Should've quit while you were ahead, Jordy.

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How anti-white is this on a scale of John Singleton to Spike Lee?

I see that the racist incel review bombing has begun, which is quite typical of you, Yea Forums.

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How is it that an anthology series is given one single rating when it has many different stories/directors/writers

How about you Get Out and make some black friends mmmkay sweaty?

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Tim Wise

Or how bout hollywood quits remaking shit that has no place being remade?

I have black friends but still think Africans are more likely to be low IQ and lack impulse control. Help.

I watched the first one and it was just ok. But Is that audience score really genuine or did you fuckers do that?

75% is literally a hate crime




they've rebooted twilight zone like twice before now

I'm sick and tired of (((them))) revising history and milking the shit out of classic properties.

So does it actually push an agenda or is it just plain shit?

It's agenda shit. I can forgive something that just sucks. Some one gave it their best and failed. No shame in trying. Pushing SJW agendas is just plain evil though and in the case of Peele is a waste of a certain degree of actual talent. That is unforgivable.

ep 1 was ok. nothing really new or thought provoking about it though. episode 3 was straight up garbage. i couldn't even finish it. 4 was ok but goddamn, stop rebooting shit. hollywood is so creatively bankrupt it's astounding.


can we get rid of the notion that peele is anything above a mediocre director? it's unreal how much of a pass he gets.

Tiananmen Square Winnie the Pooh journalist in blue letter "N" Animal Farm Peppa Pig Pinterest The Big Bang Theory Harrison Ford

I said certain degree of talent, which you can't argue with. I didn't claim anything more. As much as i hate the way he is using it to create division and fan the flames of hatred, he does have a basic ability to create and execute the medium. His failure, beyond the agenda shit, is just lack of vision and imagination. Kind of a second rate JJ Abrams. A "safe" choice to do your bidding.

What will these white hating jew producers shit out next?

Give me a quick rundown

but the current president is a child

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how do we fix the incel problem, Yea Forums?

Have sex /pol/cel

you just got hired by buzzfeed


who gives a shit, I also have nigger friends but it doesn't stop me from posting infographs about black crime on this site

>picture from reddit

Literally clockwork.

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Get woke go broke.

sounds great, how much do they pay?

i'm sure he makes more money than a stemfag like me

not great but you get a blue checkmark

have sex

That's how I like my horror: thought-provoking and not scary.

most people dont like the previous Twilight Zones either

that seems like a fine score. I wish 50 percent of people would like me

>Critics score in the 70's for a tv show
That's the real story here

Peele is the Hannah Gadsby of horror.

>that seems like a fine score
It's not. RT is dogshit for television, with a lot of shows being in the high 90's

Childhood is thinking niggers are bad.
Adulthood is having nigger friends.
Godhood is thinking niggers are bad because your nigger friends keep telling you about how evil and stupid 99% of the niggers are

even Supergirl got a high score for her first season

does Jordan Peele write the show?

Is this the Race Autism General?