Why do you guys hate movies so much?

Why do you guys hate movies so much?

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Why does Yea Forums pretend to be morally and tastefully superior to normalniggers when the catalog is filled with capeshit, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, politics and Simpsons memes?

It's a jewish tool to brainwash millions

I don’t watch movies; I watch film.

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The characters of these flicks are puppets of the corporate stage

My favourite white people are jews.

Those threads are made by normalniggers

Marvel makes pretty good movies

Movies go for too long

Guess normalniggers are the vast majority of Yea Forums browsers then

Becasue normalniggers enjoy capeshit, we enjoy shitting on them and posting sneed


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I can only marathon 10-15 mins of a movie in a single session. Takes me a week to watch the whole thing

Why do you think there's been a sudden increase in using the word incel and defending Marvel movies and SJWs?

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at 11 seconds theres a blonde girl only wearing a purple shirt and panties

same reason i hate video games

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Because its easy to bait insecure retards/autists by spamming some words?