
Attached: incel destroyer.png (5700x1800, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


bend over

>have sex
>have sex
>have sex
Have YOU ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


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Don't have sex

tried today.

got an appealing tinder match.

she unmatched in response to the first message i sent, which was literally just asking/doing what she said to do in her bio. fuck.


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>Anons getting worked by an Yea Forums meme

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>can't recognize shit tests in bios

Not gonna make it

I would if i could. But women don't want me and rape isn't legal.

Sex has me.

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No thanks. I have 6 older sisters and mom and my dad was rarely ever around so I really got to see how women were in their natural environment. I've seen how disgusting, dishonest, and cruel they can be. I've seen them cheat and have petty conversations of things behind eachother's and their boyfriends' backs. I've seen the degeneracy of modern women as they bring home man after man.
Because of this I no longer trust women and refuse to ever date one. It's not that I'm gay either. I am definitely sexually attracted to women, but I refuse to approach them romantically. I even make sure to always refuse any women who attempt to ask me out on a date or approach me in any romantic way. I will not be their victim.

rape is just an extension of masturbation because the woman is not enjoying (and if she was, it's not rape to begin with). so in the end, rape is not real sex.

Reminder that whenever you tell a polfag to have sex, you are speaking to this person.

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Festival roasties are probably the easiest lay available

Based underage posters.
Did he get doxxed after that? Imagine having to go to school with everyone knowing you're a retarded /pol/ack.

Literally me

he looks like he gets fucked by black men

>they were all cute twinks after all this time

they are industry plants

It's only a matter of taking a screenshot of a picture in order to make it undoxable.


will never tire of this pasta.

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Kys discord tranny

eh, we're insecure introverts, who could've guessed, ey?

>have sex
Make me faggot


In the future, girls will be raping men like you.

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That's hot

Daily reminder that we live in the Matrix and that not a single person earth has ever or will ever have sex.

Would love to die through snoo snoo.

Muscle girls are hot. Too bad all women are thots.

I really hope this is true

Yeah I know, the bathtub scene in 13 Reasons Why is amazing

gymthots are the worst

Chaos is the only true answer.

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>see this in another thread
>intense longing for this perfect woman
>leave thread so as not to see it
>see it posted here again


Not right now maybe when I'm ready to support a family.

>tfw born to early

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Every day until you get yourself one.

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Sex = Putting your peepee in a women's vagina

Doesn't matter if anyone enjoys it.

She is married

To whomst?

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no u

Imagine when she gives a handjob and your dick get squished so hard that all the blood is forced out and the nerve endings are permanently damaged haha, and then your dick stops working hah

Remember when people used to say "get laid"?

more like she's on anavar and her bagina doesn't work anymore

>No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair.
Always gets me.


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imagine if you accidentally did that to yourself through years of fapping haha, that would be weird


she is cute haha

Or "virgin" instead of "incel"? Good times.

I'd fuck that twink.

Haha that would be so weird dude, imagine you have a 8" penor and through years of deathgrip and PIED it can barely raise to a 5" one now haha

The dude on this pic

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I literally just did. I thought that it would solve all my problems and that all my problems are because I didn't have sex. I finally did after being a virgin for 28 years and yet when I actually did the job I felt empty as shit. I thought it was some magic ritual that make everything clear but then I realize I have nothing...I am nothing. I had a goal but now I have done it. There's nothing do and I found myself an ambition-less wagie that is barely alive. I fucking hate everything

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late night off topic shitposting Yea Forums is best Yea Forums

I wish

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When you get into a relationship with a woman it means you'll never get to relax again until you break up with her and I have never once slept with a girl who didn't press the relationship issue. You're a player if you don't want a relationship, you "wasted their time" if you go along with it and it doesn't work out. And after you've slept with like 20ish girls you start to get "overlap" which is a nightmare most guys can't even fathom experiencing where the girls you're currently sleeping with are friends, relatives, or otherwise connected to girls you've slept with in the past and they start forming fan clubs/cults/support groups behind your back. Not worth it at all.

How to acquire a new fetish in 60 seconds.

Why does it look so scared? What IS it?

>replying to copypasta

itt: incel freaks trying to defame based brie.

hahah wow that would only ever happen to a real weirdo haha

I wish I could change. But I'd probably stay the same

Have sex.
Brie should have sex too.

>ywn have your amazonian wife princess carry you to bed
Whats even the point of living at this point lads

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>finally have an opportunity to fuck after a decade of involuntary abstinence
>can't get hard
i'm just giving up on the whole thing

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Yeah, with me

I would if i could.


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>The way she strokes his hair afterwards
its too much

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That's it. I am absolutely seething right now. What gym does this motherfucker go to? Tell me so I can do a drive by on that shithole. I won't let Chad take away my amazonian waifu. Never again. Gamers rise up!

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Dare to dream

>Quick google search reveals the guy is 5'11
Lmao, king of manlets

>/pol/twinks doesn't have to go through HRT/SRS to look feminine

trannies BTFO yet again

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>you'll never cuddle one
>you'll never be the little spoon

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Nothing, he just has the mouth slightly open.
Which is honestly kinda gay, only girls do that.

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I would but i've run out of big cums, shot too many loads in my day and I don't have anymore big cums.

god I wish that was me

The thing is, her arm is tiny, it's just in comparison to her even smaller body and frame it looks big. Either way, I'd rather a nice fit thot than a grotesque fat "thicc" thot

I absolutely refuse to.


Here is his inst. Avenge us, user.

Who the hell would take the time to make words entirely out of blocks? Pathetic.

>the way he looks like he just came

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Lose weight.

>go to a bar
>find a qt3.14 slightly intoxicated
>rape her without hurting her in any way
>next 2 days go and confess it all in a police station
It's not immoral because it's just sex, I didn't hit her or hurt her and I take responsibility for my actions.
How many years of prison as am I looking at?

ok now THIS is epic

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None. The judge and Jury will just look at you like the ultra Chad you are and sentence the qt to be your wife-slave for the rest of her life. Have fun, user.


>that guy's face throughout

You can't fake real joy, lucky bastard

You only go to prison for attempted rape because that would make you an incel.

>assuming every nonincel is a tranny
have sex. unironically. sort yourself out.

im the have sex poster

imagine being part of the 28% haha

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I will try bare anal for the first time when I get my disability bux again at the end of the month.

What does anus feel like, anons?

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and people say the 80/20 rule isn't real

Okay, Peterson, but what do I do after that?

from a prostitute? that is fucking disgusting dude you at least need a condom

I'm a 40 year old virgin and part of the 1%.

We can thank Captain Marvel threads for this meme right? That's the first place I started seeing it pop up

idk but i wish it would stop

Like shit on dick.


Okay mom

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have s

>have sex
aka things only white men hear.

disgusting pedo subhuman

>have sex
but i don't have enough disposable income at the moment for an escort. just bought a car so...

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i'm not into prepubescents don't insult my taste

Your money goes to this retard's sexcapades, folks

Rape a drunk feminist, it's free

First rule of women: they don't know that they don't know what they want

Sarah was such a bitch, you don't even know, user...


exactly how fat was she? tell us.