Does it stand a chance?

I'm thinking a solid no and tentatively hoping yes.

Netflix fucks nearly everything up. Let's cast it before they do. inb4 idris/forced "diversity" shit we've all seen and ignored b4. I'm genuinely curious who'd make the best Wesker (if not for that outrageous nose, Crispin Glover would look great). Jensen Ackles can easily be re:4 Leon.

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If they dont add milla jovovich then yes

wesker: paul bettany
chris: jeffrey donovan
jill: anna torv
leon: jensen
birkin: matthew ferguson
spencer: tobin bell
james marcus: ed harris
ada wong: tao okamoto
claire: same actress from shit movies

She won't be fucking the Netflix director, so we can be safe from that.

fuck off, we don't need another zombie tv show

fucking garbage.....

I just want to see some resident evil qts. Hopefully they don't completely blow the casting

just jerk off your tiny little dick to that jordan bitch

Leon will be a sand-nigger and one of the grills will be a full blown nigger, wesker can be white tho.
mark my fucking words

what we don't need is another shitty zombie show. like all the ones that exist. and fuck you, i like zombies.

>Sonjay Leon
>nigger grill
so long as it isn't jill, ada or claire, no problem.
maybe they should just cgi it.

>Jensen Ackles can easily be re:4 Leon.
Hes too old for that

meant for

Nicholas Agnew for S.T.A.R.S. Wesker?

could work
he could pull it off

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Lets guess their ethnicities/gender/sexuality.

Generic straight, white male character

Bi-sexual, mixed raced (of unknown origin) female. Has bright coloured hair. Is the adopted sister of Chris.

Straight (until the season two gay sub-plot), Mexican, male.

Straight (until the season two gay sub-plot), white, male.

Straight, black, female. Is generally considered to be the main character.

Gay, Asian, trans.

No. Unless the zombies are procreating, fuck relationships. Leon can keep lusting after Ada while she pretends it's unrequited and the raging hate-fest between Wesker and Chris should remain. Any more than that is too much. Totally ignoring everything after re:5. Giving Wesker a son sounds like fanfic.

>leon: jensen

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dean winchester

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>Leon Mexican
>Not El redfieldo

>i'm forced to watch every show ever made

>not Camporojo
not even trying

No Milla=No RE

simple as

Go meme your shit-pinions somewhere else. Depending on where things start out OCs would be a great idea. Not starting off showing too much of the main characters but building on the situation with OC fodder until familiar ground is reached. Easily killed off and replaced as things move along.

>Giving an effort ever