how on earth is this scene supposed to be funny?
How on earth is this scene supposed to be funny?
Ni is Japanese for two. Two is slang for poop. He's basically saying poop over and over. You need a very high IQ to understand Monty Python.
I like the "this silly word hurts our ears" joke.
"le shrubbery" is dumb and never made me laugh
"le silly voices" is dumb and is approximately 95% of Monty Python
Honestly glad somebody posted this. Every couple of years, this bit pops into my head and I have to literally stop and wonder for a few seconds how and why this would allegedly be “funny”. Baffling.
it's a joke for people whose lives aren't jokes
How is anything in monthy python supposed to be funny?
The knights who say Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki Ptang formerly the knights who say ni
NEE xD lol
Fun fact: "knights" was actually pronounced:"kah-nigts" way back then.
>anglo "humor"
Monty Python in general isn't funny. Neckbeards just pretend it is as a kind of code to recognize each other in public.
This. It's like when I see adults laugh at spongebob and they look around to make sure other people saw them laugh at it.
Before clicking on the image I thought it was Varg Vikernes
It's not funny in the same way the simpsons isn't funny.
Nerds just have no sense of humor so they have to invent in jokes to feel like they aren't losers. THUS they just accept that silly stupid shit is funny so they can make snide references about it.
The simpsons isn't funny either for the same reason.
Monty Python threads are great ways at exposing all the twenty something goober's on this board.
Monty Python is hilarious. 18+
woah dont drag simpsons into this
>tfw you make an nword thread but get serious posters instead
It's funny as a kid or a teen when it's one of the first comedies you're watching. When you're cynical and old some bits are fucking terrible. Life of Brian is fucking brilliant though through and through.
A lot of Monty Python is just weird, absurdist humor. Things like that were funnier before daily life became weird and absurd. This is why things aren't funny to you anymore, and it appears that the majority of people do not have a sense of humor. We are in an absurdist movie/tv show right now. As such, we cannot find it funny or the viewers would not appreciate it. Hypothetical, of course. I have no idea if anyone is even watching our show.
formerly the knights who say gger
Sorry. i firmly believe it.
Boomer """"""""""""""humor"""""
to understand absurdist humour, first you have to understand that nothing really matters. I still don't understand how you can come to Yea Forums and not get absurdist comedy
Great movie, but these guys aren't funny. Okay, so they say "NI". Where's the humor in that? Is it a joke or reference to something that I'm missing? Or is it just "funny" because it's so randum lmao?
NI isn't a funny bit, but the rest of the movie is funny.
I don't know but it was
you have to consider the thousand years of incest for it to be funny.
>how on earth is this scene supposed to be funny?
You would understand if you didn't live in the world oversaturated with absurd/nonsensical humor.
Visit btw, it's a nice board.
King Arthur, the legendary king, is reduced to searching for a shrubbery because someone keeps saying NI at him. The whole film is about undermining the Legend of King Arthur
>look at this one thing I took out of context though
the legend of king arthur was already undermined in the 14th century. He was constantly portrayed as an idiot
Memes aren't funny, yet you laugh at them. It's the same thing.
NOOO!!! ..... oh wait ... NIII!!!!
100% this
Meaning of Life is definitely the most rewatchable of the films
I love this film but yeah this scene was always unfunny. I fast forward past it when I watch.