That’s a yikes from me
That’s a yikes from me
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will capeshit ever die?
It never ceases to amaze me how Yea Forums can always be wrong.
For a $90 million budget movie and a character that had zero actual traction or large popularity beforehand, that isn't that bad. It at least justifies the sequel and Black Adam solo movie.
Alita and Shazam both broke even and made a profit.
This movie felt like a bad Nickelodeon sitcom with 0 cool action scenes
That's a yikes from me
Shazam is getting a sequel and a spin off
Captain Marvel won't
imagine being this dumb
Not an argument.
you're right
she's getting an entire cinematic universe
Ehh, who cares. It's still getting a sequel and audiences seem to love it.
>she's getting an entire cinematic universe
Dude she got introduced right before the last Avengers movie they'll ever make. Unless she gets a sequel, it's all minor appearances from there.
Budget was around 100 million and another 100 million on marketing, advertising, and distribution.
>the last Avengers movie they'll ever make
How are DCucks this fucking stupid?
>she's getting an entire cinematic universe
Crashing this ship with no survivors, right?
>the last Avengers movie they'll ever make
>unless the movie that made $1 billion gets a sequel
>100 million on marketing, advertising, and distribution.
Bull. And even if that was the case it's still $100 million in profit by the end of the weekend. Still enough to justify the sequel and BA movie.
>last Avengers movie they'll ever make
Kek. user they can slaughter the entire current cast, and there'll be anew one in 3 years with a new cast. Likely headlined by Captain Marvel. Because fuck it Spider-Man depends on Sony, and who cares about Ant-Man?
>the last Avengers movie they'll ever make.
how stupid do you have to be to say something this retarded?
This movie had the same type of feel and should be in the same category as Spy kids the Percy Jackson movies.
Maybe in your own little world, it is.But by definition it's not.
Disney had to crawl on its hands and knees and beg a mediocre director like James Gunn to come back and save them after endgame
Shazam got the same writer and director back to fast track a sequel.
They are going to put Captain Marvel into GotG 3 or some other team up flick to run out her contract.
What the fuck's the point of calling it Endgame and hyping it up as a big finale if you're just gonna keep making more Avengers movies?
So you're saying its better than mcu?
>What's the point of putting a reference in the title of a franchise movie that literally prints money for them?
you're dumber than I thought if you actually think that they don't like making money hand over fist
it's the end of this current saga
what fucking retard thinks a studio is going to abandon a multibillion dollar franchise
I didn't even mention the MCU you DCuck.
>Everything is le Disney boogieman's fault
you're a special kind of stupid
>we're in the ENDGAME now tony
you stupid fucking idiot
Marketing. Also it's not exactly a secret the MCU continues. The trailers for Spider-Man is already out.
hmm everyone i know saw this and didnt see captain marvel. something fishy going on.
>MY faceless corporation is better than YOUR faceless corporation!
The lack of self-awareness in these companywar threads is astounding.
>thank you for the billions movie going public. but we're done with the franchise now. the mouse is going to retire gracefully.
c'mon man. i'm a DCfan but..c'mon now.
Thanks now I hate capeshit and Disney even more.
Everyone you know is an DCuck incel
no one gives a shit
>What the fuck, it said "The End" on the last Avengers issue #295, why is there a #296?
I have yet to see someone who watched CM, let alone enjoyed it
>*types as tears run down his face*
haha wow...kind of pathetic , bro
no theyre normies
when did Yea Forums became /biz/?
biz for corporations. Yea Forums is influential, they worked it out.
>Less than SpiderVerse
She’s in Endgame
Shazam was so lame. Manchildren are annoying not adorkable.
>comparing Shazam, a character with such little exposition and attention beforehand, to fucking Spider-Man
What a shit take.
I'm pretty sure that I've seen interviews saying that when they say this is the last Avengers movie they'll make, it means that it's the last movie they'll make in universe with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, ect all in tow and that they'll be transitioning to a whole new plotline where Captianess Marvel will be the big sort of kingpin that starts pulling things together in the same vein that Tony Stark did.
the word is "exposure" you fucking DCuck retard
>even Alita made more money
>it means that it's the last movie they'll make in universe with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, ect all in tow and that they'll be transitioning to a whole new plotline where Captianess Marvel will be the big sort of kingpin that starts pulling things together in the same vein that Tony Stark did.
That's kinda dumb.
Point still stands, shitbrain.
>last Avengers movie they'll ever make
I agree with you about captain marvel not being popular enough to warrant another sequel but this is real delusional right here.
Shazam is getting slaughtered by even the awkward as fuck humor in Doctor Strange, a character with just as little exposure.
Of course, Strange's movie was in a cinematic universe that didn't poison its own well.
>Of course, Strange's movie was in a cinematic universe that didn't poison its own well.
I unironically blame Snyder for that shit.
>Strange's movie was in a cinematic universe that HADN'T poison its own well YET.
>literally rode off the hype for Endgame
user screencap this shit, Brie Larson AKA (Captain Marvel) will NOT get a sequel.
because you're fucking retarded
newsflash DCuck your movies were just as shit before he showed up and they're still shit now even though he's long gone
Guys can't we just all get along it's not like we earn any of the money these movies make anyways.
You should've said Ant Man. That's the lowest for the MCU and it's beating it domestically and destroying it internationally. Shazam probably won't even make $370m worldwide
If it's dumb and it makes money then it's still dumb but it also makes MONEY
want to bet another blu-ray on it?
>newsflash DCuck your movies were just as shit before he showed up and they're still shit now even though he's long gone
But the Batman movies by Nolan, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Shazam were all very well-received.
kys DCuck
We're way past "probably"
>kys DCuck
Don't be rude, user. It's all capeshit in the end.
you're in a thread about how one of your "well-received" movies is bombing you fucking retard
Fuckin loser lmao
But the user I responded to was talking about how DC movies have always been bad when in reality most have been well-received and made a reasonable amount in profit.
And Shazam isn't flopping by definition.
>Dawn of just
he is right though
>when in reality most have been well-received and made a reasonable amount in profit.
spoken like a true DCuck with no idea what reality is
God you fucking companywarfaggots are so airheaded.
This was a movie that died from bad timing.
They released in a crunched up time period where everyone was morally obligated to see Captain Marvel and Endgame right after.
If Aquaman can do fucking 1bil, Shazam should have done just as well.
Most of these films broke even and are still talked about to this day.
Stay fucking mad.
Aquaman got lucky by having a month to itself in China and absolutely nothing between it and Glass when it came out in the US.
No DC movie will EVER make that kind of money again.
And you DCuck retards can screencap it and hang it on your wall so you can be reminded of this fact every single day
Just got back from seeing it, was fun kino. Anyone got a screenshot of Mister Mind?
>and another 100 million on marketing, advertising, and distribution.
When Infinity War cost 150 for the same? Bullshit
9/11 and the fucking holocaust are still talked about to this day but that doesn't mean they were well-received dipshit
>comparing movies to international tragedies
>You should've said Ant Man. That's the lowest for the MCU
No isn't. Hulk is and Shazam is past that
they gotta burn through that contract some how
Shut the fuck up loser lmao
>No DC movie will EVER make that kind of money again.
You said that about the Nolan movies
Cope DCuck
only Dark Knight and Watchmen
>DCuck this Dcuck that
have sex mouseketeer
>still no sequel to Captain Marvel
oh no no no hahahhs. can't wait to see Shazam 2 and black adam
Didn't she get a 9 movie contract and she's only done 2 so far.
>Yes Brie Larson will be 40 by the time her contract comes to an end.
>We have another 10 years of her narcissistic behaviour to get used to.
so whats captain marvel 2 going to be about? HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
She kills Drumpfff. That's it.
>Superman movies
>Burtonverse Batman movies
>Wonder Woman
>V for Vendetta
>Suicide Squad
>60s Batman
All made a profit.
beating incels for fun
>Cope DCuck
Oh you can do better than that.
all forgotten
Kojima writes like this for every capeshit
not to mention the fact that Thanos dies and comes back to life three times thanks to time fuckery and the infinity stones
>We have another 10 years of her narcissistic behaviour to get used to
You do. I wont be paying for Marvel after Endgame
>if I don't think about them, no one else does!
Poor, poor form.
can you post a screenshot of him enjoying captain marvelplease
How reliable are those leaks tho? Thanos dying over and over again just sounds retarded. Also in the leaks I haven't heard anything about Thanos having the gauntlet (With the armour on). Yet all the toys and pictures of Thanos show him with the gauntlet and all the stones.
>I will tell our Disney overlords to fire Kojima the second the purchase of sony is done
>No isn't. Hulk is and Shazam is past that
Do people really think Fungus is going to get replaced / burned out out of Marvel? I guess the best way to do it would be with the X-Men reboot in like 5 years, where Rogue sucks her powers dry.
>still at it
She's not going to last long, with the way she is behaving in public and on social media.
>It has no chance to even catch Ghost Rider.
Or just more than one person things you’re a fucking loser lmao
didnt even know this movie came out
people want to watch blockbusters like aquaman
A lot of people thought it was a dopey kid's movie/parody like Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
Maybe it was all the fortnite dancing and Big Sip advertising.
Hulks entire WW box office is 263mil
Green Lantern 2 was also greenlit and confirmed, til it wasn't.
Don't forget Del Taco's Justice League Dark.
Green Lantern had a budget of 200mil and only made 219mil
I'm showing you actual number of tickets sold.
I'm sure Shazam made more unadjusted bux than Gone with the Wind too.
Adjusted, Incredible Hulk made about 335 million, 169 of that domestically. Which realistically Shazam has a chance to match.
Black Adam has The Rock's blessing. Hell, he's the reason why BA's getting a film of his own rather than being some one-off antagonist.
The Rock has at least a dozen flops under his belt. He's not automatic gold anymore than Johnny Depp.
DCucks don't know that christmas movie averge over a 3 multiplier the release date is the main reason AM succeeded. release AM during the summer and it doesn't crack 700m
>The Rock has at least a dozen flops under his belt
That's mainly because of his general refusal to turn down an offered role. Nowadays, though, his face usually means monetary success. I guarantee you movies like Rampage wouldn't have made as much as they did without him.
I'd still call 700 million for an Aquaman movie a pretty decent figure. And China will apparently toss mad cash at ethnic Chinese directors over American movies.
>Aquaman got lucky by having a month to itself in China and absolutely nothing between it and Glass when it came out in the US.
>Mary Poppins
Piss off.
This. There are 2 action sequences. One consists entirely of the hero running away, and the other is barebones and is constantly interrupted with comedy bits.
But nobody wanted to watch those award winning movies. They all wanted to watch Aqaman because people hate DC!
Setting aside Fighting with My Family, Skyscraper was made just last year and it flopped.
Baywatch made 1/2 of Shazam the year before that.
Central Intelligence barely broke $200 million the year before that.
We aren't talking ancient history here.
competition doesn't just mean that other movie are out at the same time, nigglet. Those movies have to actually be popular too. Those all flopped right out the gate. no one wanted to see them despite what some youtube homo told you.
So Aquaman is only a success because people wanted to watch his movie? Well user you fucking convinced me
>Skyscraper was made just last year and it flopped.
No it didn't
still no captain marvel 2
no one cares nor likes Captain Marvel. She will just go back to doing movies she actually cares about and run out her contract doing guest appearances. She's already bored
As of right now it's made about 120m profit. So it's already broken even on the budget, which was 100m, not the 90m dickheads keep quoting here.
I seriously doubt they only spent 20m on marketing. It had a press tour in China and a ton of ads in Times Square. I'd be generous about it and say maybe between 50m and 90m.
I also don't believe this faggot studios when they say there's going to be a sequel right as soon as a movie comes out. That shit's like free marketing/PR. They never have to drop a dime on telling that to the press.
>no one cares nor likes Captain Marvel.
>1b fucking box office
Brain dead
it had no comp. nigglet. not like summer movies do. summer movies get 2 maybe 3 weeks without another new hyped release coming out to cut its legs short. Thats why the average multiplier for chritmas movies is so high. btw, thats what makes IW breaking 2b so insane. before IW only christmas releases broke 2b.
The amount of cope you go through in regards to Aquaman will never cease to amaze me
>Literal event tie in
he doesn't understand how the box office works.
I fall asleep during the action scenes of every superhero movie, the worst was probably black panther or BvS. a superhero with zero action would be entirely welcome
Literally every person Ive seen who watched the movie hated larson not to mention thought it was weird their theater was empty despite tickets being sold out
Didn't he write for Captain marvel "Saw captain marvel"
I saw it twice already
>That’s a yikes from me
>from me
none of those were tragic
which holocaust?
>Literally brain dead and literally no excuse but muh endgame
Literal retard. Literally.
He was literally so much more popular than Superman in the 50s that DC used Fawcett comics and then bought him
I noticed some really old people in the audience when I saw the film
I don’t even give a shit about either fanbase but holy shit
Kojima needs to have sex.
it's bad, which is weird since it got really good ratings
>Say nothing about CM
>Goes full on the good points of Shazam
Did you really think they would stop after endgame?
Remember when Captain Marvel was gonna bomb and instead broke $1 billion and made more in 3 days than Alita and Shazam made in its entire run?
You're brain dead if you think Endgame didn't give Captain Marvel a massive boost. For all their talk about empowering women and girls the main audience was white men
Kojima is pleb as fuck and even he is getting tired of hero movies?
Or maybe he just didn't like Captain Marvel
I'm talking about what he said in his Shazam review
God it must suck to be you, LMAO
Will DCucks be force feeding themselves blurays once Endgame tops one billion dollars in the first week?
>alita and shazam combined made less money than captain fungus
The smaller movies don't need to be 1 billion records. Even the Marvel ones aren't generally. I mean they are taking advantage of the SJ movement and politics to get more cash with things like Black Panther and Captain Marvel. They are riding this thin line of keeping the old white men happy AND bringing on the new crowd.
It hasn't worked with any other franchise but Marvel because this generation of teens grew up watching Marvel how us Boomers grew up watching the original Star Wars. It's their code for the way they see life, as misguided as it is.
Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek, the films can't get woke because kids today don't really give a fuck about them and have no emotional connection. The only people who do are 30-40 year old boomers and we'll never accept the Pozzed versions.
>They are riding this thin line of keeping the old white men happy AND bringing on the new crowd.
I wonder if they can keep that up with the Eternals? It really seems like that film being made for the Asian market
> the films can't get woke because kids today don't really give a fuck about them and have no emotional connection. The only people who do are 30-40 year old boomers and we'll never accept the Pozzed versions.
+1, the minds and thought process has changed so much in the last few years, you'll live to see everything you have ever cared about fubar.
Asians are problematic. But they are also obsessed with shitty superheros like children due to their economic boom They are having their golden years right now. The 80's and 90's and 00's that we had and they want to have fun... even though generally they would resist outside influences.
Progressives want the whole world to be one community. They sell things so we can all buy in and be the same.
I haven't been paying for marvel after doctor strange. Catch up, pleb.
It kind of hit me the other day when I was thinking about the kids I know who love marvel and are weebs. They are all progressively charged and brainwashed. Its very interconnected.
Star wars, Trek, and the other 80's stuff is just too tied to the past and though those same teens I mentioned will give them all lipservice, they don't really give a fuck other than nodding that it happened and looks cool.
Have sex DCuck
Apart from Infinity War that was the last Marvel movie I saw. It wasn't particularly bad but i just don't care to learn about these new characters.
>Paying for capeshit beyond Nolan's Batman.
You in the squad now, boy!
Have foot fumigation
>Less than what the First Avenger made 8 years ago
>No DC movie will EVER make that kind of money again.
See you when Joker comes out, you delusional faggot. lmao
I unironically love these charts.
>pol comes to tv: marvel is feminist do not go see
world goes to see it
>incel fags and their anime wank waifus: go see alita
only incel fags and their anime wankers go see it
>DC nerds still obsessed over batman: shazam will flop.
doesn't flop
>pol virgin on tv: heh i wasnt btfo look at my pic
got btfo anyway
It's goofy low-budget Chinabait tbqh
Check this guy starting an MCU / DC war. Stop it buddy.
>cm needed a billion to break even
>alita and shazam just needed to believe in themselves
>Dude she got introduced right before the last Avengers movie they'll ever make
the introduced captain time wizard right before his first avengers.
For a movie about Captain Marvel you mean? Didn't their competition literally steal that name from them and make up a role for it? And make more money?
Is this a meme? These numbers seem pretty small
>Honestly believes a 1.1 billion dollar movie with Marvel's new flagship heroine won't get a sequel
imho it was hyped too much but it was shit as most DC movies are
to this day Wonder Woman is the ebst
user, the Studio gets roughly 50% of th etake, not 100.
Even if it only cost 140 million including marketing, that still means it's barely made a profit.
user, "normies", or "casuals" just made Captain Marvel a 1.1 billion dollar movie. And ina few days, Endgame is going to take Shazam! behind the shed and strangle it with it's own intestines.
All the friends you have live in the same DCuck incel echo chamber as you.
oh no... RIP Detective Pikachu and Godzilla
And I was kind of looking forward to those too
That's the joke.
The original one looked like this
lets see it
Marvel havcen't even released most of their lineup for the coming years user, and CM is still in some theaters. It's a bit premature to immediately ask "sequel WHEN".
But this is all just a Disney ploy anyway, I'm sure they just bought all the tickets themselves and in reality CM is a huge failure that will never get a sequel... right? RIGHT?
Don't worry fellow DChads! The NEXT DC kino will definitely make a billion and BTFO those MCUcks.
Jussie Smollet's sister is in this playing a formerly white character. Yeesh, I'll skip this one out, fellow DChads.
Just saw it. Honestly it didn't look like it was that expensively shot. Zachary Levi is good but he was not A-list so they didn't pay him that much. They probably made some sheckles.
Yup, nothing that can go wrong with that.
>posting while frothing at the mouth
It's allright user, Yea Forums will be right next time...
The next Avengers movie will probably be called "The New Avengers"; have one or two of the phase one Avengers to anchor the team for a sense of continuity and then be Spiderman, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant Man and maybe a GoG or some new character they haven't introduced yet. This is years down the road and don't see Marvel doing another Avengers film for a while.
Who cares literal d listed with zero interesting stories or villains. She’s only good for being a lunatic in event stories I’m glad her movie did well but I won’t pretend the first 90 minutes of it weren’t garbage
My theatre was empty silent and my friends and I left saying it was ok probably miscast the lead
>Fails to regognise a reference to the previous movie
>Thinks a 1.1 billion dollar movie is a reason ot scupper the MCU
user, you either a troll or so dense that light bends around you.
One movie was a boring corporate obligation the other was unexpectedly good and had a soul.
Also if you shit on Larson people think your a nazi thanks sjw
Yeah... next time Disney will pay...
They are literally all snarky pop culture jokers based on c listers no one likes. Thanks whedon, sjws and Disney the western girl child company!
Shazam has more iconography than Ant-Man which did better. These are poor numbers. Shame since I actually liked the movie.
guardians of the galaxy was even more obscure and made quadruple the profit. cope harder. it’s over for DC.
Normies like harley Quinn and the joker I’m still surprise suicide squad made money at all
Having no action scenes would be fine if the movie compensated by being a hilarious comedy. But it wasn't,
Russian Internet Research Agency.
...You do realize that even if we take your "factual" post at face value, then Captain Marvel has made more raw profit than Shazam! has in box office take?
You DO realize that, don't you user?
Venom had an $80 million dollar budget and terrible reviews
>isn't that bad
It's fucking awful DCuck
>screams in incel
Okay user.
This makes me so sad. It’s a genuinely good movie.
>screams in incel
Okay user.
Marketing was 40 million and the budget was 80-100 million.
>the 3rd weekend hasn't even been updated yet
>I-It's over
Sure thing mousefag
>It's fucking awful DCuck
*Blocks your path*
>Again, we’re dealing with a $90 million-budgeted superhero flick opening right between Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame. This was never going to do Justice League or Man of Steel numbers, let alone Aquaman or Wonder Woman grosses. What it proved for Warner Bros. was that DC Films could make three winning solo superhero movies in a row and that they could make a qualitative winner from a comparatively cult-level character.
>And with a probable domestic finish just over/under Mad Max: Fury Road's $153 million finish, and a worldwide finish probably over/under $385 million worldwide (it earned $61 million global over the weekend), it’s a relative success. Whether or not it gets stomped by Avengers: Endgame in two weeks, it’ll have made most of its money already. With $259 million worldwide as of today, it’s safely in “break even” territory and will absolutely be profitable.
>Of course, Strange's movie was in a cinematic universe that didn't poison its own well.
CM has been out for a while now.
>Make a billion dollars
>poisons the well
Pick one user.
He needs to have sex.
Pop culture is religion to people today. People argue about this stuff as feverishly as any religious zealot I've ever seen.
According to Deadline, with marketing it amounts to 120-140 million.
it's not going to magically jump up by $200 million DCuck
>80 million budget
That's pretty good though
This is the first capeshit movie I've seen in theaters since TDKR and it was actually pretty fucking good. I laughed a few times. Captain Marvel looks fucking soulless and formulaic.
>made quadruple the profit
No it didn't, actually the first GotG movie went massively overbudget look it up. Shazam more than likely than not made more profit than that
Bullshit. WB was deadset on making Shazam a feel good WOM hit that did Big Hanks numbers. But it had trouble with the curve and Zachary Levi's inner goblin subconsciously warned off normies. The movie had an icky calculation about it.
But WB is doubling down and thinks they can trick normies into thinking Shazam was a big hit so that they can make Black Adam. Thing is The Rock used up his solo cred and needs high concept adventure to attract normies now. The Rock is also becoming very boring to look at because he has no hair and his body only gets more jacked. Boring.
It has a $100 million budget
Captain Marvel isn't just getting two sequels she's getting an entire universe for herself
This. And DC does well overseas but it's bombing. Levi sucks. Chinks want Aryan chads
Kojima doesn't tweet his own tweets anymore
I honestly have a super strong feeling we'll never see Brie in 9 Marvel movies. It just goes against the instinctive grain so hard. She'll grow tired of it and "gracefully" bow out or her plane will "tragically" crash. Screencap this
It didn't even gross $100m domestic faggot
This is why Avatar 2 will slay capeshit though.
>won't even get to $400 million
DC just needs to stop making movie for a year or 10
It made 3 times its production budget. That's a pretty good success.
Too bad WB can't be like Disney and buy 25 seats in 1,300 theaters just to say their movie did good.
>Too bad WB can't be like Disney and buy 25 seats in 1,300 theaters just to say their movie did good.
This box office guru thinks he gets it but he doesn't. Shazam wasn't embraced the way it needed to be. It's not the first Austin Powers. It's not even Unbreakable. Audiences were lukewarn on it. Especially families. If families loved it the first weekend it would catch fire and be around $150m right now.
The general consensus is that Shazam 1) felt like TV capeshit 2) was boring 3) weak action 4) literal who for the lead 5) not as good or successful as Rudd as Ant-Man 6) one of the weakest villains in recent memory 7) totally forgettable
This is not a good foundation or star to build a franchise on. Unlike Marvel kids won't grow into teens and stay loyal to Shazam. They'll treat Shazam like pajamas and evolve to Marvel. DC thinks it's gaining ground, it will be the hardest fall yet for them.
DC will bring back Nolan for Dark Knight IV or his brother will do it. They'll be paid $500 million for it. By 2025.
Kek why's it doing so bad Overseas? Aquamans China gross alone will be more than Shazams entire international gross
On Easter no less.
Deadline's Mike Fleming is based.
Babyshit money compared to Marvel
It's going to come close to the magical 4x box office/budget, that's hit territory
>This box office guru thinks he gets it but he doesn't
no it's not
>Much more marketing
>MCU backing it up
>520 million over 130 million budget means Shazam will be as successful with 390 million
>Shazam is doing better than it in a lot of countries
>China helped it by giving average capeshit numbers to it
>Sequel underperformed
What surprises me is how it may gross less than Alita, considering all the negative pre-release press Alita had and those (((reviews))) released one day before CM premiere
>may gross less
not may, WILL gross less. Alita actually got to $400 million, Shitzam has about 4 days left to live
Aquaman director was popular in China and is chink
Good point
sandwiched between captain marvel and endgame, china doesn't give a shit because one of their own franchises released at the same time, shazam is virtually unknown and can't rely on dcu goodwill like marvel can for ant-man, dr strange, etc.
should have released in february or over christmas, just wasn't a good time for it.
It'll still technically make more money though because alita cost 100 million more to make
If I'm DC I'd honestly be happy with this. I think a little of it is capeshit burnout combined with lack of international draw. The only reason the MCU still draws in so much is people are already invested in the series. Honestly I think people are getting tired of superhero flicks. With that said, I moderately enjoyed shazam.
I hope not.
thats not even accounting the publicity budget
>Too bad WB can't be like Disney and buy 25 seats in 1,300 theaters just to say their movie did good
keep in denial dcuck
>low budget means no CGI explosions or pleb shit to draw in chinks
>literally no marketing at all
>insane competition
>still makes 3.5 to 4 times its budget in box office revenue
That's pretty good, I'm glad DC is making these lower budget flicks. I'm sure the Joker one will make about the same numbers and will be better than all MCU movies just like Shazam
So at 322 million worldwide so far on 90 million budget, that's more than 3x times the budget Yea Forums says a movie needs to break even. so how is it a flop?
>so how is it a flop?
DC bad marvel good
Still have to remeber a lot of money is spent on publicity and marketing. It probably broke even around $250 mil. It's not a flop, by any means. But it definitely could have done better. $500 mil would have been phenomenal for it
>i ididnt even bother to train and i came in last place but hey at least i finish the race
Alita cost significantly more and Shazam will make nearly twice as much domestically, so bigger % return. So no Alita definitely didn't make more.
>Allita flops
>Shazam flops
>Captain Marvel makes over a Billion and counting
/pol/cels BTFO
>probably broke even around $250mil
You honestly think it spent more on marketing than the movie itself? Nearly twice as much in fact? It’s not a Disney movie
>posting Disney-sanctioned family friendly memes
The company wars threads are ironic shitposting, my good shill.
>suicide squad was fucking horrific
>still made almost 800 million
>shazam was good
>hasn't made 400 million yet
And y'all wonder why WB doesn't care about the critical reception if movies
Gross =/= profit
Except clearly they do or Justice League 2 would have come out last month like originally planned and Zack Snyder would still be doing everything
Yikes...keep seething DCuck lmao
>anything i don't like is le mouse
cool story tardo
My favorite greedy corporation is better than your favorite greedy corporation. I understand rooting for for your home sports team or whatever, but this? Now that's the real yikes.
>he doesn't own stock in greedy corporations
>he doesn't make profit off this shit
sucks to be poor
Because believe it or not DCuck studios do these things called ADVERTISING and that usually costs as much if not more
Especially if they do shit like this
OF COURSE THEY CARE DUMBFUCK they literally fired the people in chage TWICE because of the critics
Shazam did yes, Alita did not
This one makes sense though. Literally has AMERICA in his name. Of course the jealous international cucks wouldn't eat it up
capeshit then wasnt even that popular, specially a c tier character like captain america, for today standars shaflop having those numbers is humilliating
Except Shazam didn’t have the backing of a totally popular pre-established cinematic universe, and was castrated to the point of being a cult character after Fawcett got screwed over by DC.
>capeshit wasn't popular back when TDK made a billion
How much is that adjusted to inflation?
plus this was in 2011 so it's more like $420 million with inflation which is a number Shazam will never see
Alita didn’t flop though. And by definition, neither did Shazam.
...The studios only take home about half of the box office take user.
90 million plus 40 - 50 million in marketing, let's say total budget was 130 million. It needs to make twice that to get out of the red, so at least 260 million.
By now it's made about 80 - 90 million in profit. That's not bad, but not exactly something to shout from the rooftops either.
None, just like with Captain America.
capeshit was just a gimmick then, batman was and still is very popular with normies, specially with the realistic take on the character
>actually cheering for money you will never have
I made this picture.
The point of it is that the boyfriend looks away from Brie to better movies, not bigger box office.
What do you mean none? That Superman movie came in 1978. There is a massive difference in inflation.
>It never ceases to amaze me how Yea Forums can always be wrong
I'm never amazed by it. It's expected. Yea Forums is full of losers who lose at everything so why would they start winning here?
They were indeed popular. The next MCU movie to come after captain america was the avengers and it made 1.5 billion. But yes. The less popular characters don't gross as much. Shazam is genuinely a nobody to anyone except really old people and comic nerds. So its not really a failure. On top of that, perception matters and he was received very well. Shazam has a good outlook going forward.
What choice does DC have though?
Shazam flops and they still greenlight a sequel? Desperate times.
>I made this picture.
all movies there are pretty average, dont act like if shazam is the citizen kane of capeshit
Sorry I thought you were asking if the number posted was adjusted for inflation.
It's well over a billion when it's adjusted.
>Yea Forums is full of losers
>perception matters
literellay no one outside this board cares about shazam, even my annoying coworkers who always talk about the new capeshit could care less about this one
Oops. Looks like you missed the mark.
The (You) is already above in the link, you didnt need to add it below. It wouldve been more kino that way.
See, Yea Forums can't even come back right.
I know more people that saw Shazam vs Captain Marvel. I legitimately believe that was a money laundering scheme
people in the dcu subreddit arent real people user, no could care less about shazam
I just saw Captain Marvel last night. The theater wasnt full, but there was a good amount of people - mostly parents and their kids. And guess what? At the end the whole theater clapped.
I thought we were well removed from a clapping audience for this film but here we are over a month later and the audience is still giving it an applause at random showings.
I also saw Shazam and there was no clapping there. Just another movie.
>flops get sequels
Name one.
But it’s not a flop.
God where do you live?
That place needs a nuke.
and people were literally laughing that Marvel was making a movie about an Ant-Man
Ms. Palm and her five daughters don't count as people user.
This was before Marvel was big. The sequel making double what this did says a lot
k keep me posted
>This was before Marvel was big.
Then it can be assumed that DC is now finally adjusting to the requirements of a proper cinematic universe.
I live in a wealthy tech-center on the west coast. Nuke us and you eliminate the US's technological advantage over the rest of the world.
Captain Marvel, btw, was awesome. She is a badass character and it's a shame the film has been so politicized because it's great on any level. Also, Brie Larson is very attractive and charming in this movie so if you're a straight guy you should go see it just to stare at her for 2 hours.
Opposite for me desu. With that superman appearance the theater erupted then as the credits rolled it was just applause and cheers
Trolling used to be an art.
Sure thing Kevin Fiege
Liar. I know this is you
>Captain Marvel, btw, was awesome
You need to be subtle if you want to bait people. Everybody here knows the movie is abysmally bad
this, was a great movie
What is wrong with humanity?
so was shazam yet that doesnt stop this board for taking the bait
Because Shazam was actually pretty good, unlike captain yass kwen
That article is bullshit, we all know that there's a Warsie out there who has watched every movie at least 150 times.
>The absolute state of this board
Dont worry im getting the nukes.
By the way im not even white so i dont care about her political views, her movie was SO MEDIOCRE and boring ,
calling her a badass is like calling cyborg (from the justice league movie) badass, no character, no growth and didnt bring anything new too the audience in therms lf world building and characters.
atleast the side heroes of marvel bring something new.
>Guardians of the galaxy
All the story is set on space
Changes the world by antman being small
>Black panther
Wakanda, and killmonger(shitty name) is one of the best villains in marvel
Shazam was just ok. Mary should have been the star though, fuck Billy
we are all very proud of you good post
It is ironic since the movie is called "captain marvel" but every time I see something about it I think it's a DC movie because of how soulless and boring it looks, it very much reminds me of some of the nerd shit DC churns out, or pretty much what all superhero movies were like 10 years ago or so.