Is "Bang-Bang" actually a thing fat people do?

Is "Bang-Bang" actually a thing fat people do?

Attached: louie_bangbang.png (910x607, 688K)

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sounds like something quirky they made up for the show. i think actual fat people are too lazy to go to 2 different restaurants and just order a shit load of food at 1 place. actually, i think actual fat people are too ashamed to eat out and order $30 worth of food from mcdonalds or wherever and eat it in the privacy of their home because they're embarrassed. every once and a while you see one of these dudes and they think they're slick ordering the whole menu like nobody knows he's going to eat it all.

>i think actual fat people are too ashamed to eat out and order $30 worth of food from mcdonalds or wherever and eat it in the privacy of their home because they're embarrassed
Not true at all. I see hamplanets all the time ordering shitloads of food in public without a hint of shame.

I literally have never understood this or why Louis was so embarassed by it in the episode.
Everyone can see they are fat fucks, what's the difference.

>wiping with the bread

>I literally have never understood this or why Louis was so embarassed by it in the episode.
A girl showed interest in him and then it got revealed he had just scoffed down an Indian feast before coming to the diner to eat a second meal.
Pussy repellant.

he could have said they were doing bang bang because they were starting a gym and diet regime tomorrow

who actually eats indian food except indians?

Americans are so disgusting.

plus she said she likes his comedy and a big part of his act is how he's a disgusting slob

>tfw I order 2 drinks so they think I'm getting food for two

Oh yeah, that'd make her so wet.
The only people that ever had one last hurrah or something before they quit are addicts or people that will never have the willpower to change.
If you actually want to stop eating, drinking or or some other bad habit, you stop. You don't have a big binge and then stop tomorrow. Because in the end you just keep saying, "one more, I'm quitting tomorrow."

they can tell by your fat fucking face you're gonna guzzle down those 2 cokes.

I'm literally getting drunk right now and will be ordering Indian takeout later.
Indian is fucking delicious even if Indian people are smelly.

at least you wont be able to taste the dingleberries

I'm not fat, but i am a large dude who likes to pig out a couple times a month

>fat fuck: heh heh if i order 2 value meals everyone will think im eating one and taking the other for my gf
>everyone: that guy definitely doesnt have a gf and is going to eat all that food by himself
in all fairness fat fucks arent exactly known for their cunning

Attached: Bambam.jpg (750x450, 52K)

>I'm not fat, but i am a large dude who likes to pig out a couple times a month

The only thing more pathetic about lying to someone on an anonymous image board is lying to yourself about your problems, you fat pos.

The spices always cover it up.
But seriously the restaurant near me is pristine and the owner is the former chef and a fastidious pedant obsessed with cleanliness. If you eat at some dingy, hole in the wall Indian joint you have no one to blame but yourself when you get food poisoning.

whats the best shit to eat thats easy and cheap other than broccoli chicken rice classic/beans?

I need a new routine, every day same shit

I also do a special smoothie with spirulina and maca and blueberries etc, that stays

I've been doing this after workout, swimming or a long walk with the dog after only having a light breakfast or having skipped it alltogether

I'll fall by Burgerking or MCD and have a chickenbox and mayo, to later meet up with buddies for proper lunch :)

Do fast food workers even care? I can't say I've ever worked in McDonald's or anything but I would've thought they'd see literally hundreds of people each day and a bundle would be fat fucks getting tons of food. I doubt they even raise an eyebrow or give a second's thought to some fat dude ordering two meals.

>Is "Bang-Bang" actually a thing fat people do?

Nate Newton of the Cowboys famously would tell a story about Cowboys 2 a days where he would leave so hungry after the second practice that he couldn't make it home his willpower would break and he would eat 4-5 fast food restaurant meals back to back to back to back then go home and sleep it off until the next day's practice.

Oddly enough now that he's retired he's skinny now.

So does that mean we aren't gonna do a bang bang together?

>recognizing famous comedian Louis CK while working is "showing interest"
He was still a fat fuck, she would have seen him eat like that eventually. She was never really that interested

>I'll just work it off at the gym
fatties really have no idea about how much it takes to burn off calories
>n-no dude really I just ate like a pig but I'm definitely going to work out for 6 hours tomorrow honest

baked breaded eggplant is easy as fuck and cheap and it goes with chicken and you can serve it with a bit of pasta.

>oh no the niggers are judging me harshly because I ordered 3 cheeseburgers
I think I'll be ok.

Professional athletes eating tons is nothing new. The surprising thing is he's skinny now. A lot maintain their massive eating habits in retirement without the training and stack on the pounds.

based hedonist

>fatties really have no idea about how much it takes to burn off calories
yea this. i see so many fat fucks working out and i fucking know they "reward" themselves afterwards.

basic macaronis, eh. pasta + ground beef + onions + a can of tomato soup

>baked breaded eggplant
You mean eggplant parmagiana?
Holy shit that is so fucking good.

>Do fast food workers even care?

Fast food workers are mostly teens earning money for stupid shit. If anything they will be making snide remarks about the fat fuck after they are out of the joint.

only bang bang i'd do with a fatty involves a pistol.

They take pictures and post them on their facebook groups.

It's kinda sad. I remember 13 years ago when I was living with my mother and really fit she asked if she could use my rowing machine while we were watching tv. She did about ten minutes and hopped off making remarks about what a workout that was. She then asked me how much she would've burned off in "calorie thingos". Said I didn't know, but maybe 100. When she asked for a reference to how much that was I said about half a snickers.
The disappointment on her face was heartbreaking. Never saw her hop on it again.

>seeing niggers making the food in the back and still eating there
you're brave dude. whenever i eat fast food i go in to order to see who's in the back.

Mukbang, you mean? Yeah that's a thing. They just binge on food. Lot of youtubers do that.

curry is tasty

I don't know what kind of paradise you live in where niggers aren't in every restraunt

Knock it off bam I've got work tomorrow

>I don't know what kind of paradise you live in where niggers aren't in every restraunt

here in the 'burbs you do actually have to go in and check. And you can't just rely on the restaurant because the crew turns over so fast.

smiling white faces= ok
methy white faces = diceroll
smiling mexican faces = ok
tatted up mexicans = hard pass
entirely black crew, teens= pass
entirely black crew, ghetto adults = employer is getting tax breaks for employing felons, placed on ban list.

no nobody fucking hobbles to a second restaurant to eat fucking pasta they can boil in 5 minutes

i had been running for years thinking whenever i'd go like 7 miles i was burning something like 2000 calories. randomly did an online calculator thing out of curiosity and i think it was something more like 500 calories which was pretty shocking.

I stopped drinking flavored milks when I found out it would take me 3 hours of walking to work 1 of them off.
There's no way to just work off high calorie food, no one has time for that.
The biggest daily calorie drain is your body keeping itself alive.
You need to exercise but more so for muscle health, heart and lung health and possibly creating a larger deficit.
Any real weight loss comes from diet.

It's why people that try to exercise their way to thin always fail. People just don't understand calorie expenditure or are ignorant about how many calories they're consuming.
Way easier to trim 500 calories out of your daily consumption than it is to burn them off through exercise.


What would your bang-bang be, fa/tv/irgins?
For me, it'd be barbecue followed by bakery.

Indian food is the most popular food in the UK now

>Is "Bang-Bang" actually a thing fat people do?
its a thing in south asia where you get paid or win card or shit and you buy a few grams of meth and a prostitute and slowly fuck her for 1-3 days

I do this except I eat in my car in the parking lot. At night.

Anyway I don't order the whole menu and I don't even eat fast food much, like less than once a month. But the real thing is I hate being seen while I'm eating. I don't really eat any weirder than anyone else I don't think. But I seriously can't stand it when people watch me.

I also hate it when the waitress keeps coming back asking me about the food while I'm in the middle of chewing. I know they're just doing their job but that shit is aggravating as fuck.

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how do you deal with this issue when eating on a date?

no it isn't, it's Chinese

Haha good one my man. But in all seriousness I haven't been on a date in like 5 years. I'm turning 30 soon oh man where did the time go

indians don't eat Chinese food.

Based and Redpilled

Yes we do

Larry Allen and Nate Newton are the reason why Emmitt Smith is in the Hall of Fame.

Here's a video of Larry Allen breaking the Cowboys all time bench press record. At the beginning you can see skinny Nate Newton.

I've thought about going to 2 fast food places but it just seems like a waste of time and money