should hang.
There is an entire subplot where the actual black guy in the cast is pissed at him for doing blackface you absolute retard.
black haired white guys are honorary niggas
>for four hundred years world has kept us down
>what the fuck??
Leave it out mate, bloke just likes kingdom hearts is all
No it isn’t different and it legit wouldn’t fly today. There is lots of theory in SJW that condemns the idea of appropriating the history of black face as way of making fun of actual racists. Perpetuation of tropes, of traumatic imagery, etc. Ultimately it’s a white guy satarizing other white people by way of history that has hurt black people, whose possible negative reactions to being confronted with blackface are ignored. No way a critical theorist, black studies, or whatever field they’re from, would let this shit pass today.
Even the simple Jack retard shaming is a no no.
You can't even say the word retard anymore
wait how tall is Tom? He looks only to be like an inch to an inch and a half taller than Robert
yeah, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia bleeped the word now in flashback scenes in the last season, fucking why? What retard is sitting there counting how often a show says retard/retarded?
Well me too. The whole movie was a stiff jab at the old "making of" documentaries for movies like Platoon where actors would be talking they're tough and "in the shit" during interviews after doing 2 weeks of a modified basic training. It was pretty brilliant.
But the point is it wouldn't matter in this day and age.
It's being put into the same category as 'nigger'
except that sound you can't make with your face depending on the shade of your skin
you never see 'faggot' thrown around as a casual insult anymore either
>play a racist in a movie
>say racist shit
>no i was just acting lol totally not me NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER haha
Not ok.
to be fair faggot was only ever uttered on premium cable, network and basic cable I cannot recall ever using it freely, unless it was literally being used in conversation about tolerance or extreme bigotry like on law&order or something akin
The joke is that wearing blackface is racist. If you were to play a character wearing back face as a Halloween costume, it’d be fine. It’s the same reason always sunny got away with blackface. If Leo said half the shit he said in Django he’d be out of a job. But people loved what he said because he was a character. Idk if you’re playing dumb it’s really not that hard to get.
I’d have no problem with it. Others might but fuck them.
It’s all about context.
If you’re painting your face black for the school game and chanting “Ooga booga black people shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce!” Then I think there’s a problem. Of course some people won’t see it that way and will virtue signal but we both knew that and we both know that’s why you asked this bait of a question in the first place.
Not really. Halloween isn’t acting. It’s dressup. So in this case it’d be obvious to literally anyone that you were looking for an excuse to put on blackface and everyone would treat you like a downie instead of a Downey
Yes as a joke. Jesus. Y’all are retards. When tony soprano makes fun of black people it’s a joke to show he’s fucked in the head. It’s not a red pill the show is dropping.
Was it really a joke though? None of what he said was ever beyond what a real black would say, except maybe knowing the theme song to the Jeffersons.
that shit won't matter when it comes to getting clicks. all they have to do is gloss over that fact and hope the reader hasn't seen the movie. i think the main reason they haven't made clickbait articles over this movie is because it's still fairly fresh on people's minds. maybe in 5-10 years when a new generation enters the internet, it'll be brought up.
i'd understand it if he was actually short, but he would be comfortably in the human male range of height even without the shoes
>It’s not a red pill the show is dropping.
Ah those pesky truth bombs.
I see black people saying white people all the time as if it’s supposed to offend me or white people. I don’t care. I just find it funny how if I said the words black people on tv or in a movie these days people would flip their shit. This shit needs to end.
Historical blackface was always crude and exaggerated (tar black skin, white around eyes, blood red big lips) whereas this blackface actually makes him look black dunno how people haven't mentioned this
fuckin lol
He didn't go full retard.
Jive is like a caricature of ebonics. Ebonics developed naturally because of the social and educational differences in America, but jive deliberately jammed them up and was developed alongside jazz and later hip hop. It’s a subculture so to speak.
Except SJWs don't own hollywood, jews do and they've owned it for nearly a century.
This thread is for conservatards wanting to feel like victims.
Basically. It's one of the last good comedies. Also you mean before Millennials took over entertainment as consumers.
by being hollywood jew pedophile ring leader and drug addict