What does Yea Forums think of snowpiercer?
What does Yea Forums think of snowpiercer?
Was ok
pretty bad imo. was there supposed to be subtitles for the asian guy?
I legitimately came into this thread with the intention of posting this except I was gonna say, "it was okay."
It was allegorical
>find out they were eating bugs
>Everyone feels sick
Well shit, it's not like they have anything better. I'd rather eat bugs than starve to death or freeze to death.
Sequence where they open the door the Asian chick tells them not too but she's too late was the highlight of the film. Most of the "meaning" behind the film is pretty lame and surface level. I had more fun listening to that guy on the tube say it was a sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate factory than I did watching the actual film.
in the original cut it was supposed to be literal shit. They thought that was too disgusting for the audience. The bugs make less sense. You would think after eating babies munching on a some cockroaches wouldn't be a big deal.
Its a pile of frozen shit
Literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen along with Any Given Sunday
ah, that makes sense
Garbage and utterly forgettable.
Some ok parts but the ending was a cop out.
yea, I couldn't believe I watched the whole thing
OK smart guys so the film is shit but riddle me this:
What genre is it
I liked it it more than Solo.
subtitles are never correct.
lol that's great
Overhyped reddit trash
A train wreck.
I'd much rather eat babies.
funny you should say because a gripe with the premise is it didn't seem to be 'materially closed' and that sort of addresses that
it wouldn't saved the movie from being the worst ever made however
You can't make a film in English language and not use western cinematic language/logic. people are just going to be pissed off
barely made any fucking sense, and Evans was awful as the lead, he needs to stick to capeshit.
he really is a bad actor. the forced drama was dumb.
the guy from bladerunner was the only good thing in that movie
what was his name again?
It made no sense. It's like whoever wrote just thought a bunch of action sequences with zero brain would be cool.
Raging Rodrigo?
It was well made enough to make it cool. Didn't need any more than that.
So was the message of this move that while it may be ugly society needs fascism and the system of classes or it will collapse?
i saw it when it came out and don't really remember anything that happened between the beginning and the end. some scene with ninjas or something. really forgetabble.
One thing made no sense plotwise.
At the very beggining a guy was punished by a completely expected, down to the second, recorded, in a working clock, outside freeze exposure, as has been forever. Remember, down to the seconds. At the end it's "lol temp it's really being drawn to normal levels all this years!"
dude capitalism and white evil are evil lmao
>oh no, our proteine mush that sustains us is made out of insects
>this is terrible, we now definitely have cause to revolt
>actual babies taste pretty good btw
dumb fucking movie
Its ok
Were the little Nig and girl the only survivors after the train crashed. I know Chris Evans without a doubt died, but them being the only ones who made it out of the crash is a little to grim
it's alright
At least they are immediately killed by a polar bear.
Bug farming makes more sense. Eating poo poo would have been pretty dumb.
China leading Africa into the future is pretty spot on
The scene where Ed Harris and Chris Evans are just talking is great, and that's the only thing I remember from the movie
Really good movie. I liked Evans in the lead. Really showed his chops when he told his story.