You sure spend a lot of time thinking about Brie Larson, user. What, are you in love with her or something?
You sure spend a lot of time thinking about Brie Larson, user. What, are you in love with her or something?
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I’ve never seen a better example of someone I’d hatefuck
I am after all the incels posting about her everyday. I like her now
i just go with the shitposting flow
Hey, you're the one constantly making threads about her, not me. I'm just here to shitpost.
we like her. we just wish she would stop being such a cunt.
Pretty much this.
>mfw I don't know who she is
>being this out of touch with reality
That's a yikes from me kiddo.
>single handedly destroys avengers cast chemistry
>mfw when back when short term 12 and room were released, Yea Forums had hoped she would replace JLAW as the new it girl
oh be careful what you wish for
Her real name is much cooler than her stage name.
Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers..sounds sexy. Too bad she's a bitch.
I was there when this happened
Yea Forums literally memed itself to an early grave.
But her cuntishness makes her attractive. Without it she's very bland.
They should just replace her with a random cosplayer.
At least those girls would show some enthusiasm for the source material.
>omelette du fromage
That's it, keep talking dirty to me bby
>Hey incel, have sex
comic book movies are for children
I'm in love with her body. That is all
>tfw mistress desaulniers will never say this to you with a crack of the whip
Why even bother living desu?
>They should just replace her with someone who can't act and has no actual skills and relies on being attractive to incels to get by in life
Yeah that's a terrible idea. They'd be better off hiding a hooker than a costitute.
How do you even pronounce that last part? Desony ?
"Deh-sowl-nee-ay" also however she says it, but that's the right way.
>They should just replace her with someone who can't act and has no actual skills and relies on being attractive to incels to get by in life
>terrible idea
You realize we're casting a Marvel movie, right?
I bet you that I could kick her ass.
Fake tits, boy nips and she's a total cunt? I don't think so famalam.
>29 years old
>Still dresses like an edgy teenager.
Fiege's fucking her isn't he.
I get the sense that she's trying to be funny at times and her humor is just off enough that she comes off as a cunt, also she is a cunt for real sometimes. She's growing on me for some reason.
If was as rich as her I'd dress however the fuck I wanted too.
he cute
Fuck off white knight.
Literally /ourgirl/
I unironically like her and would do her
too bad she gay
>too bad she gay
>Fiege's fucking her isn't he.
Fiege only fucks executives form competing studios. see: the Sony email leaks
She looks like she pegs white boys.
So you're saying she's perfect.
you seem awfully sure for an incel posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum
I don’t get this. Footfags are deranged incel virgins. No one cares about feet.
You know what lads,I think I could take her. id kick the shit out of her in a fight. I could kick the shit out of her.
I dont think shes the strongest at all. I mean both Chris's could destroy me easy on body mass alone.
t. kike
I don't think I've ever seen her in something other than Scott Pilgrim. In which I liked her just fine. It wasn't a very big role but the song she performed was pretty good.
She was filming that Kong movie up in Mongolia or Vietnam or whatever shithole it was filmed at. Probably caught the m-muh fungus there.
Same. 100% identical experience.
I love Brie she's the cutest!
She's a pretty okay singer desu.
>I think I could take her.
says the 400 pound shut-in who gets out of breath from going up one flight of stairs
>implying footfags want this
Even her fingers look ghoulish here
I want to jerk off onto her feet and have her fungus evolve into sentient creatures and for the brie-foot creatures to worship me and have the right brie-foot creatures and the left brie-foot creatures to destroy each other due their interpretations of how they worship me.
Sounds like you have never been in a fight user.
When you have a bigger man, bigger then you could out muscle, sitting on your chest, Life becomes very simple.
What motivates somebody to post something like this?
Wholesome, user. Very vile but wholesome.
She looks really attractive here. My shitty judgement is going to be the death of me, I swear.
Have sex, femcel.
Jesus, she looks way too thin here.
no u :P
Canonically, the last time she ate was at that awards show which was like 4 years ago.
Been on a diet of incel tears and cum ever since.
Brie Larsis Caelum
I kind of have a thing for snotty cunts that raise my blood pressure but Brie is not attractive.
She just seems like a very fun person to be around/
with black men? yes, she does that.
This image makes me feel fear
skeletor fucking feet
I just came back from watching Captain Marvel and now I have a full blown crush on Brie Larson.
How come no one told me she's so attractive in this movie??? People made it seem like she's ugly or something. I was watching Captain Marvel thinking, "man, I can stare at her all day."
I'm going to rent it as soon as it's available at redbox, Lucifer.
Felco makes tools that can fix that.
Maybe, it seems she is trying to be charismatic but fails at it
>show some enthusiasm for the source material
So much money did you donate to your favorite twitch streamer this month?
Why the hell is her hairline so high?
You should add the renner and larsson interview, dude looued liked he wanted to fucking die
Cause her head is fucking massive
Well at least we know the devil approves of Brie
She should have at least gone down the Jennifer Lawrence route and did the whole faux-endearing girl next door act, but she bypassed that buffer and is just an insufferable cunt.
I am in love with her giant, fake tits.
I wanna fuck her throat
Wow. Just wow. Me too. Literally tho.
Disney not only bought all the tickets to her movies but they built entire theatres just so it could be showing in more places
You call those "giant fake tits"? That's an insult to women with actual giant fake tits.
Brie Larson is an insult to white people