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Other urls found in this thread:


Owen is basically Sam Hyde but actually funny and not a total wretch of a human being.
good shit:

No, he's really not. He's whiney, he brags over nothing, he's not clever. The easiest thing in the world is to make a funny kike joke and this guy can't even do that.

Well, we're comparing to Sam here who can't even do standup without reading it off a sheet of paper.


post the devastating infographics, obsessed seething retard

>supporting 1st wave feminism

I thought this guy was right wing?

Why did his video about the nature of laugh tracks get put into limited state?

He seems to be doing fine

deal with it

If you constantly have to tell everyone that you're funny, you probably aren't funny


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Owen is annoyingly boastful but you're a meme if you can't see that Owen has had 10x the career Sam has.
The guy has worked with most comedians in the business, meanwhile Sam Hyde was stuck doing shock comedy while snickering to himself while reading his jokes off crumpled paper

Benjamin's stand up is solid, or was anyway. While he was on the road putting in real work in comedy circles and clubs Sam Hyde was pushing his mom around posting angsty mirror videos

Its like comparing cap to iron man, they're completely different power levels

Sam Hyde is shit without nick and Charles, his new stuff is lame as fuck

Most of his views are okay, but he comes off retarded. Basically just rants at a camera for 3-4 hours sperging out about the Jews. I mean, yeah the jews, but talk more about real solutions and less about being a victim.

>thatt hairline on her
good lord

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I don't care if he successfully inserted himself into some industry. Owen has never made me laugh, whereas Samhas before.

Christwomen look fucking disgusting

Is Benny Immortal?

Cringe. His insecurity and pent up racism is just oozing from him.

Nice logic retard

He’s absolutely correct tho

>muh racism
>muh insecurity
Le cringe right guys xD

Kill yourself soiboy

Ypur opinion is gay, so I dont care.

Key word: had. The dude's fucking loosing his mind and the recent shit he's done has pretty much alienated himself from the entire comedy community (and due to the flagging faggotry he's also alienated from most of the youtube community too.) The dude won't stop shooting himself in the foot at every opportunity. Say what you want about World Peace but some of those skits were pretty fucking good. And let's face it: World Peace is cancelled was maybe the funniest and most fitting line of 2016

Owen just says whatever he wants and doesnt care about the social repercussions sjnce he dkesnt have to. Its great.
Youre a pussy

Trust be plan! MAGA!

What an embarrassment

From what little I've seen he seems obsessed with the social repercussions of what he is saying

>so btfo she starts regurgitating /pol/ memes
Die in a fire faggot


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What is this, trolling for ants?

Get better standards in comedy, brainlets

Then youre a fucking retard because that is the complete opposite of the truth

>gets humiliated
>y-youre stupid

Woah...so this is the power of ytoid humour


>has shit standard
>sucks dick

Yup, checks out. Let me guess, anglo?

Isn't Owen Benjamin himself a jew?

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its the exact opposite. owens standup/sketches suck, its boomer-tier humor. sam had a very funny and fresh comedic style.

>redditor tries to greentext
Leave faggot. You arent welcome here and you're thin-skinned.

At least he's honest about it, rumors about Sam's Ashkenazi Jew blood from his mom's side have been swirling for years but you'll never see him address it. Not that you really need to see when he acts and looks like a literal kike all the time these days.

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Libcuck detected

Yup, it’s an anglo alright.

>muh e-gossip
Kill yourself for caring about it

>sam had a very funny and fresh comedic style.
being edgy for the sake of it and reading your jokes off a sheet of paper because you can't speak in public properly isn't funny nor is it fresh.

>omg le based guy said jew omg so based MAGA

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I don't get it.

Thanks for confirming, anglocuck

>retard is too stupid to understand hyde

Stop getting upset over edgy humour, redditor.

Watching you try to be cool on the internet and failing is funnier than any of the comedians you post.

>you need to have a high IQ to understand Sam Hyde
go back

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Reddit tried to make a meme

how am I being a libcuck by asking that? I just vaguely remember someone linking to some video where he says someone in his family is jewish, and to be fair, Benjamin could be a jewish name. I'm not saying he is, just wondering.

No. I'm a different guy. I actually don't get it.

>redditor doesnt know how to check for samefag
You're such a left wing pussy you cant even pretend to be cool

Ya seething, Sam?

My favourite part of SamHydecucks is how they absolutely hate Tim Heidecker because they know Sam is just another worthless imitator who still ends up getting cucked by Tim. And to this day they will still claim that Sam Hyde is totally original and new and NOT a ripoff Tim & Eric. Kek

No, you just need to not be a complete retard. You fail to meet this low standard (surprise) and think sam is simply trying to be edgy for the sake of it.

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been/

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>getting this triggered over based hyde

They’re both mutts and therefore shit. S

>simply trying to be edgy for the sake of it.
He is, for the purpose of milking retards like you.

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>muh divide and conquer shit
>muh e-celeb wars
I've seen you in other threads posting this bullshiy. You're either a shill or a massive fucking loser.

Why would I be triggered? I’m not the guy with no career or legacy outside of being another failed Tim & Eric rip off, nor am I a fan of said cuck. I have no reason to be triggered.

>literally too stupid to understand hyde comedy
Retard detected. Post more redd1t screencaps, shill.

this guy must be some normalfaggot or polboomer thing
browse Yea Forums literally every day and have no clue who this guy is suppose to be

either way you have to go back

>dude it’s not shit you just don’t get it

Yea, I'm jumping through his latest podcast and it seems it's all atleast tangentially related to speaking truth to power, man, the media writes bad about me now, man, but I'm honest still, man, etc. He's either pitying himself, praising himself or trying to explain complex political phenomenon even though he's spent his entire adult life being an entertainer and doesn't know shit about anything. I understand you're dug into him and probably enthused by whatever grug-brain 'infotainment' he puts out but it's plain dull and unfunny.

>Why would I be triggered?
That is exactly what im wondering. You care so much and sound so bitter over an internet comedian you hate. You either have an agenda or you're a massive fucking loser. Cry about it for me.

>gets so BTFO she shifts the goalposts
Based schizo dike

>blah blah blah
You have failed to address the point. He doesnt give a shit about the social repercussions of his opinions.

Yeah. It's weird how this turned into an Owen vs. Sam thread. Why not just a thread about Owen?

kys shit gobblers
Also go back to /pol/ddit

Fuck ecelebs and fuck this thread

>libcucks get exposed and pretend /pol/ is even remotely similar to r3ddit
Based JIDF schizo dike

You seem to want a lot more from comedians than comedy. The truth is anyone who is going to make a career out of being an idiot and trying to make people laugh is not worth any admiration or respect except in their capacity to be funny. They are not doing actual work are often broken or self-obssessed.

Owen is actually a hollykike celeb as well, but he is too edgy for thin-skinned libcucks so they shunned him

Dude it’s le jidf libcucks maaan it’s all an agenda maaan

Put the bong down faggot

I've always spelled it as "dyke." Weird.

Go to bed Owen

he's doing decent for his age.
If he ditched alcohol and started becoming more holy he could achieve more

Great more cringe shit for /pol/rats to spam
Hyde was an unfunny pedo btw

>pretend /pol/ is even remotely similar to r3ddit
Who needs to pretend? /pol/ is one of the most zoomer and pebbit tourist filled board on Yea Forums.

>JIDF dike damage control

>triggered sjw thinks the nazi board is somehow r3ddit
You're a complete retard

wtf. I never seen this shit before. My account (and google account) have whatever safety filters turned off and I'm 25 so there shouldn't be any age restriction thing.

New system? Or are they just being more transparent about their weird agenda.

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Go back to /pol/ddit where you belong, zoom zoom.


>t. Fat jew lesbian
My IQ is higher than yours. Nice character assassination btw. Typical of jews

>muh nazi board
Cringe newfag

>being so assblasted that you start crying about /pol/ on Yea Forums
You're fat and no man finds you attractive

t. Plebbit

REMINDER that owen claims he has a 140 IQ LOL

>calling others new while using cringe and thinking /pol/ is like r3ddit
Theres no way you arent inbred

>he’s still desperately trying to defend his shitty ecelebs and zoomerboard

The video's been put in a limited state. YouTube does that to video that contain controversial(often racial stuff) subjects but that they can't really ban because it doesn't have things that are openly against their ToS(racial slurs, etc). There's an entire subreddit dedicated to it(yeah, yeah, I know),

>/pol/ is not plebbit u guise
t. newfag

>87 IQ bulldike is so new she doesnt know what t. means

t. Plebbit

Thanks for admitting you are here to shill and are in fact a left wing cuck. How does it feel to be exposed, fat dike?

huh, interesting. I'll give it a read. thanks

>calling others new when you don't knkw how to use t.
You're calling yourselves newfags, shills.

Daily reminder that your board is a joke and it’s where plebbit tourists and zoomers go. Lol

have some comfy owen kino, Yea Forums


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t. newfag from plebbit

>redditor doesnt realize Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony
>making fun of gen z when you're a millenial living with mommy and daddy
And you typed lol at the end to feign confidence, but the fact is, I am giving you anxiety. I feel bad, women can be soft.

t. zoomer from /pol/ddit

>Doesn't beg for money.

This blew my mind, I'm watching this guy every night for the past year and there is literally nobody who begs more for money than him. He literally asked people to send him money trough mail now that Paypal pulled his account.

I seriously doubt you will find ANYONE on the entire internet who during a 2 hour livestream will say were to donate more than Owen Benjamin does.

You keep calling yourself names, redditor.

>unironically watching shit like this daily
What is wrong with mutts?

That's not what begging is, shill.

t. /pol/ddit newfag

How is it any different from tv? Its probably better.


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>t. Projecting lolcow

>unironically using unironically

Well in this case wouldn't I be watching him ironically considering I watch him for the complete fucking trainwreck the guy is? Watching a complete retard sperg out for hours upon hours is hilarious.

I feel bad for Owen, the guy clearly has depression after getting blacklisted from (((Hollywood))) and he has a chip on his shoulder from all his daddy issues stemming from childhood. He has to clean himself up

t. still a cuck

>deflecting this hard


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>complete retard
>building a farm and family and having a successful career as a celebrity
You're just a jealous left wing homo.


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>still deflecting
You've been exposed, shill. Run along back to mr. Goldberg.

Haha Owen pls get your life in order and get off Yea Forums you loser

>You're just a jealous left wing homo.

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>so BTFO she replies twice

>jealous discord trannies seething

You’ve been exposed as a fuccboi. When will you go back to your hole?

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>jealous discord trannies seething

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Die in a fire redditor tranny. I fucking called it.

Lol stay mad fuccboi

>grandma spamming her shitty wojak collection

>if you don't like owen you must be left wing and/or a transsexual and/or a jew

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>calling people fuccboi when you get outted as a left wing discord shill
You're a fucking loser.

good thread

Cry about it fuccboi

>he's whiney, he brags over nothing, he's not clever.
so he's exactly Sam Hyde

95% of the time there is some weirdo ranting about how bad a right wing e-celeb is they are a left wing tranny or jew or whatever. If it was someone non-cucked they would just state their opinion briefly and leave, not stick around being OBSESSED like you, tranny sjw jew dike

>f it was someone non-cucked they would just state their opinion briefly and leave, not stick around being OBSESSED

lol the irony of this post

>discord shills keep deflecting to hyde after being exposed

You like dick in your ass.

So what sort of person sticks around defending their e-celeb idol and shitting on everyone who expresses a dissenting opinion?

>right wing e-celeb
Does someone like Sam even really qualify? Isn't he pro-gay and fucked some tranny?

There is no irony. I enjoy listening to Owen Benjamin, so I stick around. If I didnt, I would probably call him a fag then leave right away. You're a retard, and you also feign confidence by starting your sentence with lol, since I make you anxious.

I don't like Owen that much and think he's a talentless boomer but irrationally hating him (to an extreme) for no reason is a little bit indicative of something else, don't you think?

Yep, these are true about Sam. He's also been funny before.

>e-celeb idol
Nice strawman. I won't reply to you unless you are able to act like a grown up. Try again, kid.

I enjoy watching you stay obsessed. Win win!

this guy is so obviously mentally ill its sad, just listen to him talk about his supposedly high iq or his early childhood and you can see why he is the way he is now

Yes, if that were going on. Since when is ripping on someone to piss off their fanbase irrational hatred?

>irrationally hating him
He’s a shit comedian. What more do you want? You think just because the guy says jew he gets a free pass from criticism? Have some standards dumb pol zoomer

You're a retard who believes in things without evidence and spreads misinformation. Youre such a slimy fucking jew.
>haha i dont know if its true but apparently blah blah blah
Pathetic. Very jewish tactics.

being redpilled is NOT mental illness

>I won't reply to you
>in his reply

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>deflecting this hard

>oy vey how dare you make fun of da jews goyim
>go back to pol
Imagine being this much of a millenial faggot. I bet you drink starbucks and have a mac.

I find mutts and anglos to be just as slimy if not slimier than the jews they pretend are not their own countrymen. You’re all a bunch of self obsessed retards with no connection to an ancient past and no real tradition. Just a confused and degenerate mass of whinos.

>certain features disabled

>OBSESSED jew starts LARPing as white

Whites are jews.

>t. Literal jew

I like jews more than every single mutt and anglo. Bravo on them for not only creating the USA, but also subduing the Anglos in their one country.

>t. Jew
Oy vey remember da 20 million!

There is plenty of evidence of Sam being socially liberal:
"The furthest I ever strayed was with the anti-gay stand-up. I thought it would be cool to clear the room out but in doing so I said a lot of things I don't put any stock in, without any clear indicators for the audience… I think that was a mistake. " - archive.is/FCKJJ

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I don't care about your uninformed jewish opinion, faggot.

I don’t care about your spaz rants, mutt

>discord tranny desperately shilling this retardedcharacter assassination like we are supposed to give a shit what sam hyde thinks

>jew calling others mutts

im not talking about being red pilled, I mean the way he reacts to most things, he obviously deeply resents his dad and the way in which he acts when someone goes a little bit against what he believes is pathetic, rogan, Peterson, crowder, jones he worshiped those guys and now he despises them

Do you have a folder on your computer about Sam Hyde? Who has sources on a nobody e-celeb to back up claims like that?

Sucks to be you I guess, mutt

>zoomers from discord projecting about discord
shoot yourself in the brain today faggot

Hes just passionate and not a domesticated soyy boy.

He has the mental aptitude of a child so no wonder he excites your zoomer loins

Are you a woman?

>jew calling others mutt

Must suck for you mutt

>deflecting this hard
Try again gammas

hey at least I bother to look up shit and back up my claims with real evidence, meanwhile schizos like just sperg and flail about accusing people of being character assassinating discord trannies because they are mentally ill.

Keep acting obsessed. Show off to the world how retarded the mutt eceleb fanbase is please

I was honestly joking. It's pretty clear that he's mentally ill.

if you met someone and they constantly talked about several men who they self admittedly "idolized" and obsessed over and they now say that all of those men are evil and horrible people would you think that's a good thing?

there's only two possible explanations for this scenario: either Owen is a terrible and stupid judge of character and keeps accidentally idolizing evil people, or he himself is the bad person and there's nothing wrong with those men

Your enthusiasm for Owen is like a girl groupie desperate for 'big bear's' cock

Is it possible to be a sigma male?

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yes, be some ecelebs paypig

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That's a fair point but doesn't make Sam Hyde studies any less gay or less desperate a waste of time than it would be without flailing spergs.


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god i wish that were me

>deflecting this hard
Women detected

>people cant change their mind

Imagine being such a fucking relentlessly talentless hack that you pivot from comedy to right wing propaganda and then cant even do that

>so mad she makes a separate post

>respects traditional values and honesty.
He let Nimmer lie about military service/seminary school for months unquestioned.

Why does this thread has 194 replies? Fucking mods really deserve pancreatic cancer.

freeze peach muthafucka

It's amazing how fast Yea Forums caught on with Owen and suddenly everyone knows all the weird lore behind him.

My biggest concern with Owen is that he
>Almost never admits being wrong about anything
>Actively avoids talking to anyone who disagrees with him
>Changes opinions incredibly quickly
He'd still be monetized if he hadn't sperged out so suddenly against Peterson and Shapiro the way he did and burnt down bridges with people way more relevant than him.

Sounds like you need to dilate

You sound like a fag

You're such a fucking pussy faggot. You're like a preteen girl gossiping.
>oy vey im concernwd because owen says edgy shit and gets demonitized and he calls out zionist scum like Shapiro
Fuck off

Nah you’re a weird homo you’re obsessed with some forgotten celeb you are gay

When I was younger the only people who cared about hairlines were niggers because they get their hair cut every 2 days. When did the entire internet just turn into nigger culture?

>anything that hurts my fragile feelings is right wing propaganda

Yup. Its millenials who have been turned into effeminate fags. Pathetic.

I bet you paid the $5 to be allowed in Owen's stream chats lol

go to bed, hyde, you twat