Why would Gandalf let Frodo decide to go in Moria without telling him about the Balrog?

Why would Gandalf let Frodo decide to go in Moria without telling him about the Balrog?

Attached: GANDALFGENIUS.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

name a lamer franchise

He didn’t know

becuase the balrogs old er brother was on the other side of the mountain. he made the best call

harry potter by miles dude

because frodo is high bbiq

Every franchise is lame compared to LotR

they almost passed through unseen. gandalf probably didnt want to freak everyone out

i wonder if gandalf knew all the dwarves were dead. also, gimli needs to stop by and see his relatives more often, those dudes were clearly dead for a while

> Moria. You fear to go into those mines, don't you? The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in, the darkness of Khazad-dum. Shadow and flame.

Attached: SHADOW AND FLAME.jpg (883x567, 224K)

>Go through The Gap of Rohan and get fucking demolished by hordes of wargs/uruk-hai
>Go through Moria (which they believed to be safe and populated) and maybe get roasted by a giant fire demon

Gandalf knew they were fucked either way but desu with the knowledge the rest of the party had it made more sense to go Moria. I'm sure if they knew the place was Goblin infested and the Balrog was running around loose then they would've chosen Rohan.

Gandalf the Grey had forseen his own death and removed himself from influencing the decision. By including himself in the Nine companions, he committed himself to the ring bearer and the potential fate it gave him. He was unaware he would be sent back as Gandalf the White.

Attached: Gandalf-the-White.jpg (1024x784, 946K)

IIRC Gandalf either wasn't 100% sure the balrog was still kicking around, or he did know and figured they could potentially slip through. Although he was captured and gang-raped by orcs in Moria already so you wouldn't think he'd want to go back but Gandalf loves that BOC.

That's why he looked kinda disappointed when he left it up to Frodo and he said they'd go through Moria.

gandalf is there to assist in sauron's downfall, not to strongarm everyone and mastermind it himself
part of that involved letting others make mistakes and trying to clean things up once shit hit the fan

they almost went unnoticed though, yet Gandalf knew Moria wasn't safe and there was a chance he might have had to fight Durin's Bane. Remember he's been in Middle Earth since the Second Age, 300 lifetimes of Men by his own words. He knows shit nobody else does

aren't gandalf and balrog basically cousins? he probably thought balrog would help them

he suspected

Someone sing like bombadil plz

>Why would Gandalf let Frodo decide to go in Moria without telling him about the Balrog?
In the books, Gandalf wanted to take the risk and go through Moria, but he knew if he mentioned the Balrog, everyone would say fuck that and try to walk by Isengard. Aragorn was the only other person who's been to Moria, and without even knowing about the Balrog he was deadset against going unless Frodo chose to go that way.

Everything would have gone fine if that dumb ass hobbit didn't knock the dead guy down the well

Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!
Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!
just for you user


In the movie, Gandalf's role is switched.
In the book, Gandalf wants to go through Moria from the beginning, but Aragorn wants to try Caradhras first. Book Gimli knows the recolonization of Moria is failed because messages have stopped for five years.
No one knows about the Balrog, and in the book both Aragorn and Gandalf had both been through Moria once before IIRC.

star wars

I don't think he knew 100% if it was down there, but the rumors of a great beast that killed Durin VI, as well as Balin's expedition going horribly wrong, had permeated Middle-Earth for some time. Gandalf expressed an unaware affirmation at his death when they came across his tomb, showing Gandalf wasn't truly aware of what had happened, though was able to take highly educated guesses.

Incidentally, he was hoping they could've gotten through Moria without alerting anything, which they were successful at for several days.

Specifically, Aragorn doesn't want to go because he thinks Gandalf will die/be put in danger. He probably has some degree of foresight thanks to his Numenorean Blood.

still, he didn't tell Frodo any of that

Gandalf new he could respawn, and didnt give a fuck about anyone else in the party.

How many times in his life do you think he had a successful adventure, one where his entire party DIDNT all die?

But when you think about it, if Pippin hadn't done that, Gandalf never would have fallen down with the Balrog, and therefore would not have been reborn at the time he was as Gandalf the white, and the party would have therefore had little chance of actually completing their quest. So Pippin is actually a genius, as he directly sets in place a chain of events which inevitably save the entirety of Middle Earth.

Not him, but thanks... Doc.