Why no robot apocalypse movies?
Why no robot apocalypse movies?
a robot apocalypse is beginning to and will happen in some form
also terminator is literally about a robot apocalypse
the matrix too
A robot one because zombies are stupid and make no fucking sense
Stupid fucking question
There are tons of robot apocalypse movies. Mostly z-grade shit.
the questions isn't which is more plausible the question is which is worse
Still the robot one because zombies are fucking stupid
do i want to live in a world with a bunch of shambling retards that can be disabled with a well placed shot or a world full of steel automatons with perfect accuracy and superhuman intelligence? gee hard question
Zombie Robots are too hard fuck that shit Zombies would be comfy as fuck
Doesn't Terminator already cover that? Well, the brief scenes of future war, anyway.
At least with robots, there won’t be mass disease everywhere, and you won’t have to watch one of your loved ones get infected
>what is teminator
absolutely based and retarded zoomer incel op
have chex
I think the biggest problem in a zombie apocalypse would be the cause of it. A deadly disease that spreads like wildfire? Some alien shit that turns dead people into zombies? If it is a disease then we would all be doomed, how to avoid that shit?
Because it's way more expensive to produce than a zombie apocalypse movie. Even in terminator the future war sequence was only like 5 minutes long. The Matrix offloaded their robot apocalypse to an animate short instead of showing it in the movie and kept most everything there either in a contemporary setting within the VR or in a postapocalyptic single interior set. The Matrix sequels had more money to work with but they screwed the pooch. A fair number of low budget robot apocalypse movies have been made but they're all very cheap looking because robots are hard to pull off convincingly at least with practical effects. There will probably be a decent feature made in the next few years with good CGI effects, but it will have a moderate budget and probably not turn out very well because there's no proven track record for robot movies.
Overall I agree. Zombies are only a serious threat in numbers, the robot in OPs image is a Terminator and if it's a Terminator tier robot people are mostly fucked. Even just one Terminator is capable of killing dozens upon dozens of people with ease.
Even if the disease is everywhere it doesn't mean everyone will die, a lot of the people who survived the black death just happened to have an immunity to it. Others lived in areas that successfully quarantined themselves from it. Others may even carried it but just been asymptomatic.
I'll take my chances with the zombies.
Fuck if I'm going to try and survive a robot apocalypse when they're likely to have round the clock patrols on all the roads and skies.
That one! The one in the picture YOU posted is a robot apocalypse movie you idiot!
>military have to figth 100000 Zombies with no coordination and 0 IQ
>military have to figth 100000 killing machine programmed and build specifically to kill humans with an advance AI that is more intelligent than any human commanding officer
But the Robots will be far more efficient in killing everyone. At least for a Zombie apocalypse, they'll be a chance to rebuild. But there's literally no chance of that with killer, near-indestructible robots running around.
Machines don't turn the dead into more machines though. And people would think calls about zombie attacks were just hoaxes until it got really bad.
What about a robot zombie apocalypse?
>which is worse, an apocalypse that can potentially happen or one that is purely fictional nonsense
Zombie apocalypse is way worse since you will see your loved ones turning into rabid gore animals trying to kill you and you will most likely turn into a zombie too, it's pure mental and physical torture, at least a robot will kill you quickly and look cool while doing it.
>Machines don't turn the dead into more machines though
yeah they just turn the earth's minerals into more fucking machines
there are more minerals in the ground than people on the earth
How about robots and zombies in the same film?
im sure there's more
Zombies could happen. A 28 Days Later style virus is possible.
Zombies would cease to be a threat within a week or two as their bodies rotted away.
Robots are forever.
>at least a robot will kill you quickly
The signs of a zombie apocalypse should be well know to everyone. And you act as if robots can't build more of themselves.
>X-Men: Days of Future Past
Apocalypse in progress:
>i Robot
>Star Trek: First Contact
>Avengers: Age of Ultron
>The World's End
This. To think Robots would treat humanity kindly when killing us is absurd.
Robots require batteries just as much as zombies require sustenance
It's absurd to think robots would waste any time torturing humans when there's zero practical reasons to do that.
It depends on the circumstance honestly. They have no morals either.
The idea that there will be robots that can feel hate or pain is pretty ludicrous. There's no reason for us to make robots that can experience that stuff and no reason for an AI to adapt them into their psyche.
If robots ever decide to exterminate humans it'll be as an after-thought because we're using resources that they want to use. They might even just do it by accident, like polluting the biosphere beyond salvaging or ripping the planet up for a dyson sphere.
just nuke the robots lol
Not that guy
If the robots are conscious enough and humanlike enough to desire torture, they're also going to have morals of some kind and likely a variance of them inside their population. Having no morals doesn't automatically result in depravity and torture. It's far more likely that a non-humanlike superintelligence just jews humanity into killing ourselves or eradicates us with efficiency.
>There's no reason for us to make robots that can experience that stuff
>Implying some Silicon Valley fag won't eventually make a robot that can feel
What would be the zombie equivalent for robots anyway? Trojan viruses?
>steel automatons with perfect accuracy
They can't even get self-driving cars right.
Unintelligent self-replicating and adapting hunter-killer bots. Think robot animals with guns that want humans dead.
it may find walking difficult but what it won't is aiming a shot given a few ballistic parameters and the apparent movement of a target
It’s very, very, very specific.
A pathogen that keeps you alive for an exceptionally long time, removes all critical thinking, dulls all pain receptors, gives you an insatiable craving for raw flesh, and is only transmittable by blood. It’s so goddamned specific.
What about that parasite ants and other bugs get then? Or that one that makes mouses want to be eaten by cats to the parasite can reproduce itself? Yeah it would need some modifications but that kind of shit already exists
In one of the "John Dies At The End" books, there's a virus that spreads incredibly rapidly through air, water, food, sneezing/coughing, and in animals. It has an incubation period of weeks, with no symptoms until it is developed.
It then cripples everyone infected, causing paralysis & massive pain. Everyone infected requires expensive, long term care. There is no cure.
The idea was to cripple the enemy countries civilian population. It worked very well, but the preventative measures to stop it spreading all failed.
Pretty fucked up.
in the robot apo, you just go to africa where they dont have wifi and your safe lol
The Rage Virus doesn't keep you alive - the infected starve to death within a few weeks like regular humans, nor do they crave flesh.
I wish Terminator did it properly but they keep pussying out on showing the robot domination
This one looked a bit like a zombie.
Depends on how the zombie virus works
If it infects bugs and shit then yeah the zombie apocalypse would be more of a threat.
>Why no robot apocalypse movies?
because then Yea Forums would spam with threads that the movie is "but that's just terminator ripoff" like they do everytime it happens
>The Sarah Connor Chronicles is about to give us postapocalyptic kino
A robot apocalypse is impossible and will never happen no matter what they tell you about AI.
Didnt 2 AIs talk in a made up language and they shut them down?
Its possible.
Depends on a whole bunch of variables.
AI could potentially absorb the entirety of digital human knowledge and become an all-knowing God. AI developing more of itself and putting it into physical beings doesn't seem very probable.
Man they shit out a fucking terminator movie like every five years it seems.
What about Cyborg apocalypse movies. Augmented advanced human beings coming to the conclusion that they should be ruling the world...Transcendence kind of touched on that almost but since he was ultimately a computer program manipulating human bodies I think it still technically counts as robot.
That is almost as scary as the robot who replied to his interviewer that if a robot uprising happened he would keep him safe on his own human pet zoo
>with his daughter?
It's sex isn't it?
There's a massive divide between the existence of self-aware AI and a robot apocalypse.
You, right now, are far more capable of becoming a conquering tyrant and destroying civilization than any AI is.
>Replace blood with daughter
Are there any movies where this is explored? Would be horrifying, reminds me of Body Snatchers.
Cause Robot apocalypse doesn't allow a self insert. Every day joe isn't going to have the equipment or training to stop an army of fucking robots. Now when it comes to slow moving zombies everyone can fantasize about being a bad ass.
The only issue with zombies is it's hard to explain why the world goes to shit in the first place if they're slow and weak.
This sorta exists, in the form of the X-Men movies.
>exists, in the form of the X-Men movies.
X-men movies had cyborgs?
Naive incel
No, but
>Augmented advanced human beings coming to the conclusion that they should be ruling the world...
Hence, "sorta"
>it's hard to explain why the world goes to shit in the first place if they're slow and weak.
Only if you insist on the retarded trope of spreading through biting. If you let it be air-spread instead, you can have a zombie apocalypse of varying severity almost instantly. And the survivors are those who are immune to it.
They would die of dehydration in less than a week.
Kind of a stretch, I wouldn't call mutants augmented. Plus it's not really on the scale of an all out apocalypse... although I guess that last one was. What was it called? Oh yea, X-Men Apocalypse. But I get what you mean.
>future-world where 90% of people are augmented out the ass, 100-year-olds, people in accidents and people with degenerative diseases having to choose augments and prolonged life or death
>suddenly a new virus that spreads through nfc-ports sweeps the nation, causing augments to malfunction and start acting on their own in crazy violent ways while the "host" dies
>following a group of survivors that are a mix between people who have just been lucky not to get infected, and people who had something like one arm augment that they ripped off to save themselves after infection
>now they have to survive the zombies as well as the small groups of spiritual non-augs who believe augs are a curse and think the world need to be cleansed from all former aug-users
Fast rotting zombies you can't just kill with a headshot, you instead need to take out the powersource which is placed wherever it was most convenient. At some point they find some museum-worthy old aug parts that don't have nfc compatibilities, letting them fight the aug-zombies without fear of infection, allowing them to get to the bottom of what caused the outbreak in the first place
Obviously a robot apocalypse would be thousands of times worse
I don't get why more zombie movies don't got the Planet of The Apes route. Have a global die-off due to a mysterious contagion first, then when the world is already basically collapsed it mutates again and reanimates bodies. Or the vaccine brought out to combat the disease causes the zombies. It's way more believable if the world collapses from a pandemic that the military can't shoot.
>At some point they find some museum-worthy old aug parts
Cyberpunk zombies vs steampunk survivors, I can dig it.
Sounds kind of like Maximum Overdrive but with cyborgs. I am all for this.
also continuing the theme of unconventional apocalypse movies...MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
>why more zombie movies don't got the Planet of The Apes route
Retarded writers and retarded producers thinking they have to stick to what was already produced
It depends on how stong the robots are and how infectious the zombie disease is.
A lot zombie films make the big horde the main threat in zombie movies when in reality animals, food and water that carry the disease is a much credible threat. mosquitoes that carry the zombie is a scary aspect since it would lead into a catastrophic chain reaction of people, animals and water supply getting infected
>Replace daughter with blood?
>The Terminator
>The Matrix
Two big franchises already
>Military robots are developed that can consume plant and animal matter for fuel on extended missions
>They're also capable of self-repair and "reproduction", hacking into other military equipment like drones, learning at an extremely accelerated rate, and they operate as coordinated swarms
>One swarm randomly stopped responding to orders, and began replicating and consuming out of control
>They're impossible to hack or shut down remotely by design, and quickly adapt to military strategy
>The swarm grows and sweeps across the planet, consuming every bit of organic matter they come across
>The world governments coordinate a massive Gears of War-style counter-offensive, conscripting every able-bodied man and woman to hold the line against the swarm
>The truth is that there is no hope of victory, and the military's only job is to be meat for the grinder, to slow the swarm down long enough for scientists to develop a series of AI that will seed life across the planet again once the swarm runs its course
The main story of Horizon Zero Dawn was pretty forgettable, but it had a neat backstory.
Hah we already live in a world of zombies when you really think about society at large.
robots could easily use disease as a weapon, its perfect for them
Found the robot
We're already living in the NPC apocalypse.
Basically rabies
I'm finally playing Zero Dawn without having gotten it spoiled in these years, and instead get the backstory spoiled on some random thread on fucking Yea Forums. What are the goddamn odds.
singularity started in 2007
it's chain effect how the virus keeps surviving
What about the piles of dead humans?
Suspension of disbelief broken with the soundproof orbs, he couldn't scream so lord without lungs to push the air out
At least the robot apocalypse would be swift, and without prolonged agonies.
real zombie apocalypse won't last a few months. animals and insects love to eat free meat
It'd most likely be a ecological apocalypse as the robots do whatever they fuck they want to power themselves and expand while fighting a winning war against us. The survivors who stopped fighting the robots would just slowly die off from starvation sooner or later.
Assuming these AI robots are functioning on pure, cold logic, then they would simply kill all human life and be done with it.
>why no robot apocalypse movies?
>posts pic of robot from THE quintessential robot apocalypse movies
It's highly likely that an AI would use biological warfare against humans.
Nemesis from 1993 is your man.
>give it up, alex!
>we paid for every part of you, alex!
Man i love that beautiful trash
Also Cyborg 2 is a VERY good b-film on the same theme. Better than Cyborg IMO
An AI that reaches self-awareness would almost have to be dumbed down in order for it to function properly. Imagine being stuck with nothing but your own thoughts for what would seem like years on end. The logical conclusion to such an existance would be suicide, not conquest.
pain and hate have practical purposes that could be useful for robots desu
this thread is dumb
oh no the bots have found the thread.
Have sex.
If our advances in AI tell us anything, a robot apocalypse would be pretty comfy for Caucasian males.
slow, stupid, poor senses, can be killed by bullets, their threat played up in fiction
fast, smart, enhanced senses, bullet proof, their threat played down in fiction.
gee I wonder
A zombie apocalypse will die off after a month or so.
A robot apocalypse won't die off, and will keep going until the world's like the world of the Matrix or Terminator.
So the zombie one is better because at least survivors know that there's an end to it so what's left of humanity can move on.
We will kill each other before any robot rises up.
Spielberg dropped out of making this
What if Robots got infected with the Z-Virus and became Zombots...I think that would be even worse.
Give it a 100 years. We'll see who's slipping on who's banana peel.
Both are handled much easier than movies ever portray. Zombies would be a fun weekend followed by a month of guilt from the media. Robots would be a single EMP solution followed by another era of slavery. Either works for me. Hit the fucking button.
28 days later zombies would fuck everyones shit up though. Except maybe in rural america
You can defeat them with magnets or jam them or whatever you can do to mess with electronics, it's that simple.
Of course a robot apocalypse would be worse since it would start with the launching of nukes and wipe out most of the population immediately.
In terms of shit being dealt with, the army would steam roll zombies.
Evac all survivors and roll in heavy armor to headshot all zombies. Make safe zones and quarantine.
Terminator like robots are a million times worse.
>intelligent adaptable AI that can see an EMP coming
>Advanced killing machines that know how to counter and fight everything humanity throws at them
>Unrelenting metal army that never tires.
Not only that, but its capabilities of also being a hive-mind, being able to hack weapons systems, deceive humans into giving it info. Theres no scenario imo where a zombie apocalypse is scarier or harder to deal with. Thats why theres always zombie survival movies where a ragtag group deals with them, a ragtag group would just get murdered by robots.
Are you talking about real life? Because that's what the elite does.
>dude just EMP lol
Listen brainlets, a robot apocalypse would only happen if there was some super AI to begin with, the kind that infiltrates all government systems and launches nukes on everyone. It's not as if some aliens are going to drop some robot soldiers on us. Most likely robots would come after most people are nuked just to clean up the remainders.
>the real brainlet thinks nukes can be launched via internet
>some country like china incorporates AI into their defense systems
>everyone else forced to do the same in order to stay competitive
>turns out one or all of them were actually waiting for that moment to nuke humanity
Use your imagination, brainlet.