Post wholesome kino

Post wholesome kino

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Why didn't she just eat the banana? Was there something wrong with it?

she doesn't like bananas

I hate bananas, would’ve done the same thing. The biggest thing this movie made me realize is how will I deal with a teenage girl whenever I have a daughter?

Teach her about the electronic Jew.

Is this movie good or just feminist propaganda?

Would an incel like this movie?

Probably. It's about an awkward girl growing up with social media and her relationship with her dad.

the girl is an incel

Make sure your wife hasn't left you by then

perfectly captures the state of being a middle schooler in the first world in the 21st century
the scene near the end when she and the boy are hanging out together made me cringe unbelievably but i couldn't help but relate

Women cant be incel, no matter how ugly or fat they are. All women are volcel

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>is a movie written and directed by Bo Burnham feminist propaganda
This is a stupid question. It was also one of the best movies of last year.

>tfw eight grade is when things started to go really wrong and I didn't have that much problem making friends before that

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>feminist propaganda?
it is
it's a boring movie where nothing happens and then in the last 20 minutes there's a shitty rape scene for shock value. ironically, the whole movie was just an excuse for bo burnham to groom the lead actress.

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She was just shooting too high. The movie is about her giving up on Chad and learning to be happy with her lot.

i know a 13 year red pilled grill and no

You don't have to name the Jew. Just teach her how things like social media work and why they are the way they are.

is she hot?

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God the kids in the movie were great at acting like awkward fucking middle schoolers. Probably because they are, but damn, that can't be easy to reproduce with a camera on.

13 aren't 'hot' dude

what do you mean,

having watched far too many webcam captures of little girls taking off their clothes for validation, you don't give the little fuckers access to the web, and teach them about sex and how fucked the world is as soon as possible.

If girls weren't denied sexual expression at every turn, they wouldn't turn on a webcam behind the back of their parents.

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This lgs need sum lovin :^)

lol, based dutch non-pc research

People condemn it because it refuses to use pejorative terms like assault and victim.

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it's honestly hard to say if it was proper science

This scene was cringe kino. Actually no, the entire movie was cringe kino.

all men are volcel too because everyone can afford a prostitute

You can't get funding to study child sexuality outside of the lens of sexual abuse. In one of the least reliable domains of research, CSA would have to be one of the worst examples. No sane researcher would touch it after congress went so far as to pass a motion of condemnation on a paper that found the link between abuse and trauma was weak.