What are some interesting movies coming out this year than don't deal with superheroes?

What are some interesting movies coming out this year than don't deal with superheroes?

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How to make f/a/gs commit suicide

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have sex

McDonald's Arthouse.


new movie of Shinkai

The new Tarantula, the new Scorsese

Well, he doesn’t have super powers
>inb4 doesn’t count
>still somewhat close to capeshit
John Wick 3

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What the fuck does cope even mean in context? Is it really just saying "lol you have to deal with it"

Well, yes. Why is that hard for you to understand?

It means "lol you're just coping from your insecurities and lackings"

It doesn't make sense why something like that became a buzzword here

Why do incels get so mad if you name them?

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some people who aren't incels get called incels out of nowhere

Detective Pikachu


Well see, if you call everyone you disagree with an incel, then you're bound to be more wrong than right.

The label is correctly used 90% of the time I'd say which is acceptable collateral

>I don't like this movie
>incel have sex
yea okay...

I'm a 25 year old virgin. I have 500 tinder matches and have zero interest in dating any of them because they're all repulsive.
I don't see how sticking my dick in one of them would suddenly radically change my worldview. I'm not even sure what the crux of being called an incel even is. it's making the assumption that having casual sex is somehow the sheer top of the mountain, the pinnacle of existence. anyone who uses that word is just in turn proving how little their opinions on anything actually matter.

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>my bullshit statistic helps me cope

virgins =/=incels
incels hate women and nonwhites

I don't hate women. but I do hate the worshipping of women for simply existing

You can generally tell an incel but how they specifically disliked a movie

>I didn't like The Last Jedi. The plot made no sense, it handled the OT characters poorly, and created more plot issues than it resolved
This is a normal person

>I didn't like The Last Jedi. They shoved a fucking nigger in my face and I'm triggered. It was anti-white propaganda because the badguy was white. This is a Jewish conspiracy for white genocide
This is an incel

Learn the difference, it could save your life

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That would make you a volcel, retard.

Hating nonwhites is the most Chad thing you can do as a white man get fucked tranny

Isn't Joker just going to be John Wick with a clown?
The main character already looks like John Wick in clown make up in the pic you used.

That just makes you a MGTOW.

A few more differences

1.) incels can only be white or at least 50% white (in fact, I've seen interesting studies suggesting MOST incels are at least half non-white)

2.) Incels can only be heterosexual men

3.) Not all Incels are neo-nazi's, but all neo-nazi's are incels.

4.) Incels simply do not choose to not have sex, or aren't unsuccessful with women specifically. They have shut themselves off from society and blame it/women/jews/etc for their virginity. They feel ENTITLED to a woman that they want to have as a sort of sex property, without putting in any effort towards a relationship

5.) The average incel IQ is around 68 according to recent studies.

I'm interested in incel and intelligence, we need to gather some and analyze their brains to see how long it takes for their intelligence to drop lower than that of normal people.

This may lead to research that concludes that incels are not humans as we know them, but some sort of divergent sub-species like a Homo Antecessor.

>need to gather some
If I head down to the next Unite The Right rally and catch some in a giant cartoon dog catcher net, will you pay me?

>incels can only be white or at least 50% white (in fact, I've seen interesting studies suggesting MOST incels are at least half non-white)
>The average incel IQ is around 68 according to recent studies.
I would love to read those studies, if you'd be kind enough to post the sources here, thank you.

Well, in that specific case I disliked TLJ because all the nonsense basically, Leia Poppins in space, Snoke aka the worst villain in a SW movie (a CGI villain seriously?), who can connect two minds across the galaxy but can't see he's about to get fucked by a guy in front of him, Luke being an entire different character, etc. I don't understand those YouTube neckbeards who complain about the Asian girl, it seemed okay to me.

maybe. I guess being raised by a mentally ill single mother kind of opened my eyes from a young age about the potential dangers of women. maybe to an unhealthy and warping extent, but it's still real. I find it hard to exist and be sociable in a society that builds up so many lies and deceptions around the nature of women. and most men just passively go on with the narrative. I've had a front row seat to the destructive insidious nature of manipulative femininity my entire life and see these traits escalating in society and being celebrated. I have no interest in getting a second dose. call me a pedophile but the only girls that seem able to be saved from this toxic mindset are under 15-16

I'd be glad to.

You'd need a pretty big net tho they're usually pretty hefty specimens.

Have sex.
McDonald's arthouse.

I'm begging ya to have sex

nice try, soỿboỿ.

Yea Forums is unworthy of your comments, sir.

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>complaining about muh incels and neo-nazis
>pretending you're not reddit

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>you are all the same person
based retarded plebbitor

keep pretending you're not samefagging you shill


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>5.) The average incel IQ is around 68 according to recent studies.
did they only study violent criminal offenders or something?

have sex



They literally just posted hentai on /pol/ and all the fish that came in to bite were tracked down and rounded up

perfect incel bait

Have you never heard of coping mechanisms

Kys tranny

Day of rope is coming for incels, and you can't stop it.

most nazi's were tranny tho

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Everyone's an incel except me

McDonald's Arthouse?

Why aren't these words getting the filter but S@y did?

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mods are saltỿ soỿboỿs

I'm not an incel and I don't like niggers in my kinography. Why is racism suddenly only for incels? Plenty of good god fearing people lived for centuries before us hating niggers.

nazi's burned all the "trannies are real women" academic literature.
Cross dressing was merely a humorous novelty and party prank, Jews trying to turn it into something more was and should still be rejected.

>no proof

god that was that entire month was great. Came from /fit/ too.

>I've seen interesting studies
Reddit comments with a lot of points are not studies faggot

>nazi's burned all the "trannies are real women" academic literature.
That's all jewish lies to demonize the germans like the holohoax. Most nazi's were trans. The jews couldn't erase the evidence

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>incels can only be white or at least 50% white (in fact, I've seen interesting studies suggesting MOST incels are at least half non-white)
>Incels can only be heterosexual men
>Not all Incels are neo-nazi's, but all neo-nazi's are incels.
>Incels simply do not choose to not have sex, or aren't unsuccessful with women specifically. They have shut themselves off from society and blame it/women/jews/etc for their virginity. They feel ENTITLED to a woman that they want to have as a sort of sex property, without putting in any effort towards a relationship
>The average incel IQ is around 68 according to recent studies.

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>thousands of photographs isn't proof

lmao didnt work for Vito, won't work for you either tranny. Go dilate.

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Racism is only for incels these days yer. It was part of a cultural shift over the last 15 or so years.

Though a lot of normal americans aren't fond of muslims, they're probably the exception.

That's 100% an Yea Forums meme. The next fucking tranny to say seething, I'm finna gonna shoot on.

What a seething strawman cope lol

>incels hate nonwhites
>only white men are incels

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>look it up
>Cross-dressing among soldiers happened on all sides in both world wars. Most photos of the phenomenon are as a result of a theatre performance put together by troops: With no women around to play Ophelia or Celia Peachum, a man would be enlisted to fill the role for laughs. (Here, for instance, is a photo of a theatre troupe of First World War-era Alberta soldiers, including a performer in drag).
>Crossdressing happened on all sides in both world wars
>on all sides

Well, there's another tranny bullshit project dismantled.
>tranny nazis

The art of self-defense written and directed by our guy Riley Stearns.


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thats not what strawman even means lol

>tranny trying to hide its degeneracy with "IT WAS A JOKE! JUST A JOKE!"
dilate resetera

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How do we deal with the tranny menace? they're obviously familiar with the way we interact and they're very careful at giving out information that can be used against them.

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Tarantinos new movie might be good.

ban anyone that says incel and have sex for starters


Not to defend the masculinity of Nazi's but finding cross dressing hilarious is just a German thing, rather than specifically a Nazi thing.

I think only Anglos and Japs take crossdressing seriously. The rest of the world laughs.

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Seething isn't a Yea Forums meme. You mandrama faget

Detective pikachu

Have sex


i don't get why incel became a thing when 'virgin' has long been used as an insult. yeah, not everyone who's a virgin does it voluntarily but if someone calls you that it's obvious they're implying that it's involuntary.

Tinder is disgusting. Never fucked a tinder date, they're either legit whores without money or they're just dumb bitches with no personality whatsoever


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There's a really big difference between cross dressing and transexualism

Yea one does it for the lulz, the other one genuinely believes he's female.

saltiest man in Yea Forums atm
love it

based /pol/ traumatized these poor faggots

When are you going to jump in front of a bus

This thread got derailed real well. This board as turned to shit, all I wanted was some movie recommendations. Looks like I'll have to go back to scrounging IMDb lists smdh.

Frozen II

wait a few years ;)
theres nothing more hideous than an aging tranny.
they know it.
they cant escape.


every /r/movies faggot has an imdb account
watch naked (1993)

Sooo thats why they kill themselves. Mystery solved. Pack it up boys.

Personally I can't wait for the kino that will occur in 5-10 years when everyone that jumped on the tranny fad starts offing themselves en masse

Wait a second what the fuck does this even mean?

What do lefties even read that they come up with this shit?
Like there are only two definitions any term can have:
Negative word = judgmental or Nazi or sexist or whatever
Positive word = supports sex workers, abortion, etc.

Incel literally just means a guy who can't get laid even though he tries too. We come up with new words to describe specific phenomena, but lefties can't do nuance.
Why not just replace the entire dictionary with the two words "fascist" and "queer" and get it over with? You never say anything new, it's always just a repeat of "durr us good you bad durr"

Well, Incel is the word a specific subculture, mostly on Reddit, uses as a self description. Making fun of them isn't a specifically leftist thing, a fucking centrist site like Kiwifarms has had a thread on them for years.

The quality of discussion on Yea Forums is reaching new lows which shouldn't even be possible

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That community took the term which existed and self-applied. You are not an incel unless you make repeated attempts to get laid, and consistently fail. That is the only definition.
Whatever specific group of these dudes turns around and gets buttmad at wombyn/kikes are:
1. Heroes
2. Not the definition of the term


It is just new deal with it.

The term is an oxymoron to begin with. All celibacy is voluntary by definition.

>have sex
>oh no no no
>um, sweetie
choose your weapon

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This is missing a number of insults referencing a type of bean that's a staple in a large variety of Asian cuisine.

all of those are classics lol

This board is trash beyond saving. Admins legitimately fucking stopped caring about us

Putting a word filter on suoyboy literally declawed this fucking board. Now numales come here uncontested with their own funky buzzwords

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this is my favourite

It was a fucking faggy insult to begin with, let's be honest.

Not very comedic