What's your favorite clint eastwood film?

what's your favorite clint eastwood film?

Attached: Clint+Eastwood+Valentine+Kisses+2004+Mapn_ejeE0El.jpg (594x446, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> old enough for kisses

Gran Torino



>That would be Thunderbolt and Lightfoot of course

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how does this old fart keep making out with hot lolis 7x24 and i'm lurking Yea Forums on a saturday night?

Old enough for kissin’

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
It's not really a Western, it's more of an epic drama set in the West

Dirty Harry or A Fistful of Dollars

Based Cunny Eastwood

i like torino a lot but i actually enjoyed the mule more. its incredibly funny in such a dark way that a lot of critics straight up didnt understand and complained about the tone of the movie, and the driving and hotel segments while he hauled drugs are ultimate comfy

also this shot is absolute fucking kino

Attached: the-mule-still-2018-clint-eastwood.jpg (1800x1200, 304K)

tite tushy

good taste, I saw The Mule in theaters when it came out and loved it
I still prefer Torino though since it's got a bit more action and I like the overall story a bit more, but that's just me


Attached: Clint+Eastwood+Valentine+Kisses+2004+Mapn_ejeE0El.jpg (320x320, 17K)

mind posting a higher res version of this?

lol remind me to watch the original Beguiled


reminds of how that Poltergiest girl died or w/e

yeah with the mule i think clint purposefully chose a movie with no action scenes because he doesnt want to come off as an old man trying to cling to being seen as a tough guy, even though his old ass could still probably pull it off

Skip to 3:56

cunny tushy is a helluva drug

white hunter, black heart



lmao fuck off reddit. this is as tame as it gets

the one where he has his gf get 2 abortions and then tubal ligation so he can nut raw inside her

Probably one of his 50 illegitimate daughters, That other fella kisses his son like that anyway, maybe a wh*te person thing.

what's wrong with kissing your daughter/ gf?

oh wow, dat tushy

based clint

Attached: zhegalkina.ph - BwcA2NjB_ML_BwcA2JQB9xu.jpg (1080x1350, 74K)

thats gotta be photoshopped..

it's real, I can vouch for it

Who's the girl?

She looks like a centaur

trust me, it is not

Attached: kristyashmidt - BvRkOzbgM2r.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

So another cunnychad.


Simple. He was born with the based gene. You weren't.

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Snoke is still alive?

what the fuck. life is so unfair brehs

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s m a r t m a n

all alphamales are cunnychads, of course

>tfw no cunnyresorts yet

mai lynchfu

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>all alphamales are cunnychads
Can confirm
It's the ugly, cowardly betas that become hebephiles and get paraded around in the media as "pedophiles"

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sieg heil, brehs

>HOLD IT! You're under arrested for being TOO CUTE!

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oh gosh :3

literally a jewish conspiracy

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People didn't like The Mule? I loved that movie because it was just simple and Clint just being based Clint doing boomer shit was awesome.

Based gigachad with based taste.


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you just KNOW

I wanted to like it, didn't hate the slow pace or anything, but it's definitely a bit too long and it felt like some threads were left a bit too loose.

I wish I was a lg's doggo, I really like peanut butter.

dat tushy tho

when i see a nice ripe cunny tushy in public I just stare. i don't care who sees

Like what? I mean the cartel plotline was kinda rushed when the old boss got killed and replaced but it wasn't really that integral to Clint's character so it didn't bother me as much.

>posting cp
fucking jannies not doing their job

>"there must be a mistake here, officer"
>*unzips cunnyfolder
>*officer cunnybunny bites her lip

Attached: zhegalkina.ph - BwXZOKbhU3z_BwXZOF4BGaV.jpg (1080x1350, 108K)

lmao imagine being so new you consider anything ITT even close to the realm of being cp



alpha as fuck

weekend Yea Forums is literally facebook

not even memeing

Attached: clint cunnywood.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Maybe it's time you went back to normieville. You obviously don't belong here.

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Hey buddy, how come you are posting my lgf's picture without my permission?

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sorry, I meant to post my little wife, here :3

Attached: maisie_dek - BwcRo0gFE9f_BwcRox8Fiai.jpg (1080x1350, 161K)


Attached: 1543931610622.webm (640x1136, 2.93M)

Maisie a shit A SHIT

maisie lookin skinny needs more milkies

High Plains Drifter
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
Dirty Harry / Magnum Force
The Eiger Sanction
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Pale Rider
Honky Tonk Man

TGTBATU is a Civil War movie.

i wish i was that dog!
i fucking stink and i need someone to take me a bath!

so a dog can do that but if I do it I go to jail

fuck this gay earth and fuck dog privilege

seek help, preferably at the end of a shotgun barrel

holy shit, i think i'm straight now

the mule sucked, the trailer made it seem a lot better

what is she doing with her hand?

>213 / 102 / 42 / 1


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s-she's literally perfect like that

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epic thread

grand thread that one

I would also say that it has a strict anti war message since Leone managed to show war as straight up not fun and all soldiers die like ants.

What does kissing a little girl on the lips feel like bros?

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