wtf I hate the government now
Wtf I hate the government now
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Now? When did you like the government?
The Waco series made being in a cult seem like a hell of a lot of fun, you even get your choice of a Melisa Benoist gf or that girl from Ozarks gf when you join. You'd be dumb not to join desu
>crazy pedo cult btfos itself
>crazy pedo cultists blow up daycare in Oklahoma city
>for some reason /pol/ loves him
Why'd they have all of these tanks there if the cult BTFO'd itself?
Never forget Waco, and never forget Ruby Ridge.
>make an apocalyptic scenario for retard cultists
>surprised they don't surrender
Why were the feds so dumb?
Cast him
I'd like to cast him into a volcano.
what's the best doc on Waco?
>wtf I hate the government now
This but unironically
The government is not your friend.
How in the fuck could you not hate the US government?
>crazy pedo cult btfos itself
>believing overt half-assed lies the feds put out to cover their asses
They were a crazy cult, but government apologism is a far crazier one.
>retaliates patriotically
BASED and Redpilled.
How many Iraq / Afghan vets are going to start bombing the government when they realized they fought for nothing?
Hating the government is as American as apple pie. Even the Founding Fathers hated the government and they created the damn thing.
*burns pregnant women and children alive*
*takes photo next to the smoldering ruins*
>"Dude, God told me to rawdog your wife every night until she has my kid lmao"
>"O-Okay, God bless"
What was his problem?
you should be more mad about ruby ridge than waco
Because they were crazy and fucking kids and shooting at the neighbors
t pedo lover
Not nearly enough. What’s wrong with 2nd amendment revolutionaries is that it’s all talk and speculation. While the government steadily encroaches upon Americans’ rights, they’re all sitting there with their dicks in hand and their heads up their asses. And they have the audacity, THE FUCKING TAMARITY, to make idle threats, as if they haven’t demonstrated well their impotency.
Ruby Ridge didn't get nearly the amount of media coverage as Waco. Few know that a mother holding her baby had her head blown off by a FBI sniper.
Unironically, how did he get away with it?
>government tear gasses the fuck out of the compound
>fires into the door
>ruh row tear gas is flammable
>cover it up
Fun fact: The Waco compound had cameras set up all around it and had view of a nearby airfield that Barry Seal used to run drugs for Iran-Contra.
surprised nothing major has happened yet
none when they keep the wars 'over there' keep going in perpetuity
>implying government agencies don't operate with impunity when it serves the narrative
Did nothing wrong. Cultists and their acolytes need to be purged for a harmonious society.
This. Fuck alphabet agencies, every single one of them is an enemy to the American people and every agent is a traitor that needs to be you know what.
ICE and the IRS are exceptions
Feds don't prosecute Feds.
>Iraq / Afghan vets
As a vet I can tell you that the US military is just mostly mercenaries now. Most soldiers are fighting for a paycheck and benefits.
>Be American citizen
>Break a couple of laws, cops come to take you in.
>They shoot your wife in the head
God bless America.
Don't forget that he broke the laws under the direction of an undercover federal agent specifically so they could entrap him.
How can one thread have so many based and antigovpilled patriots in it? I love you gents and I'll remember you all after the faggot jannies 404 this thread
I'll remember you when they come for us.
>tfw every waco thread gets nuked
>not fighting for LGBT+ rights
>not fighting for religious tolerance (except Xtian)
>not fighting for equal rights for Women
>not fighting for racial equality
Why did you even sign up, Gunny?
I don't agree with McVeigh's methods but there's no doubt that his actions forced the Feds to back off on their bullshit a bit, knowing that reprisal against them was more possible than they realized.
jannies haven't been getting rid of /pol/ spam much lately I think there's a new one.
correct until 9/11 happened and gov't surveillance ramped up big time.
It’s the inevitable outcome
How many daycares must pedos blow up before they legalize child fucking? This is the question Tim McVeigh asked before they hung him from the gallows
oh no, we'll miss out on such quality posts like its your own retards fault
>mfw brown Muslim but love Mcveigh
Baby human shields
Never substantiated
>>I am retarded and so is society so please take away all of our rights
t. bootlicker
>For the five months following the Waco inferno, Timothy McVeigh worked at gun shows and handed out free cards printed with Horiuchi's name and address, "in the hope that somebody in the Patriot movement would assassinate the sharpshooter". He wrote hate mail to the sniper, suggesting that "what goes around, comes around". McVeigh considered targeting Horiuchi, or a member of his family, before settling on a bombing attack on a federal building, choosing to target the Murrah Building.
it's not /pol/ spam or capeshit spam, it's television and film related
He should have just sniped the criminal sniper instead of blowing up innocents.
It wouldn’t have made his point
First anime, now this. Japs need another nuke.
>blowing up innocents
Did the US gov't say "sorry" when it firebombed Tokyo or Dresden?
if you're fighting a war, killing one private doesn't make a big dent in the enemy war machine
Lol Americans bomb their own citizens innocent muslims and asians and except attacks on their government to be more moral
Taxation is theft and fuck the IRS
What's this kino about?
This is what peak trolling of /pol/ looks like. Bravo.
>After a mass shooting at a police funeral, Gannon, a former police officer who is now in a militia, investigates his militia, believing one of its members may be involved.
Based. Thanks user.
An ex cop in a militia has to figure out which of his fellow militia men shot up a police funeral. It definitely flew under the radar but it had some great performances and was very tense. Not perfect but I really enjoyed it.
Pol is so easy to troll even more than the incels at r9k
Who started the fire Yea Forums?
It’s always the government
>they were fucking kids so we burned the kids alive to protect them
1. The feds
2. The Davidians who were recorded on bugs/taps discussing plans to ignite a fire once [they] breached the compound, in which case the government was criminally negligent in assaulting a compound with flammable gas and pyrotechnical rounds with the full knowledge that there were plans on the other end to light off a fire in such a case.
>2. The Davidians who were recorded on bugs/taps discussing plans to ignite a fire once [they] breached the compound
I heard that they were using the fuel to make molotov cocktails to throw at the tanks?
>the best way to protect the kids is to gun them down and bomb them
Same thing in 1985 with move
It's possible. The only intelligible parts are just fragments of people shouting about how much to pour and how much they need to save, etc. FBI claims they were clearly discussing a plan to engulf the building and themselves in fire, jury said I don't hear what you say I should be hearing. Either way, the feds are to blame either because they themselves started the fire or they caused a series of events that they knew would lead to a fire.
>The ATF were there to save the kids
>It was perfectly ok to use cs gas, tear gas, and explosives on children. You know to save the kids!
>no one posted this yet
thread theme song
actual thread theme
>if we fire at the police theyre the ones at fault if they respond!
Stupid cultists
Actual actual real 100% thread theme
>believing government propaganda directly opposed to factual evidence found at the site
Am i /k/
Redpill me on Waco, was what David Koresh doing actually illegal? How should the government have responded?
Be careful user. This might be the biggest redpill known to man.
Pic related, a door that sworn-in agents said was destroyed actually being in their evidence locker and forensically showing that feds fired first.
Hey kids, wanna buy some bumper stickers?
Davis Koreah and his people were weird offbranch of Christianity he would do some messed up stuff but nothing illegal and the ATF was going to get shut down so they decided they need a good reason for it’s existence so they said he was raping kids and threatening to bomb people and so the ATF decides the best way to protect children’s in massacre them and keep their agency alive
The ATF are a bunch of retards considering that the entire Branch Davidian belief centered around preparing for the inevitable apocalypse. The Davidians exposed the ATF informant and were preparing for the raid for 24 hours, even though the plan originally hinged on a surprise attack on the compound. The ATF didn't want to wait any longer because the warrant they had was going to expire on March 1st. The ATF also lied and said that they had a meth lab on the premises so that they can secure National Guard assistance. The only really illegal act they committed was modifying AR-15s by putting M16 lower receivers on them and bypassing the ATF through getting a Class III weapon stamp and paying them. The ATF also had a dog team which went into the Davidian's kennel with the sole purpose of killing their dogs. There's more shit done by the ATF and FBI as well. They're all scum
The 'Waco' mini-series is G.O.A.T.
If they did nothing wrong they could have just let the agents search the building
>ATF Dog Team
>grin and bear it
>AHA! so you do wanna hunt us and bring oblivion to our lives!
>we just wanna check if your underage brides are healthy, Davi-
>*burns himself and babies alive*
Ah, that damn ATF.
>need to justify your agency’s existence after abhorrent atrocity/PR disaster at Ruby Ridge
>decide to do a bust on a (legal) gun manufacturing cult
>decide on a loud and proud raid instead of a quiet pick-up of leader
>oops, they defend themselves and it turns into a multiple month seige
>ends in bloody massacre of cult, including their children, being an abhorrent atrocity/PR disaster
>drawn out trial in which a series of blatant lies flimsily cover up the truth
Except they did do something wrong, it's just the ATF's response was poorly planned and executed, and the blame for the siege lies entirely with them.
Fuck off Janet
That's one problem with the whole thing, Koresh offered to let the ATF inspect the compound and they could've nabbed him on his daily jog if they wanted him that bad. The ATF was also found to have called up the media prior to kicking off the raid, hinting at an upcoming juicy story at the davidian compound. This is part of what tipped off the Davidians that a raid was coming. This was also just after Ruby Ridge when some slant eyed motherfucker shot a woman in the head while she held her infant child.
How can a person left wing or right wing believe those lies government agencies like ATF, cia , fbi are the biggest enemies to humans and citizens
Why are WACO fanatics so willing to overlook the child sex ring? You guys pedos or something?
Nah I’m not a government agent smuggling children in they had many chance to look in it was a show of force to kill them. Nothing better than the government trying to protect kids by burning them
Recommend me some obscure anti-government anti-police state kinos bros
Hilarious how you respond to nothing about my post because it destroys the narrative. Stupid NPC.
So the response to stop the child sex ring is to storm the compound with tanks and burn the place to the ground killing the women and children in it?
reminder that the police were so incompetent one of them fell off the roof and shot himself before anything had even happened
Let the fire burn 2013
>ugh like they were peaceful pedos, they only shot back when threatened (with a search warrant)
Coping pedo pls neck yourself.
Police are not hired for their intelligence and ability to think for themselves
this is the essential waco redpill
>didn't even attempt to respond with an argument
I know who I'm dealing with know.
I can’t wait until cia agents are ____ed
Wasn't looking for Waco-specific but thanks anyways
>how would you solve a cp ring WITHOUT the children dying?
>lmao kill yourself pedo
Bootlickers are fucked in the head
daily reminder that the two ATF agents who entered the window prior to this pic were formerly Clinton's bodyguards in the secret service and they both died but this guy made it.
Check out this too it’s about the battle of Athens in 1946
Also look for operation northwoods
David Koresh and his group were hoarding weapons they probably shouldn't have. That's the whole reason the ATF went out there. It's still debatable on who shot first but it happened which lead to the stand off until they gassed the building, started demolishing it with a tank, etc. If you watch the doc It's obvious the ATF were flexing on the Branch Davidians after losing the stand off the first day. They say something along the lines of the guys never got to try out any of that equipment before, and wanted to feel like Rambo, and calling them a cult to save kids made it feel justified, despite the fact they gassed and burned kids alive.
Look at his post
About the guns
Something wrong with that link
Sorry fren
Why would The Bureau of ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES check up on the well being of children?
Just in case you haven't, Z is solid anti-bootlicker kino, so is The Confession
Why is the horn labeled "sjws"?
Thanks no I haven’t do you have links to YouTube trailers
Z (I honestly can NOT recommend this enough)
The Confession
Both made by the same director, Costa-Gavras
Bodycount wasn't high enough and there is nothing that could be said to be accidental to defend actions of law enforcement agencies.
Why would the care about dogs?
Wonder where he is now
>bleaches and bulldozes your crime scene
nothin personnel, kids
I read he was teaching people how to shoot in the military or some shit.
This. Koresh was a loon and I wouldn’t be surprised if he set the place on fire himself, but weaver did literally nothing wrong and they murdered his wife and son.
David Koresh and his friends got sick of living in a degenerate America and bought their own land and built communal housing upon it. Then they utilized their God given right to buy arms. Government bootlickers panicked and they decided to infringe on peaceful citizen's rights by sending in some Zog Dogs. The ATF showed up and attacked the compound, which provoked the righteous fury of God who channelled through David and his followers who defended themselves and killed some of the government's stormtroopers. The ATF then sperged out and brought in armoured vehicles and snipers and helicopters and laid siege to the compound, killing kids who were hiding on top of silos and firing indiscriminately at anything that moved in the compound. Then, instead of stepping back and negotiating with Koresh who was more than open to negotiating at the time in spite of being bullet riddled, the ATF laid down machine gun fire, drove an armoured vehicle up to the compound, smashed in a wall and hurled in phosphorus grenade to light the place up and burned a bunch of peaceful people, including children, alive, then went and lied to Congress about it saying they somehow lost all the evidence which showed their criminal behaviour.
TLDR The US government declared war on its own citizens
t. ATF agent
why were government agencies acting like they were in fucking vietnam in the 90s?
Mostly kept low profile since the HS Precision shitshow as far as I know. HS and couple other gun companies have had client backlashes when they have hired his buttbuddies as consultants or instructors.
A disproportionate number probably were Vietnam vets 2bh
my memory might be fuzzy, but anti-government sentiment was quite high in the 90s, and there was a reactive push against the rise of armed militia/separatist groups. some of these groups were even doing publicized assassinations.
I disagree. There was a sizable amount of people who were organizing to resist “govern oppression.” After the booming that number shrank as all momentum collapsed as everyone remotely connected to the militia movement was now considered to be the next McVeigh.
We won the Cold War and the MIC needed a new buyer for military grade equipment, so they started selling it to law enforcement. Once you have tanks and automatic weapons, it’s hard not to use them.
How do I watch the Waco series?? Can’t find it anywhere
>some of these groups were even doing publicized assassinations.
Your memory is super fuzzy because nothing like that happened.
>Walks outside gets shot
Based Americans
>debunks your Waco conspericay theroy
nothing personal kid
Militias are still around. You could see how careful the Feds were when dealing with the people surrounding the Bundy ranch standoff. That would have been a bloodbath if the old FBI/ATF had their way.
>debunks literally nothing
Heh, nice clickbait, bong.
SJWs are the useful idiots of the extreme left
>SJWs are the useful idiots of the state
From the hiiigh desert---
I miss him bros.
He's always just a click away on u7 radio.
Not him, but as shown countless times the current extreme left is also the useful idiots of the state
Here's a quote from fassbinder, from an interview about his film The Third Generation
The first generation was that of '68. Idealists, who thought they could change the world with words and demonstrations in the street. The second generation, the Baader Meinhof group, moved from legality to the armed struggle and total illegality. The third generation is today's, who just indulges in action without thinking, without either ideology or politics, and who, probably without knowing it, are like puppets whose wires are pulled by others.
It's just not the same. I'd spend every weeknight staying up until midnight with my girlfriend, sitting by the radio and drinking brandy-coffee's, listening to the insanity and laughing, and then being able to hear a pin drop when the good shit came on the airwaves. It was a good habit, I miss it. Then he went out like a bitch, faking a stalker because the money wasn't good. Why'd it have to go so wrong for Art bros?
john britton? david gunn? world church of the creator?
future timothy mcveigh spotted. take your meds friendo
>t. guy who didn't watch the videos
The right to die for Israel trumps all of those
>the state benefits off of terrorism, therefore I as a person that fucking despises the state will act through terrorism to oppose that
Can you at least think before posting?
Fucking bootlicker
>Militias are still around
damn right
>this teargas is non-toxic so we'll pump so much of it in the building people suffocate instead
Why is Garrison so relentlessly on-the-nose? This one is actually fairly subtle by his standards.
Based and redpilled. Fuck WACO pedos.
There are still militias but they are no where near as popular or prevalent as they used to be. Not to mention the Oklahoma bombing became a rallying point agains every civilian action movement right of center. Even the fucking Tea Party movement protesting taxes and government spending was attacked by the media for being a spawn of McVeigh.The government may not execute its citizens, but they find other ways to fuck with you and break you down. Like those two native American women who saw their land and live stock get systematically decimated because they were in the way of some gold mine, or the Killdozer guy.
>they were pedos just trust us
>woops lol all the evidence got destroyed in the fire and everyone involved died
>How many Iraq / Afghan vets are going to start bombing the government when they realized they fought for nothing?
But they fought for Israel you stupid Goy.
>Government agency declares war on private US citizens and barbecues children alive.
>Private US citizen retaliates and blows children up.
>Bootlickers tell me that only the second case is bad for some reason.