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My roommate vapes and he never stops fucking coughing.
i tried vaping and realized that sucking cock was more smooth and satisfying
OP is faggier than-
Here's the problem
>he's using too high of a nicotine level
If he didn't smoke cigarettes before he started vaping then he should be using non nicotine juice or just not vape at all. Vapes are a tool used to quit smoking. It would be like buying nicotine gum or patches for fun
>he's not changing his coil regularly
Tell him to change it every 5-7 days
>he bought cheap chinese juice from a gas station
Buy vape stuff from a vape shop. The teenager behind the register at the gas station doesn't care about the store's inventory and is very expendable to the company that owns it, the 30 year old fat bearded guy who owns the little brick and mortar vape shop can't afford a lawsuit.
>Vapes are a tool used to quit smoking
Juul is definitely marketing nicotine vapes at children who have never smoked cigarettes before, it's pretty hilarious to see vapefags defend this shit.
This commercial really egregiously conflates "not being safe" with "not being safer that cigarettes."
It's deliberately misleading and it probably pisses a lot of people off, giving them a negative view of anti-smoking campaigns
Explain why you believe this and why you think a product that came out relatively recently is representative of the vape industry
because real men use chantix
Juul set up camp at offline eceleb conferences/meetups and handed out boxes of their shit to every e-celeb they could get hold of. And, it totally worked. Within months, Twitch and Instagram were flooded with videos and images of minor e-celeb attention whores vaping on Juul. Don't tell me Juul had no ideas 90%+ of these e-celebs' fanbase are children.
Sauce on that? You should also be aware that Juul is working on making sure kids can't get their product and that adults who buy Juul products for kids are easily caught. Here's what they're doing
>all devices and pods will be chipped
>all stores they sell their products to will be highly vetted to make sure they can be trusted
>those that are approved will have to buy a card reader that scans the qr code on the box that matches with the chip and scans the customer's ID to make sure they're 21, even if you only need to be 18 in that state
>any store caught selling Juul products without scanning it with their machine will be blacklisted
>all Juul pods that are found in a child's hand will be able to be traced to whoever bought it and from where
Theyre only doing that because the FDA was about to clap their ass
being gay
>changing coils every 5-7days
Try weeks.
t. been vaping for 3 years
You still didn't provide sauce on Juul setting up camps at eceleb conferences and filling up e-celeb's pockets with product
>tool used to quit smoking.
This is how I used it. Got down to zero nicotine about three weeks ago, been about a week since I stopped using it altogether.
Unless you're talking about RDA's and you're still changing the cotton every 5-7 days you are absolutely wrong. No tank has cotton that lasts for more than a week
that sounds absolutely retarded, how is vaping not gay again?
Are you a fucking Juul shill? Who the fuck knows or cares about e-cigarettes that much
So the high nicotine mango vape juice is encouraging kids to vape, but it also leads them to smoke cigarettes; which taste like shit and have lower nicotine amounts?
my little brother tells me stories every other week about him walking into the school bathroom to plumes of vape and coughing because all the faggy kids hide I their to vape during class.
>It's deliberately misleading and it probably pisses a lot of people off, giving them a negative view of anti-smoking campaigns
That's the point. Truth is run by cigarette companies and by law they have to contribute to these stop smoking campaigns. So they just make them so fucking obnoxious that people want to keep smoking out of spite.
>which taste like shit
>Marketing cigarettes to kids is bad
>Marketing cigarettes being bad to kids is good
this and that butt song are just awful
Juul reps have been visiting a lot of stores to warn them about upcoming changes. And why I wouldn't I care? Wouldn't anyone who doesn't want kids to have nicotine care that at least one nicotine company is doing something to help get their products away from kids?
I want to smoke just to spite these faggots. But that's probably the point.
Compared to the tasty flavors vaping offers? Yeah, cigarettes taste like shit.
t. cigarette smoker for 7 years
Really nothing like a real cig
Juul pods are kinda similar to the feeling if you really hit them hard and fast, but still isn't quite the real thing
It's hilarious walking around my campus and seeing these faggots totally tied to their juul pods. It's always the skanks and fags wearing skinny jeans, too.
Your brother sounds like a pussy
*blows up in your face*
seems like all the vape hate is actually juul hate
I agree that most cigarettes are pretty low-quality, but do you really think kid flavors like mango and cream-based shit can compare to a good tobacco?
>7 years
Lmao, if you haven't been smoking for longer than you've been alive you don't know shit
Because he doesn't like walking into a foggy bathroom that smells like asshole and having to wait for the fag vaping in the stall to leave before he can take a shit?
Well for adults with an acquired taste, yes, tobacco is great, but kids that start with mango and shit won't trade from that to tobacco because they were raised with different flavors.
>buy an electronic device with no regulator designed for hobbyists with electrical know how
>do 0 research and just throw in any coil with any battery
>surprised that misusing a product resulted in having a bad time
Clearly the battery is to blame. Make sure you go through your rechargeable power tools and remove any 18650 batteries you have. Wouldn't want them spontaneously blowing up
>attempts to run sub ohm tank that should run at 60 watts at 250 watts with chinese batteries
>vapcap M 2019 is on the way
>got it with a quality grinder & lighter for total $80 in the 4/20 sale
hell yeah brothers
I preferred smoke that smelled like cigarettes over toucan sams butthole 2bh.
only fags vape
Post actors who vape
ew. what the fuck, leo.
Yeah I take that back, fucking based.
>Vaping in a tux
It's so trashy but I love it and want to try it
where is the middle pic, at an award ceremony? how fucking rude.
Based digits
I quit little more than a year ago and miss cigarettes every day.
Same but i dont miss them at all
Fuck those kids desu. It's a brainlet filter, but unlike cigs its much more deadly so retards waste even less of my air
Vaping is the future and there’s no one in this thread who can prove that it causes any significant side effects in comparison (read that) to cigarettes.
If you still smoke cigarettes you’re asking to die. Switch over and save your lungs.
T. Diagnosed with throat cancer at 30 and now vaping for 5 years and in remission
robot cock
I vape but I think it's gay as fuck. Used to smoke, got up to a pack a day but vaping helped me stop. Not completely, still have a fag in the car on my way to work or if I feel especially stressed. Smoking actual cigs feels different than a vape, it's hard to explain. I do feel kinda gross or dirty after having a cig versus vaping. I dunno if it's any better than smoking but whatever.
vaping is fucking gay, if you need to quit smoking then switch to tobacco pipes instead. at least it tastes good and it'll make you look like a manly boomer
its the anti smoking companies that make millions off of the hysteria around smoking
they are pissed because juuls and vapes are taking away their market. and so their trying to stir up some mass freakout ala the nineties anit smoking trusts
people seem to assume anti smoking people are good people crusading for the health of the population. which may have been true at one time. but now their the flip side of the coin to big tobacco
t. Juul campus rep
I genuinely laughed out loud. based, sneed and bless you
Needs more eye liner
I went to highschool before we had e cigs and vape juice. Kids were always smoking blunts and cigs in the bathroom . Every morning like 50+ people would be smoking cigs and blunts
in the church parking lot across the street.
your brother does kinda sound like a little bitch
waste of trips, if you vape it's objectively gay. there is no getting around it.
>Tell him to change it every 5-7 days
Bro if you're changing your coil every 5-7 days than the shit you're vaping IS the cheap Chinese shit
Upping PG content also gunks the coils slower
holy shit is that real
I don't know how that could happen unless he'd got it stuck in his mouth or something, it oughta just shoot out rather than blow his fucking head off
i hate those fucking ads. have to mute the tv when a commercial break comes on.
Is he OK
>Ask for source on this weak, retarded e-celeb shit and point out they don't market to children
Fucking weak lmao. Go back to Yea Forumseddit
I saw a mother buying a vape for her teeniebopper kid. Fucking embarrassing.
>Want to quit smoking? Just pick up the most time consuming method of consuming nicotine available!
Yeah I sure love spending half an hour packing, lighting, and smoking my pipe as opposed to 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette.
Gen x faggot detected your kind stopped being relevant in the 90’s
Your death is coming soon :)
it disincentivizes you from smoking in the first place, which I'd say is a win if you're a retard who can't go an hour without smoking
enjoy smoking Chinese-manufactured juice my friend, we'll both die the same
>see a bunch of kids around college vape despite most of them never even touching a cig
I don't get it, whats the appeal of vaping if you didn't have a prior smoking problem.
vaping is safer than sucking dick though
I bought a weed vape pen for my mom.
>he isnt nicopilled
>jews went from to shilling tobacco every day to now shilling against it
yeah pure coincidence.....
too based for your own good
What does the e in e-celeb stand for? Shouldn't it be i-celeb for internet celebrity?
yes he sounds like a whiny faggot
user, are you retarded or just pretending
There's this ultra-select YouTube subculture of illegal videos featuring certain marihuana extracts. This one Jew from NY shows off his huge jugs of it and pretends he made it rather than buying it with Jewgold. He constantly coughs and makes these insane nasal shits, it's gross.
The warning label is a cartoon character getting hit in the face with a hammer
incredibly based
It's Russian like cosmo vs astro. People talking about e-celebs are russian bots
>straight green fag thing
>EGO cone reducer
>liquid exposed to UV light and all brown
Enjoy the eventual lung cancer instead then.
I work in the British vape industry. We launched Juul here last year, and Juul is the ONLY manufacturer who pays for their own underage sales tests, sending 17 year olds into stores to see if they will be sold vape products by our staff.
how do i get a big titty muppet gf?
>implying anyone but literal 60y/o boomers and brainless retards smoke Chinese liquid
Ray stop pretending your still an actor
Imagine not being able to quit smoking cold turkey like a man. Imagine watching your money go up in vapor clouds of juice because you are such a low tier brainlet you give in to primal urges. You are a disgrace to the millions of years of biological evolution and procreation that allowed your cringey ass to sit around sucking on vape juice. I'm sorry, but DONT HAVE SEX. Ignore the meme. You would only raise a weak child.
The UK is not America
I see 12 years old smoking because chavs being chavs but not vaping.
It’s nice to have a hobby.
I keep telling you guys that it's a new era. Baking is going the way of smoking in regular era. Hell they're already making marijuana vaping..
Not saying I enjoy it.
>vaping is going the way of smoking in regular.
Cigar smoker here. Nothing made by Juul or any of those other faggots will ever be on the same level as the subtle earthy tones of a good cigar.
Btw, Romeo y Julieta master race checking in.
vaping weed is patrician as fuck
>all Juul pods that are found in a child's hand will be able to be traced to whoever bought it and from where
What the fuck Juul, now how am I going to encourage kids to take up a dangerous habit like an 80's cartoon villain?
>vaping propylene glycol (phytoestrogens)
Might as well be vaping s*y
Imagine holding on desperately to one of the most retarded memes ever for this long.
>which may have been true at one time
It was never true.
liquid vapour has more chance of actually sticking to already moist lung tissue more than smoke would
Super based
I'd stop vaping except my asshole dealer refuses to sell me real weed because "hurr my girlfriend is afraid I'll get caught durr" since it smells and is obvious unlike vapor carts
>use refillable tank
>make your own e juice
>costs fuck all
fuck juul, it is 100% gay
Cigarettes are all shit tobacco. If it was good it'd be in something else like pipes or cigars
Does vaping/juul have any second hand effects on people?
My co-worker uses his a lot around our warehouse and I wasn't sure if it affected other people, doesn't seem to much.
Fucking Christ.
How do you know they haven't smoked
I'm glad I haven't smoked anything at all in several years now.
Because even if vaping is a good way to quit cigarettes, that's not its only purpose or benefit
No. But I know a lot of vapers that get sick condtsntly. I'm assuming the vapor actually builds moisture in the lungs or presents a means of bacteria getting to the lungs. No risk to anyone other than the guy sucking wet vapor into his lungs.
Watching these PSAs, they gave me cancer.
If you have to change coils ever week you are running your rig to hot and possibly need to reevaluate your setup.
we used to smoke weed in the bathroom when i was in high school
Real talk
Ive been trying to get my mother to start vaping as she has been a pack a day smoker for years
Is vaping actually a viable alternative? Any former cig bros that converted to vape? Is it better for your health?
My ex girlfriend seemed to have this happen to her to and wouldn't stop vaping fucking everywhere to the point where she started working at a vape shop and my car started smelling like her vape pen. It was alright every once in a while but holy shit she really overdid all this vape shit to the point that she complained about my sister not wanting her to use it around her for 5 fucking minutes.
I smoke hand-rolled all day every day for 10+ years. Switched to vaping, never touched tobacco again. For me what I prefer about it is you can puff away on it all day and you can have whatever flavor you want. I took to it straight away and have no urges for cigarettes. But some just don't take to it, I can get why because you don't get the same "hit" as smoking, but it satisfies me in terms of nicotine, and just the habit of smoking. No harm in trying.
>mfw I work at a vaping company as an analyst >mfw my boss has implicitly let us know that our job is to get kids addicted to their product
>mfw I'm only working here because no one else would hire me and no grad school would let me in
Man's gotta eat
You should record him saying this and take the whole scheme down.
>Record boss
>Release it
>Company goes under or no one in the public cares and I get fired
>Both cases I end up on the street looking for a new job
Naw fuck that
yeah that's a based from me
I miss it
I got a juul specifically because it isn't one of those asshole vape rigs fags use to blow giant clouds
those people are the cunts, I just wanted to quit smoking
but if you're attacking vaping, might as well attack the simpler one more people are likely to buy
Sure. I smoked for 15 years, and I quit with vaporizers. There was still a difficult 3-week period in which the slightly lower nicotene content and slightly different habitual hand motions were hard to adapt to. However, it does work. It is a viable method to quit smoking if you actually want to. For a long-time habitual smoker trying to quit, I would recommend using an all in one refillable pod device kit with a nicotine salt e-juice with "tobacco" flavor. After breaking the somatic addiction, you can slowly lower the nicotine content of the liquid over weeks or months at your own pace. It remains to be seen after quite a few years that vaping is very harmful. The only known side effects of just nicotene are elevated blood pressure, which may or may not be of concern depending on the age or health of a person. Compared to smoking tobacco, it is vastly less harmful. To support the same amount of nicotene addition as smoking, vaping cost about 1/3 as much. Unless you use the shitty disposable pods devices like juul (those actually cost about the same, which are gay and scammy as fuck). Obviously, the market of former smokers is dwindling (proof it is a fantastic cessation method), so the industry is focusing on teenagers and retards who never touched cigarettes.
You can get simple low power "pen" style vapes that don't make huge clouds, with refillable tanks, that are not 1000% gay like juul, and much much cheaper to replenish
>Juul is definitely marketing nicotine vapes at children who have never smoked cigarettes before, it's pretty hilarious to see vapefags defend this shit.
Absolutely. And now they're going to raise the smoking age to 21 and put these monsters out of business.
Nah the thc vapes are god send
No one gives a fuck about Ecelebs. If kids wanna smoke let me smoke who cares? You’re not their parents you don’t get to make decisions for them. Fuck off and die, you fucking asshole.
Yeah your brothers a bitch. Take a hit and be a cool kid for once in your life nerd.
The only good posts in this thread
>if kids wanna smoke let me smoke
Why is this in Yea Forums?
vaping got me off a 20 a day habit over night
the nhs also recommends it
they are not powerful enough to deliver enough nicotine to quit for me, I needed a sub ohm
plus if you are a heavy smoker the battery doesn't last long enough
clouds actually made normal cigs feel unsatisfying, the douche bags cloud chasing are just douches about other things
Vaping is the most efficient and least harmful way to deliver nicotine to my brain.
If not for that I would probably have gotten cancer at some point in the future, or at least it would increase the chances.
I got cancer from vaping
Stop eating the batteries.
>all Juul pods that are found in a child's hand will be able to be traced to whoever bought it and from where
by who? the parents? some random cop that finds a 16 y/o vaping? some juvi gets caught vaping at school that shit goes in the trash and mom and dad get called.
god tier meme gone too soon
>so confused that she just carried on
Leo is based but I am starting to think that all women are certifiably retarded
the pods can be taken apart and refilled.
i got a really bad sinus infection after i started vaping and i thought it was linked so i quit for a while. i picked it up again and it's never happened again.
there are juices that don't produce obnoxious clouds.