Charlie Hunnam Blasted For Being a "Big Fan" of Jordan Peterson

Pacific Rim, Triple Frontier, and Sons of Anarchy actor Charlie Hunnam was blasted after he admitted he was a “big fan” of University of Toronto Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan Peterson.

In an interview with Men’s Health while promoting his recent Netflix movie Triple Frontier, Hunnam was asked about his training for the film with a SEAL trainer.

Hunnam responded:

>"I really love the sense of seriousness with those guys—there’s no sense of life being trivial. There’s no flippancy, no triviality to those guys. They were just very, very serious. I really enjoy that. I’m a big fan of Jordan Peterson, as are a lot of people right now—he’s become quite an internet phenomenon, a card-carrying member of the intellectual dark web.

>“I love the message that he promotes, which is, 'Take your life seriously.' Carry as much responsibility as possible. I think in his words he says, pick up the heaviest thing that you can and carry it.

>"That was very much the philosophy and mentality of these Special Forces guys. I really enjoyed being around that sensibility. In this day and age, everyone’s gown soft and entitled. It’s like, no, guys, you’re not entitled to anything.

>"It’s like, 'By your fruits you shall know them.' And that just speaks to the importance of getting out there and working for yourself. From living in Hollywood and being exposed a lot to the people of the film industry, I found the attitude of those Special Forces guys to be really, really refreshing."

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

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Literally who? KYS OP
By whom?

How dare he be a fan of a guy who tries help young men. Doesnt he know that communism is the way to go? Fucking fascist


Has he even BEEN in a marvel movie?

Kys you capeshit fiends.

Did you not watch the debate yesterday?
Zizek made Peterson his bitch. Lobsterman is a Marxist now.

the fact that you care tells me you are a massive fag

>dude peterson is so based! he's helping young men clean their penises!
>dude what? you care about peterson losing a debate he's been hyping up for months? fucking faggot

Twitter users hold insurmountable power in American society.

No one came out on top in that embarrassing excuse for a debate.

jordan peterson is literally HITLER!.

I'm not a peterson fan, nor am I a hater. Only stuff I've seen from his is him giving lost boys some guidance. I stay out of politics and dont vote. I can tell you're one of those Yea Forums lefties with a giant chip on their shoulder, so there's no reason to continue this conversation.

keep telling yourself that lobsterboy

It's not just sad that you believe this, but that you're so intent on others who don't give a shit about it to believe the same thing.

The only "guidance" he's giving "lost boys" is for them to engage in extreme individualism and blame only themselves for their failings. If you're alt-right or on the "dissident right" you should hate his guts too.

believe what? his own fans think he "lost" the debate. Just check their subreddit.

Why does Peterson grind so many people's gears so hard? What little of his material I've seen seems reasonable enough to me. Was it the whole culturally enforced monogamy thing?

you fucking cunt, get up to speed
JP is a fucking charlatan who dreams of fucking his cousin and sniffing his grandma's pubes

can you relate, you fuck?

Because he's a pseud who doesn't deserve the fame. Dude is a complete and utter idiot.

90% of lefties on this website have napoleon complex

No I'm not an incel


Even if someone thinks Peterson is a total hack, why do they care so much? Celebrities being dumb and believing stupid shit isn't new, so why would this be noteworthy in any way?

Are there specific things he's said that you think really pissed people off though?

He should be ashamed. I watched that Peterson/Zizek debate and not s single cogent thought was uttered. Completely useless

Because he's popular and not far left. Zizek would get the same treatment if he were relevant.

He was in Logan, nice try shitters.

so you dont like him because of his fame? sounds petty, small man. Do better

nothing is funnier to me than people who think of themselves as "liberal" being absurdly intolerant of any political opinion that deviates from theirs

Peterson wants to eschew all semblance of collective action for radical individualism. He is a snake and a pawn of the (((capitalists))).

>Why does Peterson grind so many people's gears so hard?

Guilt by association. "If the alt-right likes [X], therefore [X] must be evil by association - if it wasn't, why would the alt-right like it?"

I don't even like the guy, but he seems to be talking about personal responsibility. I guess that's something that's not welcome in today's society.

His opening monologue from the debate should piss off anyone with more than two brain cells. Even his own fans were laughing at him.

By who exactly? A few people on twitter?

personal responsibility is the enemy of the left, since responsibility for all should fall on the collective.

>nothing is funnier to me than people who think of themselves as "liberal" being absurdly intolerant of any political opinion that deviates from theirs
You're describing Peterson, right?

>"It’s like, 'By your fruits you shall know them.' And that just speaks to the importance of getting out there and working for yourself. From living in Hollywood and being exposed a lot to the people of the film industry, I found the attitude of those Special Forces guys to be really, really refreshing."

Yea that sure means a lot coming from some silver spoon actor

The alt-right probably hates Peterson more than the left does.

Fucking BASED
good goy. abandon any attempts at collective action. just pull yourself up by the bootstraps! remember, a firm handshake is all you need!
fucking boomers

but that's only because he wont call out jews. Which is retarded because if he did that, his life would be fucked

Alt-right mean white people in 2019.

>be responsible
>speak the truth
>be the person people can depend on

These are his most popular topics.He rose to fame because of the PC fiasco in Canada but what elevated him in more than 15 minutes of fame were these topics.How does that make him a pseud?Even he acknowledge that what he "teaches" are as basic as they can be but nobody seems to remember that.

you cant change the world, douche bag. Accept the world for what it is. Give up your dreams

>literally the day after Peterson is exposed as a literal retard

I swear JBP is more divisive Trump now.

>I stay out of politics and dont vote.
sounds like youre fucking retarded my man

That was a completely different guy man.

>Be Charlie Hunham's agents
>We have a movie nobody cares about how do we get the word out?
>Fake rage?
>Cool lets do that.
>Who do we have for that?
>Oh hold on my buddy reps Jordan Peterson, we could get a fake rage story, and then a 'meeting of the minds' story right after!
>that's great!
>maybe they'll even do a podcast episode together!
>we're so smart!
>money money money yay!

oh sheepy boy, I wish you werent born with such a tiny brain

it's pretty strange considering he's sold millions of copies of his book, that must mean there's millions of nazis in the world

Oh look, a little natsoc larper

No, it's also because he's a "classical liberal" and he shills for the capitalists.

Name one thing he agrees with the alt-right on that Zizek doesn't also.

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>How does that make him a pseud
Hmm, it's almost like he's just repeating the same fucking talking points from every self-helf book ever written!
He's just The Secret repurposed.

internet natsocs are retards, what do you expect

Yeah but yellow needs to meet with black in Oakland and SamCrow needs to get out of guns

take your own advice and kys then

oh noo a retarded leftist is upset about something ... again

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He isn't divisive at all. Everyone across the political spectrum hates him except for his lobsterboy cultist fan club. And even they're starting to turn on him after yesterday's fiasco.

theres some very weird shill campaign against him. i think the guy is kind of a tard that has somehow made a lot of money by repeating the same shit that's in every other self help book, but i dont get the seething hate some have for him. it's really weird

His agent actually dropped him because he disagrees with his support for JBP.

nah, I actually have a nice little gig and no debt

trannys hate him and "nazis" hate him. It's as simple as that. It seems weird because those two groups of people are, obviously, psychos.

it's funny because trannys, nazis, and 4channers are not even real life

Charging teenagers $80 for a self help quiz full of empty platitudes is actually based and redpilled and not the least bit exploitative or Jewish.

mfw it unironically works

back to the discord, tranny.

helping boys is not okay, they must always be shamed because the future is female!

would you rather those teenagers spend that $80 on a video game?

>>nothing is funnier to me than people who think of themselves as "liberal" being absurdly intolerant of any political opinion that deviates from theirs
>Peterson refers to himself as a liberal
>Peterson is absurdly intolerant of any political opinions that deviates from his own
Where's the lie?

Because it's Yea Forums and we must be contrarian.

Rather those teenagers be told that the problems of the world are caused by secularism, modernity, and liberalism/capitalism. Instead, Peterstein tells them that these things are actually very very good!

Very nice.

Yea goy, you are just an individual, be responsible, don’t have kids, pay ur taxes, don’t think thought crime

yea you totally haven't listened to him. he does tell them that. he defends capitalism because its better than all the other alternatives humans have tried so far.

Lol does Peterson charge money?

Yeah, I don't think Fortnite or Red Dead Redemption would negatively impact their worldview.

>intellectual dark web

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based radical centrist BTFOing this leftist

>card-carrying member of the intellectual dark web.

Can you imagine the level of universal cringe if a non-celebrity said a phrase like this?

he's talking about the self authoring program. it's also not $80, it's $30, google it.

Peterson reminds this board too much of their dad.

>helping aimless NEETs get a job and a drivers license is bad because some reason


>Actor blasted for opinion contrary to the approved thought narratives
Shocking, I am appalled

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if you are popular and not openly and fervently left wing you are a member of the national socialist party


>Some dude totes mega-blasted yo!
>Article linked is nothing but a pleasant back and forth.
Faggots, all of you.

>he does tell them that
No he doesn't. he blames everything on "Post-modern neo-marxism" which is really just cultural capitalism.

peterson was part of a team of psychologists that made the self authoring suite so it's not like all of that money goes to him anyway

>people actually think Peterson is some kind of far right political figure now
>literally just a kooky psychologist, with some pretty good life advice, but no real political ideas that extend beyond "don't be a collectivist".
>is implicitly helping the left more than anything, by convincing white men to give up nationalism
honk honk

He charged $15 to be able to access the livestream of the debate, and he delayed the whole thing by nearly an hour because he was trying to get all the illegal streams taken down before they started.

>distracting aimless NEETs from the real problems and telling them to just give up and grind along with the system isn't bad because some reason

literally who? Why am I supposed to be mad he is a fan of this guy?

>Hmm, it's almost like he's just repeating the same fucking talking points from every self-helf book ever written!

It's almost like when people write books they also talk about the things they've written.

No one thinks he's far right. Everyone hates him because he's a radical centrist.

what a circular bullshit argument, shut the fuck up

there isn't a single original idea in 12 Rules for Life. It's just the same-old self-help tripe that wine aunts pick up from the Target bookshelf.

Everyone here, maybe. People legitimately criticise him on the grounds that he's a "Nazi".

it's almost as if a premium event, like a concert, should only be available to people who pay

you don't know what a circular argument is


also fuck Uprising

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what a bunch of bullshit. bro im totally sure he was backstage fuming and going out of his mind throwing furniture everywhere because there were "illegal" streams

Every journalist labels him far right.

>It’s like
fucking fourteen year old girls can't stop saying "like" all the time

if you can't see he's trying to turn it into one you're dumb. go read what he said again and think about where it's going to lead

your nose is showing

you Yea Forums natsocs aren't representative of the real world you are insiginficant.

here in europe every article about peterson is trying to paint him as some far righter even though they can't outright say it because its bs, they always add "controversial" "liked by X nebulous rightwing guy" "mens activist etc.

it's called sensationalism, and journalists are lefty

"Like" was used twice in that whole excerpt. I think you're overreacting a little.

Also at least a) it's not ebonics and b) blame the internet.


have s__
fill in the blank

His ideas are amalgamations of his experience as a clinical psychologist, personal insights on human relationships, and adaptations of the philosophies of Jung, Solzhenitsyn, Nietszche, and others, who he credits generously and holds deep and open reverence for. Many popular or provocative notions are contemporary reinterpretations of those from bygone eras. Virtually all great thinkers stand on the shoulders of giants. Whose shoulders do you stand on?

what do left and right even mean anymore. ffs.

Okay, name a single Rule of Life that isn't just standard self-help drivel.

To the general public. Left = everything good, Right = everything bad. Total buzzwords.

dunked on
clap backed upon
throw shade on

Is this China during the Cultural Revolution?

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Firstly, what is "standard self help drivel"?. Secondly, even if something is standard self help drivel, does that make it bad advice?

>what is "standard self help drivel"?.
Something that you'd find in a self-help book from Dr. Phil or Dale Carnegie.
>Secondly, even if something is standard self help drivel, does that make it bad advice?
It certainly makes its charlatan author unworthy of attention.

"Do not bother children while they are skateboarding". In other words, don't interfere with or chastise people for experimenting, making mistakes, and awkwardly stumbling forth as they attempt to develop their skills and standing in the world. It's not just valuable for its comic effect; he really understands the importance of letting inexperienced people practice their abilities uninhibited and without undue admonishment.

There's a popular though perhaps not dominant notion that people who are uninformed on particular subjects shouldn't speak, or that you should speak if you "don't know what you're talking about", or some variation of this. I interpret Peterson's thoughts on skateboarding kids as antithetical to this notion: you have to allow people to engage with unfamiliar material and even embarrass or hurt themselves, to the extent that it doesn't impair them permanently, in order for them to grow.

List some of the kinds of tips you get in those books. "this is like something from" isn't really giving me anything.

That's literally just how humans are.

I thought /pol/ hated memerson now.

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>Did you not watch the debate yesterday?
i did and peterson clearly won

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spoonfeed me - what were the biggest embarrassing moments from it? I aint watching the whole thing.

>Being a fan of Jordan 'Forever BTFO by a ''sniff'' Slav' Peterson.
lol, Hunnam deserves to be a d-lister.

IMAGINE being a Petersonfag.

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The fact that you think this is profound is laughable. This is the kind of shit you find on Buzzfeed or Refinery 29.
It's also incorrect. Bullying is good!

>These are his most popular topics.He rose to fame because of the PC fiasco in Canada but what elevated him in more than 15 minutes of fame were these topics.
I thought it was because he pandered to white males who cry about white genocide?

hohoohohohoho...i hope you are legit getting paid by Sesame Street to shill for him.

zizek literally renounced marxism in that debate in many different ways

He argues against them at every opportunity.

Peterson's opening monologue was thirty minutes of him misinterpreting Marx and choosing to analyze the entirety of Marxist thought through a critique of the Communist Manifesto.

How old are you?
Like lets take a poll right now, how old are you Peterson fags?

lol no he didn't, brainlet

No, he's anti-white

I should point out that it was clear that he hadn't even read the Manifesto.

I mean the dude was so fucking out of his depth that before he basically admited to never read anything by Zizek and was gonna read the Commumist Manifesto literally the night before this 'debate' and watch some Zizek's vids on fucking YT...this is beyond surreal.

You guys should go to his kiwi farms thread.

>This is the kind of shit you find on Buzzfeed or Refinery 29.

Why don't you post a source to support this statement? So far you've just been impotently hand-waving.

So happy that he's finally been definitively exposed. The Peterson subreddit was a shitshow last night, his fans are starting to see through the bullshit.


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You're not real women, guys. Hate to break it to you.

Zizek already did get the same treatment when he said that trans rights and lbgt and identity politics was a smokescreen for real issues.

I simply don't get how they fucking made a cult following of a dude whose 'philosophy' is basically the shit your parents always told you during your teens and you ignored to play WoW and some retarded shit about chaos, lobsters and dragons that makes zero sense the moment you read an actual philosophy book.

>ever going to spergyfarms

Bitch pls, i have massive dick and i just fucked your mom.
Your stepdad Jamal watched and high fived me after i busted all over her face.
Also JP is a fucking fraud.

I totally agree with you guys. By the way, has anyone here heard of Contrapoints? She totally helped me see through Jordan Peterson's snake oil garbage. I've also been listening to a lot of Chapo Trap House, and I've been rethinking a lot of my reactionary notions on gender and power dynamics. Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think Communism really makes a lot of sense now!

>By whom?

Zizek and jp are both beta cucks though. Zizek though I think is actually a mental patient who escaped a long time ago but European academia struggled so long for new ideas that they accepted him into the fold. Where as JP is about making as much money as possible while saying "keep calm and carry on".

100,000 years old

Do you think Peterson now realizes that transgenderism and gender ideology is a byproduct of liberalism and extreme individualism, or is he still convinced that it's a Marxist conspiracy?

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Contrapoints is a liberal.

Just listen to Cum Town and stop being a nazi you fucking faggot, nobody is asking you to go trans or whatever shit, just stop being a reactionary shit and while we are at it, stop fucking posting /pol/shit on a fucking Cinema imageboard.
Also fuck capeshit

It's almost like almost everyone has useless parents these days, and every other authority figure in their life was some weak feminised teacher.
Peterson has said it himself. The things he says should be obvious, and yet a whole generation has never heard them before.
All kids get now is "whatever you want to do is correct", and "just make yourself happy", and "standards are mean".

I dunno famu, Zizek seems pretty chad to me...

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Most people on Yea Forums are fermenting that moldy cheesy under their foreskin, they don't want to be told what to do about their degeneracy

Then by all means pretend Peterson doesn't pander to dudes who whine about white genocide.

So you're a fan of Jordan Peterson, but after doing a little research, I've found out that he is NOT RACIST. I bet you feel like a sucker now. He is completely full of shit. "Clean your room," terrible advice. Make it messier.

>Just listen to Cum Town and stop being a nazi you fucking faggot

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He actively countersignals them, but keep being a conspiracy theorist if it makes you happy.

Dude if your parents were shit i'm sorry about that but following the shitty teachings of a literal grifter is not gonna fix anything.

reminder zoomers are infinitely more based than millenials

unrionically feeling superior because youre an oldfag is not cool anymore

hahahahaha holy shit i cant believe you guys have the gall to admit you ever defended him loool

I'm not talking about me.

I friend of mine pay for that shit
He's an idiot with low selfesteem

I actually like Cum Town, is basically Yea Forums before it got invaded by a bunch of stormfront faggots with a clear agenda tbqh.

Go listen to 69 zoomer faggot

Then why the fuck are you defending Jordan Peterson?

Alt-right identitarians think he's a jewish cuck shill. He actively discourages identitarian thinking. He actively discourages group categorization as a basis for interacting with and judging individuals. He actively discourages nazism and fascism in all its forms. This is just wrong. "Dog-whistling", which is what you're playing at, has become a convenient mechanism for accusing people who you oppose of saying virtually anything discrediting or self-incriminating which you want them to have said, even when they didn't say it.

I have no idea why people hate this guy so much.

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go eat some tide pods, kiddo

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Tell him to buy himself a hooker instead of wasting his money on ((self help)) by Kermit the frog

Because you faggots force him on us, like this bullshit thread about a d-list actor that nobody cares about and literally made zero waves when it happened a month ago.

He got famous for debating trannys outside of a college campus. If you go against the left you become public enemy #1.

>reactionaries need to be told to wash their dicks

whew boy no wonder circumcision has lasted so long

Because I generally find him okay, and I think the things he says are of worth. I don't see how "PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS ANYWAY!" is in any way a sensible response to one of the few people dispensing common sense advice to a lost generation. If you're a big brain nibba with everything figured out, great. It's not for you. Go and be successful or something.

So reddit?

>debating trannys outside of a college campus
Lol, no wonder Zizek absolutely fucked his ass.

Oh, so don't hate him because of anything he did, but because other people like him?

>Alt-right identitarians think he's a jewish cuck shill
You're right. But that doesn't mean he doesn't attracts white genocide believers who don't have fully formed political beliefs yet and don't recognize the contradictions.

wow, this is another level of stupidity

>I generally find him okay, and I think the things he says are of worth
Lol, the absolute state of you.

Well, not the collectivism stuff, but no one's perfect.

Is this bait? You said that he panders to white identitarians, the other guy points out that he hates that philosophy and speaks against it constantly, and you come back with the same claim. /pol/ hates him, and he hates the people who use /pol/. I don't understand why you're clinging to this.

>If you're a big brain nibba with everything figured out, great.

His critics aren't big brain nibbas. They're disgruntled, diehard leftists who think anyone outside of their camp is a traitor to the cause and complicit in the capitalist catastrophe as they see it. Virtually all of the arguments against him are expressly focused on casting him as insincere and discrediting his character. It's ideological propaganda and most of the people falling for it are kids in their late teens and early 20s who are afraid girls won't have sex with them if they express public support for him.

6ix9ine is based for reasons you'll never comprehend
your mind is more atrophied from meme exposure than the average zoomer
nice argument faggot. baggy jean wearing halitosis breathed greasy hair fat cunt. go drown in nostalgia

I guess that old Yea Forums were you could have threads about the actual focus of the boards without getting derailed by a WhiTE GenoooCIDE faggot was literally r3ddit...

He is basically an snake oil salesman.

>zizek hates lgbtq and feminists
>they think he's on their side because he btfo the lobster man


>If you're a big brain nibba
the word is NIGGER. spell it right.

>He is basically an snake oil salesman.
No he isn't. He's a highly intelligent professor with interesting ideas about philosophy and taking responsibility for yourself. I really enjoy listening to him.

>I guess that old Yea Forums were you could have threads about the actual focus of the boards
been browsing Yea Forums since 2010. the majority of threads have always been offtopic, trolls, bait, shitposts and waifuism

I can't believe you have the gall to fucking defend Peterson the day after he got destroyed by a dude with cerebral palsy, that is an actual academic...holy christ did you even watched how he got handled by Zizek?
This is not even a left or right issue, the dude is a fraud.

It's a meme, you nigger.

Yea Forums was a place for serious debate before those darned dirty nazis came with their boxxy and mudkips and baneposting

Sorry, are you one of the disgruntled leftists I mentioned or one of the disgruntled white supremacists? If you're of the latter camp, I have more sympathy for your ideology than you might think.

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I never said it was for serious debate, i said it was fun.
Now is a place were a bunch of retards are legit defending Jordan Peterson.

He panders to low-IQ retards who buy into the male chauvinist / "redpill" / white genocide bullshit. You know, the ones that are concerned with "Western Civlization." Ben Shapiro-types.
This was 90% of /pol/, maybe four years ago. Now it's a slim minority, because as the reactionaries spend more time in the stew they work through the contradictions in their beliefs, and figures like Peterson are tossed aside.

>Why does Peterson grind so many people's gears so hard?
His knowledge of philosophy is limited so when he talks about it I cringe.

6ix9ine is a snitch who's probably going to be murdered within the year

Of course you do hunny, you are the kind of trash that killed this board.

yeah, it's a meme. and its main purpose is to avoid saying or spelling muh n word. I bet half the people using it are whiggers too scared to say even "nigga" which is an earlier version of the same thing. what will cucks say in 2035? neighbor? nero? naga? nip this in the bud and don't use any of these misspellings.

btw, please note the irony of misspellings and mispronounciations of english words being the main invention of niggers.

>Charlie Hunnam
Are there any other celebs that aren't falling for the PC bullshit?


>being a partisan hack
Nice showing you absolute brainlet.
1. He promotes a retention of societal heritage and utilitarian liberal beliefs that the modern progressives don’t like, and
2. Doesn’t conform to group identity politics including tranny parties and white pride so /pol/ hates him.

who cares?

He's not an idiot as the other poster said but it's true he's not deserving of any fame. But then again very few celebrities are now. It's just cringeworthy watching people think that by exalting some literally who Canadian professor on some confirmation bias, they think they are smart too. It's nonsense. Nonsense meme. Theres at least 1000 other guys like him and probably a lot of them a great deal more qualified to be famous.

Back to r/chapotraphouse with you.

He's literally called MGTOW pathetic weasels. He apologized for it later, saying that he's against the philosophy and thinks they're going down the wrong road, but they do have a few actual points like courts being biased against men. You will never hear Ben Shapiro complaining about white genocide. You have no idea what you're talking about and it's incredibly obvious.

apparently you should, since you consider him to be "based" for selling out his comrades to the feds.
also, he tried to kill Chief Keef. FUCK Tekashi

There's two people defending him while you and all the Nazis shit on him

>You will never hear Ben Shapiro complaining about white genocide
Seriously? Shapiro's entire shtick used to be hating on Muslim immigration to Europe.

OH no the the baby has booty blasted butthole

He doesn't care about race at all, which /pol/ will remind you literally every single time Ben Shapiro is brought up.

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Because right now there are millions of men growing up without reliable father figures to teach them what it means to be a man. The "wash your penis" meme is accurate, in the sense that the advice JP gives out is rudimentary and obvious to anyone with a normal life, but if you're packing a figure in your life to teach you how to be a man(character, responsibility, etc.) the stuff is revolutionary. It's not very useful to me or you maybe, because it's so obvious, but to alot of people it could change their life.
I think he was referring to the special forces guys, not himself.

>his comrades
they were stealing from him
chief keef is reddit-trap, no wonder you like him so much kek

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You aren't getting it.
Yes, Shapiro is a "classical liberal," capitalist shill.
But he takes from the tried-and-true Fox News playbook by playing up reactionary talking points to lure in low-info reactionaries for his audience. There's a reason why the Quebec mosque shooter was a huge Shapiro fan.

And like Peterson, many on /pol/ used to like Shapiro because he hates Muslims and gay people and trannies.

Ultimately the reason people "hate" Peterson is that he doesn't kowtow to the transgender or feminist lobbies. That's really it. There's no point in trying to justify his popularity to them, because they're single-mindedly invested in making him social poison. Notice how obsessively they've followed him around for 2 years. That's a lot of mental effort to spend on something you don't like.

snitches get stitches
of course the radical individualist Peterstein fan doesn't understand the concept of loyalty.

I don't see the problem here. Juts three hundred years ago that map would have been 100% purple.

It is absolutely retarded to blame Ben Shapiro for any shooting. He condemns violence, and no reasonable person would be incited to commit violence from his videos. It's every bit as retarded as blaming Bernie Sanders for that congressional baseball shooting.

He's also never called himself a classical liberal.

>speech is violence

>And like Peterson, many on /pol/ used to like Shapiro because he hates Muslims and gay people and trannies.
Shapiro or Peterstein were never liked on /pol/, on the contrary - they were mocked and are still mocked.

blind loyalty is the literal oxford definition of faggotry. go make posts critiquing atomization you community loving faggot

>Allow me to spin an extended metaphor about the life cycle of the lobster
>Why the lobster you ask?
>Well it's the only animal in the animal kingdom who's lifestyle fits my philosophy
>Why yes many people take me quite seriously

Jp is for actual retards who can't think for themselves

lmao dude who are you trying to fool

You niggers liked Sargon back when he was doing gamergate streams with Jim.

That doesn't explain why he's hated and considered a nazi by the media.

Probably because of the audience he panders to.

Shapiro has been dehumanizing and inciting violence against Muslims for years. He's still doing it to this day by trying to get Ilhan Omar hurt.

Also, he calls himself a classical liberal in this

it's good when you're proud of your race
except when you're white, then it's evil!

Attached: 1555759627984.png (909x923, 703K)

Right-wingers sure as hell think any "Marxist speech" is violence!

I truely don’t understand the Jordan Peterson hate. He is just a dude that says like “clean your room and study” Are his super soft opinions on trannies that offensive to people?

Show me any proof that these people were liked by the majority of /pol/. Ever. Making threads about them doesn't constitute liking them. I always considered Peterstein a shaboos goy whose job is to divert the disfranchised youth into a more "palpable" direction. His fanbase has always been a bunch of lonely and pathetic boys who never had a father figure in their life. Shapiro? He's a slimy, double faced jew. And as for Sargoy? He's the biggest cuck on the "alt-light" or however you want to call it - those "MAGA" types.

The audience he actively deplatforms or signals against at every opportunity. He outright refuses to talk to alt-right figures. But keep on with the conspiracy theories.

Attached: just to be safe.jpg (599x450, 50K)

oh you’re serious lmao

Wrong. /pol/ didn't turn on Shapiro until he left Breitbart due to the split with Milo.
And /pol/ didn't turn on Milo until a year after that!

Based and redpilled.

>he doesn't think atomization is a problem
imagine being this much of a status-quo-loving cuck

two guys talking about reforming capitalism for 3 hours, according to the debate topic (the very thing they are supposed to argue), Peterson won.

But the truth is that it degenerated into a conversation immediately when zizek didn't even argue how marxism is more conducive to happiness than capitalism. They should have had a topic like "Pessimism versus Optimism"

Oh, so now that faggot Milo was loved by /pol/? God, you are retarded. They were disliked since the very start

I won't watch the whole video, but I'll just assume you're right and I was wrong. But you're insane if you think he's trying to get someone to attack Ilhan Omar. That wouldn't even make sense. Even if he hated her, if one of his fans shot her, it would look awful for him. Obviously he does hate her, but he's not trying to get her killed.

Sure, the political group defending the rights to say dumb shit are trying to suppress speech


You guys disliked Milo from the start? Hi-fucking-larious revision.

Why is Jewish extremism bad but muslim extremism good?

You can enjoy Omar, and other people can savor Benji's delicious zionist words.


>lmao dude who are you trying to foo
Here you go. Back when many on /pol/ still liked him.

Wait, are right-wingers defending the right for everyone to say dumb shit, or just the right for right-wingers to say dumb shit?

50 hours of alt right videos attacking him proves otherwise.

Not to mention how individualism is antithetical to racial collectivism.

I just don't get why you insist on making peterstein even richer. He farms dumb takes all day long.

actually, large swathes of North America weren't populated at all. It wasn't until the introduction of the horse by the conquistadors that some Indian tribes migrated onto the plains where they could successfully hunt buffalo. But well done changing the goalposts anyway.

>Oh, so now that faggot Milo was loved by /pol/?
He was, at one point.

If you think the status quo is a-ok, then you definitely voted for Hillary, right?


I asked you for proof that Milo, Shapiro, Peterstein and Sargoy were ever liked on /pol/. Care to provide one?
This is your proof? The majority are calling him kike and the thread a shill one. Granted, there are some who like him and I never disptued that, as I said in my very first post. I just said that the majority of /pol/ never really liked those guys. Maybe Peterstein before he kept outing himself as a pleb (I myself always found Peterstein and his fanbase pathetic)
>Please kek let him get shot by muzzies.
This is like the second post of the thread. Get real. Making threads about these people and liking them are two entirely different things. /pol/ makes threads about that tranny Contrapoints today, as well.

There are certainly better academics to be a fan of. He should take the Kevin MacDonald pill.

Attached: 1532836731294.gif (640x360, 2.39M)


Attached: jordanpeterson.jpg (578x320, 57K)

>But you're insane if you think he's trying to get someone to attack Ilhan Omar.
Constantly flinging disingenuous smears at her that he knows his rapid low-IQ, anti-Muslim boomer fanbase gobbles up? He paints a picture of an Islamic radical coming to take your guns, kill all the Jews and Christians, and install Sharia Law. He knows his crazy followers have the capacity to do something (because they already have), and he hopes they do.

DIdn't Chu's wife leave him because he spent all his time arguing about gamergate online?

i did but only to spite people like you. im a sun gazer. you really think i have the time to keep up with faggot shit like social reform? i spent 30 minutes staring at the sun this morning, feet firmly planted in sand for optimal retinal re-asorbation. your morals and beliefs are nothing. only sun is real


Why do you retards keep repeating this as if its true? The debate mainly went nowhere

actually, large swaths of North America as still unpopulated. You see all those red counties in the Plains? Population: 200.


So it was a Peterson debate

As if Chad Hunnam couldn't get anymore based, holy shit.
Also, for anyone denouncing JP. Wash your penis. Tidy your clothes. Have sex.

Attached: 51VsOhJchxL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 46K)

Two miserable people trying to decide what system will make people the most happy

There is nothing disingenuous about it. He hates her because he is convinced she's anti-semetic, and she's doing a terrible job of proving otherwise. I'm not Jewish and I don't know much about Jewish issues, so I wasn't sure if he's too sensitive or if it's legit, but I've heard Michael Malice, who is Jewish, but hardly a raging zionist, say that he thinks Omar is a legit anti-semite too.

>say that he thinks Omar is a legit anti-semite too.
And what's the problem with that exactly?

Jordan Peterstein is just a new shiny thing for evangelicals

Looks to me like a majority are saying he's /ourjew/
>>Please kek let him get shot by muzzies.
The context being that the whole event was orchestrated so Milo could be a potential martyr.
Here's some more threads filled with Milo love

being anti-Israel does not equal being anti-semitic

Oh come on, what she's said has gone way beyond just being anti-Israel, and while she's been given plenty of opportunity to walk back her more offensive statements, she's stood by them, and now she's playing the victim saying that people who are criticizing her are trying to get her killed.

>what she's said has gone way beyond just being anti-Israel,
>her more offensive statements
she hasn't said anything offensive. unless you find any and all criticism of Israel to be "offensive."

>The context being that the whole event was orchestrated so Milo could be a potential martyr.
Oh, /pol/ loves him so much that they want him to get killed? Okay.
Literally one leaf and American poster shilling all the thread about it.
Almost every post is an user callimg him a faggot and a degenerate. Some posters claim he's s a useful peon, but that's about it.
Divided thread. Pretty much most of his supporters simply call him amusing because he makes the libtards mad.

None of these threads are also with any context. I can post a number of threads about /pol/acks and discord tranny shills making Contrapoints threads and how effective she is in her arguments and how she's convinced them to renounce their racist ways (/pol/acs do it ironically, discord trannies do it to shill their dumb ideology). Wouldn't be an accurate representation of how the whole board feels, though. Or here in Yea Forums with the pedo threads. The posts on these threads are supportive, but is the board supportive of it as a whole?

>Looks to me like a majority are saying he's /ourjew/
>That guy is a weak faggot and a huge kike.
Oh yeah, /ourjew/ no doubt.

It's mostly her suggestion that American Jews only care about Israel for monetary reasons. A point that she has clarified, so people know exactly what she means.

>still being a peterson fan after his humiliation against zizek.

>actor likes a left wing guy
>actor likes a right wing guy

ayyy based and jackiboypilled

>>actor likes a left wing guy
name one instance of this happening.

They both agreed that the current system is not sustainable. Then they sat there for 3 hours discussing how to reform. Zizek thought reform through collectivism was the way to go, while Peterson thought reform thought individualism was the way to go.
In the end, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Peterson is an absolute brainlet, and not on the same intellectual level as Zizek, but Zizek played surprisingly nice instead of just curbstomping Peterson.

>actor likes thing I like
>actor likes thing I don't like

How the hell is this controversial?

did he really google 'who is hegel'? where did this meme come from>


The guy is as centrist as they come. But I'm not really surprised, since anything to the right of Democratic Socialism is considered fascism by you brainlets.

poor mite got rimmed by cia when he was 15

Jordan Peterson is a moron and a pharmaceutical shill. Of course he will work in tandem with the media to act as a controlled opposition that will lure side taking retards to agree with anything le based contrarian man says.

>Zizek multiple times forced to basically admit in different ways why socialism sucks
>"made Peterson his bitch"

>I'm a big fan of center right kosher politics
The absolute madman

>how dare Louis CK say hes going to vote for Hillary!

Do CTH posters think they aren't obvious? You all act exactly the same.

>Two establishment cucks come to talk about ideas for how to stem the tide of anger that is washing over the world.
It was hard to watch, zizek's voice is fucking awful, still mildly interesting.

What the fuck did he mean by this?

Why should American Jews care about a foreign country? Unless they arent really just as American as everyone else and indeed have their own preferences and interests for a foreign country? Could their disproportionate influence therefore be linked to the influence of a foreign country?

How can anyone take what he said and see it as a bad thing?

>In the end, the truth lies somewhere in between.
This is the most non-statement I've ever seen.

I think Peterson appeals more to people who had shitty dads who didn't teach them anything of value.

The truth doesn't lie somewhere in between? Where is it then?

wtf I love Charlie Hunnam even more now

Because the movie is dogshit.

He knows it would be a career suicide to answer that question. If he'd answer in a way that doesn't upset (((them))) he'd alienate his fans. If he'd answer in a way that satisfies his fans he'd lose everything.


I know you're being sarcastic, but it is possible to disagree with both Juden Peterson and 41points. Not even that hard since they both basically have the same shtick of using highschool-level philosophy to impress angsty teens going through their rebellious phase.

>read about Peterson getting BTFO here.
>watch the debate
>it's just two guys discussing for 3 hours with no BTFOing happening
What the hell? Is this some disinfo campaign or what?


Reading cmprehension, user. I didn't say it's not true, I say it's a non-statement. Saying "yeah, the real deal is actually in the middle of [extreme] and [other extreme]" is abstract to the point that it means literally nothing.

it wasn't a debate at all, they were both given 30 minutes for a presentation with 30 mins afterwards for questions from the audience. The problem is the obvious lack of disingenuous prep work from Peterson and his uninspired lecture in general. Are you sure you watched it?

woops, meant to say disingenuous lecture, don't know where uninspired came from or it ended there. Point is he legitimately read the Communist Manifesto as prep and called it a day's work.

Peterson kinda embarrassed the hell out of himself by exposing he has no fucking idea what Marxism is or entails.

>"anti-muslim" as if that's a bad thing

no one but muslims should be comfortable with islam and all of them need to watch their backs for the other sects who want to kill them just as badly as the infidels.

>coming to take your guns, kill all the Jews and Christians, and install Sharia Law

its in their book to disarm and enslave or kill every single non-muslim they encounter WORLD WIDE and install sharia law. no other remotely important religion is that terrible.