>or so the Germans would have us beleive.
Or so the Germans would have us beleive
Which once again proves my theory
Germans LOVE David Hassellhoff
Nine Eleven
The mangrate.
You don’t have to parenthesize it. Germans come from Central Asia originally just like the Turks and the Khazars.
(((Turks))) and the (((Khazars)))
Germans just one day woke up and voted Hitler for absolutely no reason
6 Million or 6 Hundred? What's the difference?
(((africa bambata and the zulu nation)))
>germans come from central asia
is this some kind of strawman that pol says to each other about basic german history? are poltards even americans half the time? we get like 2 full years of learning about hitlers rise to power they should know this already
Best chapter of his book. my money's on "Doing Time"
To this day it is still unknown as to why the germans suddenly became so full of senseless hatred
If by 2 full years you mean from grades 2-12 and then additional supplemental education in the form of programming literature and movies and still after all that never really getting to the heart of the why only the how then
Yeah for no reason at all
I don't see any reason for those books being burned
>explain to the folks at home who Kato Kaelin is
You guessed it, Frank Stallone.
what a terrible post, it reminds me of that tragedy
what a #dickbiscuit
Yes. Germans are related to Afghanis. They are Indo-Europeans because they came from Central Asia. They are not the same as Scandis or Meds or Balkans or Celts or Slavs who can actually claim a European ancestry of longer than 3000 years.
How many germans are indo