Films about life catching up to you
Films about life catching up to you
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Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything. Never felt the urge to be great at anything. Never felt that magnetic admiration for someone who was great at something and wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life, is exist. Occupy space. Pass the time. You're a chick.
You're bored, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting, but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up, move around and work to support yourself.
Then you see men. Over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousness merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intention into external objects, crafts, goals and projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel non-stop seems to be briefly absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purpose-less universe.
And your gaze turns back on itself, on yourself, and you realize you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.
So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying everything. Because you're a woman.
>this level of desperation and adopted black kids
That prim smile maker her look like the Joker or something.
based, i love that pasta
She's right, her son needs a father figure in his life so she doesn't turn him into a mutilated tranny.
>fuck men
>omg come on men love me pls
kek. i mean what a catch, an old white bitch with niggers kids and a nigger tranny kid at that. weird how all the white cucks arent going to her.
She seems like an insufferable cunt
but why?
>adopts two black kids
>becomes single mother
what did she mean by this
>grow a pair and step up
How can an undesirable person be so smug?
Fucking sick cunt is saying her 7 year old is a tranny. I hope she gets cancer.
Couldnt she adopt cute niglets?
Do women think it’s literally impossible for them to be unattractive in ways other than body?
>shockingly available.
Do clickbait website pretend to be aware or are they stupid?
there are plenty of women that idolize people like pop singers and kim kardashian. some of them even hope to be better than them, especially some women when it comes to things like being famous on instagram.
she's mostly saying this as a way of promoting her new movie.
Wait, really? I thought she asked for a boy and got a girl by mistake, not that it was a tranny.
>i hate women
>im so lonely and horny bros
Why doesn't she try dating women? Isn't she supposed to be a progressive?
She's single because she adopted a bunch of black kids and uses them as a fashion accessory.
Anyone with a brain would avoid that shit no matter how famous or hot she is.
>adopts two niglets x years ago
>"I've been single for x years"
Look, I'm not saying the puzzle pieces fit together ALL the time, but they sure do fit together MOST of the time. Maybe /pol/ has a point.
I'm so horny and lonely, I would date a single mother. I don't care anymore.
I'm a sex realist, not a sexist
>Date this 40 year old weirdo who puts her African child accessory in a dress for pity points
The only men she'd consider dating are all sexy millionaires who can easily bang 20 year old thots for days.
So you personally identify with this woman?
who would have thought that nobody wants to date a single white mom with nigger children
I want all white girls to look at Charlize Theron and know that this is their fate. End the bitchy attitudes and I might fuck you.
t. Tyronius Chadimus
I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.
my horny levels are not what they used to be charlie but i will do this for you
consider yourself tributed
Well, she DID murder her father...
Can you imagine being a wealthy, interesting, intelligent alpha male who orbits in her society and you think, you know what, I'm good enough for her and I'm gonna hit that Furiosa shit and I'm gonna make her marry me and have my babies.
And then you read that shit in the Daily Mail...goodbye Charlize, I hardly knew you.
None of you faggots are truly lonely and horny if you wouldn't even fuck Charlize Theron because she has African adopted kids.
I don't want to see you posting BR2049 ever again.
>Mentally ill drama queen approaching the wall with two adopted nigger children is saying, "be the man" and provide for me
I would eat her shit tb.h
She should try chatting with some Yea Forums posters.
>a 50 year old with a pack of adopted niggers
>shockingly available
>if you wouldn't even fuck
That is not what is being said and you know it, she's been "single" for ten years I highly doubt she has been celibate
There's a reason the guy from Third Eye Blind wrote the song Motorcycle Drive By about her.
y i k e s
so this... is the power... of single mothers...
For any normal woman the wall has long been breached but desu Charlize could still get 20 something Chads to fuck her with ease.
Sticking around though, no way.
shouldn;t the second half of that headline say
>Needs to learn how to settle.
Literally how? I would smash based Charlize in a heartbeat and I’m sure there’s thousands of other guys in a better position than me who feel the same. Maybe her standards are to high?
say "i would be a cuck. i don't care anymore" out loud. same thing. still up for it?
There was a TEXx talk where an overweight women slightly younger than Charlize talked about how she whittled her list to three main things. (Which was basically her combining all her prerequisites into categories)
"I guess I'll settle for a millionaire playboy rather than a billionaire playboy sigh"
Women think they live in TV world or something
>to high?
It's TOO when you have TOO much of something
to be fair, Charlize literally does tho.
All this tells me is that you're bitter, angry, and "shockingly single". My gf and I scoff at you incels while we lovingly fuck each other.
>reached but desu Charlize could still get 20 something Chads to fuck her with ease.
>Sticking around though, no way.
Yeah. Apparently Kim Cattrall still dates younger men and she's like childless 60
it was actually a quote she made
No she doesn't, no one does. Its not real but they think it is at least subconsciously
>i've been single for 10 years
>it couldn't possibly be something i'm doing wrong
a woman lacking accountability. can't tell you what a shock this is.
Imagine a life where you have the time to sperg all this out
>Charlize Theron reveals her daughter, 7, is transgender
She's literally turned the older one into a tranny, so I suppose that's her attempt to not have to raise an ugly ape.
>it was actually a quote she made
I didn't realise that. I assumed it was someone else like Seth Rogen, who is her friend.
So does Meryl Streep and Kylie Minogue. They're wealthy and famous, it's not hard for them to attract handsome young men to be toy boys.
She's really hot but what do you expect if you are a crazy bitch on top of adopting two nigs one of whom you claim is transgender now?
Literally no one should step up to that.
Why are women single at +40 so fucking insane?
Maybe they're single because they're fucking insane to begin with.
Women at any age are insane. Their insanity just becomes more intense and pronounced with age.
When you don't use your eggs they scramble
Hmmm, should I date Charlize Theron?
She's still physically attractive
She's wealthy
She adopted a black boy
She's trooping the black boy into a girl
She's an obnoxious libtard in public
Hard pass senpai
I saw an article on msn this crazy bitch is brainwashing one of her little niglets into a tranny
They're single because they're insane. You think any guy is going to agree to adopt a couple african kids and stick them in dresses for attention?
Man, is there anything hotter than when a chick is gagging for it so hard it makes the news?
I will volunteer my services to absolutely destroy that arse if you are reading Charlize, just message me ITT.
do you guys think she would drop the nigglets off at an orphanage if a guy agreed to marry her but only under that condition?
>4 year says they're a girl
>welp guess they're a girl now
Seething incel detected.
Wait fuck that's actually 3 years old
Fuck, this is disappointing.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
>43, unlikely to have any kids of her own
>2 adopted kids
>making one of the kids trans
no thanks
*murders you in cold blood*
>tfw i was never attracted to charlize theron
>step up and start dating Charlize Theron
>come home from work
>she's fighting with her adopted kid again
>"I don't want to pretend to be a girl anymore!"
>"You will pretend! Mommy needs this to get media attention and roles!"
>"You're not my real mommy!"
>"We'll see what your father has to say about this."
>Charlize asks you to discipline the African child
>grab your belt
At least this job has some perks.
Those are some ugly Chinese people user
>three year old says they're getting ice cream for dinner
>Guess they're getting ice cream for dinner, it wouldn't be progressive to say otherwise
>three year old says they're a dinosaur
>get them plastic surgery to make their skin look like scales
lol at "strong wahmen". How about *you* do the stepping up? Fucking dumbfuck feminists want their cake and they want to eat it to. They want the good parts of equality and the good parts of traditional gender roles, like being catered to like a princess. Fucking braindead children. They don't want to do any work in the relationship and they don't want to "date down", because god forbid when you move up in status the number of people "equal" to you goes down. That google engineer memo had a point. The only way we know how to "make things more equal" is by overcorrecting in the other direction. Modern wahmen are turning into entitled, arrogant, angry, aggressive cunts in the name of "equality" and "progress". They want to be like men so much that even bisexuality is becoming more popular with them.
you when crazy woman is 16: "aw she's adorable"
you when crazy woman is 40: "i can see clearly now the bitch is gone"
> I'm coming for that kid Charlize and he's not going to hang for the reason you think
what is sexist about it?
no sane man would want to raise her adopted nigglets
>me and my girlfriend
>washed up hag with a black tranny baby
>why wont anyone date me
gee what a mystery
The belt is for smacking her, right?
The girl in the tea shop
Is not so beautiful as she was,
The August has worn against her.
She does not get up the stairs so eagerly;
Yes, she also will turn middle-aged,
And the glow of youth that she spread about us
As she brought us our muffins
Will be spread about us no longer.
She also will turn middle-aged.
>take care of my black kids, cuck
tbf, she was born in south africa
>she's mostly saying this as a way of promoting her new movie.
Yeah, her publicist told her to say it.
What would their day even be like? Kids are a handful but when their your own you can see it being worth it. But this? this is like being stuck in a day care all day
no wonder. she's old af
women deceiving people is a human right, have sex
god i wish that were me
Not really moron, it's more like they say I'm a girl, and you say OK. what would you like for dinner then? And if it's some play game or a joke, they forget all about it and move on and it probably never comes up again.
When they say I'm a girl, and then they keep saying it and keep saying it, and get distressed if you try to treat them like a boy, then you can start to consider the possibility that your child might be transgender.
The next step is not to sperg out like you cunts, but to take the child to a selection of doctors and child psychologists to probe the issues deeper to see what is going on with the child. children at that age do not have much in the way of guile. and do not have the capacity for elaborate deceptions, and doctors will be able to confirm easily enough if the child is transgender.
That's how it works in the sane non-incelaneous real world which exists outside of the edgylordy 1950s angry dad larper world of /pol/.
women are insane period. you just tolerate the young and the hot ones
>You think any guy is going to agree to adopt a couple african kids and stick them in dresses for attention?
>dried out womb demands that males find her desirable
she jsut has that jaded look of death and despair.
even is she were hotter it wouldnt be worth it bcs women like this poison your soul and suck the very spirit of life out of you.
I think this is an issue of just keeping your kids the fuck off the internet and heavily limit what they see on TV. There's a huge transgender movement going on, and all of a sudden every second kid think their in the wrong body before they're even 10? It's a load of shit, a fake problem invented as a means to an end, whatever it might be.
>and doctors will be able to confirm easily enough if the child is transgender.
I highly doubt they ever fucking say no, ever. They are not allowed to and if one did they'll take them to another one till they say yes.
could be one of three things, either their insanity drove people away or they've felt entitled all their lives and now their impossible standards are catching up to them, the third thing is just bad luck and they never met someone good for them
It's designed to make women look uglier completely separate of what they actually look like without makeup.
Most men don't wear makeup. so it is predominately aimed at women, and it's primary function is to take photos of women and make them ugly to put a derogatory image of the women forward into the world.
All women are insane, and whores
I like how these people always say 'assigned' at birth, as if it passive aggressively blaming someone.
Where is this from? Seems Japanese.
Imagine being this thin skinned, oh no! an App! Jesus Christ you people demand nothing short of constant adulation don't you?
>men are imbuing their conscious energy and intention into external objects, crafts, goals and projects
30% men at most. Rest are even more miserable than average women.
Based and redpilled
>step up and grow a pair
I’m sure there are some good dudes who would be excellent fathers but they weren’t good looking enough or famous for her. She’s want a maybe a select dozen or so men to step up. Everyone else fuck yourself
>assuming what kind of internet usage Theron's underage kids have
>Assuming rates of transgender people have risen
>Assuming that the rates stay the same, but acceptance is possible now and trans people are actually counted and protected, which is why they seem like they are suddenly everywhere. They always were.
The "end" is allowing people to live the happiest lives that they can, without having the actual genitals they identify with.
The best way to understand it is if you were forced to dress up as a girl. which you don't identify with at all, and you do not have a fetish for. It would be torture for you, which is how trans kids feel being forced to dress as the gender they do not identify with.
Reminder that in a short 50 years women surpassed the death toll of both World Wars, Vietnam, and The Black Death with abortion. They are the violent sex that uses mass manipulation to e punge their crimes.
>who would be excellent fathers
My first though was Seal but ironically I think she is too south african to actually date a black man.
He already started dating Heidi Klum when she was fucking pregnant by another guy so the kids shouldn't bother him
She is barren now, incapable of providing children to any spouse.
>Hypochondriac takes kid to doctor insisting the kid has cancer
>Highly doubt the doctor will say they don't have cancer, they're not allowed to, and if one did, they'll take them to another one until they say yes.
Kill yourself trans scum
>Not really moron, it's more like they say I'm a girl, and you say OK. what would you like for dinner then? And if it's some play game or a joke, they forget all about it and move on and it probably never comes up again.
>When they say I'm a girl, and then they keep saying it and keep saying it, and get distressed if you try to treat them like a boy, then you can start to consider the possibility that your child might be transgender.
>The next step is not to sperg out like you cunts, but to take the child to a selection of doctors and child psychologists to probe the issues deeper to see what is going on with the child. children at that age do not have much in the way of guile. and do not have the capacity for elaborate deceptions, and doctors will be able to confirm easily enough if the child is transgender.
>That's how it works in the sane non-incelaneous real world which exists outside of the edgylordy 1950s angry dad larper world of /pol/.
Cancer isn't trendy. Tranny kids are.
+1 point to you sir
Never said what I think about the app, or anything relating to it.
user asked how it is sexist, I explain why it is sexist, you start sperging out with all this projection.
>three year old says literally anything
what the fuck?
Lets fucking give them puberty blocks then right? at 9? Ridiculous considering there are plenty of people that regret transitioning.
The child says girl because he doesn't know what a boy is and has no father. Normal=girl
"Mommy I'm not a boy I'm (normal) like you!"
He doesn't know what he doesn't know
What? Cancer is incredibly trendy - those cute little bald skeletons wearing skin looking at the camera while some sappy sad song plays in the background is donation gold.
All men too.
emcels rise up
>Over in some corner, having fun.
With what?
Videogames, movies and music are all garbage nowadays.
Enabling trannies just makes it worse.
It doesn't matter how many pieces of your body you chop off, or what clothes you wear. You will never be a girl.
I am happy to know that most trannies will take this truth with them into their suicide.
Why are you asking Yea Forums advice on women?
And why does Yea Forums suddenly pretend to know about them?
Who on earth would want to have a relationship with a middle aged woman with black tranny kids?
Literally no one cares about sexism except uggos and effete men.
Drag is not the same as transgender, idiot.
Sorry /pol/shart, I am a proud man who loves his dick and lives with a born female girl who also loves my dick. Suicide outlook unlikely.
How's your sweaty, cringey little life going?
Men aren't as emotional
We got filled up with failed normalfags after the 2016 elections.
It's also why we are packed with political activist subhumans.
God, I can't wait for WWIII to start so I can freely start murdering all millennials I find.
Seal is a fucking joke, why would she consider him? He is handsome, and had some great hits in the 90s, since then he has been riding the coattails of that success being famous as a 'judge' on a shitty show and hosting Halloween parties with his cringey model wife.
Theron is an oscar winning A lister.
If you are a millennial, you are.
Haven't you seen the past 10 years of political activism?
Nothing but a race between fat manchildren and blue haired feminists to see who is the most thin skinned and easily offended.
Which is why millennials are dogs that deserve to be put down.
there is literally nothing wrong with land leviathans fucking each other
>adopted a nigglet
>"grow a pair and step up"
Apparently just saying you're a girl makes you transgender
I don't see a difference between men dressing up as girls and typical trannies
You're just putting a pretty label on it, though. What it really is is a mental illness that these people need treated and hopefully cured. If the problem really was just their mind literally being in the "correct" body then the surgery should be an effective fix, but the suicide rates of those who have received the surgery is still ridiculously high and even higher for those that regret ever having it done. Saying we need to accept and validate these people's feelings on their own bodies isn't helping them, it's just feeding their illness by pretending it's something it's not.
>"I wish people would stop spreading rumours that Charlize Theron and I are dating. It's starting to make Halle Berry jealous!"
>everyone these days are stupid children whining about their emotions
A truly high IQ outlook on modern times
>Theron is an oscar winning A lister.
And yet here we are
We know you're not perceptive, no need to reinforce it.
You know what is truly sad about this? No matter all of Charlies flows like her old age, the hundreds of guys she has fucked, the tranny kids, her obnoxious personality, she will definitely find a partner. Imagine if a guy was in the same situation. No woman would even look at you.
And millennials insist on calling this a "culture war".
Only good thing is that, since you are ruining the world, you'll probably be forced to fight an actual war someday, and probably when you'll be not as young, not as agile and not as strong, just when your age is starting to bring you down.
My 5 year old child just told me they're a ghost.
It was sad to but that bullet through their head, but if they want to be a ghost what kind of parent would I be to try and oppress them?
She's an irrelevant, childless spinster.
And yet, guys will still happily line up to be with that used up nutcase. This world is completely fucked up.
Kek retarded zoomer. If anyone is fighting the next war it will be you or your kids. Gen y are already in their 30s
Of course. Famous women will always have rich orbiters who will want to full fill their fantasy. Lindsay Lohan made a killing with her "Islamic" stunt.
Enjoy fighting a war and/or running away from it in your 50s.
>happily line up
>"shockingly available"
No deal kiddo. Your ignorance is astounding.
HW degenerates will do anything for fame and money, btw this is why she needs to find a man the deal is to show two cis parents to transgender kid(s)
I don't hate them. I'm just utterly ugly.
wow thats a pretty large coincidence that a ton of actors adopted kids from africa ended up trans
Absolutely. If the diagnosis is correct. You think trans girls should have to have a 5 o clock shadow and deep voice etc when they are older because you think it is funny?
The puberty blockers make it possible for a seemless transition and are the most humane way to proceed. Legions of professionals with degrees who are far smarter and better educated than you have already reasoned all this shit out, which is why it has passed into law.
You fucking /pol/tards honest to god, all day long "MUH TRANS" 100s of edgy memes and threads. Absolutely Rent Free.
>me? no i am not pathetic
>i just call everyone else pathetic for disagreeing all the time
Women exist to waste your time and prevent you from ever being able to focus on a task for more than 5 minutes without bothering you. They seem to be wired to be as annoying as possible. Like they're always daring you to yell at them or smack them just by how they behave and carry themselves. I legitimately hate them as a concept.
I hope that my posts caused your mentally ill tranny friends to commit suicide
There is ZERO (0) evidence that transitioning improves the outcomes of patients presenting with gender dysphoria.
Jokes on you, I'm talking about the drag queens who aren't trannies.
>problem in the brain
>treat the body
imagine being this retarded
>childless 60
I bet she still hopes to one day become a mother, when she's ready.
>far smarter and better educated
If I threw a rock into a crow of them I bet I would hit at least threee Cohen's and a Mandlebaum
>Legions of professionals
You act like its unanimous when Dr. Paul McHugh of Johns Hopkins University vehemently opposes all this rubbish
>seemless transition
>most humane way to proceed
If they can consent to life changing hormone blocker’s when they are young children, then why can’t these children consent to sex legally?
The drag queens who put things up their butt and crush their balls sure
Rent free!
Charlize is South African for "incel."
Seething incel detected.
>the drag queens who things up there butt
Most drag queens are gay so that's invariably all of them
>crush their balls
I wouldn't know personally, but I hear this "tucking" maneuver is much more talked about then put un practice. It's also all for a temporary costume and not surgical mutilation.
>>three year old says they're a dinosaur
>inject them with ostrich hormones
>threaten violence against anyone who doesn't treat them like a gallimimus
>post something
>get replies
>guess i'm just living in their heads or something lol
Discord trannies, this is your final warning
Femcels think they're entitled to a boyfriend. This is toxic behavior, this is matriarchy. Ladies, be better!
>threaten violence against anyone who doesn't treat them like a gallimimus
Way ahead of you.
>get blown out by multiple people
>drop a meme of your choice in response and hide the thread
The classic
This shit right here is why you have restraining orders instead of sex user, don't keep blame Veronica
You people are so unreasonable, Jazz's vagina is literally falling apart because he started too early and didn't grow a big enough penis and you still want to start at 6 or some shit.
Like any of us care what adults do, its stupid kids that pay the price not us
>Charlize Theron: Gib Me Husband FFS!!44four
>"Ha-ha, I will b yo husban', Mommy!"
>PICTURED BELOW: Freshly married lesbian couple Charlize Theron (43, left) and Jackson Theron (7) doing their 1st Fortnite dance together
To summarize, keep your children away from drag queens
Clearly transgender kids, who were clearly born that was, are more common in Africa.
I bet you're knee deep in pussy
Final warning huh? Okay Mr Internet Tough Guy.
Everyone who disagrees with muh shitlord low IQ worldview is a discord trans.
We all know you can barely even heft your 600lb girth upright to molest your little sister any more, threat level not imminent.
how does that address anything you responded to? you just look stupid.
>Reddit spacing
Are you a film intern or something?
Man, the pendulum is going to swing back so hard on you chimps.
They'd still reek of man must during coitus.
Yeah Charlie, it's the MEN'S fault you've been single. Right
Sure man, just tell us honestly how many trans related threads you posted in last week and then we can talk.
This thread was about Charlize and her blue balls for a husband, but /pol/ is here to turn it around to talk about their favourite topic ad infinitum, MUH TRANS ! ! 1111!! !1!
You people are unaturally fixated.
This one goes out to all of /pol/ who are Literally Obsessed!
i've offered to take her out 4 times on twitter, all I got back was eww no.
Its like this weird call to authority they always have towards (((((academia)()()()
They also lobotomized that Kennedy girl in the sixties but I guess Doctors are infallible all of a sunned
*daughter (male)
what are you gonna do about it, punk ass bitch?
Ankle deep at least, I live with pussy and get to fuck it a few times a week.
>Maybe /pol/ has a point.
/pol/ is always right.
This is hella problematic.
I agree. It's adult entertainment.
I didnt even know it was possible to be this new
>look uglier.
It is a close approximation of what they may look like without make up.
No they wouldn't, because they don't produce male testosterone levels like we do, that's the whole point you spergllord.
>"hey user, why airn't you jerking off to Charlize Theron?"
i'll tell you why
>You fucking /pol/tards honest to god, all day long "MUH TRANS" 100s of edgy memes and threads. Absolutely Rent Free
Keep your evil talons off of children and people will stop talking about how you're ruining the bodies, sanities, and lives of the next generation.
black children are men repellent. I guess she didn't get the memo
This is like a living parody of a liberal. It's fucking surreal. Poe's Law IRL
Are you seriously on Yea Forums anonymously trying to convince people that you have sex?
>like we do
Oh yeah!!!! brother!!!! see you at the gym
No one wants to raise some black fucking shits
Sounds like a vampire from VTM
/pol/ has been right exactly once in it's existence, in predicting the US 2016 elections. And even then it just a blind guess based on hope and faith in corrupt gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Alright lads, this broad is rolling is cash so who's going to be a big boy and do the needful?
Doesn't she have like 8 adopted negro children who all hate her? Though I'd want to be her boyfriend just to get her drunk and ask her how much Hollywood pedo dirt she has.
>My Mom Let Me: How I Discovered I Wasn't Actually Transgendered Despite My Childhood
>strained relationships
>wasted lives and years
>stunted puberty
>irreparably fucked body
>mentally literally who
nyt bestseller book fucking when
Ditch the keeeeeeids off at an adoption agency, and we'll talk.
This is some wide eyes shut evil shit going on here.
They are literally turning their 4 year old kids crossdressers for sympathy points for their stupid club.
WTF is this shit, and nobody says anything?. Are we reaching peak clownworld?.
Women were designed to please men, to take orders from men, to be fucked by men. That is their purpose and goal. All the other things are just a facade to accomplish that.
Is that a fucking Keeper of Secrets?
Based and redpilled
You are actually evil, and you don't know it.
>corrupt gerrymandering and voter suppression
We are reaching Rachel Maddow levels of delusional coping in this thread lads
Not really, because it always just devolves into pics or it didn't happen, and I was born in the 70s, so I don't obsessively photograph my life or my girl, I just fuck her.
And let me tell you anons and incels, she is smart, she is funny, she is honest and hardworking and loyal. Girls are great, go find one.
Lol this cope from an axe wound sufferer
Don't you have a wound to dialate you piss drinking cretin?
Based basic logical conclusion for anyone who knows anything about the history of humanity or the basics of evolution poster
Another Logical Thinker
The majority of americans voted blue, the majority of Americans agree with the left viewpoint on almost all major issues across the board.These are inarguable facts.
Republitards still manage to win elections.
Muh delusion!
Didn't she date Sean Penn a few years back and made him melt all his guns?
Not a native speaker learning English right now what did the mentally ill tranny meant by rent free????
fucking kek
You are actually evil and you do know it.
Base male
No wound, all proud cock that fucks vagina.
this post is pretty cringe
This is fake there is plenty of homeless people that would love to take care of her kids
Honestly her genetic stock is so good that I would suffer her entitled insanity for the chance to make an extended effort at making her my baby incubator.
You literally just sound angrier and more delusional than before
It means your concern for the well-being of children is an inconvenience to the tranny
it's just a pedo fetish and a way to get attention
>lovingly fuck each other.
You're doing it wrong.
>It would be torture for you
no i would just be a fat and hairy man in a dress
i used to think this was vile, sexist bullshit. now i know better.
>She's trooping the black boy into a girl
>Butting up against the wall (if not already hitting it)
>Bought some pet niggers to show how totally woke she is
>One of them is evidently a child tranny, I guess, and I’m sure she had NOTHING to do with that
stonestreet has been killing it on tinder ever since bobby lee turned him onto it
I feel bad for those flip-flops
have sex Charlize
>Whites in your african home country are getting slaughtered by blacks
>In retaliation, start a trend of adopting african boys and turning them into trannies at age 3
Very Based and Incredibly Redpilled
This woman thinks she's too fat. She wants to lose weight. What would your advice to her be?
It's literally Múnchausen syndrome by proxy.
>3 year old says he's a girl
>Get excited for Woke Points.
>Spend the next 4 years brainwashing male child to convince him he's a girl
>swears to any doctor and psych that he's a girl
>doesn't get put in the box at home because he read the script.
>and doctors will be able to confirm easily enough if the child is transgender.
I'd unironically raise her niglet children for a chance at that pussy
>attention is running out
>I know, let's buy some niglets, they are popular right now
>what if turn on of them into a tranny? they are all the rage right now
Women are fucking cancer
>kid thinks he has an easily identifiable and quantifiable physical illness
>doctors will agree because....?
>same thing for mental weakness and Munchhausen
>The mother was the perpetrator in 76.5% of the cases
I don't think you know what miserable means. I think you mean "I want to be that man" instead of "I wish he was as fat as me" like girls think.
There is no such thing
If she’s from Africa then why is she white?
it was her mother who did that.
literally a robot trained on datasets of photos of women with and without makeup whose only job is to guess what a person looks like without makeup
>someone bites the bullet and takes her offer
>a man gets brought into those kids' lives
>suddenly the kid gets straightened out, realizes that he is actually a male
>Charlize goes insane and threatens violence
>stepdad gets custody
>case study for why transexualism being encouraged by parents is dangerous
Who's gonna do it, Yea Forums?
All chicks at all ages are insane, they can just keep it in check while they know they're prime. past 15 they start going apeshit since they start getting told "no" sometimes about minor things they didn't even care about
If anyone engages this faggot I will be disappointed
Yes, I'd say about 90% of the cases are this, but 10% are for pedo fetish purposes.
how fucking stupid do you have to be to adopt before having a dad for the kids?
getting pregnant is one thing, a guy had to be there, spending money to own a kid is another
What is wrong with you.
You just argued that a 9 year old should be given hormone blockers and taken 100% seriously if one day they say "I'm a girl" when they aren't. You are sick.
Is this child abuse?
When I was a kid, I would wear my mom's dresses and heels cause it was funny and would make comments like "If girls can wear boy clothes why cant I wear skirts", but was still a boy. Thank fuck I was born to normal people who just knew I was a dumb kid doing dumb kid shit.
This but unironically
Liberals suffer from acute survivors guilt.
>implying male normies don't just watch sports and maybe the occasional popular TV/Netflix show
Life is not worth living anymore guys, it's over, they won.
If you were born a couple of decades later, you'd be a """"girl"""" by now, and well on your way to death by suicide.
Hank Pym did nothing wrong!
>it's gender neutral, but it's also hello kitty and pink
Anyone else unironically not bothered by the thought of a generation of cute little traps walking around?
Not the hairy men in dresses we have today, but i'm talking about little boys who undergo the hormone thing, and are raised to be proper little ladies?
I know its degeneracy, but i'm all aboard this fucking train
white savior
Kill yourself, faggot.
100% she complains about how fat he is
I’ll step up. Where do I sign up?
> pap photos
it reveals the truth
Fuck you green nigger
Innocent boys are being persuaded into crossdressing and taking dick in their asses just because some old woman feels she isn't getting enough attention and isn't """woke""" enough. You don't see anything wrong with that?
too bad she's past any kind of viable offspring.
Any child she's able to bring to term will be so fucked up they'd need constant medical attention for the rest of their miserable life.
I feel like the male equivalent of a gold digging whore because I would only date her if I knew that I was going to get some financial stability out of it.
Look at its face. It knows. Already making a fist because of anger.
nice try
definitely need to get her on some drugs to reduce appetite and schedule her for liposuction.
>implying any of them would want to be fucked by you and not Tyrone/Chad/Abdul
>idolizing people like kim kardashian
that just makes it worse
sad but true. After 16 it's just a slide into hideousness, accelerating every year after 16.
She had to go to Africa because in the states they actually prevent single people from adopting random children. You have to have a stable household with 2 parents to raise a child before they'll even think about handing over a human baby.
>childless spinster.
she has two beautiful daughters you idiot
I might be a forever alone turbo virgin but I won't even consider going near her just because its guaranteed she is a negative influence any children as seen with her tranny son.
I never understood why anyone would buy actual clothes for an infant.
That's the perfect age they can just be wrapped in burlap and you're not spending needed cash on something useless you'll need to throw away in a month.
someone post the suicide statistics. They aren't happy with themselves they need help.
you could write the numbers off as society condemning and reviling them but you know that would be an intellectually dishonest argument, these loonies only come out of the woodwork in liberal states where they are accepted and half of them still try to rope themselves without my hatred for their pitiable and ruined lives.
I would argue the people that enable this rancid behavior are just as guilty of ruining lives as our hateful polynesian fly fishing forum
I'll back you up on that.
>> pap photos
Yet if I approached her to ask her out I'd probably be tackled by her security team.
Criminally underrated
Aren't there supposed to be perks for joining a club, especially if there's a price to pay? What the perks of this "turn your kids into trannys" club?
pap smear, look it up
This isn't cool at all t.b.h. and I think a lot of trannies are attention whoring retards.
they're not gonna be interested in anal and theyre gonna try and cut their cocks off, so no. this isn't going to go down like you think it will.
This pasta is true, no matter which context or age it is written.
god she was so hot in aeon flux
>thinking judges would award any male custody
If anything the courts would make you give up your social security and retirement just because you dared make the "girl" question his identity followed by a weeks long media campaign against you. The only good bet is to just let nature take its course which will slowly make people realize tranny shit is a hack science.
>falling for the trap meme
First off, traps are just for gays in denial. Second off traps aren't cute irl so at best you would get some freakish boys. Third, neck yourself pedo.
It sounds a little cold but there's a silver lining to it all - if the wacko parents make their children take hormones that means when those children will grow up sterile and won't be able to spread their and their retarded parents genes, so in the end, humanity wins. This of course also goes for adopted nignogs because there are too many nignogs as is.
hopefully you'll never have kids of your own with that mindset
>grow a pair
>mindlessly submit to some woman's personal desperation
most women lowkey think of their child as an accessory and most guys dont give a shit
>they're not gonna be interested in anal
They will when their dicks are cut off and they have no other way of achieving an orgasm